Magic Hunter

Chapter 17 Opportunity?

Chapter 17 Opportunity?

"Ha?" Xu Si was a little speechless: "You hurriedly called my sister here to compensate for other people's losses?" She was shocked. Although they were brothers and sisters, their emotions were not so good. When Lin actually thought of her first, which made Xu Si feel incredible.

It's like this. In Xu Si's impression, Lin is not such a person. Even if the knife is on his neck, he may not ask anyone for help. It's not that he doesn't want to, but he knows very clear that even if he shouts for help, no one will come to save him. In that case, he might not be as domineering.

Xu Si was very clear about this point, and he firmly believed it, but this time, it seemed to scare her. Lin, a stupid brother, actually called her directly without saying a word, and said in a pitiful and nervous tone that if she didn't come, he would really die.

At the beginning, Xu Si didn't pay much attention to it. In her opinion, Lin, the bastard, was 80% idle. Just like many people always make a few harassing calls when they feel bored, or simply stare at the ceiling in a daze. Xu Si did not take Lin's help because of boredom to heart until he called. Thirty-fourth phone calls.

Lin is persistent enough. The phone calls are continuous, and Xu Si was almost forced by him to turn off the phone, but she thought for a moment and felt that something might really happen to Lin's abnormal style. Although she was not a very loving sister, she still couldn't stand it when she saw her brother being bullied. Anyway, she This stupid brother is still a demon hunter. If he doesn't do well, her sister will feel very ashamed when she goes out.

In this way, in order not to make herself too faceless, she finally answered Lin's thirty-fourth phone call, and then came here in Lin's poor and nervous communication, his home...

Er, if this dilapidated place can also be regarded as home.

Yes, I don't know what happened. The house that was not very tidy is now even more messy, like just experiencing a bloody war. The walls are full of holes and the glass is torn, especially the toilet. Not to mention that the door is gone, even the wall behind has broken a big hole...

When Xu Si first came, she almost thought she was in the wrong place, but when she saw Lin sitting on the red boss's chair with a depressed face, she soon realized that she had not gone to the wrong house. Understand that the moment Lin saw her come down from the motorcycle, he was almost moved to tears.

Then, Xu Si was a little nervous and asked if Lin had been attacked by any monster. He actually destroyed the house with boundary protection like this. It seemed that he was very resentful. At a glance, almost nothing was complete. Either one piece is missing here or there is missing. Of course, more is still more Like those glass, it has a crushing ending.

It's okay if Xu Si didn't ask. When she asked like this, Lin suddenly felt that he was so wronged. Obviously, he just wanted to have a good sleep, but he made trouble in this field. Damn it, he really couldn't live.

Then, he turned his eyes quietly and looked at the happy little cutie on the sofa in hip-hop, with such eyes and full of resentment.

He now has an impulse to kick this damn angel, but when he thinks of the terrible angry birds and plants vs. zombies, Lin can only shed tears into his stomach. How can he feel that his life is so bitter? Who has he offended? He actually sent such a job. Baolai 'served' himself and sent a talking toothbrush...

Sitting on the bloody sofa, the little cutie kept giggling and laughing from time to time. Her laughter and smile are so innocent, touching, harmless to people and animals, which makes people feel cute. But in Lin's opinion, the little cutie's smile is no different from the devil. No, no, in his opinion, the little cutie is a demon at all.

But he had to admit that he was very helpless. In the face of such a 'demon' closely related to him, he had no choice but to purify her without hesitation as usual.

Therefore, Lin seemed to be very entangled. This is not only because of the little cutie, but also because of the bright elf sitting next to the little cutie and watching TV together. That damn toothbrush is a big trouble for Lin's confidant. By the way, as long as this bright elf exists, he really has nothing to do with the little cutie. It is holy on his body. The power can't be shown at all. Even if he wants to fight with this annoying child, it has almost become impossible...

So, Lin felt that he was a failure to live a good life. He thought that he even dared to provoke Satan in those years, but now it's good. Damn it, he can't even beat children. It's too fucking cheating.

In the end, he was really oppressed. Lin could only call Xu Si, hoping that he would have a little conscience in this sister. Seeing that he was his brother's face, he would take these two living treasures away as soon as possible. It's the same. After thirty-four phone calls, Lin finally got what he wanted and tricked Xu Si temporarily.

But the result was not as smooth as he thought. No, no, no, it should be said that Lin was too beautiful to think of his sister's sister at all. He thought that Xu Si would show mercy on the face of her brother and take away the two little cuties and light elves who were almost killing him, so as to make himself better. Have a good rest for a few days before he finds a way to deal with these two living treasures.

He was still too naive. After he hesitated, intermittently, and reluctantly expressed these meanings, Xu Si smiled at that time, and laughed back and back, and then said quietly, why did she ask for trouble for him? She was not so bored to that extent.

