Magic Hunter

Chapter 35 Unying to Old Age

Chapter 35 Unconvinced to Old Age

Uncle Zhang thought for a moment and asked solemnly, "Is the girl named Tang Jia also there?"

"...?" Uncle Zhang's words made Uncle Yang a little stunned. He didn't quite understand the meaning of Uncle Zhang's words. But he still opened the notebook, looked at it, and then affirmedly responded, "There is indeed a girl named Tang Jia..." Speaking of this, he put the notebook aside, and his vicissitudes eyes quietly looked at Uncle Zhang under him. His many years of policeman's sense of smell made him believe that there must be some inevitable connection. , or the secret: "...You mean that because of the existence of the girl, the man completely disappeared?" He can imagine that Uncle Zhang can directly call out the name of one of the three parties, which is enough to show that Uncle Zhang should care about the girl very much. In Uncle Yang's opinion, the girl Uncle Zhang cares about must not be a normal human being, and there are more or less something special.

And this special, for Uncle Yang, should belong to the category of monsters. In this way, Uncle Yang naturally thought that because of the existence of Tang Jia, the vegetative man named Wan Ruoxiang disappeared without a trace.

It's not unreasonable for Uncle Yang to think like this. It should be realistic. After all, the people targeted by Uncle Zhang are basically not good. He had some contact with Uncle Zhang, no, no, no. It should be said that he even knew clearly that Uncle Zhang liked to sleep without underwear when he was young. In this way, he naturally understood the meaning represented by it.

But he obviously guessed wrong this time, or Uncle Zhang was indeed Tang Jia, but not because of Tang Jia himself, but because of the power that could easily take Wan Ruoxiang away from the saint. Uncle Zhang should be clear and understand that Wan Ruoxiang has made a deal with the witch, and the deal with the devil. The most ** power and the most bargaining chip is naturally his soul. Generally speaking, when the deal is completed, Wan Ruoxiang will inevitably die, and his soul is naturally attributed to the devil.

But the result is not like this. After successfully awakening Tang Jia, Wan Ruoxiang did not pass away, but existed in a state like death. At the beginning, Uncle Zhang couldn't understand. He didn't understand why, because Wan Ruoxiang could continue to exist, but soon, after he found that Tang Jia had awakened the power of some saints, he finally understood that it might be intentional or unintentional, because Tang Jia guarded the depths of Wan Ruoxiang's soul, that kind of Unable to let the devil touch the holy power of Wan Ruoxiang's soul, Wan Ruoxiang was able to survive and continue to exist. In the end, he did not lose his soul because of the completion of the transaction like most of the people who had done business with the devil.

Speaking of which, it was Ye Zi beside him who found this. Because of the possession of evil spirits, he had a very ** sense of the power of holiness. When he first met Tang Jia, he felt strongly uncomfortable, just like a prisoner imprisoned in the dark for several years, getting used to the darkness that couldn't see his fingers. Later, he really couldn't adapt to the natural light, and even was a little afraid.

At that time, Ye Zi was in this situation. Tang Jia's existence made him feel pressured and restless, and this uneasiness, in the final analysis, was Tang Jia's holy power of gradually awakening.

It should be expected that Uncle Zhang was not surprised to get such an answer: "...really?" He answered softly.

Next, he asked Uncle Zhang for Tang Jia's preparation address. Although Tang Jia has organized special personnel to monitor and protect him because of his identity as a saint, this does not mean that Uncle Zhang knows Tang Jia's exact address. In fact, he has looked at Tang Jia's address, but he doesn't remember it too clearly. Besides, since Tang Jia's identity as the wrong saint has been determined, Tang Jia has been lying in the hospital. Uncle Zhang still remembers clearly about the ward on which floor Tang Jia was lying in before.

Then, Uncle Yang opened the notepad again, turned it over, and fixed his eyes on Tang Jia's message. He was very straightforward and tore off the page directly: "...remember to buy a new book for me." With that, he handed Uncle Zhang a note recording Tang Jia's address.

Taking over the note, Uncle Zhang smiled and said, "Eat your supper... This thing is not cheap..." His meaning is already obvious. Compared with his broken notes, the fast food is much more expensive. He wanted to say that Uncle Yang should not be cheap but be obedient. No matter how he calculates this account, he earns it.

It seems that he also understood the meaning of Uncle Zhang's words. Uncle Yang took a gentle look at the fast food at hand and shook his head: "I still prefer deep-fried dough sticks with porridge... You'd better keep this kind of junk food for yourself." He wants Uncle Zhang to understand that it can't be compared with each other. He still has to return the notebook. Besides, his notebook is a rare product, almost out of print. Of course, this can also be called a limited edition.

The limit here is naturally not the limit in the usual sense, because the times have changed, and this kind of thing with glittering five-pointed stars is getting less and less every day. It's strange to say that Uncle Yang is obviously about the same age as Uncle Zhang, but compared with Uncle Zhang, who is more able to accept new things, Uncle Yang is obviously much more old-fashioned. He still hates the colorful and exaggerated things now, and prefers to use the simple and very practical goods that were decades ago.

Just like this notebook with a five-pointed star, the unique wood fragrance can't be compared with the notebook printed now. Of course, in Uncle Zhang's opinion, there is not much difference between the two. Isn't it just that one has stars and the other has no stars? There is no wooden fragrance. They are all notebooks, and there are not so many differences.

But he has to admit that compared with him, Uncle Yang is really a person who likes old things very much. No matter how good the things are now, he will feel impractical and inappropriate...

This is not difficult to understand, and it is also normal. When people are old, they always like things that only belong to their era.

Uncle Zhang should understand this, so he looked at Uncle Yang quietly, and his eyes seemed to reveal some sympathy and pity: "... You really look old." He smiled and had a sense of victory: "This is a little old. It's not time to retire yet."

After saying that, he shrugged his shoulders and said lazily, "It's necessary to respect the old and love the young... Don't worry, I'll bring you a book with stars." Speaking of this, he thought for a time and gave Uncle Yang a very nice smile: "... I'll buy you a dozen."

Uncle Zhang said so much, but Uncle Yang, who had a bad temper, did not get excited. Instead, he seemed to be very indifferent. He seemed to really admit that he was old: "... You are almost there. You don't have to laugh so happily now, but you are not much worse in a few years." He revealed a smile. Such a smile should be a kind of bitter smile: "Don't disobed your old age. You will suffer at that time."

He looked at Uncle Zhang: "...ah," he should have remembered something and deliberately reminded him: "If you want 'Xinghui', I don't want other books."

Uncle Zhang was stunned for a moment. His jokes did not cause such a fierce reaction as Uncle Yang imagined. He was more or less surprised. But he quickly came to his senses and smiled, "You are really old..." He is not teasing or provoking now, but a kind of empathy. Whether he is willing to admit it or not, as Uncle Yang said, they are old, no longer the bloodted, hot-blooded and stupid young man in the past.

He felt a little lonely and lost, and found that time really passed quickly. In the past, the two were still cooperative partners, but now they are close to each other.

"Let's go." Uncle Zhang called Ye Zi, put the note in his pocket, and left the room first.

It was also polite. Ye Zi bowed slightly to Uncle Yang, and then followed Uncle Zhang's footsteps.

Uncle Yang was the only one left in the room. He looked at Uncle Zhang, who was fading away, and laughed out loud: "... it hasn't changed at all... the old guy."