Magic Hunter

Chapter 48 Evil Spirit

Chapter 48 Evil Spirits

"............" He didn't know why for a moment. Looking at the broken mirror, he didn't know whether everything just now was his own illusion or something. Anyway, in this seemingly normal space, he was the only one at this moment. What's more interesting is that his right hand, to be precise, the right hand of his fist, obviously has a few sharp damages on it, including some dazzling glass fragments. It seems that he broke the mirror on the opposite side with his own hands.

This is very strange. Ye Zi only remembers that he was in the mirror at that time and did not break the mirror...

" illusion?" He asked himself secretly, looking at the back of his hand and the tingling right hand, he was not sure.

Indeed, in such a normal space, without any abnormal toilet, Ye Zi could only use illusions to explain everything just now, even if the illusion was so real that she almost believed it, and thought she was over like this.

Thinking about this, Ye Zi didn't think anything wrong. Except for the broken mirror that made him unable to understand for no reason, the extremely real illusion that appeared because of fear seemed to explain everything just now. In fact, he thought from the beginning that this game was just scaring himself. Well, those hallucinations just now must be that the moon was playing with himself. Anyway, if the evil spirit existed, Uncle Zhang would not ignore it. He should notify the old man to clean up this dangerous monster that should not appear in the present world as soon as possible, instead of letting it go freely like now.

Ye Zi is right. Generally speaking, the existence of evil spirits will only be cleaned up and purified by the old man. If it goes well, the old man may send them back to the hell that originally belonged to them. This is not wrong, but he seems to have forgotten, or he regarded the old man as too allipotent. To understand that not all monsters can do it. Just like the game he is playing now, this evil spirit does not exist, it just exists in people's hearts...

In this way, the evil spirits that do not exist in reality, no matter how strong the old man's ability is, he can't easily touch them. You know, this kind of evil spirit is the abnormal existence of believers who don't believe it. They survive by people's fear and grow up by people's fear. Of course, when it is strong enough, it is also Like many monsters, you can suck the human soul to further strengthen your magic.

It's like this. Speaking of which, Ye Zi did die at that time. In other words, because he couldn't get out of the endless fear brought to him by the evil spirit, he subconsciously thought he was dead. In fact, if it hadn't been for the bloody Mary, the evil spirit that succeeded in scaring it to death was finally scattered, Ye Zi's death should be the inevitable result. Then, as mentioned above, with this evil spirit with a certain ability, he could quite easily pull away and think that he had hung up Ye Zi, pulled out his soul, and sucked it with a sword.

Obviously, he thought it was just an illusion or a trick for the moon to scare him. Ye Zi did not fully understand the danger of this game. Just like now, he just breathed a sigh of relief and smiled bitterly at his cowardice. In the broken mirror, I don't know when, those dark red eyes quietly came out. Now, from the beginning to the beginning, the abnormality is obvious. Even if Ye Zi was going to leave, he finally found two eye-catching red light under the slight candlelight.

"......!" He was dumbfounded all of a sudden, because the pair of extremely real in the broken mirror, as if the red eyes suddenly appeared, and the instinct of fear of the unknown came into being. Almost a little, he almost screamed.

But he is still calm, no, no, no, it should be said that he thinks this is his own dispensable illusion, or he really doesn't think that this dangerous evil spirit will always exist. This is just another trick for Yue to scare himself...

So, he was scared, but he smiled softly. He glanced at the blood-red eyes staring at him and said with some disdain, "... Who are you scaring... If you have the ability, you can come out to me... I want to fight with you!" He seemed calm and even confident. As mentioned above, Ye Zi, who had just experienced a life and death, didn't feel at all that these seemingly scary big eyes would cause any terrible harm to him. This was just another trick of scaring a child.

In this way, Ye Zi, who originally planned to leave, stopped. She seemed to look forward to the eyes in the broken mirror and smiled indifferently, as if she really planned to fight with it.

He really shouldn't do this. In a sense, this evil is an illusion. As long as you don't believe or fear, it will do nothing, but the problem is that this evil spirit is different. It is not a believer at the beginning, but a completely real existence.

It's not difficult to understand. It has been imprisoned in the mirror. The mirror is the medium of its soul, and it is also the prison that binds it. In the past, the mirror that imprisoned it has never been broken. Although it has swallowed up many human souls who dare to play this game, it has never been freed. Naturally, there is no real If it exists in a sense, there is naturally no freedom.

In this way, every time it sucks the human soul, it becomes very passive. Only human beings like Ye Zi who dare to play this dangerous game for this or that reason can scare them to death and suck the soul.

