Magic Hunter

Chapter 70 Array System

Chapter 70 Array System

Of course, if Lin's changes are due to the reduction of strength, then he can now show the problem of the magic array, which can't be explained by the reduction of strength...

This makes Xu Si feel very strange: "... This child can't play self-study, can he?" She felt that the only explanation now is Lin's self-study ability. After all, Lin Ke has never returned to the novice class and seems to have been growing slowly by her own strength.

In this way, it is not impossible for him to learn by himself.

"...maybe." Xia Ya gently said, "Maybe that boy also knows that if he wants to live now, he may not be able to rely on his own unpopular strength. He must master more survival skills."

After saying that, the two laughed almost at the same time, and then Xu Si said quietly, "... I don't think this child will think so much, at least the previous Lin won't."

"I agree." Xia Ya responded. She still understands that she is self-study or something. Let's not talk about whether Lin will do anything abnormal, just talk about his very unreasonable IQ. You know, he is very talented in martial arts, but he is completely a rookie. No, no, no, no, rookie at least knows what a magic array is. Lin's situation is that he usually In this case, I hardly understand what the magic array refers to, what those books say, and what a real array needs.

This is not a joke. Xu Si and Xia Ya both know this. For Lin, the magic array and other things are like Martian. His very strange head seems to be difficult to translate. All he knows is that the magic array seems to only need to depict a strange image and totem, and then, er, That's it...

How to say, it's not impossible for Lin to think like this. It can only be said that his understanding is quite superficial.

The so-called magic array is to arrange and combine with five elements, various colors of totems, etc. by means of various magic, mana, spiritual power, etc., in line with the world law of this mana or magic. Form an array map with a certain effect to achieve various effects such as killing, increase, healing, summoning, sealing, bonus, etc.

Then, these arrays can be roughly divided into continuous arrays, temporary arrays and intermittent arrays

And the continuous array is mostly used for power bonus, protection, isolation of time and space, or sealing some powerful people.

Most of the continuous arrays will be prone to the loss of mana or magic over time. However, there are some relatively powerful arrays, which can absorb five elements for self-repair, or guard magic arrays on magic equipment.

Speaking of which, the [four-phase seal] array that seals the door of hell on Lin's body belongs to the continuous array. And the [Moon Curse], which is displayed by part of the soul fragments of the saint, also belongs to it.

Temporary arrays are mostly used for summoning, killing or bonus curses in battle. Relatively speaking, most temporary arrays are slightly simpler, but there are many complicated and amazing arrays...

- For example, [Pentagram], this extremely complex temporary array can summon demons. Of course, this is when the door of hell is opened.

Intermittent arrays are mostly used for bonus, sealing isolation, etc. When this array is added to magic equipment, it often only works when there is magic or mana injection, and there are certain requirements for the user's strength. Only in this way can it achieve greater attack or assistance.

This is very similar to magic martial arts. No, no, no. It should be said that every magic martial arts has a depiction of spells and totems, because their existence determines the user's control and power.

Don't say too much about others, just talk about Lin, the black blood on his back and the blue crystal on his waist. Both weapons have spells and totems that belong to intermittent magic arrays. Before they were awakened by the dark blood, the craftsman Aji had deliberately portrayed and created them.

Of course, since the magic array can be portrayed and used, it can be broken.

There are two ways to break the array, the first is to break the array violently.

This way of breaking the array is simple and direct. After all, every array basically has an upper limit to withstand attacks. As long as this upper limit is exceeded, breaking the array is not impossible, but an inevitable result.

I have to say that although the violent formation is simple and direct, the risk of violent formation should not be underestimated. Some simple arrays can cause the array to burst with absolute power, but generally speaking, as long as the level exceeds the three-star array, they will have the ability to rebound or transform the destruction, and even, Through the elements, these destructive forces can be shifted, and finally the power of the magic array can be further strengthened. In this way, it is obvious that the violent breaking of the array often represents failure.

In addition to this kind of violent array that is very suitable for such violent men, there is also a more troublesome but very practical [eye] burst.

