Magic Hunter

Chapter 24 Ye Zi

Chapter 24 Ye Zi

"...Lin?" The young coroner frowned slightly. Speaking of which, he didn't think Lin would be better. Although he didn't see Lin's trace here, judging from the degree of alienation of the seed, the parasitic black moth has reached a considerable level. In other words, in Lin's current state, if he doesn't use magic crystal, it should be difficult to do it. It's fixed.

But the fact is terrible. The young prosecutor did not feel any traces of magic in the cafe after the fire. If it was right, Lin did not use the magic crystal at that time,

This is exactly the fatal place. As mentioned above, if Lin does not use the magic crystal, it will be difficult for him to alienate the parasitic black moth in that state. That is to say, Lin should be more ferocious. Even if he has the blood of darkness, it is half-damaged for sure.

Of course, this is just the coroner's speculation. There are not many traces of Lin at the scene, which seems to be good news. At least, it can show that Lin can still act normally, which may not be as much as the young coroner imagined.

But things are not very easy. Anyway, the girl parasited by the black moth did not appear here. If it was right, she, like Lin, the fire did not kill both of them.

Thinking of this, the young coroner himself was not sure, and there was no news about Lin. In this way, he also replied honestly and said quietly, "I think... that guy can't die, but it's not easy..." He sighed and was a little helpless: "... I just contacted the old man, and he There doesn't seem to be any news about Lin over there.

"Oh?" Uncle Zhang was a little puzzled, and there was a slight uneasiness: "...Isn't there any news about Lin over there?" He should know that with the old man's ability, it is not difficult for him to find Lin. If the old man did not deliberately lie, then it is very likely that Lin will go to the place where the old man can't 'find', and these places are exactly what Uncle Zhang is worried about. You know, the places that the old man can't find, except for heaven. Hell, yes, it's still purgatory between the two.

But it is obvious that it is impossible for him to go to these three places before Lin hangs up. In this case, there is only one possibility...

"...water?" Uncle Zhang looked at the young coroner beside him: "Ye Zi, do you think Lin ran to the sewer..." Uncle Zhang more or less understood that the place that the old man couldn't find, or what the old man couldn't find, was only water in the present world, because the water element was born with the ability of * magic, and the old man's ability could not Discover objects covered by a large number of water elements, including human beings.

Ye Zi thought it made sense, but he didn't think so. Yes, surrounded by a large number of water elements, Lin really can't be noticed by the old man, but the question is, why did Lin avoid the old man? It should be said that his strong backing now is the old man. He can't wait for the old man to find him, and there is no reason to avoid him at all. To put it directly, Lin is completely looking for death. .

Thinking of this, Ye Zi seems to have other ideas, or he has a more reasonable explanation: "...If Lin didn't run to a place that the old man couldn't detect... If he was taken to a place that the old man couldn't find..."

"You mean that girl?" Uncle Zhang took it and said, "... You mean that the girl deliberately took Lin to the sewer?" Speaking of this, Uncle Zhang soon realized how much he was fond of sewers. After being slightly whitened by Ye Zi, he added with a slight embarrassment: "... Uh... I mean, a place similar to a sewer."

"............" Ye Zi is also not clear. She has too little information now to prove anything. Speaking of this, he deliberately took a look at Uncle Zhang, and then turned over the information in his hand: "What about those two girls?"

Uncle Zhang was a little stant at the beginning, but then he understood: "Oh! Those two children... should go back."

Before he finished his words, Ye Zi gave him a white look: "Please, what's your head thinking? How can you let them go? You want to kill them."

Ye Zi knows that the two girls have been in contact with Lin Jie. Although they have not checked any abnormalities now, God knows whether they have been planted with living seeds, just like the humans who were sucked by Lin Jie in Kerry Bar last time. With the appearance of the black moth, the seeds in their bodies finally want their souls. If it hadn't been for the special team cleaning up the scene as soon as possible, those people would not have been lying in the hospital as vegetables.

Huang Li and fat girls are similar. Even if they look normal now, it doesn't mean that they are fine. In fact, people who have contacted Lin Jie need to undergo a set of detailed examinations to determine whether they have been planted.

