Magic Hunter

Chapter 71 Cyan Antiphagy

Chapter 71 Cyan Antiphagy

For Lin, his spiritual power is not strong. In fact, Lin has not understood the so-called spiritual power until now, just like he thought that the magic array would draw a few totems casually, thinking that spiritual power refers to consciousness.

But the essence of spiritual power is simple consciousness, but an invisible force released by the brain tissue of living organisms. This power has nothing to do with magic. It requires accumulated training all year round. Without thirty or fifty years, it usually has no effect.

Unlike martial arts, it only relies on pure magic. As long as you master the general essentials, you can exert your incredible ability. The stronger the magic, the stronger the power shown by martial arts.

For these reasons, there are very few people who are proficient in the magic array, and there are a lot of thugs like Lin.

It is also the spiritual power that the magic array requires, that is, a strong idea. The stronger the idea, the higher the star level of the magic array that can be shown. Generally speaking, the idea required to show the high-level magic array is not a little bit. If you are not careful, you will even destroy yourself and destroy the consciousness after the mind...

This is very terrible. Compared with simple martial arts, the danger in one is naturally self-evident. In fact, when ordinary people have such a powerful idea to show the magic array, in the same time, martial arts is likely to have reached the peak, but the risk is much smaller.

The magic array is difficult to control. Generally speaking, few people can control the magic array above the three-star level. Even if it is a very talented Xia Ya, her control of the magic array can only stay in the three-star stage. Speaking of which, she reached the Samsung stage in a few years, but in the next few years, like encountering a bottleneck that is difficult to break through, there has been no progress so far, and the magic circle still stays in the posture of a few years ago.

In this way, the magic array can only become an auxiliary tool, not the mainstream. It has to be said that the difference between proficient in magic array and proficient in martial arts is very big. It can even be said that an S-level magic array master can often fight against two S-level martial arts masters at the same time...

This is not an exaggeration. On the contrary, it is the most conservative estimate. You know, the strength of the magic array lies in the disguised use of the five elements. The power displayed by the five elements at the same time is absolutely not to be underestimated. With the support of the spell seal, a decent magic array can often trap the opponent, and then, slowly consume, as long as the opponent If the magic is exhausted, it will eventually be easily swallowed up or sealed by the magic array.

This is the terrible place of the magic array. You should understand that no matter how strong the magic is, because of its own limitations, the magic is often limited, but the five elements, for those who are proficient in the magic array, they are completely inexhaustible. After all, the elements exist in nature, and the so-called limitations are naturally nothing.

It can be seen that the array is very domineering and powerful, but the fact is that there are not many people who are proficient in arrays. For talented people like Xia Ya, she dare not say how proficient the array is, let alone inject spells into the three arrays at the same time as Lin now.

In Xia Ya's view, unless he is a genius, the magic array is easy to get started, but it is not easy to specialize.

Obviously, in her opinion, Lin is not that genius. It's okay for him to break out martial arts, but it seems impossible for him to control the magic array almost perfectly and forcibly inject the spell. No, no, no, no, that's simply hitting the stone with a pebble...

"...Do you want to stop it?" Seeing that the cyan lightning in the three magic arrays became thicker and clearer, Xia Ya deliberately asked Xu Si beside her.

She still looks very relaxed, just like Xu Si, and doesn't care or worry very much. Xia Ya just felt that if Lin fell like this, there would be nothing to see in the next game with the bone sword. More importantly, the old man might lose his temper and say that kind of situation could not stop Lin's recklessness.

Therefore, she felt that she should be more professional even if she did a play. If Lin really finished playing, she could also say that she had been impulsive, but was just stopped.

Obviously, this person is not someone else, but Xu Si now.

Xu Si also understood the meaning of Xia Ya's words. She didn't mind very much. She just smiled and said lazily, "... I'm just soy sauce. Don't ask me." Speaking of this, she couldn't help but look at Xia Ya beside her: "You seem to... really care about my stupid brother... Why, do you like him?"

She felt that if this reckless fool was not the current Lin at present, Xia Ya would not have asked too much about the words just now. She should abide by the old man's arrangement and stand aside to watch the play like herself.

Therefore, Xu Si felt that the seemingly unintentional but affectionate words just now, Xia Ya was a little abnormal, and this abnormality was easy to associate with the meaning of love.

Xu Si is also experienced, and she can more or less hear the deep hidden little ambiguity.

But she seemed to be wrong. Her words did not cause too much reaction from Xia Ya. She looked as calm as ever, with a very beautiful smile on the corners of her mouth; "... I just think you may do this," she took a look at Xu Si: "... Anyway, you are also her sister."

