Magic Hunter

Chapter 44 Is it better?

Chapter 44 Is it better?

The monster took the neck straight, and the thick claws suddenly controlled Tang Jia. The claws of several centimeters long instantly broke into the skin, so that Tang Jia, who was aware of it, did not even have the last chance to escape...

Yes, the monster's giant claws are three points into the bone. In that case, it is impossible to escape at all. What's more, at this time, the monster, at the moment of easily and successfully controlling Tang Jia, its open blood basin mouth has roared, and its sharp and deadly teeth, like a shark, instantly pierced the throat and brought it out. Bright red blood, without a trace of hesitation.

The result was naturally not ideal. In the case of being pierced in the neck, Tang Jia didn't even make a slightest scream. She only felt difficulty in breathing, and the wound was bleeding, and then the consciousness was naturally chaotic. Then, the past was like a slide, slowly but quickly sneaking up from my mind, but it flashed by again. The last trace of consciousness, what you can see and feel, is now this three-eyed monster, fiercely and quickly tearing its gradually numb body...

Maybe it was the last illusion of the deceased. In Tang Jia's gradually lax pupils, she saw a trace of inconspicuous light. The faint light was so obvious and conspicuous in this dark space. Before long, the inconspicuous light began to become dazzling, like the dawn of breaking through the night, that kind of The light rendered the darkness around, making the originally dark space surprisingly bright, just like daytime.

Then, she saw the man, the deceased brother...

This is a very handsome little boy with short hair, and the outline is hard but soft, especially a pair of eyes that are very similar to Tang Jia. He looks very beautiful and has the same softness as a girl. The corners of his mouth were filled with a faint smile, as if in the past, he always giggled at his sister. The smile was full of innocence and innocence. Such a pure smile really made people feel the warmth of the spring breeze and comfortable, as if he would be infected by the boy's smile at any time, and unconsciously would also smile. Get up.

Tang Jia is almost the same, because of the appearance of this boy, because of his younger brother's smiling face that only exists in memory, Tang Jia, who was just panicked and uneasy, seemed to be much calmer. Even if the monster still swallowed her body, she still smiled and smiled innocently...

She should understand that this younger brother who smiles at her may be just her last illusion, which also means that she has no suspense of death, but she is not afraid of this. On the contrary, because of the little boy, because of such a familiar smile, Tang Jia suddenly became so calm, without fear, no fear. There is no fear of death, but only the simplest and most natural tranquility, just like the afternoon of knowing the sound, leaning lazily under the tree, sleepiness, and sleeping calmly...

After all, Tang Jia's pupils became extremely lax, and her eyes became dull and dull, as if a layer of white crystal objects were laid in her white eyes. Her eyes were no longer clear, but a kind of blurredness and unclearness.

Tang Jia passed away after all, but she had a little smile, because of the younger brother who finally brought her light.

But she may not have noticed that the younger brother with a smile in his memory gradually became blurred, and then slowly became clear. Finally, Lin's confused face suddenly appeared in front of Tang Jia...

"...?!" Seeing Lin's doubtful face, Tang Jia was stared. After a long time, she asked a rather practical question: "...this is...heaven...hell?" She stared at Lin in front of her: "... Are you dead, too?" She could feel the extremely real death, and she could be sure that she had really passed away, but when she saw Lin, she did doubt whether the scene where she had just been swallowed up by the monster would be her illusion or dream, or, as she thought, Lin was also dead.

It's not unreasonable for her to think so, because if it hadn't been for Lin's intention to end the extremely real fantasy, maybe Tang Jia, who ran in recklessly, would really be scared to death. Anyway, when the brain thought it was dead, it was really a kind of passing away, and luck might continue. Maintaining the characteristics of life, if you are unlucky, you may be scared to death.

This is not a joke. If you don't escape successfully, it is natural to die in the fantasy. In fact, there are many people who died in the fantasy, and Tang Jia was almost one of them.

What's more, the power of this kind of fantasy released by the old man himself is self-evident. Even if it is a big demon similar to Dong Shao, once he falls into the fantasy, it is not easy for him to come out. Anyway, people in the fantasy often can't tell what is true and what is illusory, just like just Like Tang Jia, because of her inner fear, the three-eyed monster was born spontaneously.

