Magic Hunter

Chapter 41 Your treat?

Chapter 41 Your treat?

He said that he was under a lot of pressure. Although it is not a bad thing to be favored by a girl, and sometimes it is a good thing worth showing off, the problem is that a fat girl looks like a very personality and domineering fat girl, which is not a good thing. Not to mention showing off, it's just the kind at the moment. Feeling very bad pressure is enough to crush Ye Zi, who is not very good at psychological quality.

This is not a joke. On the contrary, this is a relatively normal reaction. Anyway, it seems that he is a domineering fat girl, not another girl. If it is another girl, Ye Zi is nothing. She likes it best. If it is not the type she likes, it is straightforward. It's nothing.

Fat girl...

Ye Zi's head was full of cold sweat. The fat girl's violent punch just now was a good illustration. If it hadn't been for Uncle Zhang's action to stop him, he would definitely have been beaten. This is the place to die. Ye Zi is not sure, or if the fat girl not only likes him, but also came to confess, Ye Zi didn't know, and she refused gracefully refused. What terrible consequences will it bring?

Well, it can be seen that Ye Zi is really scared by the fat girl. The fat girl is right to be domineering, but you should understand that her domineering is very self-aware. In other words, the fat girl herself should also know that according to the aesthetic standards of the public, she will not have many opportunities to confess to a boy she likes, even if there is that. An opportunity, the success rate may not be very high...

The fat girl is a seemingly strong girl. It is almost impossible for her to confess to a boy she likes. Anyway, the seemingly domineering fat girl is actually inferior. The difference is that she invisibly imposed many people on her inferiority and gradually turned into a kind of strength, using this hard shell to protect her vulnerability. It's more of **'s heart.

In this way, the fat girl really won't open her heart easily. You know, from beginning to end, the fat girl's friends are only Huang Li and Lin Jie. She doesn't even have the courage to make a normal same-sex friend. She wants her to confess to a boy of the opposite sex or her favorite boy. Wow, unless it's really the end of the world.

In other words, the fat girl has always thought that she doesn't need a boy who only pays attention to appearance. She has also been quite powerful over the years. She didn't overdo anything about a man. But until just now, at that moment, Ye Zi, the legendary 'Prince Charming', seemed to make the fat girl think that she would never throb. My heart is quietly throbbing...

She won't believe it, let alone believe it. One day, the boy who had hurt her the most was brainless again. The fat girl must have felt that she was crazy, and she was stupid enough to feel that she should not have a dangerous lower body animal like a man. In her own opinion, this is simply asking for self-harm...

Many things are doomed many times. Some people can love very casually, while some people even lose the courage to love once, because they know that they can't afford to love and can't love, because the final result is just an inevitable injury.

Fat girl is an example. For her, the kind of wholehearted dedication but being abandoned without hesitation is simply a deserved after brain fever, and she will never allow herself to be so stupid again.

This is actually not the first time, just like Uncle Zhang often uses his identity and age to suppress Ye Zi. Sometimes, Ye Zi will be like this, pitiful. The eyes of women who are more than women are watery, full of innocence and grievances, just like a person. The little Lori who snatched the lollipop, if Uncle Zhang was forcing him, the child would definitely cry to show him.

Every time, I don't know that Uncle Zhang is too immune, or Ye Zi's cuteness has always been very powerful. This move is not easy for Uncle Zhang. Although the success rate is not guaranteed to be 100%, it will make Uncle Zhang 'do it more or less. Just like now, Uncle Zhang, who was originally very dark, wanted to use Ye Zi to seduce the fat girl. After all, it dispelled this very tasteless idea.

Well, now there is a new problem. Since Ye Zi, who is very good at doing things, refuses to take action, what should the difficult fat girl do? Uncle Zhang is very clear about the uncooperative reaction of the fat sister just now. Even if she catches up now, it is useless and can't get the information she wants from her mouth.

Therefore, Uncle Zhang was helpless all of a sudden. He could only watch the fat girl stay away from his sight little by little: "...bad boy." Until the fat girl completely left her sight, Uncle Zhang turned around, looked at Ye Zi, who had stood up beside her, and asked lightly, "...Tell me... What should we do now?" When he spoke, he seemed very calm, but Ye Zi clearly felt that Uncle Zhang was just the tranquility before the storm. If he couldn't give Uncle Zhang a satisfactory answer, Uncle Zhang, who was furious, would definitely beat him up very sharply.

So, Ye Zi, who just felt that she had escaped, immediately swallowed her saliva and looked nervously at Uncle Zhang's now absolutely unfriendly vicissitudes of life: "... er...that, that..." Ye Zi thought hard, but soon he found that the next thing was really difficult to do: "... er ...Or..." He said tentatively, " to her lawyer?"

————Pa~~~ There was no suspense. Uncle Zhang patted the back of Ye Zi's innocent head: "Dad! It's useful to find her lawyer!" He roared, "Your sister! What do lawyers want us police to do!! It's good to be a lawyer who cheats money!" The more he spoke, the more angry he became. The more he spoke, the louder he became. In this sweet park, the boys and girls were quickly attracted by him, and their eyes were full of doubt and confusion.

But Uncle Zhang didn't find anything wrong. He roared and didn't care so much: "Give me a way! Find a way!! I don't want to fool around! Do you still want to eat!! I've been with me for so long, so it's so promising! How do you want me to do it!! How to fool around!!!"

Ye Zi silently endured Uncle Zhang's angry roar, and at the same time, he also silently endured the saliva that Uncle Zhang kept splashing on his face. He has been observing the words, or after hanging out with Uncle Zhang for so long, he knows very well what terrible consequences will be if Uncle Zhang roars. Therefore, he has been observing quietly. When he finds that the roar is almost the same, he said weakly, "...Why don't we go to lunch first?"

Uncle Zhang: "...rice bucket, you!!" He is really angry. Why is Ye Zi such a bad child? By the way, he is still looking forward to the child taking over.

Roar is roaring, but I have to say that Ye Zi really knows the old man. He knows that roaring is quite exhausting. In addition, it's lunch time. If it's right, Uncle Zhang at this time...

Gu~~~ That's right. Uncle Zhang's stomach protested.

"...hehe, hehe...he..." Seizing this important opportunity, Ye Zi immediately took the opportunity and said, "... Take your time to find a way... There will always be a way... Who are you, my leader, the great Uncle Zhang." His flattery was very loud: "...I can't be in a hurry..."

Seeing Ye Zi say this, or he should be more satisfied with Ye Zi's flattery. After thinking about it for a moment, he asked a very practical question: "... It's your treat?"