Magic Hunter

Chapter 40 No?!

Chapter 40, isn't it?!

"I'm sorry..." Ye Zi came to the girl and greeted her politely.

Then, he wanted to explain his intention, but he got a very domineering word "get out" from the other party.

Ye Zi: "..." He was shocked at that time. By the way, the girl in front of him was a little fat, but that kind of scary self-confidence and domineering was not casual. Even if Ye Zi was still a little determined, he couldn't help but be deeply shocked by the simple and straightforward 'roll" of the fat girl just now. Time is a little overwhelmed.

But it's still fast, or the old man who showed his certificate directly retained the fat sister who was very unhappy in front of him: "I'm sorry," Uncle Zhang smiled, and his smile was not bad: "The thing is like this. We want to know about last night's feelings..."

Before he finished speaking, the unhappy fat girl replied directly, "If you have something to do, please contact my lawyer." It's very direct. It's really direct. She really domineeringly stuffed the lawyer's business card to Uncle Zhang, and then added, "...don't bother me!" After saying that, the fat girl who was in a bad mood turned around and left, with no intention of staying at all.

Uncle Zhang: "..." He is also experienced, but he felt a failure in front of the domineering fat girl. By the way, he was called to contact a lawyer when he met, but he had never seen a simple student contact a lawyer when he met. What's more interesting is that Uncle Zhang looked at the business card in his hand and found that it seemed to be her exclusive lawyer.

Ye Zi is not much better. If he had some doubts about the domineering of the fat girl just now, then now, he has every reason to believe that the domineering of the fat girl is really domineering. This is not something that can be pretended casually. If it is correct, it is a kind of strong hegemony polished by the cruel reality.

Therefore, Ye Zi suddenly had to look at the current fat girl with another look. He should now understand that there is an essential difference between this fat girl and those fat girls. She is not the kind of person who is willing to be submissive, but dares to change, because this change of efforts is not to passively adapt to her. It has created her rebellious personality and domineering way of being a human being.

"...It's really domineering." Ye Zi can imagine that people who can change rather than adapt to the environment are really powerful. With this alone, the current fat girl is admirable enough. Yes, it's not that anyone dares to choose to change the status quo rather than that kind of passive adaptation, and few people can completely change their success.

In this way, Ye Zi seems to be beginning to appreciate this fat girl a little.

On the side, Uncle Zhang should have seen some unusual meanings from Ye Zi's different gaze: "What are you doing?" He joked a little: "Do you like her?"

Ye Zi: "............" He couldn't help but look at Uncle Zhang, and his eyes were full of contempt: "Vulgar! I appreciate it!"

"...ha?" Uncle Zhang couldn't believe it. No, no, no, he would not believe what he had just heard from Ye Zi's mouth: "Wait, wait..." He took out his ear to show that he could hear more clearly now: "What did you just now..." He was full of doubt: "...appreciate?"

The fat girl's punch was fierce, and Ye Zi felt even more unexpected. She didn't expect that her praise would be a girl's violent beating. In this way, he didn't react for a moment. He stood in place stupidly, without any actions or expressions...

But it's okay. Uncle Zhang, who couldn't stand it, finally took action, and his open palm caught the fat girl's punch.

"Girls can't be too violent," Uncle Zhang smiled slightly and was not malicious: "No matter what, girls still need to be quiet, so that they can be liked."

It doesn't work. Uncle Zhang's kind reminder is just another punch from the fat girl...

Uncle Zhang couldn't stand it anymore. With a little effort, the fat sister's right hand pinched by him suddenly came in severe pain. Then, when Uncle Zhang pulled back slightly, the fat girl lost the center of her whole body and rushed over...

Wow, this is killing me. The fat girl's size is still quite scary. The bumpy is like a big stone flying over. Uncle Zhang, who feels that something is wrong, pulls Ye Zi, who doesn't know what happened. In this way, the innocent Ye Zi abruptly blocked the fat girl who lost her center of gravity for the old man, the most After that, he was naturally crushed by the fat girl,

The scene is very discordant, and I don't know if it's intentional. Ye Zi's hands on her chest touch the place that should not be touched. If it's right, it should be the chest that the fat girl has not been touched by many men so far.

"............" Ye Zi was embarrassed all of a sudden. He dared to swear that he really didn't want to eat Fat Girl Tofu. This was an accident, absolutely an accident. He wanted to move his hands, but found that the fat girl was still pressing on him, and there seemed to be no intention to get up: "...Hey, hey..." He felt a little difficult to breathe. If the fat girl didn't get up again, he would not use much force, and his hands in the ** position would have to be forced.

Fortunately, the fat girl finally reacted at this time and got up quietly. She seemed to be very angry but blushed. She didn't know whether she was angry or shy, stared at Ye Zi, who was still lying on the ground.

"...oh, hehe..." On the ground, Ye Zi smiled dryly: "The accident is purely an accident... I really didn't mean to..."

"!!" Fat girls blushed, and some of them are usually domineering, and some are just the shyness that girls should be.

Then, I don't know if it's a normal reaction. Looking at Ye Zi now, the fat girl actually felt that the white-skinned man in front of her was so beautiful, handsome, and even charming, and then her restless heart jumped wildly.

She suddenly became very wrong. Her eyes, which just dared to look directly at Lin's eyes, became dodged. Occasionally, she glanced over, but quickly dodged back. In the end, the fat girl who really felt that something was wrong no longer said anything, and didn't know what to say now. She turned around and ran away and ran...

Ye Zi: "............" He suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough...

"Tut-tut!" Uncle Zhang is a little optimistic about the play: "Bad boy... You're done..."

"...what, what do you mean?" There were some answers in my heart, but I still couldn't believe it and asked.

"Didn't you feel it?" Uncle Zhang expressed his high suspicion and narrowed his eyes slightly: "That girl... was conquered by you in an instant in front of your ruthless milk dragon grabbing hand just now..." At this, Uncle Zhang smiled frankly: "Young man... Congratulations... That girl fell in love with you."

Ye Zi: "............No, no, isn't it?!" He was shocked, and this kind of shock, um, can be understood as a kind of fear.