Magic Hunter

Chapter 27 Magic Martial Arts [Dark Spirit]

Chapter 27 Magic Martial Arts [Dark Spirit]

This is very terrible, and it is also difficult to imagine. Xu Si is not sure. When the old man's bondage is finally broken by this demon, how dangerous the demon with complete magic will be. Understand that even if the magic is bound by more than half, the ability of the devil has been waiting. It is on an equal footing with Xu Siping.

This is not to say that Xu Si is too weak. It should be said that demons are too powerful for human beings. After all, the powers are still human beings. The magic they have is often not strong. Coupled with the limitations of human physical fitness, it is difficult for the magic to become thick. A large part of the reason why the power is powerful is because of the magic martial arts. Even in the case of magic martial arts, few powers can single out a demon that has grown up, just like the demon who has advanced from the ghoul in front of him. The part of the magic he can show now can completely be compared with Xu, who has the blue magic. I want to start a war.

It can be imagined that if the demon breaks through the old man's long-standing magic shackles, Xu Si will not be his opponent. In fact, if it is really at that time, only the twelve knights with purple magic can compete with him.

But I have to say that the powers pay attention to teamwork. Their strength lies in the tacit understanding between the teams, and it is this tacit understanding of life and death that the powers in the team are so powerful that they can deal with one demon after another whose strength is far above them.

This is the advantage of the power and the inevitable choice for them to survive. After all, not everyone can have such terrible power like the famous [Ten Assassins] like [Night], because of the incomparable magic, [Ten Assassins] is fully capable of one-on-one blood with demons. Spell.

Xu Si is naturally not [Ten Assassins]. Speaking of which, her strength is not combat, but intelligence collection and processing. She is a member of the intelligence station and the captain of the [three teams].

Just like the self-confidence brother was obviously a smuggler selling magic weapons, but he was forced to be a thief. Xu Si also felt very helpless. Obviously, she was engaged in logistics work, but every time she was sent to the front line, so she even began to doubt whether she was the one who specially let others die and took the blame herself. Intelligence agent.

It's the same now. Looking for this dangerous demon deal should be someone else, but she, an intelligence agent who is not good at fighting, is very inappropriate to appear here, which makes Xu Si feel more or less innocent and even a little wronged.

But I have to say that it really requires her to do business with this demon. Anyway, Xu Si did not report this crazy thing to the old man. It can be imagined that the old man who does not allow human beings to make a deal with the devil at all. He is bound to stop Xu Si from doing such a crazy thing.

What's more, Xu Si is still a power. For the power, the old man has a set of principles and rules. It is not difficult to guess. If the old man knew that Xu Si planned to break his rules again, Xu Si's end would not be too good. Anyway, Xu Si's current freedom is just a kind of 'parole'.

In this case, she is taking risks again, because Lin, a tasteless man.

Xu Si herself was shocked. She should not have much love for her stupid brother. She was willing to be stupid once because Lin broke the old man's rules, and she was crazy enough. Unexpectedly, she had been free for less than a month, and because of this Lin, who had no temperament at all, she actually once again It was very domineering and planned to break the old man's rules, which put a lot of pressure on Xu Si, and she couldn't even find out. She even felt that she was so desperate for Lin.

Yes, I don't know what evil Xu Si was in. At that time, he agreed without thinking about it, and he didn't hesitate at all. Speaking of which, on the way here, Xu Si has been thinking about this problem. How could he be so brave? Because Lin offended the old man, he still had more serious consequences to deal with the devil.

She couldn't figure it out. She really couldn't figure it out. In any case, she didn't understand. Somehow, she suddenly loved Lin very much and became a very normal good sister who knew how to love her younger brother. This scared Xu Si to death. In her opinion, she was absolutely crazy, or to stay in that forbidden place for too long, he really stunned his brain. It's not enough to offend the old man once. He even wanted to offend him for the second time. It's incredible because the same, it's still the bad man Lin, who is completely tasteless and needs the protection of women. .

This made Xu Si unable to make up his mind. Until he sat opposite this dangerous demon, Xu Si was still thinking that it was not too late to regret it, and it was not too late to leave. But after all, she went straight to the point. Although she knew that such a choice would not be too good, it seemed that she was willing to take another risk for Lin.

Therefore, Xu Si can only smile bitterly and feel that Lin You, a good sister, is really his creation, or that she has such a stupid brother who always needs to solve problems by herself, which is really her misfortune. She shook her head and sighed, looking at the man's eyes in front of her with a little deeper helplessness, but this helplessness was soon replaced by perseverance.