"...ah!" Xu Si answered gently: "Maybe I think too much..." At this point, her smile was full of meaning: "In fact, it's quite strange. As a sister, I'm not worried... Why are you worried?" She is more and more interested now. The more ordinary and indifferent Xia Ya is, the more curious and suspicious she becomes.

But her curiosity was not satisfied. Instead, she was a ruthless anti-general by Xia Ya: "I can only say that your sister is incompetent, and not everyone can be as indifferent as you."

At this point, she smiled and said, "...Ha ha, generally speaking, I'm more caring... When I see beggars or something, I still give some money." Er, it seems that in Xia Ya's mind, Lin now seems to be no different from beggars.

Xu Si also heard this, but what's interesting is that she not only did not refute, but was very sure: "I like this metaphor. My stupid brother, who has nothing, is actually no different from a beggar."

Isn't it? Think about it carefully, Lin doesn't have much, no, no, no, it's just pitiful.

No home, no relatives (Xu Si, an unreasonable sister, Lin has never regarded her as a sister), no friends, not even a person who loves him.

In this way, Lin is still quite pitiful.

But in Xia Ya's opinion, Lin is nothing special, just like the others beside the old man. For one reason or another, the result is similar to Lin. They all live alone, but they don't hesitate to survive.

Therefore, Xia Ya didn't have much feeling for Xu Si's words just now, and she was as calm as ever: "Beggars are not as pitiful as you think, and they don't need to be pitiful. They just want to live. With this alone, they are also worthy of respect."

After saying that, her eyes turned to Lin: "- Compared with the beggar, the boy's intention to live is stronger than anyone else." She didn't say it casually. She still clearly remembers that during the battle of Satan, in order to survive, he abandoned his comrades-in-arms without hesitation and escaped alone.

Of course, the official statement is that the assassins wanted to protect Lin, but the fact is that Lin abandoned them without hesitation.

But then again, Lin couldn't do anything at that time. He just held on and died with those assassins.

Xia Ya was not very surprised by Lin's behavior. If it were herself, she would have done so. After all, at that time, living secretly was more meaningful than being praised by the world.

Of course, Lin is still spurned by many people. Such a comrade-in-arms who can abandon life and death, not many people are willing to carry out tasks with him. Even if Lin is hung with the so-called hero.

It was also because of this that Lin got out of the old man and started his own business. There is nothing we can do. Being looked at with contempt and suspicion all day long. That kind of life is not for everyone, not to mention Lin's bad temper.

That's it. There are not many people like Lin, a despised hero, who are willing to really have contact with him, except for Xia Ya, only Xu Si.

Thinking of this, Xia Ya's seemingly indifferent eyes seemed to be a little more gentle. She should understand that Lin could have the real treatment of heroes, but he did not explain and was too lazy to explain what it was. For him, he ran away that time, and those assassins finally passed away because of his departure. None of them were spared.

"...""Aside, Xu Si quickly noticed the inconspicuous tenderness in Xia Ya's indifferent eyes, but she didn't say anything, she didn't say anything, just smiled faintly from the bottom of her heart. She is very grateful for Lin. At least, it seems that there is another person who is willing to understand and understand him.


Sizzling~~~ This crisp sound has become more obvious and harsh. Within the three arrays, the cyan lightning keeps flashing, thicker and more prominent one by one, which seems to indicate that the three most basic arrays will eventually fall apart because they cannot fuse the spells from the forest, and eventually break up.

It seems to be like this. Now, although Lin is trying his best to maintain the connection and balance between the magic arrays, he is not easy to do this because he is very unfamiliar with the magic array. On the contrary, because of this very reluctant maintenance, his face is now slightly pale and his forehead There have been several cold sweats...

Then, the cyan lightning that appeared in the three magic arrays finally appeared on Lin Jieyin's hands, like a terrible dagger. The cyan lightning that appeared on Lin's hands brought out countless wounds every time they appeared, but for a while, Lin's hands were now full of big and small wounds. Mouth, the blood flowing from the wound suddenly stained his palms, as if Lin's hands were originally such a strange blood red.

In such a situation, Xu Si and Xia Ya are not surprised. For Lin, it is still too reluctant to force the spell on the magic array and strengthen its power, and the cyan lightning that appears on his hands is showing that the counterattack from the three magic arrays has begun.

Lin still has a chance now. As long as he removes the seal of his hands, as long as he ends the seemingly completely impossible spell before the rupture of the three magic arrays, the counterattack will quickly dissipate at this moment. In this way, the damage received by Lin will not be too strong and should be able to withstand it.

But he didn't. Even with the reaction of cyan lightning, Lin's consciousness began to be inevitably blurred, but he still held on, for nothing else, just like he could control two elements at the same time...

——A voice from the bottom of his heart quietly told him that he could do it.