Magic Hunter

Chapter 28 Angel Fragments

Chapter 28 Angel Fragments

In the face of such a magic martial arts that doesn't even talk about the sixth-order bone sword, the demon is not under any pressure at present. It should be said that he is still very taboo about the dark spirit of the confident brother. Anyway, the magic martial arts that can surpass the sixth-order bone sword, the power it contains is really not what the devil can imagine at present... ...

He understands it very well, and he is even more sure that if he controls his self-confidence brother a little slowly, whether he can still live so easily at that time is a big question that is highly questionable. Even if he has a strong vitality beyond ordinary demons, in front of the dark spirit, he is not sure that he is It's not possible to retreat completely and unscathed, and even doubt whether he can survive.

This is not a joke, but a relative fact. With the help of the spirit cat, the dark spirit cast by the core of the fourth-order demon is bound to show a powerful magic beyond its own limits. Because of the continuous flow of dark elements, the power of the dark spirit is not the current demon to bear and resist.

But it's a little strange. For this deal, the devil is not only taboo, but also curious, or the devil is really interested. He wants to know what Xu Si is going to make this deal with him. Therefore, he smiled and was full of expectations: "... This matter is not easy at all. I mean, if it goes well, it is of course very simple, but if it doesn't go well, it really can't be eaten..." He deliberately paused, looked at Xu Si on the opposite side, and reiterated: "... The object is a strange person with a dark spirit. I'm really under a lot of pressure. He wanted Xu Si to understand that if she didn't take out enough weight, he didn't need to take such a big risk at all. In his opinion, it's good to offend anyone. This smuggler with a dark spirit is even more than a smuggler with a spirit cat. He can't be offended casually.

Seeing that the demon in front of him said so, Xu Si didn't look too surprised, and the elegant smile on the corners of his mouth was: "Of course, such a dangerous thing needs something worth taking risks."

At this point, the smile on the corners of her mouth was much clearer, and she was also full of confidence: "...What do you think of angels?" What she said was not very loud. It could be said that it was light, but when the devil heard it, Xu Si just shocked him deeply, especially when he heard the word 'angel', which was absolutely heavy enough.

He was a little excited. Even his eyes were as calm as water from beginning to end, and his cold eyes became different. Among them, there were some inconspicuous but deep expectations: "Angel?" He couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart: "...Are you talking about the kind of angel who only exists in heaven?" He asked a very uncontained question, but it also showed just how excited he was. Like most demons, he yearned for and avoided angels. He was looking forward to one day when he could get an angel and the unparalleled holy power. Obviously, Xu Si, the angel's bargaining chip, moved the demon.

On this point, Xu Si opposite has no doubt. She can see that no one will be interested in such an absolutely rare thing as an angel, not to mention such a demon who has been bound by the old man's magic. Understand that the holy power used by angels can easily break the shackles cast by magic, because they are born together. The power of holiness is really the perfect nemesis of all magic seals.

In the face of the devil's doubts, Xu Si was not very surprised or surprised. It should be said that all this was still expected by her. She knew that demons were suspicious creatures, and they often did not believe any facts. If seeing was believing, they would generally subconsciously. Be skeptical until they can really be sure of that fact.

In this way, Xu Si didn't seem to have much pressure. She smiled and said simple and relaxed: "This is not necessary," she sounded to agree with the skepticism of the devil at present: "... When making a deal, you should always know yourself and your enemy." Speaking of this, she gently glanced at the demon opposite, and her smile became more charming and beautiful: "...Since you want to confirm whether such an angel really exists, can I also ask you to control the smuggler?" Her meaning can't be clearer. They all want to confirm things and have reasons to doubt each other. Just like the devil wants to witness the existence of the angel, Xu Si also wants to see whether the demon has the ability to control the confident brother at present.

This is not to say that Xu Si doesn't believe in demons. It can only say that she is not the kind of person who trusts others easily. Just like the demon at present, she believes that seeing is believing and can't see things that can't be touched. She is very willing to express doubts.

Xu Si's words made the devil a little unable to laugh. He originally thought that Xu Si, who took the initiative to find him, should be passive, and he had the initiative to bargain, but from the current situation, it didn't seem to be the case. It seemed that Xu Si had always taken the initiative.

This makes the devil unacceptable. He is the one who has requirements, but not the human in front of him: "... You seem to have made a mistake," He looked at Xu Si faintly. As always, full of ice-like coldness, so that people can't see a trace of emotional fluctuations, and they can't see through the cold eyes. After that, what was hidden: "," he pointed to Xu Si: "There is no right to bargain," he pointed to himself again: "I am the one who controls the situation," he showed a beautiful smile: "... I mean, I can completely refuse this deal." He is trying to convince Xu Si that the initiative has always been in his hands and can only be in his hands. She has no bargaining power. As he said, if Xu Si is not honest, he can completely refuse the deal that seems to be good for both.

After listening to this, Xu Si frowned slightly and found that things were tricky. She fully understood what the devil wanted to say. Before he saw the angel who came to the world, he would not find a confident brother and even give up the deal directly.

She was a little entangled, but she was very helpless. Since she found the devil, she was destined to be passive. Anyway, she can't give up the deal, but the devil can. She has been trying to find the initiative and take the initiative, but in the end, she seems to have disappeared everything that has just taken the initiative because of the devil's straightforward non-cooperation.

After all, she could only sigh and smile bitterly: "This kind of defeat is not good for everyone," she smiled helplessly: "... Since you don't want to cooperate, there's nothing you can do. Let me see if I can communicate with someone else."

Seeing Xu Si say so, the devil was stunned for a moment. He didn't think that Xu Si really planned not to cooperate with him. But he soon smiled and felt that this was just Xu Si's last struggle. This kind of psychological game was naturally seen by the demon who almost became a psychologist.


Er, don't be surprised. This demon is still very easy to learn, especially for human psychology. He will refer to psychology when he has time. In this way, he has been a few years old. He also knows a little about the basic concepts of psychology. Xu Si's current reaction can still understand and understand.

In this way, the devil is not in a hurry. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I hope you can find such a capable collaborator." He also made it clear that not everyone can control human beings. If it is true, he is the only one who has such ability in this world. In fact, this is also the reason why he doesn't take Xu Si's last psychological game seriously, because he knows that Xu Si has no choice but himself.

Sure enough, the devil won. Xu Si, who had just stood up and was ready to flash, sat down again, with such a bitter smile on his mouth again: "... Do you think demons like human beings to give in front of you again and again?" She saw it clearly. When she sat down again, the devil laughed as much as a pervert, just like a monster.