Magic Hunter

Chapter 61 Liu Xueer

Chapter 61 Liu Xueer

These, Yue should be empathetic, and naturally she is also clear and understandable. Therefore, she can only smile bitterly and look at the old man: "... If it were me, I would really treat your chess pieces better, instead of imprisoning them one by one like you do now." Speaking of this, she turned around: "... Chess pieces sometimes need care. With that kind of fake care, they would rather believe that dying for you is not a meaningless thing, but a kind of pride."

She gradually lowered her head, and her long blood-red hair covered her moving eyes, making people unable to see her expression: "... Don't believe in the people in the future, those who are willing to exist for the past, they only need one reason. Even if they deceive themselves, they will be willing to believe, accept, and be willing to just let themselves. I have a reason to live happily, and I will work for you without hesitation.

Moon: "...Because they have nothing, but they have always want to have... You may give them such a hope... Let them believe that at the moment of death, there are still people who remember them, and some people will bear their past and always prove their existence."

When he finished speaking, the corners of the moon's mouth rose slightly and seemed to be laughing, but this smile made people not feel a trace of smile. On the contrary, there was a faint sadness: "... In fact, it is not as difficult to make a person work for you as you think. You just need to give them one, which may be dispensable for many people. Hope."

"............" The old man smoked and didn't say anything. He turned to the window, and there were scattered white clouds floating in the blue sky. He should understand the meaning expressed by Yue, and he also understands that it may be a good choice to give some unreachable hope to these powers who have been resurrected because of himself. Just like those unreachable white clouds, they should be real, but they can never be touched.

This is very cruel. The old man feels that instead of giving them such an unreapable hope and a reason for self-deception, it is better for them to live so coldly all the time, not expecting anything, and not expecting anything else.

The old man has always believed that those who can survive will naturally live, and those who would rather look forward to the future than look at the present give them hope and will not have too much change and help. It's just an inevitable despair after hope.

Therefore, the old man just wants to make them stronger and let them understand that even if they are left alone, they can live bravely, because living means change, and death will not change anything.

It may be painful to live like this, but the old man made it clear at the moment of rebirth that since they are willing to exist again, they should be prepared for death. If they do not have such psychological preparation, rebirth is just another death, and they will die in despair.

Then, Yue left, and there was only the old man left in the room. The air seemed so cold. The instruments around him made a harsh 'drop' sound in this quiet room, but this kind of drop was breathless. They wanted to leave, escape, and even wanted to be relieved.

But the old man is used to this world where he is alone.

In fact, it's not as bad as I thought. When I get used to it, I will feel nothing. Just like the cigarette in his hand, I may not be used to the spicy taste at the beginning, but when I get used to it, I will fall in love with this kind of drug that has no benefits.

Just like now, the old man who smoked that cigarette, although he still had a cough, felt that he was still alive and still existed because of this familiar spicy taste. He was not trapped by the scary loneliness and could not find a way out...

Then, he gradually indulged in the world of cigarettes, swallowed the clouds and fog, and seemed to gradually forget the loneliness and sadness he should have, until this sounded...

"...Grandpa!" This is a very sweet voice, like a yellow warbler, crisp and pleasant. I don't know when the lovely girl appeared at the door, and her big unhappy eyes stared at the old man who had smoked more than half a cigarette.

This girl looks a little childish, but she has begun to mature. Although she is only 18 years old and has just become an adult, she seems to have some restrained and profoundness that girls of this age do not have. Especially now, a little unhappy, she came all the way. Without saying a word, she robbed the cigarette in the old man's hand. Then it was trampled on.

"...Ha ha," the old man seemed to care about the girl in front of him. If someone else had done this, he would have turned his face long ago, but in front of the girl, he rarely showed a simple smile: "... It's not what you think... I'm..." He wanted to explain something, but when he saw the girl, you were still blind. With his eyes, the old man could only shake his head honestly and smile, "... I've been smoking for so many years, and I want to quit smoking at once..." He gave the girl a helpless look: "... It's really difficult."

Seeing the old man say so, the girl in a white dress looked at him speechlessly: "... How is it now? Are you a patient now? Do you want to live a few more years?" She pouted and looked dissatisfied: "... It's not that I want you to quit smoking now, but that you have to quit!" Her tone seemed very determined, and it sounded like there was no room for discussion at all.

Then, she didn't dare to do so much. She just took back the pack of cigarettes that the old man had finally kept, and then threw them into the garbage can next to her: "... Don't think about smoking. Don't even think about it before you die!"

The old man: "..." He sweated a few cold sweats and often talked about the girl who said 'death'. He doubted whether the child was his little granddaughter.

It's a little speechless, but the old man also cooperated. After two dry smiles, he said that he would not smoke again. Er, at least he didn't smoke in front of her.

