Magic Hunter

Chapter 26 Different Demons

It seemed to be a sigh of emotion. Next, the demon looked at Xu Si opposite with great interest, and raised the smile on the corners of his mouth that seemed to express expectation: "... I drink coffee with such a rare balance. Do you have something to ask me?" He asked knowingly, and his tone was full of playfulness. It seemed that he really liked it, and he enjoyed such a feeling of being asked.

Especially for Xu Si, he was very interested in this woman, and he didn't know if it was because of too much contact or something else. Gradually, his eyes on Xu Si were a little different from other human beings. The feeling was a little subtle, like a friend, but with the distance of a stranger.

As Xu Si said, they are more or less acquaintances, but this kind of acquaintance is like an enemy. They don't want to meet again, but they always walk together for one reason or another. At present, the devil does not hate this feeling. From the disdain at the beginning, to the gradual desire later, like now, the desire that the devil can't understand has become a kind of expectation now.


Er, how to put it, just like a lonely man needs a woman who understands himself, the devil has more or less such expectations for Xu Si. Of course, this expectation is not a cross-racial love. If it's right, it's just a curiosity. Because of too much contact, at present, this polite demon, he began to have a subtle curiosity about Xu Si.

He didn't understand this feeling, as if he didn't quite understand why the woman in front of him dared to find him again. However, he found that human beings are not as simple and directly loving or ruthless as he imagined. Sometimes, they are more like Xu Si, indifferent but enthusiastic, cold-blooded but fragile, and many seemingly contradictory things are all reasonably concentrated together. This makes demons more and more incomprehensible and more curious about whether human beings are a contradictory species or something else.

The devil is not very clear. He has dealt with human beings for centuries, but he has never sat on an equal footing with human beings like now. In his eyes, no, no, no, in the eyes of the devil, human beings are just their prey, just like captive pigs, which is not worth mentioning.

He has more contact. He began to find that human beings are still quite interesting, dark and bright, hypocritical and sincere, and selfish, but sometimes they sacrifice themselves, looking tall and humble.

After slow contact in this way, the devil felt that it was better to treat human beings as circus clowns instead of treating them as prey. Before he felt bored, the scene of human beings was contradictory, but the inevitable performance really fascinated him and even a little unable to stop.

It's like the woman in front of her, who clearly knows her danger and knows that she should not have too much contact with herself, but again and again, this beautiful woman will always find her again and again. Expectation and hope are also full of taboos and uneasiness, and vaguely always reveals a little fear and panic. Fear.

Generally speaking, people will stay away from what they are afraid of, but Xu Si, she doesn't seem to be like this. Every time, her panic and fear become a kind of indifference, just like now, in the face of the demon who once dared not look at him, Xu Si at this moment is very courageous to look directly at him, such perseverance. The eyes did not mean to dodge.

It is also because of such eyes that the devil's curiosity about Xu Si is deeper than most human beings. He can see it more or less, because someone else seems to make Xu Si much more brave. He knows the danger, but dares to face it. In the devil's opinion, things should not be like this. Since Xu Si is afraid of him, she should continue to be afraid before becoming stronger, instead of suddenly becoming very courageous just because of someone, um, stupid courage.

Xu Si seemed very straightforward. She didn't care what the more and more curiosity in the devil's eyes meant. She was neither humble nor arrogant, calm and indifferent, saying word by word, "... please?" She didn't like the devil to use such words: "You seem to overestimate yourself," she overflowed with a smile, with a little obvious self-confidence: "... I'm not begging you, but a reciprocal transaction..." Speaking of this, her smile turned into a coldness: "...Or, demons like you. , have you always regarded the transaction as a kind of 'begging'?

After saying that, her beautiful big eyes stared straight at the very delicate man in front of her, with a little obvious disapproval: "Besides, please be emotional. Will a heartless demon like you understand the meaning represented by it?" She shook her head and smiled: "... 'Please' is followed by a 'person', not a demon. Have you ever heard of 'beg' a demon?"

The smile at the corners of her mouth became more beautiful and charming: "This word belongs to human beings," her tone was a little disdainful: "... Demons like you should not understand what 'begging' means." She is expressing that the word "seeking" is not suitable for heartless things like demons for emotional creatures.

