Magic Hunter

Chapter 36 Strange?

According to the address on the note, it was quite fast, and the two came to Tang Jia's apartment.

After more than a month, there doesn't seem to be much change here. No, no, no. It should be said that the damage caused by the battle between Lin and the slave has been repaired. The road surface is no longer potholed, and the walls have been erected again. Only the bright and somewhat inconventional wall paint shows that they have been broken. Damaged.

Everything is no different from usual. This old building decades ago quietly stood in a high-rise building. It looks so inconspicuous. It seems that if you don't pay attention to it, it will be covered up by those gorgeous and more gorgeous buildings, or even an inevitable replacement.

Ye Zi and Uncle Zhang got off the black public car. Although it is more or less a kind of car, it is similar to this old apartment, and it is also something decades ago.

Speaking of which, Uncle Zhang also wants to change his car, and he also wants to drive the latest Audi or Mercedes-Benz or something like other teams. It's not fair to use the bus in private. But the 13th Brigade is notorious for being poor. Not to mention the latest high-end imported cars like Audi or Mercedes-Benz, it is very good for them to replace domestic cars.

It is worth mentioning that their old car is now the best car in the 13th Brigade. At least it won't be like other buses in the 13th Brigade. It will break down easily and give you a tire from time to time.

They are quite satisfied. Anyway, this old man is not the worst at present. Of course, this can be completely understood as a kind of sad and helpless contentment.

Two fluffy sounds, one left and one right, and the two got out of the car. They were not in a hurry to move forward, but took out a mobile phone-like detector and detected it around. After confirming that the needle on it was in the green safety range, it did not enter the red of the alarm. The two breathed a sigh of relief and took back their respective detectors.

But Uncle Zhang seemed to feel uneasy. He took out the black pistol at his waist and checked it a little. After confirming that it was full of six holy water-treated bullets, he stuffed the black pistol into his waist again. Then, he glanced at Ye Zi beside him and said seriously, "Is there anything abnormal?"

Ye Zi's bloody eyes, which had just entered the state of [Cat Pupil], quickly returned to normal and smiled: "... It seems that there are no monsters staying here." Speaking of this, he was a little curious and puzzled, and frowned slightly: "Why do you care so much..." He looked at Uncle Zhang: "I mean, Tang Jia is a saint, and ordinary monsters can't get close to her at all." He doesn't understand. Compared with anyone else, Tang Jia, who has the power of holiness, should be the safest. They don't need to worry too much, let alone rush here in such a hurry. When tomorrow or some appropriate time, they will just call Tang Jia to the police station. There is no need to be so nervous at all.

Seeing Ye Zi say so, Uncle Zhang looked at him quietly and shook his head: "Did uncle tell you?" He showed a smile, which looked good and was full of obvious self-confidence: "... Facts and imagination are sometimes two things, just like trailers and movies. The trailers are always good, but in fact But that's not the case at all. When he was talking, he put a cigarette in the corners of his mouth: "Uncle, what I want to tell you is that you never believe in your imagination and that kind of naturality. Learning to see is what a smart person should do." He is trying to convince Ye Zi that he should never overestimate himself, let alone despise reality.

How to say that sentence? You are so handsome and beautiful, but you don't know it. That's called temperament. So rich and powerful, but others don't know that it's called cultivation.

It can be seen that you have no temperament to overestimate yourself, and you often say how powerful you are. Of course, if you want, this sentence is completely understood in this way. No temperament is basically narcissistic, and uncultivated is basically bragging. Forced.

Just as Uncle Zhang wants Ye Zi to understand, never overestimate yourself, because then you will die ugly, and don't despise reality, because then you don't even know how you die.

Ye Zi seems to understand, but he doesn't understand it very well, but he believes that the old man is pretending again.

In this way, he smiled, patted Uncle Zhang on the shoulder, and said quietly, "Uncle, sometimes pretending is necessary, but sometimes pretending is wrong. Do you know what I mean?" He is saying that there should be a limit to pretending, otherwise it will be struck by lightning.

Isn't it? You know, when Uncle Zhang said those Ye Zi's half-understanding words, the old man who liked to roar, crossed his legs crossed, leaned on the car with one hand, smoked a cigarette, and pretended to look up at the starry sky at the necessary forty-five degrees, or pushed out two mouthfuls of smoke. In that scene, you need to install more...

In fact, there is nothing wrong with pretending, but it's not right to pretend to be handsome. In Ye Zi's opinion, Uncle Zhang is old, and pretending is not suitable for him at all. It should be said that such a heavy responsibility should be entrusted to him.

