Magic Hunter

Chapter 68 Do you want to write your sister's name?

Do you need to write your sister's name in Chapter 68?

"..." Lin soon understood the meaning of his dear sister's smile. There was nothing wrong. Obviously, he had no choice. For the bone sword in front of him, whether he wanted to or not, the next game could not be stopped.

Therefore, he stared at Xu Sijing with a smile for three seconds, and tried to say something, or wanted to prove something, but in the end, he didn't say anything. He could only smile bitterly. After all, he looked away from his desperate sister and began to appear a little. The abnormal bone sword.

Aside, the silence between Xia Ya and Lin Wuyan also coincided. She also understood the meaning of Xu Si's words. No, no, no, it should be said that she should be more false and understandable than Lin. She even guessed what Xu Si was thinking and felt that the bone sword that was gradually trying to break through the shackles of the black ice crystal, with the slaver. It appeared, probably because of the old man...

Although she is not like Xu Si, she doesn't know that the owner of the bone sword before the son of the demon god was an old man, but she more or less heard the problems from the old man's words just now. You know, for the appearance and eye-opening of the bone sword, the old man is not an accident or surprise, but a seemingly unexpected Rong, as he told Xia Ya, the eye-opening of the bone sword could not be stopped.

Although Xia Ya has never seen the old man when he is not calm down, she really can't help but think more about connecting the bone sword with the old man. After all, no matter what, although the old man is mean to Lin, he is also very concerned about. In fact, the old man is more and more resistant to who he is mean, which represents his concern and training. Raise...

Therefore, Xia Ya feels that even if the bone sword is not a challenge specially given to Lin by the old man, the appearance of the bone sword must have something to do with the old man...

She thinks so. Although she feels a little incredible and difficult to understand, the old man's style of doing things has always been like this. There is only what you can't imagine, and there is nothing he can't do. It can even be said that the old man's style is to surprise you, and then he is very calm and perverted to wait. It can be an unexpected or unexpected result.

Xia Ya should know this, and she knows better. For Lin, the old man's style will only be more domineering and perverted, but after all, she didn't expect that the old man seemed to not only want Lin to break the precept in almost impossible situations, but also to let Lin risk being swallowed up and play an inevitable game with the bone sword. ......

She is very surprised, really, not to mention that the old man's self-confidence is beyond ordinary people or should not be naive, but in general, such an adventure can even be said to be a game that makes Lin die. She can't accept it at all. You know, the demon core of the bone sword is not a casual ordinary thing, but a Since the core of the sixth-order demon...

The core of the fourth-order demon is the most basic casting core of magic martial arts. Although it is the basic and most basic, at the same time, the core of the fourth-order demon is also the highest state of magic martial arts.

How to put it, the fourth-order demon core can exist in the magic martial arts in real material form. Under the fourth-order, although those demon cores can exist in the present world in material form, because the degree of 'virtualization' is not enough, when this core is injected into the iron weapon, it often does not play much effect. You should know that the demon core must be fully integrated with the iron weapon to show and exert the magic it should have. However, because of the lack of virtualization, although it is integrated into the iron weapon, it cannot completely release the magic. In other words, as long as the degree of virtualization exceeds the [hard value] of the iron weapon, the magic from the core can be completely displayed. Now.

If the degree of virtualization is not enough, when the user senses the demon core with magic to release magic, the demon core from the magic martial arts cannot really respond, because the hard value of the iron weapon itself, most of the magic disappears, and in the end, it is just a waste of the user's magic. Not the desired result.

That's why, usually the demon core below the fourth level, they often can't be cast into magic weapons.

And if it is above the fourth-order demon core, it is obvious that they are completely opposite to the demon core above, because the degree of virtualization is too high, and their existence in the present world is often not in real material form, but in a semi-real state like the virtual tail and virtual corner of Lin at this moment.

Such a nihilistic demon core is often impossible to inject into the iron weapon. The ordinary iron weapon can't accept such a high degree of virtualization at all. Usually, the result of forced injection will only make the iron collapse, because the demon core is strong enough to break the hard value of the iron, and the iron will only disappear quickly. Dispersed, eventually transformed into the original molecular structure.

Because of this, it is often impossible to create reasonable magic martial arts above or below the core of the fourth-order demon, that is to say, in the present world, the most basic and highest-level magic martial arts, without exception, are the fourth-order demon core.

The bone sword is different. It has a sixth-order demon core far beyond the fourth-order. This is very terrible and unimaginable. You know, the iron that can be integrated into the sixth-order demon core with a high degree of virtualization is not what can be provided in the present world. That kind of iron can only come from another space, that is, the [Iron] of hell.

ming tie is quite dangerous. Its existence is not what ordinary people think. It is made of countless souls full of resentment. Generally speaking, Pluto, which does not inject any demon core, can often be compared with the ordinary magic martial arts in the world, or even indistinguishable. After all, countless resentful spirits, The magic they have should not be underestimated.

