Magic Hunter

Chapter 25 Sounds like you want to cry

Chapter 25 Sounds like it makes people want to cry

When the two heard the confident brother from Lin's mouth, Xu Si and Xia Ya were slightly stunned and stunned. They really couldn't think of it. No, no, no. It should be said that how could Lin be so confident that they actually came up with the idea of the confident brother.

Yes, yes, if it goes well, there is indeed nothing in the world that self-confidence can't steal, but the problem is that they don't think that Lin has so much capital to ask the self-confidence brother to come out. Anyway, the self-confidence brother is a businessman. If there is no equivalent exchange for it, it is obviously impossible for him to do things for himself.

Obviously, in the view of Xu Si and Xia Ya, the poor and messy Lin has no such capital at all. He can exchange that kind of thing with the self-confidence brother for the little cute phantom soul from the hand of death. Besides, the relationship between Brother Confidence and Lin is not as harmonious as it seems. The two still know each other more or less, because the girl, or the girl who has magic weapons [Xuejing], the relationship between the two is actually quite tense.

Then, because the girl, or Lin Jie, passed away again because of Lin, they didn't feel confident that my brother would be so generous and take over Lin's commission, even if Lin could get something equivalent to it.

In this way, Xu Si and Xia Ya couldn't help but take a look at the current Lin, and their soft eyes were full of doubts. Especially Xia Ya, in her opinion, Lin's idea was simply whimsical: "...that..." She stared at Lin deeply; "... Did I hear it wrong or did you say it wrong..." She looked unbelievable: "... You just said that you were going to invite the confident brother?" She couldn't imagine what was in Lin's somewhat abnormal head, and he actually planned to invite the 'enemy' to come out. By the way, he hated Lin's self-confidence brother who didn't fall into the well, and it was very good to stab him in the back.

Xu Si is almost the same. She seriously agrees with Xia Ya's idea: "Are you really all right?" She couldn't laugh or cry: "... That tasteless smuggler is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Let's not say whether you have anything equivalent to this deal with it. More importantly, why does he offend death because of you, the bad guy he hates..." At this point, the smile on the corner of her mouth became a little helpless: "...Silly brother, we are not lenient people. That unskilled smuggler won't repay his grievance with virtue. He didn't help Death to kill you unkindly, so he already gave a lot of face." She tried to make Lin believe and understand that although Confident Brother is very unprincipled, this does not mean that he will help him very generously. On the contrary, because he is Lin, the person that Brother Confidentity wants to kill very much. Jiang Jun (Brother Confidence) is absolutely impossible to secretly steal the phantom soul of Death for him.

In the face of the doubts of the two people, Lin didn't seem to pay much attention to it, but he still affirmed and believed as always. He looked at Xu Si, and then looked at Xia Ya with a smile: "...Maybe you don't know enough about that pervert," he smiled easily: "Although the tasteless smuggler is very unhappy, he doesn't want me to hang up so early." He leaned slightly against the back of the red boss's chair. At this time, his relaxed smile seemed to be a little more bitter: "... I mean, he is very willing to end me with his own hands." He knew very well that in the eyes of Confident Brother, he must die, but not in the hands of others. At least in the end, the fatal knife had to end with his own hands.

Kelin didn't seem to make it very clear, but blinked at the two...


The blue motorcycle stopped in a downtown cafe, took off the blue helmet, and tidied up the messy long black hair a little. Xu Si came in.

"Welcome Light~~" At the door, the welcome lady bowed slightly and professionally welcomed the guests.

Then, a handsome waiter came over and greeted him with a smile: "Are you Miss Xu?" He seemed to be sure: "...that gentleman has been waiting for 808 for a long time." With that, he bowed slightly and moved his right hand forward, indicating that he would follow him.

Xu Si looked calm. It was not surprising that the waiter was so sure that he was the one he was waiting for. In her opinion, that person should have told him in advance. In this way, she also followed the waiter, followed her slowly to the second floor, and finally came to the 808 private room.

After the symbolic knock on the door, the waiter opened the door: "Miss Xu, please."

This private room is good, the decoration is very luxurious, and it can even be said to be magnificent. In this private room, the man sitting on the white-haired sofa was holding an old-looking ancient book in one hand and looking at it carefully.

Next, after Xu Si took the initiative to sit opposite, the man gently closed the ancient book, put it aside, and then gave Xu Si a very charming smile: "... I'm flattered," his seemingly red pupils looked at Xu Si quietly: "I didn't expect that a super power like you actually I will find me as a demon." Speaking of this, he took the coffee and squeezed his mouth slightly: "... Let me guess, are you going to purify me this time, or are you going to make a deal with me, a demon who has always been safe?"

After saying that, the smile on the corners of his mouth became more obvious and charming, but his eyes looking at Xu Si were as calm as water and had not changed from beginning to end. Those eyes were full of absolute coldness, like a lonely wolf staring at his prey and ready to attack at any time...

In the face of the man at present, no, no, no, this demon, it is obviously impossible to say that Xu Si has no pressure. In fact, if it hadn't been for a little understanding and contact with this demon, such a cold eye that could not be seen through, Xu Si was likely to be restless and always felt that the demon would be inadvertently. It will easily erode your soul.

Yes, this man looks polite, polite, and has the image of a noble man, but under that image, the deep eyes as the sea seem to be so out of place, making people feel uneasy and terrible, and even have such an instinctive danger.

Now Xu Si is almost the same. Even if he has touched this dangerous demon several times, every time, like now, he can't get used to and adapt to the devil's cold but seemingly smiling eyes in front of him. No matter how many times Xu Si subconsciously cares about such eyes, he can't help but avoid it.

Under such circumstances, in the face of the demon in front of him, Xu Si smiled easily at all: "If possible, I really don't want to see this beautiful face that will make people have nightmares." She was a little teasing, but such teasing was more or less careful: "... but there's nothing you can do. Who says that you are the only demon that clearly means that can exist in the present world?"

"Ha ha," as soon as Xu Si finished his words, the gentle man smiled twice: "...I should thank the purple hunter for his mercy," his expression seemed sincere, but in Xu Si's opinion, how fake such sincerity was: "If it weren't for him, I think, I won't sit in front of you so easily now. He is not talking about a lie. It's still a fact. The only thing that makes people feel wrong is that his tone is so indifferent and incomprehensible, as if he is now talking about his life-and-death things as a bystander.

"Forget it," Xu Si sneered: "We are more or less acquaintances," she looked at the devil: "I don't think you have to do this so hypocretiously." Speaking of this, her sneer gradually turned into a kind of helplessness: "It's not the old man's mercy, but you can't purify it at all... If it weren't for this, do you think a cold-blooded old man like the old man would allow you to exist as a demon?"

"Is that so?" The devil pretended to be surprised: "I always thought that the purple hunter saw my kindness and let me survive..." He seemed a little sad, but looked more like a entanglement: "... It used to be like this. It sounded like crying."