Whether it is continuous array, temporary array or intermittent array, various arrays often have key hubs, and this link supports the whole array, which is also the key in the totem. They are called [eye].

The number of arrays is uncertain. Generally speaking, the higher the star array, the more the number of arrays, and the more difficult it is to be broken.

It is obvious that breaking the array often represents the fundamental solution to the magic array...

Directly hitting the eye or destroying step by step can make the magic array itself collapse.

Of course, this method of breaking arrays requires a considerable understanding of the array and superb technology. You know, the eye of the array of the array is not always fixed, because everyone's intentional behavior, the existence of the same array, array eye is often very different, even the number of array eyes is different...

Therefore, generally speaking, a person who masters the magic array is quite perfect. He wants to challenge an opponent who is much stronger than himself. The chance of victory is not not, but there is some hope.

Of course, it's not Lin here. Lin, a big rookie who knows half of the magic array, is already very good for him to draw these two magic arrays. In fact, Xu Si and Xia Ya think that the rookie who looks rigid at present, does he know whether the array is divided into twelve star levels, consisting of the basic five-element group. It's done.

Their suspicions are very reasonable. Although Lin has drawn the array of guardians and imprisonment, this array is completely the most basic array. Generally speaking, at the beginning of the beginning of the school year, the first thing for novices to learn is these two arrays.

In this way, even if Lin can draw these two most basic arrays abnormally, in the final analysis, he is still a real rookie.

Then, almost coincidentally, when Xia Ya and Xu Sijian Lin planned to use the spell to strengthen the power of the magic array, they couldn't help but pinch a sweat for him...

Especially Xu Si, even as a very unqualified sister, she still knows a lot of Lin: "...How should I describe him..." She couldn't laugh: "He said he is very stupid and naive... Or... This guy still doesn't understand what the magic array is?" She is a little depressed. Theoretically, as long as the releaser has enough ability and the control of the battle method is perfect, it is understandable to use the spell to strengthen the array...

But if a rookie who doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth does this, it is not too much to say that Lin is playing with fire, and it is the kind of fire that can easily burn himself.

Xia Ya beside her naturally knows clearly, so she is also very helpless now: "...I think so," she quietly looked at Lin not far away: "This child may suffer..." She is not joking. It should be said that Xia Ya still has a lot of experience in the control of the magic array, but even so, she did not That kind of self-confidence can use the spell to impose the power of elements on the magic array. You know, if you don't pay attention to that result, it will make the magic array fall apart. What's more terrible is the moment when the magic array is broken. The power from the magic array is easy to erode the releaser.

It is precisely because of this that the higher the star level, the more complex the magic array. There are often few people who support the spell seal, and not many people can do it. Take Xia Ya as an example. Until now, she can only barely add the spell on the three-star array. It is worth mentioning that it is the most difficult to add the spell seal for the array for the first time. Just like Lin now, the two most basic arrays of guardians and arrays of imprisonment, Xia Ya took half a year to barely control...

Obviously, in her opinion, the seemingly simple but absolutely complex magic array should be difficult to control the half-knowing forest, let alone adding a spell on the magic array.

Therefore, she couldn't help but be impressed by Lin's domineering at this moment. What, she didn't play like this.

Sure enough, against Lin, who knows a little about the magic, the spell he now casts on the magic array is not one, but on the three magic arrays at the same time. Only those gorgeous and transparent elements were injected into the totems of the magic array one after another. Then, because of the elements forcibly injected into the spell, the magic array appeared strongly. The rejection, and then the 'sizzling' cyan lightning appeared...

The appearance of cyan lightning is not a good omen, which only shows that the elements brought by the spell seal are not forcibly integrated into the array, and further strengthen the power of the array. Instead, it breaks the element order of the original balance between the array. In other words, the cyan lightning that appears in the three arrays is very easy to explain. The array is about to break...

Yes, the magic array is composed of five elements, namely wind, fire, water, earth and thunder. Only in this case can people use five elements at the same time.