Magic Hunter

Chapter 25 Chip Battle

Chapter 25 Chip Battle

The morning sun shone in through the gorgeous floor-to-ceiling window. In that comfortable big **, Lin, who felt a little dizzy, opened his eyes slightly. Because he was not used to the sun for a while, he put his hand slightly in front of him, and then he felt a little better. Then, he soon realized that he was now in a strange environment...

"...?" With a little curiosity and uneasiness, Lin got out of bed with a little sore body. Maybe his movements were too big, and the clear scar on his right hand suddenly burst and blood flowed out.

Lin was a little impressed by the wound on her right arm. He vaguely remembered that Lin Jie was in an abnormal state at that time, and she left herself this terrible wound that could not completely heal for the time being. He doesn't care very much. Although the wound is a little difficult to deal with, if it goes well, the healing of the wound is only a matter of time. Just like now, the wound that has just been torn quickly heals back and returns to its original state, which naturally stops the initial bleeding.

He got out of bed and just walked a few steps, but he felt ** a little cold...

Lin: "............" He has a very bad feeling. Unexpectedly, when he subconsciously looked at his crotch, he was excited...

Excitement is exciting, but he was calm. He scanned a room to see if there was anything to cover his body, but it was a pity that the neat guest room was clean and the items were staggered. Most importantly, this room was really 'excessive', except for a bed, two sofas by the window, and an LCD TV hanging on the wall. A computer on the glass table and a hanger at the door. There is really nothing left. There is nothing. By the way, Lin thought there was a wardrobe or something. It's really difficult for him to understand why there is no wardrobe in such a high-end room...

In this case, there is nothing he can do. He can only pick up the ** white sheet, like a bath towel, around his lower body.

Open the door, go out of the room, and there is a corridor outside, but this corridor is very different from the usual corridor. This is not to say how innovative its specifications are, but murals. Yes, like countless scriptures are carved. At a glance, the walls of the whole corridor are full of such forests that almost do not know. Weird spells.

Seeing these spells, he couldn't laugh a little. Lin should have guessed more or less now. He seems to have fallen into the den of thieves. You know, at the same time, these strange spells are full of walls, and there are also those high-end collections that can be worth at a glance. If it's right, these collections should be quite rare. .

Thinking of this, he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "...that guy..." He should have thought of it a long time ago, or when he felt the familiar smell, he should understand.

In this way, the uneasiness at the beginning has subsided more or less, and it is a kind of indifferent calmness. Then he walked all the way down and finally saw the man in the huge living room.

It's also quite interesting, just like treating this place as his own home. After opening the refrigerator next to him, he casually asked, "...what to drink? Beer?" As he spoke, he had already taken two cans of beer.

He smiled, picked up a cigarette, and took one in the corner of his mouth: "It's not impossible..." He lit the cigarette: "If you want that girl, I can give it to you, you just need..." He paused deliberately. After spitting out a faint smoke, he continued to say "...The dragon pattern in your hand."

Confident brother looks confident and seems to be very sure, but in fact, he is not sure. He still knows that it is basically useless to threaten Lin with a girl. If it hadn't been for the fact that this girl was parasitised by the black moth, he would not have used her as a bargaining chip for negotiation with Lin. That's the problem. Confident brother is not sure. For this tricky girl, is Lin willing to make this deal that is not a loss? Anyway, the success rate of threatening this kind of thing is really not very high for Lin.

They are cold-blooded animals, or they have always wanted to be heartless cold-blooded animals. Therefore, like Lin, he is willing to accept this threat for a girl who is not very familiar with. Speaking of which, even if Xia Ya or Xu Si, Lin is willing to accept it as a threat bargaining chip. It is also a big problem worth considering.

Obviously, Lin Jie is not a bargaining chip after all. If it weren't for her being a very likely container for Dong Shao, maybe Lin Lian's initial hesitation would have been gone.

That's exactly what happened. At the beginning, Confident Brother said that he would exchange Lin Jie for the dragon pattern fragments in his hand. Lin was indeed surprised and hesitated for a moment, but after a while, he still shook his head and said lazily, "... Whatever... Since you are so optimistic about Dong Shao, let him come. I'm not very I mind." To be honest, the arrival of Dong Shao is not as casual and relaxed as he said now. On the contrary, Lin is still a little stressed, but he doesn't believe it, or he doesn't think that Confident Brother dares to do so, just as Confident Brother doesn't want to offend Dong Shao and doesn't purify Lin Jie. He will not offend the old man because of Lin Jie. Old man, anyway, he had offended the old man once last time because of the dark elves. If he hadn't reached an agreement with Death and added almost negligible dark blood to the blood of Death, the old man would have put this uncharacterless businessman into hell.

Yes, the self-confidence brother's skill of hiding people is unmatched, and it is even the peak. Even the old man can easily find it, but after all, there is still a chance of failure, and this probability of failure is the chip of the old man's victory. It is not too difficult to guess. If the old man catches the self-confidence brother, cramps and peeling is just an appetizer. The old man has always been very proud of the means of torture.

Self-confidence brother is naturally very clear about this. Speaking of which, the last time he dared to offend the old man and stole the dark elves, he also made perfect preparations. If the old man really lost his temper and really wanted to kill him, he was still a little confident that he could survive from the old man.

And this time, if he really offends the old man again, because of his reasons, Lin Jie finally transformed successfully, and Dong Shao came. The confident brother felt that unless he was lucky enough to hide until the old man died, he would definitely die, and even his soul would suffer forever and not be super...< /P>

This kind of thing is done by the old man, if it really pisses the old man off.

Confidence Brother is convinced of this. He has offended once, but he doesn't want to risk to offend for the second time. Most importantly, this offending is not worth it. To understand that last time, Confident Brother stole the dark elves, Dong Shao used the [Book of Death], one of the four magic weapons, as a bargaining chip...

It is precisely because of the chip of the Book of Death that it is so powerful that the confident brother dares to take risks and offend the old man who can't afford to offend him. And this time, although he needs [the real mirror] very much, if he offends the old man for this, it's really not worth the loss.

So, confident brother sighed and smiled bitterly, which seemed to be a little compromise, or, in this quiet psychological war, Lin should have a slight advantage: "...I really don't like you very much...really."

He took the last sip of the cigarette deeply. After extinguishing the cigarette in the ashtray, Confident Brother continued: "... Since you are so disliked, I don't seem to make you feel too good..." He smiled and smiled beautifully: "You say, the girl you care about, where will she be now?"