Magic Hunter

Chapter 48 Select

Chapter 48 Selection

This is the weakness of angels. The power of holiness makes them extremely powerful, but at the same time, that powerful power is doomed. Once the power is exhausted, it will bring a higher price than the devil, and this price is the most direct and gorgeous death.

Regarding this, Uncle Zhang is convinced that he has seen an angel, and he has witnessed with his own eyes how such a exhausted angel passed away. Even if the old man at that time still wanted to save the angel abnormally, the result was that there was nothing he could do, and the angel's death seemed very dry. Crisp, not even the last soul is left.

This is not surprising. After all, angels have a soul that is absolutely pure like white paper. Because of this kind of soul, they can bear and have the power of holiness, and accepting this powerful power is doomed from the beginning. This holy power directly linked to the soul, its exhaustion brings nature. It must also be a completely broken soul, leaving no trace.

But I have to say that this is also the powerful place of angels. You know, the holy power that can directly connect with the soul, their growth is strong, and their ability is several times faster than that of demons, or even dozens of times faster than that of demons. In short, demons usually need to constantly suck the soul to make their own Magic grows, but angels do not need this, and they are not allowed. What they want to do is just a belief, endless faith in God...

That kind of belief makes them enough to have seemingly endless holy power. For a period of time, they are almost invincible, and not many demons will be opponents of angels. But it is also obvious that the power of angels ultimately belongs to the explosive situation. Once the possible little time has passed, angels must return to their normal state and continue to accumulate the power of holiness. They will not be like demons. Even if the magic is exhausted, they can recover quickly in a short time. Compared with demons, angels restore the power of holiness. The time required is several times, or even dozens of times, of them.

It is obvious that the strength of angels lies in the power of holiness, and their weakness is also the power of this faith and God. It can be imagined that when the little cutie falls into the state of angel, the little holy power bursts out. If this part of the holy power continues to be consumed by that magic, the little cutie will inevitably be holy. The power is exhausted and disappears, leaving no trace of what it should be.

So, although he didn't understand why Lin suddenly had a little angel, he still looked at Lin nervously and asked gently, "... What are you going to do?" For the little cutie under such circumstances, Uncle Zhang can't think of any way. In his opinion, the only way to solve the little cutie's current trouble should be Lin in front of him. Anyway, the little angel seems to have an extraordinary relationship with Lin, and in this relationship, Uncle Zhang will naturally think of the arrival of the angel. World, the angel who has to sign the contract.

Uncle Zhang's words made Ye Zi's attention be focused on Lin's body. He can now feel more or less that as the little cutie enters the angel form, he can actually feel more and more obvious and strong holy power in Lin's body. At first, he didn't know why and thought it was his own illusion, but after Uncle Zhang asked Lin like that, he could finally be sure that the incredible holy power he felt from Lin should come from the present. The holy light around his body became darker and darker. That seemed to be a few The little angel who cares about the limit.

This sounds good, but it doesn't make Lin feel at ease, but it's a kind of fear. Just like Uncle Zhang, Lin, who has suffered losses and has been cheated several times. He found that as long as he has something to do with death, it will always be very troublesome. No, no, no, that's fundamentally It's killing me. Just the last time, Lin really couldn't imagine that if his soul was really copied by death, could he still live so easily until now?

And this time, the trouble caused by death is obviously more deadly. Compared with copying Lin's soul, releasing the forbidden genius in Qinglong makes Lin feel more taboo, and can even be said to be a kind of fear. After all, the trouble brought by the forbidden genius is almost the end of the world.

In this way, Lin also became very hesitant. He knew very well that Death had been expecting him to use this holy power. Although he did not know what this would bring to Death and what consequences it would cause to himself, he felt that such a result was definitely not what he wanted. Therefore, from beginning to end, Lin Du did not expect much from this holy power. He only hoped that the holy power that fell from the sky could end soon, which saved him from worrying all day long.

Now, the little cutie is gradually restrained and swallowed up by the magic, which seems to be a good choice. Being swallowed up by that magic in that state may really solve the troubles in Lin. The power of holiness, no matter what, at the moment when the little cutie's few holy power is exhausted, Even the soul will not be left, and it will disappear cleanly and completely...

In that form, even if Death has a [magic soul] copied from the little cute, it may not be able to exert an inevitable effect. It should be understood that the soul of an angel is not the same as the soul of human beings. If it disappears completely because of the exhaustion of the power of holiness, it will completely disappear, even the god of death. The phantom soul in the hand will be affected, and it may also fall apart, leaving only a fragment representing the broken soul.

If so, it is obvious that Lin's worries about death have disappeared, and the death of the little cutie makes things simple and easy, even a little bit.

Therefore, even if Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi looked at Lin eagerly, when they found that Lin Chichi did not plan to take action, they seemed to understand that the little angel that may disappear at any time was not an important thing for Lin, but a fatal burden.

Especially Uncle Zhang, he knows Lin well. He knows that although Lin is not a very good person, he is still willing to be a hero and try to save him when the situation permits. If Lin hesitates, then it can only be said that the cost of saving may be more heavy or even meaningless.

So, Uncle Zhang, who knows Lin's style, just looks at Lin and waits for his next possible judgment and choice.

Uncle Zhang's reaction was a little anxious to the little follower next to him. In his opinion, he obviously had such ability, but he looked on coldly there. Is this guy Lin still humane?

Yes, he has heard Uncle Zhang mention that the powers who hang out with the old man are all perverted, very indifferent and even cold-blooded, but when he witnessed such a cold-blooded with his own eyes, he couldn't stand it, and even more unacceptable. He believed that these powers were originally because of the protection of human beings. Instead of such a cold-eyed look, don't take the present life to heart.

In this way, Ye Zi was really anxious. Those worried and puzzled eyes stared at Lin: "...Why?" He asked very directly and came straight to the point: "He obviously has that ability... Why don't you take action!"

As soon as Ye Zi finished her words, Tang Jia, who had been silent, also became a little confused. She felt that if Lin really had the ability to help the current little cutie, he had nothing to hesitate. After all, the little cutie is really a life. How could a person ignore life so much?

Thinking about it, Tang Jia frowned slightly, and Lin's eyes showed obvious puzzlement: "...Lin." She just called softly. Although she didn't say much, her doubts and worries were undoubtedly revealed.

In the face of Ye Zi and Tang Jia's doubts, Lin Yi looked at it in his eyes. He should be very clear about the meaning of what they want to express. For his cold-eyed doubts, but he was really hesitating and was not sure. If he really used this holy power to solve the little cutie's current trouble, what would he bring to himself? ......

"............" After all, he was still silent. Those eyes, which seemed to have not yet decided, quietly stared at the glowing little cutie, still a little uncertain.

————Then, maybe he understood why the little cutie suddenly entered the angel state without warning. Where did the magic that gradually devour the little cutie come from? He smiled, an absolute bitter smile...

"...That death... really did it." I took a look at the purple necklace with a six-pointed star on Tang Jia's chest. After all, there was a pure white, flawless and some transparent holy power on Lin's open right hand.