Magic Hunter

Chapter 60 The Avengers

Chapter 60 Avengers

In fact, the witches known by the old man are all novices, and almost none of them can develop blue cherry. What's more, it is such a pure blue cherry.

In this way, the old man naturally believes that in this world, there is the witch who signed a contract with Satan and sold his soul to the devil that he didn't know...

He should have noticed this a long time ago. At that time, he had been hit by the witch's [ghost scorpion] at night, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He thought that it might just be that Dong Shao got these ghost scorpions from some unsmuggler...

This is not difficult to understand. After all, three years ago, witches and demons were 'sent back' to hell with the closure of the gate of hell, but many of their secret medicines were left behind. Although the old man had cleaned it on a large scale, it was difficult to keep the fish that leaked.

Therefore, at that time, the old man thought that the night was stung by the ghost scorpion, which might have been bought by Dong Shao from the self-confidence brother.

But now, the old man really began to doubt whether the secret medicine like Lan Ying can get it, whether she is related to a witch who has not been found. Anyway, Lan Ying is not like other secret drugs. It has a shelf life, and this shelf life is often only one month.

In this way, the old man couldn't help but wonder whether there was another witch who was not forcibly pulled back by the gate of hell and stayed in the present world.

Yue should have guessed something from the old man's doubts. In fact, from the fact, from the fact that she took out the bottle of blue cherry, she knew that the old man would have doubts, but she didn't seem to care much about it. She just smiled and then said lazily, "... There are some things. It's better for you not to know. It will make you angry. Oh." She spoke very playfully, and even quietly winked at the old man.

Old man: "..." Seriously, he is old. Although he has no desire for women, he still has a little pressure to let a woman flirt with himself like this. By the way, no matter how old he is, he is still a man.

Of course, the old man is old after all, and he has experience. He will not be confused by the playful and cute electric eye just now. Therefore, he intends to try to ask more about the witch from Yue's mouth. If necessary, he feels that he may send a few assassins and this woman. The witch greeted...

But Yue did not give him such an opportunity. At this time, she had come to the door and was ready to leave.

The old man was full of helplessness. Looking at Yue's back, he should also know that Yue had made it very clear that even if she asked more questions, she would not say anything more.

He could only smile bitterly and felt that the arrival of the moon not only did not solve too much trouble for himself, but also seemed that she had brought him a lot of new problems... Lan Ying... witch... and those crazy people imprisoned in the forbidden place...

"...ah!" As soon as Yue stepped out of the door, she suddenly remembered something, and then turned around. Her charming eyes looked at the old man meaningfully: "...I almost forgot." She gave the old man a faint smile, but this smile was full of jokes no matter how you look at it: "... You seem to have someone to use it... I It means that Xu Si and Xia Ya..." She felt that compared with those crazy people, it was time for these two women who violated the rules of the old man to take advantage of them.

At that time, Xia Ya and Xu Si felt that Lin would not have too much chance to survive in that reluctant state. She was waiting. As long as she waited quietly for a few minutes, the result might be completely different, and she would not be punished for Lin. .

But she still took action before making sure that Lin completely died, because Xu Si, Xia Ya, who originally wanted to watch cruelly, finally killed the assassins, and then cooperated with Xu Si to easily kill the slave.

But this can't change anything. After all, the old man is the old man. Even he is not allowed to destroy the rules he set.

So, even if it's because of Lin, an important black hunter, the old man really can't forgive them for daring to break these rules. This is not to say that the old man is a domineering dictator. In fact, he is also a relatively democratic old man, but the position he sits in now makes him have to become a seemingly domineering dictator. Only in this way can he manage these chess pieces more easily. In this way, the old man will have to become cold-blooded. After all, for a dictator, compassion is just a sin and injustice to others.

What's more, Lin did not pass away at that time, but Xia Ya and Xu Si made a mistake in judgment because of their excessive worry and concern about Lin, and this mistake directly led to the death of the three assassins.

This is not what the old man hopes for. The reason why he wants to make his chess pieces cold-blooded is that they have absolutely calm judgment. They play a game of life and death in an instant, but there is no such opportunity to play love and justice. That kind of thing can only be pursued by those who live too comfortably. Unfortunately, their existence is destined not to be too comfortable, but to live and die in a flash.

Therefore, their care and love, friendship and companions are just a kind of burden and burden. Although these things are very important and necessary, for them, they really can't afford it, because they don't know whether they and the people they care about will leave forever tomorrow. Open yourself...

In this case, why do they need to contact, start, and own? That will only make them more painful and sad, because no one can guarantee that they can protect themselves and protect those so-called companions. On the contrary, it will only make the cruel reality hit the already scarred heart again and again...

These powers who survived and grew up came step by step like this. They once tried to have those, and they did, but in the end they found that they were so powerless that they could only see the friends they cared about disappearing in front of them one after another.

Then, they can only learn to adapt and learn to be cold-blooded. Even if loneliness and loneliness are enough to make them crazy, that kind of loss can torture people more. You know, these powers who are still alive, they not only live for themselves, but also for those brothers who once had.

In fact, they only exist for the past. They don't look forward to the future, and they don't have any hope for the future, because they deeply understand that when they plan to live for the past, they have given up the possible bright future...

This may sound a little sad, but it is a real fact, because they dare not look forward to the future, and they don't want to look forward to it anymore. What they want to do is to kill a few more monsters for their former brothers before they die and before liberation.

β€”β€”β€”β€”In the future, at the moment when they are willing to become cold-blooded because of endless hatred, they may be completely frozen by the past.

The old man is almost the same. Now that he is the only one left, he has to be cold-blooded and has to have an incomparable hatred for demons.

They are avengers, whether it is Lin or the old man, or those powers who are willing to survive again. They all exist because of their hatred of the devil. They are the avengers of the devil...

- regardless of the cost and consequences.