Speaking of which, the real power of the fantasy is that it can take advantage of a certain fear in the depths of people's memories. The three-eyed monster should be real, or at some point, Tang Jia should have seen such a three-eyed monster. Although it is buried in the depths of memory, the monster will still pass this or that. The form is expressed, and finally becomes an invincible opponent in the fantasy.

Of course, the fantasy can also be understood in this way. It is a bondage of people's hearts. You can see your own fear and hope, just like the little boy who can dispel the darkness for Tang Jia...

As for what kind of existence the fantasy is, it is completely different from person to person. When the same fantasy is used on the same person, the effect is completely different, and the scenes that appear are also very different and cannot be compared. But the same thing is that it is basically difficult for people who are in a fantasy to get out of it, whether the fantasy shapes the kind of fear Tang Jia just or the ideal world that people expect.

Tang Jia, who had just been freed from the fantasy, was still a little unbelievable. She touched her neck and touched the heart that was still beating there. Then, the soft but still doubtful eyes stared at Lin in front of her and asked tentatively, "... I'm not dead?" She can now feel her real existence. At the same time, she finally found the strangeness of the world just now. Most importantly, behind Lin, Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi stood there, looking at her with a smile.

Uncle Zhang seemed to be relieved. Looking at Tang Jia's eyes, he was a little less worried, but more helpless: "...You're too messy," he couldn't laugh. Although there was a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, he looked so reluctant: "... This is the devil hunter's nest. You think you can come in if you want to.

Speaking of this, he sighed and shook his head: "You're lucky this time. You've got a life." Uncle Zhang is saying that the kind of fantasy from the old man is extremely real. Even if Lin takes the initiative to end, it is still a very worth thinking about if Tang Canon can't survive. No, no, no. It should be said that if Tang Jia really thinks that she is dead, even if the fantasy is over, it is not certain whether she can live.

The situation just now was the same. When Lin ended the fantasy, Tang Jia still had no reaction, and her pupils were still as lax as dead people, and even her breathing gradually stopped.

Later, although she didn't know what Tang Jia saw in that fantasy, she was just full of fear, and she slowly showed a trace of smile in pain. In Uncle Zhang's opinion, it was this trace of smile that was no longer afraid of death that made Tang Jia come back to life. Otherwise, she would live because of fear. The death of fear to death is really a real death.

It's true. Tang Jia's death is a kind of fear, or fear. Because of this kind of fear that she can't get rid of, Tang Jia gradually thinks that she really died under the three-eyed monster born from the heart...

At that time, Tang Jia did think that he was dead. Uncle Zhang, Lin and Ye Zi all saw clearly what kind of state Tang Jia's pupil was at that moment. But because of the last scene, Tang Jia's fear gradually faded, replaced by a kind of tranquility and calm. It was precisely because of this calm that no longer fear, Tang Jia's death quickly dissipated, and his eyes like a dead man quickly dissipated, and then. Lin's face was full of doubts at the beginning, and even a little worried slowly appeared in her sight.

As Uncle Zhang said and thought, Tang Jia was lucky. If Lin was half-beat at night, or Tang Jia 'early hung up' for a few minutes, maybe, even if Lin successfully ended the fantasy, he may not be able to help Tang Jia. After all, the life and death of the fantasy is completely up to himself. Even if it is the person who released the fantasy, he It can't be changed.

Tang Jia also seemed to realize this. Her initial doubts and uneasiness gradually dissipated. The calmness just disappeared, and was replaced by the rest of her life after the disaster. Then, she may be too excited and there was almost no omen. Tang Jia, who had just lyed on the sofa, sat up and then hugged her tightly in front of her. Lin cried all of a sudden...

Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi: "........." These two fools were excited at that time. By the way, it was the two of them who contributed. Lin Ke didn't do anything. How could a good thing let Lin Zhanshan. This made the two people very resentful. Those dark eyes stared fiercely at Lin, who was thrown into the arms of a beautiful woman, but they were still a little overwhelmed. Such resentful eyes seemed to say, your sister!

Yes, in the case of Lin's lack of magic, it is not easy to remove this fantasy. Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi moved around and moved almost all the magic weapons in the hall, which changed the array of the fantasy and finally lifted the fantasy.