Magic Hunter

Chapter 49 Three-Eyed Monster On

Chapter 49 Three-Eyed Monster (Part 1)

Every day is slightly bright. In the first dawn, the light that shines on the earth scatters the world and dispels the darkness of the night...

The gentle light passed through the small alleyway, and the silky light lit up the dirty world, and then the man lying on the garbage gradually appeared.

That scene is a little strange, and it can even be said to be incredible. How to put it, the man did not exist in the first place, but when the ray of light shone in that place, the man's figure gradually appeared, from the transparency at the beginning to the ambiguity later, and finally now, the real fall On that pile of dark garbage bags.

He didn't seem to have regained consciousness, like a dead man, lying quietly on the dirty ground, allowing snakes, insects, rats and ants to crawl quietly through him without any reaction.

Then, when the quiet morning became bustling, people came and went, and the afternoon when there was a lot of traffic, it should have been woken up by the noisy world. The man who was lying quietly in the garbage pile frowned slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes...

His eyes were very confused and even a little lax. His seemingly emotionless eyes gently stared at the sky over the alley. The sky looks very blue, like a clear sea, which looks comfortable and quiet. From time to time, a few scattered clouds pass by and quietly disappear in the sky in the alley, disappearing...

"..." The man was confused, but he seemed to remember something. His original empty eyes gradually became different, and his scattered pupils tightened slightly, revealing some sincere tension and uneasiness. Then, the memories that were scattered for a moment quickly returned, but after a while, he finally remembered why he was here.

Thinking of this, the man who was still confused and confused just now suddenly sat up from the garbage pile. He should have been too hard. The original action that had nothing made his abdominal wound burst again, and the flowing blood soon invaded the blue clothes...'

Because of the severe pain, the man pulled up his clothes slightly and took a look at the wound in his abdomen. The wound looks not light. The wound is the size of a palm, like a piece of flesh and blood scraped by some sharp weapon. Although the wound has healed a lot, it can still see the new flesh and blood tissue. Now, because of the broken injury again, the tingling red blood flowing out makes the wound blurred. It's a little scary.

Seeing such an injury, the man frowned slightly and seemed to care a little. Anyway, if such a wound is not treated at the first time, it is easy to cause irreparable and terrible consequences. You know, the wound in his abdomen now seems to be in a highly infected state, with bright red The flow of blood also contains that kind of white and sticky pus...

The man knew very well what state he was in now, and he knew that the wound could not be delayed any longer, but he didn't seem to pay much attention to it. He put down the clothes on his abdomen, but stood up and was ready to leave the dirty alley where it was first.

Thinking of this, the eyes of passers-by are not sympathy, let alone worry, but a kind of fear from the heart. They feel that they are all honest and first-class people, gangsters and so on. They really can't afford to provoke them.

It's also natural that some * onlookers began to choose to leave rationally. Even if it was a kind of onlooker, it made them panic and afraid that they would really be targeted by some hacking underworld.

It's not bad, because the man who was appreciated as a bear felt much more comfortable when some onlookers left, but this comfort did not last long, but after a while, some curious passers-by came up to see what was going on here...

"...Go away." Being surrounded made the man a little angry, and at this time, when he found that someone was blocking his way, he said this coldly, expressing his extreme discontent and dissatisfaction.

The people in front of them were a little stunned at the beginning. The man's arrogant tone made them a little stunned, but when they saw the man's cold eyes, many people honestly gave way and did not dare to express too much dissatisfaction, but watched the man's eyes become a little different, afraid and While caring about it, there are also some obvious upsets. It is not unreasonable to think that this man will be hurt like this. This is simply a kind of retribution that makes him arrogant.

In this way, the atmosphere here has become a little different. People are not only sympathetic to this man at present, no, no, no. It should be said that some people are beginning to think that such a grumpy and arrogant guy is the death, so as not to harm the society. But even in such an atmosphere, the crowd of onlookers did not decrease, but gathered more and more. In the end, almost all three layers of the inside and three layers completely surrounded the man...

It began to become noisy around, like a vegetable market, which was very noisy. Some people asked what had happened here, and some were curious about which person the man was injured so domineeringly. Of course, more people would still ask if the man who looked seriously injured had been cut...

Yes, the wound on the man's abdomen seems to have deteriorated. It just invaded the clothes. Now, even if the man covers the wound tightly with his hand, the blood flowing out is still uncontrollable, passing through the already blood-red fingertips, dripping, leaving clear blood stains along the way.

Under such circumstances, the man looks more weak, and his originally pale face now can't see a trace of blood, from that pale to the current pale. His broken and interfering lips were also obviously bruised, revealing a trace of but obvious danger...

The man felt a more deadly dizziness. He gradually couldn't hear the noise and noise around him, and the people in his sight also became blurred, but after a while, he could no longer see the lax figures. Which one was real.

His already bumpy footsteps have now become more bumpy, and his walking posture also sways from side to side, like a drunken man, erratic and staggered. But he tried his best to keep himself awake. Because of the blurred vision, he tried to widen his eyes to see the world that was getting more and more confused in his eyes.

This obviously has no effect. Even if he wants to open his eyes wide, his eyes are still gradually closing, and the scenery in his sight is becoming more and more blurred. Such weakness made this man difficult to walk. Several times, he almost fell down, but every time, the man always tried to stand up and did not give himself a chance to breathe.

It's not that he doesn't want to give himself a chance to breathe, but that he knows that he doesn't have much time. If he really falls down here and rests here, he may never wake up. In that case, everything he does here becomes meaningless and doesn't get the effect he wants.

Therefore, even if he feels endless weakness and fatigue, as long as there is still a trace of consciousness left, he will support it, and his feet are always moving forward.

The onlookers-by seem to be able to feel the persistence of that person. They look more or less moved, or a kind of emotion that they can't even explain themselves. But the result was not good. Those people still didn't mean to take action. Even if they looked sad, they still stood there quietly, looking at the man who was almost half bowing and barely moving forward.

Finally, I felt that I really should do something. Some of them finally took out their mobile phones and called 110, or 120, or some simply called 119. Er...