Magic Hunter

Chapter 80 Magic Martial Arts Instant Kill

Chapter 80 Magic Martial Arts Instant Kill

The two watched quietly, watching the slave's huge bone sword pierced Lin's cold body again and again, bringing out countless blood.

His head was on the side, and the still red eyes were still staring at his fragmented body. He didn't seem to believe that he was over like this. Then, the light in his pupils gradually faded. Before long, his eyes finally lost their brilliance, like a dead fish, his pupils expanded, It's lax, and there are some opaque and vague white substances...

"...?!" Xia Ya grabbed Xu Si: "..." Although she didn't say anything, the big eyes staring at Xu Si well showed that even if she took action now, Lin, who was so seriously injured, could not survive. The important thing is that if you violate the old man's instructions, the end will generally not be good.

She still understands Xu Si very well. Before, she was also impulsive, just like Xu Si now. Even if she was punished, even if she really died because of Lin, she didn't care. She watched him die in front of her like this, and she could no longer do it...

They pursue indifference, but they can't be cold-blooded in the true sense. No matter how good the cover-up is, even if they bury their emotions in the bottom of their hearts, they are still touched at this moment.

Because of these heartaches and sorrows that can no longer be ignored, they no longer think about the consequences or think about what the consequences will be...

Xu Si is the best proof now, and Xia Ya understands even more, but she really can't let Xu Si be impulsive, just like she didn't take action last time. She wants Xu Si to understand that the current impulse can't change anything, but to put herself in danger. In this way, she really thinks that Xu Si is the best. Don't do it. Just like at the beginning, just look at it quietly, and you can only look at it like this.

Xia Ya thought that Xu Si would understand. She thought that Xu Si had finally regained her previous judgment and would not be carried away by these emotions.

But it turns out that she is wrong, or Xu Si, a very unqualified sister, wants to be a real sister. Therefore, after seeing Xu Si's faint and more relieved smile, Xia Ya knew that she was really willing to take an adventure for Lin.

"...Is it worth it?" Xia Ya didn't understand. She really didn't understand. Obviously, there was little hope, but Xu Si was willing to take risks. In her opinion, Xu Si, who has more calm judgment than anyone else, should know better than herself that such an adventure is meaningless and can't change anything.

Xu Si didn't explain too much about Xia Ya's problem, but said quietly: "... Just like now, at that time, I quietly watched him pass away..." She laughed, but this smile was really full of scars: "I thought I wouldn't regret it. I thought it was the best result. I thought I You can live strongly and miss him.

She evoked some memories. Although the smile on the corners of her mouth was full of scars, it was a little sweet that went deep into the soul: " should understand," she looked at Xia Ya: "We just want to live for ourselves, but unconsciously live for others..."

Still the leading assassin, the assassin who is in the dark all over, the only revealed eyes have no emotion, just like Xu Si before, and his eyes are so indifferent: "... Please don't make us difficult." He said it gently, and this sentence was just like a necessary phrase like 'welcome to'. You know, when he said this sentence, the magic martial arts in his hand had already appeared.

The other two assassins are the same. The same dark sword has been removed from behind. They are not fools. Xu Si has already shown magic martial arts. Her decision has become obvious, and this battle is inevitable.

They are not very worried. Although none of Xu Sidan is her opponent in one-on-one, if it is three-to-one, they are not completely unwin. In fact, they believe that with the assistance of Xia Ya, it is not difficult to subdue Xu Si.

Therefore, after the leading assassin showed the magic weapon, he was not in a hurry to attack, but deliberately arranged a triangle formation with the other two assassins and waited for the opportunity to move. Under such circumstances, the assassin deliberately took a look at Xia Ya beside Xu Si and expressed doubts about Xia Ya, who had not yet shown magic...

But he doesn't mind either. If Xia Ya chooses to watch the battle, he will have no objection. After all, Xia Ya, who is hesitant like that, even if he takes action, he will not see much help. Maybe he will become a burden to himself. In this way, the leading assassin did not wait any longer. After making an inconspicuous offensive gesture, the other two assassins immediately understood...

Almost at the same time, the three assassins who trapped Xu Si in it fell into the darkness perfectly again, and when they appeared from the darkness again, the three dark long holidays had come straight from three different angles.

Their angle is very tricky, not the usual straight stab, but a very strange assassination. How to put it, the three assassins appeared in three absolutely different positions, one on the ceiling directly above Xu Si, the other at the feet of Xu Si, and the leading assassin came out from the back under the moonlight of Xu Si...

The straight thorns of these three angles almost cover up all the dead corners of Xu Si. You know, the top of the head and feet, as well as the defenseless back, are all dead holes that ordinary people can't stand. What's more, the three assassins have a high tacit understanding. No matter the timing or distance of the sword, they are quite accurate. It can even be said that there is no difference between the three.

This is very tricky. It is impossible for Xu Si to take advantage of the small difference in offensive rhythm between the three people to break through one by one. In other words, Xu Si's absolute speed advantage has been killed by the assassin. In this way, no matter how fast Xu Si is, she can only block the attack of the two assassins at most, and she can't stop the third sword no matter what.

This is not casually said that Xu Si's instant speed can be twice as fast as ordinary people, and at most twice as much as that is to say, she can block two of the three harsh ears at most with this instantaneous speed, and the third one, she can't do it no matter what. After all, the [instant killing] in her hand needs a certain amount of reply. Reply time.