But now, this broken mirror, its brokenness eventually makes the monster originally derived from people's inner fear. It really has really become a real existence. It no longer needs media, let alone rely on human fear to appear. The evil spirit that has been freed from it and freed is now There is no essential difference from other monsters. In fact, it is now a terrible monster that can take the initiative and easily kill human beings to get the soul...

Sure enough, when Ye Zi realized this, the blood-red eyes that were originally in the mirror floated out quietly, and then appeared in front of him. Moreover, the bloody eyes that seemed to have just been salvaged from the blood stared at him as usual.

Ye Zi felt something was wrong. He didn't think so at the beginning and didn't pay much attention to this realistic illusion, but when he found that his eyes shed two lines of blood and tears without warning, he finally realized that something was wrong.

I was very scared. I don't know when Ye Zi's eyes were red, just like the strange eyes staring at him in front of her, full of darkness and gloom, which made people completely unbelievable that such a pair of ghost-like eyes would appear on human beings.

Then, Ye Zi felt the tingling in his eyes. The tingling pain was like staring at the scorching sun, which made him instinctively want to avoid this dazzling strong light, and want to turn his eyes and close his eyes. But he couldn't do it, as if he had a pair of invisible hands supporting the eyelids he tried to close, so that it could not be easily covered up, and finally could only open in great pain.

Because of such a state, his eyes began to cry. Those tears, which should have been crystal clear, were suddenly invaded red because of the red eyes, and then burst out of his eyes, and tears continued to flow.

Bloody tears crossed Ye Zi's face over and over again, and finally began to be afraid, as if he had drawn two strange lines of strange faces. The four blood marks on his cheeks made him look very strange and horrible, like the legendary ghost, which made people shudder and dare not approach. He subconsciously wanted to stay away and run away. .

Ye Zi is actually almost the same. If he could, he wanted to stay away from the blood-colored eyes floating in front of him now, but he couldn't do it, and his body began to be out of control. Just like Uncle Zhang in those years, he was obviously very conscious, but he actually wanted to dig out his eyes...

He was scared by himself, and he was really scared by himself. He tried his best to control his disobedient hands over and over again, but just like these hands on his body did not belong to him, he could only watch the extremely familiar hands move to his eyes...

"No, don't..." I don't know who I'm begging for mercy. Now Ye Zi, who seems to have guessed the ending, began to go crazy, and kept saying 'don't want' in her mouth. He even felt that as long as these hands don't dig out their eyes, don't hurt themselves, as long as he can survive and let him do anything, he is willing. I won't even blink my eyelids.

But the result was not like this. In his last tragic 'don', with a strong scream, his uncontrolled hands pierced his eyes without hesitation, and then dug out his eyes.

————Ye Zi kept screaming. He could clearly feel the moment when his hands pierced his eyes, how desperate he was, and he could feel how painful and scared he was at the moment when his hands pulled out his eyes.

But no one came to help him. Even if he began to call Uncle Zhang and Yue outside crazily, or even any stranger, but no one responded, he could not respond, just like he was the only one here, and no one would hear his more desperate call.

He was blind, and it was dark in front of him. He couldn't see a trace of light, as if he was in an extreme abyss, and could not shine a trace of light. But he can feel the warm eyes on his hands, and he can feel how much he did not hesitate to abandon these eyes...

"...ah!!!" Finally, because of endless fear, Ye Zi, who was already desperate, began to scream crazily. It seemed that he could be a little better, a little less afraid, a little...

But no, his screams just made him more afraid, more at a loss, and more clearly feeling the clearer and cold death.

He wanted to run. Even if he couldn't see it, he also wanted to make his ordinary body petrified and move, but he found that except for the hands that had just dug out his eyes, his body did not react. He still stood still in place regardless of it.

Then he felt that his hands that had just dug out his eyes seemed to touch something. It was very cold, like a thousand years of ice. The coldness went deep into the bone marrow, and it seemed that even the beating heart at this moment would suddenly freeze because of this cold and piercing cold and could no longer beat.

This is exactly the case. The moment his hands touched that thing, his beating heart suddenly stopped in amazement, and he couldn't feel the rhythm of his heart. But this kind of stop is only a moment, and the next second, the stopped heart beats slowly again, seemingly calm and stable, without the crazy beating at the beginning.

It was at this time that he felt clearly that his bloody hands began to move, grabbed the cold and piercing thing, and appeared in his eyes that had no eyes for a long time.

Next, there was almost no psychological preparation. Ye Zi only felt that her hands stuffed the thing in her hand into her eyes, just like putting a piece of ice into her orbit. Ye Zi suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Her whole brain could not think all of a sudden, and her brain stem contracted, just like eating one in one breath. The popsicle, the whole head suddenly throbed, as if it had cramped. It was very uncomfortable, and it was even more extremely painful...