Magic Hunter

Chapter 81 Quick Kill

Chapter 81 Quick Kill

These dark blue spells echoed each other and floated in the air. They look a little transparent, like water waves, and the guard produces gentle fluctuations around Xia Ya. This kind of fluctuation is very inconspicuous and easy to be ignored, but it is this kind of small too small that people can't easily detect. Those close assassins feel that something is wrong one after another. You know, after their dark sword touches the inconspicuous blue spell in front of Xu Si, it seems to have produced a powerful row. With the same effect, the three assassins felt a strong recoil almost at the same time, and then, because of this terrible rejection, they were forced back half a step...

Although it is only a casual half step, the seemingly ordinary half step is enough for Xu Si. Just like now, when the three assassins witnessed the faint blue sword in Xu Si's hand turned into a form of nothingness, they immediately understood the thorny of the matter.

There was no hesitation, and there was no time for them to hesitate. Just as Xu Si entered the foggy long sword and waved lightly, they immediately put their hands together. Then, the dark shield that was imperceptible to ordinary people guarded in front of the three assassins.

It was quite timely, that is, when the assassins showed their shields one after another, the sword spirit from Xu Si wandered away. These swords are very different. No, no, no. It should be said that the sword spirit of [Instant Kill] is different. It is not the kind of obvious sword spirit that people imagine, but like a fog, drifting and scattered, but slowly drifting to those assassins with a very purpose.

This kind of sword spirit, or, comes from the unique sword spirit of instant killing. It is not as weak as it looks on the surface. On the contrary, this is the terrible thing about the sword spirit of instant killing. You should understand that this extremely ethereal sword spirit, its danger or harm, is not a powerful destructive power. In fact, instant killing sword The destructive power of Qi is not very strong, or even weak, but the low strength of the sword spirit does not mean that it is not lethal. It can be said excessively that the sword spirit from instant killing, if it is hit, instant death is inevitable and absolute.

The three assassins are very clear that for Xu Si, who is still in the top ten of the assassination list, they still whisper about her invisible means of killing. Compared with the usual sword spirit, her sword spirit can be fatal and more difficult to prevent.

Speaking of which, if it hadn't been for seeing Xu Si's sword spirit of instant killing with his own eyes, the three assassins would not have deliberately covered their whole body with that layer of guardian magic...'

Indeed, while they have just shown the dark shield, the magic covering the whole body is also shown. Generally speaking, it is not a good thing to emit magic. It is like poking a hole in a balloon. The more magic power covers the whole body, the greater the loss and disappearance of magic. But they had no choice but to have no choice. In front of Xu Si's instant killing, those drifting seemed to be completely integrated with the sword spirit in the air, which made them have to guard against it. After all, the terrible thing about instant killing sword spirit is that it can unconsciously penetrate into the other party's body through people's normal breathing, and then use the opponent's own magic to The enemy killed.

Speaking of which, Xu Si's double killing speed, that is, [quick kill], her sword speed is not a joke. While waving the first sword, the second sword has already been shot. It can even be said that Xu Si often seems to be an ordinary sword, but in fact, it is a double move... ...

In the face of such an absolutely overwhelming speed, few people can resist it, because it is difficult for you to determine whether Xu Si's seemingly normal sword is an ordinary sword or a [speed kill]. If it's just a sword, then you can find an opportunity to fight back, but if it's a quick kill, then the moment you give up your defense and launch a counterattack, that is, your death. Don't doubt that Xu Si's quick kill has absolutely no time for you to react...

This is quick kill, but at this moment, Xu Si's quick kill is very restrained, or these assassins really know too much about the characteristics of Xu Si. When they make moves, at least one assassin hides in the darkness and quietly defends. Whenever Xu Si tops an assassin and shows the quick kill, that The assassin will always appear in time, and then be completely in a state of defense, completely guarding the assassin attacked by Xu Si.

Then, often the third assassin will seize this opportunity and launch an offensive against Xu Si, because he knows that in three seconds, Xu Si's is impossible to launch a second quick kill. In that case, he is not too worried about being killed by Xu Si's unexpected and unexpected second sword with no reaction time. In fact, it is in this three-second limit time that the three assassins will rush up and suppress it with an absolute number of people.

In such a situation, in just a few rounds, Xu Si has suffered some damage, and those wounds that are still flowing with blood are the best proof. Of course, these wounds are not fatal, and there are not many wounds.

But after all, she is not Lin. She doesn't have the powerful self-recovery ability like a demon. Every injury she is real, but it doesn't heal back casually the next second.

This is a little troublesome. Although the wound is not a big wound, it is also very terrible to have such small wounds. Among other things, let's talk about the blood lost now. If the blood lost from these wounds exceeds the range that ordinary people can bear, Xu Si will naturally be very dangerous.

The assassins also seem to have the same intention. Every offensive they make is very conservative. It is not necessary to kill Xu Si and death, but the kind of attack that pays more attention to defense. The advantage of this is that every attack represents a defense, and it is difficult for Xu Si to cause damage to them, let alone send The effect of speed killing...

In fact, there is always an assassin guarding. Until now, these three assassins have been intact.

Exhale~~exhale~~exhale~~~Xu Si deliberately adjusted the initial disordered breathing and tried to keep himself in the state he should be. She doesn't want to show too much fatigue. The result of such recruitment will only make these assassins more determined the effectiveness of this war of attrition. In that case, the assassin will inevitably attack more fiercely.

Xu Si really wants to keep herself in shape, but after all, her ability is limited and she is still very helpless. After all, her breathing is rapid. Although it is not the kind of big breath after a violent long-distance movement, it is obviously enough for the three assassins...

Then, as Xu Si was worried, these assassins began to speed up the pace of attack and no longer give her a chance to breathe.

The sound of weapons connecting to each other is endless and continuous.

Xu Si was obviously a little tired. In the face of the assassin's intensive attack, her rapid breathing just now became more rapid, even urgent, as if breathing had become a very difficult and unsustainable thing. Every breath made her feel very uncomfortable and tired.

Exhale~Inhale~~Exhale~~Inhale~~~She now exhale and inhale become disproportionately, because she always struggles to resist or stab, and her breathing becomes more, but inhales less. Before long, in this state, she had to breathe faster to get more oxygen...