Of course, this is not to say that it is easy and casual for Lin Jie to plant seeds in the human body. In fact, there are still many constraints on this kind of thing, such as whether the soul is suitable...

Only the soul of the dark attribute can be planted with seeds, and only the soul of the rare dark attribute can withstand the seeds released by Lin Jie. After all, just like Lin Jie planted seeds, the soul of the dark attribute is very rare. Generally speaking, the soul has no attribute, and the soul is just the soul.

But for one reason or another, some souls affected by magic will have attributes, but usually only the attributes of the five elements. Like this dark attribute, the probability is almost one in ten thousand. In any case, the magic with dark attributes is like angels, only demons from hell. In other words, the so-called Most of the dark attributes are human beings who have traded with demons, and the dark attributes of the soul are the necessary proof of the transaction.

It is not difficult to understand that even if the gate of hell is closed, the devil can still appear in a distorted form, and this distorted form is summoning. Of course, the summoned demons do not have much ability. They can only show some necessary magic through human beings, or through human will.

Obviously, there is always a price to make a deal with demons, and this price is often the only soul that can make a deal. In this way, it is not so much the inevitable result of the transaction between the dark soul stone and the demon, but rather a shackle that the soul can only belong to the demon after death.

Not everyone has the opportunity to trade with demons, and few people know how to trade with demons. For these reasons, human beings with dark attributes are very rare, and one in ten thousand is not too much.

Then, such a rare existence directly led to the difficult delivery of Lin Jie's seeds. After all, only in the soul of the dark attribute can the seeds she laid take root and germinate, as long as the time is ripe and it is the harvest season.

Therefore, Ye Zi is really speechless about the 'experienced' Uncle Zhang. How can she let the two girls who don't know whether it is dangerous or not go home when she is sure about anything. By the way, if they have seeds in their bodies, eventually germinate, and suck the souls of ordinary people, they can't help them. In that case, Uncle Zhang simply throws two bombs that they don't know whether they will explode or not into the crowd without hesitation, which is very scary...

Besides, when Lin Jie's black moth is in a state of high alienation, her need for soul power is almost endless. Before the final mutation, she needs a considerable number of souls, and the people who are planted with seeds are her best tools to use, which can almost be quite comfortable, through They accept the power from the soul.

This is terrible. Let's say, if they hadn't dealt with those humans in the hospital at the first time, they wouldn't have been so honest in the hospital.

And now, my God, they finally took the initiative, because Uncle Zhang's seemingly wrong decision finally failed. Therefore, Ye Zi has a deep resentment for Uncle Zhang, even if he is her superior boss.

On this point, Uncle Zhang, who is aware of hindsight, can feel it more or less. He should also understand the seriousness of the matter, but he still believes that how can those two seemingly simple girls deal with demons and have a soul with dark attributes? In this case, how can they be planted by Lin Jie?

Therefore, Uncle Zhang, who thinks that he is a little eye-catching, has the meaning of relying on the old, saying that Ye Zi, a teenager, is making a big fuss and thinks too much: "Anla Anla, uncle, how can I say that I have eaten more salt than you have eaten..." At this point, he smiled and smiled easily: "You have to believe in uncle, uncle It's still a little bit of a personal. Anyway, my uncle will retire in another two years, right?

Seeing Uncle Zhang say this, Ye Zi was speechless. He understood that his boss didn't seem to be as reliable as he thought: "Uncle Zhang," he was a little ashamed: "Do you mind if I say that... Did you do this on the first day? The police are talking about evidence, not cheating intuition. I beg you to be professional, okay?!"

Uncle Zhang: "............" By the way, Ye Zi really didn't give any face at all, and what she said was so hurtful.

Uncle Zhang is also old. Naturally, he has been in this industry for a short time. Speaking of which, he also began to do it at the age of Ye Zi. But now, poor Uncle Zhang, he was taught a lesson by a newcomer and said that he was not professional enough, which made Uncle Zhang feel embarrassed.

Now he even begins to doubt whether he is his subordinate, and he is very ashamed by Ye Zixun. But he still got used to it, or he finally found that he was the boss of the restless coroner in front of him.