Then, she still showed a professional smile with no meaning: "It's like this," she was not in a hurry, and said slowly, "I'm going to let you control a human..." The smile at the corners of her mouth gradually faded, and her look was more or less serious and serious: "... I once stole the green dragon from Satan. The man, Jiang Jun.

"Jiang Jun?" Hearing this resounding name, the demon flashed a little strangely at present: "You mean the smuggler without any professional ethics?" He was a little curious and puzzled: "...Please forgive my rudeness," he smiled and said, "Can you tell me the reason?" He still understood that even if he wanted to know the reason, the human being would not necessarily answer him at present, but he still asked one more question, not for anything else, but just to satisfy a little curiosity.

The result was still as he expected. Xu Si did not mean to answer, but asked with great interest: "...Is this what you want?" She pretended to be surprised: "It seems that your requirements are really not high." Her intention is obvious that if this is the equivalent of the exchange, it doesn't matter if she says it.

The devil fully understood what Xu Si meant. He frowned slightly and seemed to think about it. Then he said to Xu Si, "Uh..." His extremely cold eyes looked at Xu Si: "Maybe, you should take out something that moved me..." He smiled softly. Come on, the smile is not bad, faint but confident, but it is a little cold that can't be ignored. "... The kind of curiosity that just satisfied me is not counted." He wants Xu Si to believe that it is not difficult for him to control the confident brother. As long as she has something suitable, he can let him do this. After all, the confident brother is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Maybe he will be targeted by the confident brother.

Compared with Xu Si, the demon in front of him is quite taboo. You should know that the ability and power of the confident brother are not under the moon at all. Although what he has is not the purple magic like the moon, but the same blue magic as Xu Si, the strength of the confident brother is not the magic, but the one he has. Summoning beast, you should understand that the self-confidence brother's summoning beast is not an ordinary summoning beast that can be compared with it. It is a dangerous but cute [spirit cat].

It can be said that the strength of the spirit cat has created the strength of the self-confidence brother. Although the self-confidence brother can't control the spirit cat perfectly, because he can carry out the unimaginable [fusion armament] with the spirit cat. In that state, the self-confidence brother can suddenly obtain the rich purple magic of the spirit cat...

Having purple magic is not the most terrible. The most important thing that the demon in front of you has to avoid is the domineering power of Confident Brother and Lingmao's [fusion Armed Forces]. Be clear that Lingmao was worshipped as a god in ancient Egypt. In front of the power of God, the self-confidence brother showed the magic martial arts [dark] Spirit], you can exert the most powerful power.

This is not casual. Generally speaking, there is not much difference between [Dark Spirit] and normal magic martial arts. It is also composed of the fourth-order demon core, and the magic power it has is not too powerful.

But every magic martial arts has its characteristics, just like Xu Si's magic martial arts [instant kill] can turn magic into deadly sword spirit, with twice the attack and defense speed of 'quick kill'. Just as Xia Ya's magic martial arts [Fengyu] has the core of sucking demons to further enhance the magic power of magic weapons, the dark spirit of the confident brother also has the unique characteristics of magic martial arts, which can be integrated with the [dark elements] that only exist in hell.

Obviously, there are only five elements in the world, but there are no dark elements, because at this point, the self-confidence brother's magic martial arts dark spirit does not have much advantage over other magic martial arts, but is in a weak position. But once the dark spirit sucks the [dark element], the real power of this magic martial arts will gradually be revealed...

In fact, a large part of the reason why Confident Brother was able to steal back the green dragon from Satan's hand was that there were dark elements in hell, because he sucked a large number of dark elements, and the dark spirit of magic martial arts showed the powerful power that almost surpassed the [sixth level] magic martial arts.

Let's put it this way, the demon core of the bone sword cast by Hell's Pluto belongs to the sixth level. Imagine that it's just the dark spirit cast by the fourth-order demon core. After sucking the dark element, it has the power of a bone sword, and even has the momentum of transcendence. How terrible the magic martial arts in that state is.

In the present world, because there is no dark element, the dark spirit of the confident brother can't exert its power. But because the spirit cat, the summoning beast that was once regarded as a god, has the ability to call elements quite easily, not only the five elements of the world, but also the dark elements of hell, and the light element of heaven. It is not difficult for it to summon these two elements at all.

This is the key point. Once the dark spirit absorbs the dark elements, under the continuous supply of dark elements, it is bound to become extremely powerful, beyond most of the magic weapons in the world, not even the sixth-order bone sword.