Xu Si's words stunned the devil for a moment and was stunned. Now when he thinks about it carefully, he doesn't seem to understand what the word 'ask' means. But he still likes this word. In his opinion, begging is a kind of enjoyment, and the prey is struggling with the hunter at the end. In this case, he smiled, and the smile looked good, at least good-looking: "...Please?" He thought for a moment: "I don't know if you agree or not. It's more like a kind of forced submission, and that kind of submission is really impressive. For a demon like me, vanity will be greatly satisfied." He tried to convince Xu Si that he liked to ask for this word very much, which made him feel that the value of existence was unparalleled and unparalleled in the face of weak creatures...

As soon as the devil's words were finished, Xu Si was a little embarrassed. She didn't know why she had such a faint sadness now, but the reality was that she really sympathized with the demon in front of her. It seemed that in his eyes, only by trampling on the life and death of other creatures could satisfy his incomprehensible, extremely Perverted vanity, it seems that only in this way can the demon feel the meaning of life and the value of existence.

"............" Xu Si originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, maybe this is the generation gap between races, which can't be explained clearly in a couple of words. After all, after quietly staring at the demon in front of him, Xu Si sighed and said quietly, "I think maybe you should go to see a psychologist. Maybe he can treat your kind of... er, vanity."

The devil listened and smiled. He didn't seem to care at all. No, no, it was a kind of disapproval and disdainful at all: "... The psychologist can't be reliable," he showed a little helplessness: "I went to see it, but the effect was not good, and the medicine was prescribed a lot. " Speaking of this, he finally smiled bitterly and felt that he was so innocent: "... Those drugs are so scary that I almost became a madman." He was not kidding, because he wanted to know more about human beings who seemed very interesting to him. This guy really found a psychologist, and made it clear that his psychology was extremely abnormal, and he had the impulse to kill every minute and every second. I hope the doctor could help him.

The result was not good. There was nothing in the first few days, but under the continuous action of those drugs, the out-of-control demon almost killed the psychologist. If the old man hadn't cast a spell on him, the psychologist would never have run into the mental hospital alive.

Er, it's true. You know, the devil at that time completely showed the form of the devil, because of such a ferocious face. The psychologist's life was scared crazy. When he had nothing to do, he always held a cross. When he saw a slightly beautiful man, he said that he was the devil...

The good news is that the devil heard that the psychologist who was scared by himself was discharged from the hospital somehow. It seems that he has recovered very well. He should have become a doctor again recently. This made the devil feel a little relieved, and also let him know that human beings really can't afford to be scared. If you are better, you will faint, and if you are almost scared, you will be crazy. The most direct and simple. If you are scared, you will be scared to death.

In this case, in order not to cause more trouble, the demon thinks that it is better not to go to see a psychologist, so as not to cause another life. By the way, the old man did let the demon exist in the world, but this does not mean that he will let it go. It should be said that because of the difficulty of this demon, the old man had to exist in the present world. After all, sealing or purification is of no use to this demon.

But the old man still has many ways to torture the devil. The feeling that life is worse than death. At present, this demon has also tried many times, and then he has a long memory. I understand that if he really scares people to death, the purple hunter will definitely catch him back. What a disgusting witch secret medicine is absolutely Another round of perfect service.

In fact, the old man simply treats this poor demon as a white mouse. As long as Lin Xueer, a different witch, develops a secret medicine specially designed to deal with demons, whether he agrees or disagrees, the old man will always catch it back and turn it over.

Of course, the result is not good. If possible, the poor devil thinks that the old man might as well cut him directly. This is really tormenting.

The old man also wants to, but there is nothing he can do. Until now, in front of this demon, more or less effective secret medicine will not cause too much damage to him. At most, the beginning is some skin and flesh. In less than a few days, the devil can always stand up unscathed, just like a person. Same.

This is a great blow to the old man. He feels that he, who hunts countless demons, can't even destroy such a small demon one day, but let him grow up slowly.

It's also quite strange. This demon was originally just a ghoul who didn't even have a nihilistic form. He survived and grew up by devouring the corpses of the dead, but such a lowest-grade ghoul. The old man actually couldn't do anything about it. On the contrary, the magic was obviously imprisoned by the old man, but this ghoul was Like a forest that can bypass ghosts, it grows slowly but quickly...

It has been a few years since the beginning of the ghoul, this demon has grown to a level similar to that of an evil mage, even more than that.

This is the terrible place of this demon, and it is also the fundamental reason why Xu Si is so taboo and concerned. To understand that the old man's magic bondage does not know how long he can continue to control the demon, maybe a few years, or, the next second, this demon can break the old man's shackles...