Xu Si is still very clear that a summoned little angel is already tricky enough. Now there is another light elf that can perfectly integrate the five elements. If she brings these two living treasures flash people, those monsters will not rush to her house crazily. For the sake of these two, it is very likely to make them succeed, and the magic will be more advanced. The baby who grows up is bound to work hard with her.

Obviously, if that's the case, her future life will really not be very peaceful. She not only has to worry about the parasitic black moths that Dong Shao still exists in the world, but also to be afraid all day long. I don't know when, where and on what occasion, those monsters who plan to find themselves desperately will suddenly rush out.

On such days, Xu thought thought it was terrible. Although she didn't need to worry too much in the face of ordinary monsters, no one could guarantee whether there was anything as powerful as Dong Shao, because of the rare little angels and bright elves, and found her, like that If so, she will really die unjustly.

Therefore, I almost didn't think much about it. Xu Si clearly said that it was absolutely impossible to take away the two living treasures, and there was no room for negotiation.

In fact, in Xu Si's opinion, Hell Street, a place with boundary protection, is really suitable. Even if those monsters find the existence of the little cutie and the toothbrush, it is obviously not a simple thing for them to easily pass through that boundary. Besides, Lin's hut still has a stronger boundary. Even if some of the monsters can barely pass through, before the knot interface released by the old man himself, those monsters are also powerless and have no certain ability. Generally, the moment they come into contact with that boundary, they will be purified in an instant and have no chance at all. Break free.

Don't be surprised. Lin's room is full of magic weapons, and there are green dragons among them. If there is no strong boundary, it is obviously impossible for Lin to guard alone. In this case, it is reasonable for the old man to release such a powerful guardian boundary.

This is the point. In Xu Si's view, the two living treasures that are extremely easy to commit crimes at present, it is the most reasonable choice for them to stay in Hell Street, and it will be safer to stay in Lin, a hut with the protection of the guardian boundary.

So now Xu Si said to Lin clearly, "... don't think about it anymore." She looked at the two living treasures who were still watching TV with relish, and then looked at Lin again: "When you meet them, you should really know how to cherish them... Ordinary people don't have such a blessing. I'm angry." She is not teasing Lin, but sincerely. Anyway, angels and light elves are what many people dream of. This is not only because angels have the power of holiness. Light elves can easily integrate the five elements of the world. More importantly, when the two appear together, in the holy Under the action of force, the five elements fused by the light elves can be easily transformed into absorbable forms. As for whether this form is holy power or magic, it mainly depends on the controller himself.

Lin is the temporary controller of the holy power of the little cutie. If he wants, he can completely use the elements of the fusion of the light elves and transform it into the form he can absorb.

Speand of which, the holy power of angels is transformed from the five elements...

But demons are different. Their magic does not come directly from the five elements, but the soul. They are more willing to get magic from the soul than from the five elements. After all, dark elves are not owned by every demon. Generally speaking, only demons at the level of the big devil can have dark elves.

But obtaining magic from the five elements of the dark elves is not as fast and effective as expected. On the contrary, the demon's magic growth is more intuitive and direct than directly sucking the soul. Because of this, it doesn't matter if demons have dark elves that can fuse the five elements, or before they need to get more than just magic from the five elements.

Yes, whether it is dark elves or light elves, when the demons or angels who control them need more powerful elemental power, they will borrow elves to show or have the most primitive and terrible elements above the power of magic or holiness. Force...

It is worth mentioning that when Lin used the book of seals and actually called Lucifer out, the six-winged blazing angel also integrated the five elements and successfully converted the five elements into the power of terrible elements.

In fact, the sealed book itself is a contract. It takes the user's own ability as the limit and calls for the fallen angels who want to enter the present world through them. At the price, these fallen angels who are called will naturally clean up the troubles faced by the user.

Then, these fallen angels who cannot appear in the present world can always gather and fuse the five elements through the user's own short time, and finally convert the five elements into the power of the elements.

But these fallen angels are a little different. They have grown up to the point where they can directly integrate the five elements without borrowing the ability of the elves. No, no, no, it should be said that those former elves were integrated by these fallen angels without hesitation, and finally made the fallen angels have this incredible terrible ability...

These Xu Si are very clear, so when she learned that the little cutie appeared the light elf that seemed to exist with her, Xu Si felt that this was Lin's opportunity. As long as he used this bright elf and the powerful five elements, it was not a problem to break through the ghost. It should be said that it was like a giant The axe splits the iron lock, which is simple and easy.

So, Xu Si smiled at Lin, who still had a resentful face, and said gently, "Although I don't know why you dare not use the power of holiness, I think that in the presence of light elves, maybe you should try to break through the ghost..."

At this point, her smile calmed down a lot, and her expression seemed to be a little serious: "... Don't you think it's a good thing to fall from the sky? Maybe this is the best opportunity for you to break through Satan's ghosts.