So, this naughty child, he also followed Uncle Zhang's appearance, looked up at the starry sky forty-five degrees, his eyes were blurred, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. It seemed that he still didn't know whether it was the vicissitudes of life. In such a posture, Ye Zi said lazily, "Uncle," he continued to look up at the starry sky 45 degrees: "It seems to be really enjoyable to pretend like this. It's quite cool."

He was waiting for Uncle Zhang's response, but he waited for a long time but there was no sound at all. Then, when he decided not to look up at the starry sky 45 degrees, he found that Uncle Zhang was already in front of him and didn't seem to want to pay attention to Ye Zi's very unprofessional pretending.

This made Ye Zi very disappointed. It was not easy for him to pretend. Uncle Zhang was good. He didn't cooperate at all. He didn't have any hints when he said he left.

It's also helpless: "...Why are you walking so fast?" He chased over: "Wait for me..."


It was still fast. It didn't take much time for the two to come to Tang Jia's door.

Dongdong~~ Uncle Zhang in front of him took the initiative to knock on Tang Jia's door, but there was no response inside, and there seemed to be no one.

"...?" This made Uncle Zhang feel strange. When he came over, he clearly remembered that the light in Tang Jia's room was on, but now there was no reaction in it.

He knocked several times in a row, and the light inside clearly lit up through the crack of the door, but as at the beginning, there was still no response in the room.

"...Isn't there anyone?" Ye Zi asked gently, "...What should I do now?" He thought about the most reasonable way to deal with it now: "Hit the door?" He thinks that domineering kicking the door is the most reasonable way to deal with it now. By the way, isn't it all like this in the movie? Judging from the picture, the feeling of kicking the door is quite cool.

Uncle Zhang: "..." He was speechless at that time: "Youth," he looked at Ye Zi beside him and was a little disappointed: "It's the twenty-first century..." He took out the mobile phone from his pocket: "...Do you know that in this era, finding someone mainly depends on this. Something?"

"Uh..." Looking at the old mobile phone in Uncle Zhang's hand, he thought for a moment: "It seems that it's really like this."

I'm also lazy to take care of this, sometimes very professional, and sometimes very unprofessional little follower. Uncle Zhang spread out the note in his hand, followed the number recorded on it, and dialed out accurately...

It's still fast. After a few beeping, the phone was connected: "Is this Miss Tang Jia?" Uncle Zhang seemed very polite, completely different from usual. How to put it, for a girl, Uncle Zhang still understands what gentleness is. Of course, this can also be called shameless.

On the other end of the phone, riding the old bicycle, Tang Jia, who had just finished her tutoring work, was a little confused: "You are..." A strange number was displayed on her mobile phone. The strange number was nothing. The key is that this strange number is so big that Tang Jia has never seen before, and it is actually four English. Letter, [zero].

Tang Jia is naturally curious about such a strange number, just like she doesn't know whether the four English letters are just put together, meaningless simple letters, or represent the 'zero'. She also doesn't know what kind of person a person with such a strange number will be.

On the other side of the mobile phone, Uncle Zhang didn't explain too much about Tang Jia's doubts. He just said that he was in the special operation group and now planned to meet her, and said that he was a good person, not a strange man. Er, by the way, he was in front of her house now.

"..." Tang Jia obviously hesitated. She didn't know whether the man behind this strange number was a good man, and she was not sure whether such a strange man who claimed that he was not a strange man was really a strange man.

Seeing the silence on the other end of the mobile phone, Uncle Zhang was a little helpless, so he had to emphasize: "I'm a policeman..."

"............" Obviously, this is not convincing. It's okay for Uncle Zhang not to say that. When he said this, Tang Jia became more hesitant and suspicious.

This made Uncle Zhang a little broken down. By the way, is he so like a strange man?

He was not sure. After looking at Ye Zi beside him doubtfully, Ye Zi nodded firmly. Judging from some interests and hobbies, Uncle Zhang, who likes to collect dolls, is a complete freak.

Uncle Zhang: "............" Your sister's, uncle is prepared for your granddaughter, okay?

Then, Tang Jia made a suggestion: "That..." Tang Jia thought of a place: "...Why don't we meet at the fast food restaurant near my house?" She felt that no matter whether this strange thing is as strange as the caller ID, whether it is a strange or not, she is more or less safe in public places.

Tang Jia's proposal made Uncle Zhang a little want to cry. He didn't expect that he would be regarded as a monster when he talked to a girl so gently, but he still agreed with a wry smile and said that he would see you then.