Magic Hunter

Chapter 72 Green Array

Chapter 72 Green Front

This voice is very strange, even strange, like a hallucination, but the fine sand, vague, and messy voice came from his ear, and it was so real that Lin subconsciously thought that there was such a person standing beside him at this moment. He didn't know why he listened to this sound, just like the last time he fused water and earth elements. Naturally, it seemed that his body was more able to accept the whispering sound.

For the messy whispers in his ear, Lin did not feel afraid, as if he was very familiar, like a long-lost friend, giving people warmth and stability, but also from the brotherly belief of life and death, which made Lin no doubt what the voice in his ear would bring to him...

Even now, those sizzling cyan lightning has covered the whole body, and because of these dangerous lightnings, the painful pain from the wound that was torn abruptly, he just didn't want to give up, just like the occasional and looming words of the messy sound in his ears, although However, it is slightly but extremely certain, which makes Lin believe that he can do it, he can succeed, and he can use the spell to strengthen these three magic arrays at the same time.

Therefore, even if he can smell the burning smell brought by cyan lightning, Lin's eyes are still resolute, and the sealed hands have never been separated.

But the result does not seem to be ideal. Even if Lin, who should have given up long ago, is still barely surviving, the three magic arrays can no longer withstand the huge rejection between the elements. The original complete totem began to burst and break, and then, like an open faucet, the five elements bound in the array. It began to pour out crazily and easily disappear from the totems where the magic array was broken and broken...

That kind of scene is very gorgeous but strange. With the thick cyan lightning flashing, you can faintly see the original invisible elements, like a gorgeous rainbow, quietly passing by and quickly disappearing until the next cyan lightning appears.

But this strange scene did not last long. After Lin could not stand it after all, and a mouthful of dense blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, the cyan lightning quickly dissipated, and the five elements that poured out finally stopped disappearing, and Lin Jieyin's hands had been loosened at this time.

He looked very painful. A little cyan lightning left on his body appeared from time to time. He accidentally broke the wound that had just healed. In a short time, it made it impossible for Lin to easily repair the dense wounds on his body...

His breathing did not gradually calm down, but became more and more rapid. However, after a while, Lin felt that his breathing had become so difficult, as if every breath had a knife pierced small wounds in his lungs, which was not only difficult but also painful.

Cross~~Ah~~~After all, I only felt the heat in my chest, and Lin couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of stinky blood.

But what's interesting is that looking at the mouthful of blood he spit out on the ground, Lin didn't care or accident as he imagined. What he has now is not fear or fear, but an incomprehensible excitement...

Xu Si is no stranger to the Green Array. She once saw such a formation on the old man, which is almost the same as Lin now. The healed palms kept blinging with the sizzling blue lightning, and, with every appearance of cyan lightning, in Lin Da Shuang On the palm, especially in the palm of the hand, two cyan arrays that are mutilated and echo each other suddenly appeared.

There is nothing wrong. Xu Si saw on the old man's palm. The two incomplete arrays are synonymous with the green array. You know, when Lin's palms are crossed, these two incomplete arrays form a unique array, that is, a complete green array...

She was very surprised, but she had to accept it. Lin succeeded. He not only forcibly added the spell to the three broken magic arrays, but more importantly, he mastered the very terrible green array.

"...what the hell is going on?" Xu Si couldn't help asking. She really couldn't finder what and why, Lin, a rookie with no such ability and mind, could master this almost legendary green array.

Similar to Xu Si, Xia Ya was also puzzled, but unlike Xu Si, she seemed to see something, or she was a little concerned about Lin's current changes.

In her eyes, through the little mythical beast over the forest, she clearly saw that there was an inconspicuous but quite clear pattern on the right arm of the forest full of magic patterns - X.

What does this X represent, or what it means? Xia Ya is still quite clear. In her memory, she saw the X on Lin's right arm at this moment. It was when she signed the contract with the Mythical Beast, which was always portrayed on Lin's right arm as a contract introduction. In other words, only when Lin called the summoning beast. At that time, the X on the right arm will appear.

Xia Ya has no doubt about this, and it is even more certain. But she won't believe that with the current Lin, how can he summon the mythical beast represented by X? He doesn't have such powerful magic at all, not to mention that the emergence of the mythical beast brings him a strong threat and oppression. You know, every summoning of the mythical beast is an adventure. If there is no considerable grasp and control of magic, The mythical beast forcibly called from the alien space is likely to get out of control and eventually enter a runaway state...

In addition, Xia Ya clearly remembers that the mythical beast represented by X, because it was too domineering and dangerous, Lin had already hidden it. Generally speaking, he would not call it at all. In other words, because of Lin's intention to restrain and dust before, even if Lin now wants to call this mythical beast, it is obviously impossible. .

But now, the X on the right arm appears very clearly in front of Xia Ya, which is really true.

At the beginning, Xia Ya felt a little uneasy and panicked about the X pattern on Lin's right arm, but soon, she finally associated the appearance of X with Lin's control of the green array now. If she is right, it is very likely that it is because of this mythical beast that Lin seems impossible to have nothing. Compared with the green array.

It's not unreasonable for Xia Ya to be like this. You know, at the moment when the X pattern on Lin's right arm just appeared, the original beige Yan Beast necklace had a strong response on his chest. Whether it was out of instinctive fear or something else, in short, the original beige Yan Beast necklace became very deep. Red, like the burning iron just taken out of the fire, is red.