The girl looked at her grandfather quietly. Although she was very suspicious of his insincere performance just now, she was also helpless. She could only hope that the old man could restrain himself a little. She was still so addicted to smoking at all. She didn't mean to quit smoking at all. She really didn't want to live.

In this way, the girl could only sigh, and then said helplessly, "Grandpa, can you smoke less? Even for your lovely granddaughter, you can't die before I get married.

What she said was sincere, and the words were from the bottom of my heart. Norily speaking, the old man should be a little moved, but because of the word 'death', the old man's emotion disappeared in an instant, and replaced by the original speechlessness. By the way, this child can't be more sensible. How can he die in front of him as a patient? It's very scary, okay?

In fact, the girl is not as ignorant as the old man thought. She just wants to let her grandfather understand that if he smokes unscrupulously and unrestrainedly as before, it is really not far from death.

"... Cher," the old man couldn't laugh or cry: "Can you say something more implicit... If you are like this, grandpa at some age will really be under a lot of pressure."

"Humph!" The girl didn't think so and spit out her cute pink tongue at the old man: " long as you know!"

"............hehe, hehehe." The old man smiled very hard.

She no longer cares about this with the old man. Liu Xueer put a few primary secret medicines that had just been refined in the bed cabinet. At this time, she finally noticed the bottle of blue cherry: " this?" As a witch, Liu Xueer soon felt that this small pill was different: "... the witch's secret medicine?" She turned to the old man with some doubts in her eyes.

The old man took a look at the blue cherry that had been held in Liu Xueer's hand. Without any concealment, he answered lazily, "Ah, witch's secret medicine." He is a little entangled now. For this bottle of blue cherry, he didn't know how to deal with it for a while, and he was not sure whether to let those crazy people out as Yue said.

Compared with the entangled old man, Liu Xueer's face was full of surprise and surprise. She could completely see that such a pure secret medicine was much more mature than her primary secrets. In this way, she seemed very curious. Because of this curiosity, she gradually showed a kind of excitement: "... Who brought this here... I mean, does Grandpa know this witch?" She is looking forward to it. She feels that if her grandfather knows the witch, she can completely reduce a lot of unnecessary groping and be more proficient in pharmaceuticals. Anyway, an awkward novice like her really needs an experienced mentor.

But it's a pity, or the old man let her down: "... This secret medicine was left by the elderly leftover woman... As for the witch who made this bottle of blue cherry... In fact, I also want to know." He really cares about the witch. Although there has been no trouble because of the witch so far, in any case, the existence of the witch itself is a big trouble.

It's not that the old man is too worried, but the fact. Compared with those monsters that can intuitively cause trouble, witches are more hidden and deadly. They are often no different from ordinary people. In fact, they are human beings. In this case, it is obviously not easy to find these witches, as long as the witches hide. It's good enough. Even if she stands in front of the old man now, the old man may not feel anything wrong, just like Liu Xueer now. If he hadn't personally transformed Liu Xueer's soul into a dark attribute and successfully transformed it into a witch, the old man would not feel that his young granddaughter in front of him. A girl who is no different from ordinary people will be a witch.

This is a witch. It is difficult to detect, but it can always be surprised. In fact, many people who die at the hands of witches do not know how they hang and who they hang in the hands of.

But obviously, for dangerous witches, Liu Xueer, as a witch, is not as taboo as the old man, but very happy. As mentioned above, if there is a chance to meet this witch who can make such a pure blue cherry, Liu Xueer must be very happy. Of course, if she can point out a little After the guide, Liu Xueer was even more satisfied.

But the old man's response just made it clear that he didn't know where the witch was...

In this way, Liu Xueer, who was just full of expectation, suddenly became lost and disappointed: "... It's a pity." She has reached a bottleneck and really needs a tutor. Although she also knows a few witches, she is almost the same as herself. There is basically no difference. They are all trapped in this bottleneck. They can't advance for a while, and they can refine more advanced secret medicine.

It's like this. The witch's refining and control of the secret medicine requires not only her own magic, but also more experience. After all, the refining of the secret medicine itself depends on the mastery of the fire. The more experienced the witch is, the more pure and advanced the refined secret medicine. You should understand that there is a slight difference in the heat, refining The secret medicine that came out is very different. It's completely different.

Therefore, Liu Xueer, who thought she could quickly cross this bottleneck, was so disappointed. Speaking of which, she had been trapped in this bottleneck since half a year ago, and there was not much progress in the refining and control of secret medicine...

The old man knows more or less about this, but he doesn't think that his little granddaughter will be so disappointed. Although there is no tutor who will make things more troublesome, it may be more meaningful to rely on his own exploration. Sometimes, the same bottleneck can often create different witches.

In this case, the old man patted Liu Xueer on the shoulder and smiled: "... Take your time, don't be in a hurry... Most of the time, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."