Now, the underworld iron of the magic martial arts is injected into the sixth-order demon core with a relatively high degree of virtualization. Its power and magic power are not at all that the general magic martial arts can fight against in the world. If it hadn't been for the bone sword deliberately sealed most of the magic, Lin's black blood was not as simple as now full of cracks, but Like the usual iron that can't withstand virtualization, it has turned into an extremely primitive molecular state...

Indeed, Lin's black blood is fighting against the bone sword. Before the bone sword showed the blood pupil, he could barely support it. However, since the bone sword completely showed the blood pupil, his black blood suddenly collapsed, but in just a few rounds of small contact, there have been countless cracks, which is in danger. It can be imagined that it is because of the bone. The boundary on the sword that was deliberately used, Lin was able to live until now.

On this point, Xia Ya, who is quietly staring at Lin at this moment, is completely certain. She believes that if the bone sword shows complete power and entity, Lin can't withstand such a powerful virtualization at all. It can be said that it is easy to kill Lin in an instant in one move...

Speaking of which, Xia Ya just noticed this now. From the beginning, because of the boundary on the sword, most of the power and magic were sealed, she was not sure that the bone sword could be so powerful, but it seemed to have just reluctantly entered the state of blood pupil, and she could cut Lin's black blood like that. , casually.

Xia Ya's uncertainty is also reasonable. Although there is no doubt about the strength of the bone sword, in the case of being deliberately sealed, she believes that the power of the bone sword itself should not be so terrible.

Just like Lin's virtual tail and virtual horn surrounded by silky blue at this moment, the bone sword with a high degree of virtualization does not show this kind of virtual fire that can burn everything. In other words, even if the bone sword enters the state of blood pupil in such a state, it does not show virtual fire, but it is only slightly better than ordinary magic. It's just a little strong magic martial arts. It's not enough to easily destroy Lin Hei...

But the reality proves that Xia Ya really underestimated the ability of the bone sword, or the magic martial arts composed of the sixth-order demon core and the underworld iron. Its power and magic power are much beyond Xia Ya's imagination. Even, she has a lingering fear. How terrible it is when the bone sword appears in the most real face.

Yes, the power of the bone sword itself is unimaginable, and it can't be blamed on Xia Ya. In fact, although Lin's black blood does not belong to the example of magic martial arts, in general, because of the magic brought by Lin's own breaking of the ring and the existence of dark blood, the black blood covered with golden magic should not be so fragile. In Xia In Ya's view, the black blood in that state can completely compete with the general magic martial arts. Of course, this is when the magic martial arts do not show the blood pupil.

"............" Thinking of this, she couldn't help shivering: " this...bone sword?" She couldn't help looking at the bone sword that had shone with a dark light beside her feet, and her eyes were full of fear and even fear.

She was afraid, because when most of the power and magic were sealed by dust, the bone sword showing the state of blood pupil casually almost cut off the black blood. She knew very well that even if she showed the blood pupil state of Fengyu, she did not have the confidence to fight against the black blood surrounded by the golden magic. Such a short and casual contact can destroy the black blood to that extent...

But the bone sword did it easily and casually, so she couldn't help but avoid it. When the bone sword, which was still in the state of blood pupil, completely opened the eye on the sword, what terrible destructive power it had.

She couldn't imagine, and she couldn't imagine. She could only stare closely at the bone sword, which was more and more obvious and strong, and watched the unstoppable bone sword forcibly break through the black ice crystals from the forest.

It was still very fast, but in a few minutes, the black ice crystals covering the whole square cracked slowly but quickly with the crisp sound of 'click', but after a while, the original complete black ice crystals were covered with clear cracks, as if they could not support it in the next second and completely cracked. Come on.

Xu Si looked at such a scene. She looked a little nervous, or that what was going on next was too dangerous, and it was better to stay away. Thinking of this, she looked at her brother beside her helplessly but sympathetically, and then turned around and left without hesitation...

"......" Lin was shocked. Although his sister, who was not like his sister at all, was very disliked of himself, it was too ruthless. He also thought that Xu Si would politely say a few words, or help himself a little.

But the reality is too cruel. Xu Si said nothing and didn't do anything, but it seemed cold and gradually fade away.

However, he should feel that he really wanted to say something. After walking for a while, Xu Si suddenly turned around and looked at his distressed brother with a smile: "Ah! As a sister, I should remind you, "She smiled more beautifully, but in Lin's opinion, Xu Si's smile clearly made his hair stand on end: "... Whose name did the beneficiary of your insurance write... How about it? Do you want to write your sister's name by the way?"