Magic Hunter

Chapter 59 Partners to rely on

Chapter 59 Partners to Rely on

"Stay here." Tian Che said gently to Ye Tong beside him. Then, it was also expected that after the array under his feet was fully displayed, Tian Che finally stepped out of the bloody array and tried to approach the three-eyed monster a few seconds away.

His speed is not very fast, or even cautious. Every step seems so difficult. It seems that the oil road under his feet is full of thorns, and if you don't pay attention to it, it won't be bloody...

This time, Ye Tong did not refuse. She was still more obedient and stayed in the bloody array. She knows very well that she'd better stay here at this time. It won't help much to follow Tian Che. It should be said that because of her lack of ability, she can easily become a burden to Tian Che.

This is obvious. After all, what Tian Che has is the blue magic above the black magic. Compared with Ye Tong, he naturally has more self-protection ability. If Ye Tong is added, Tian Che will have to be distracted on her. In that case, the result can be imagined. In front of the three-eyed monster, Tian Che It becomes more difficult and difficult to face.

In addition, after all, this array represents the book of seal, because the magic of the two is integrated and connected with each other, and it always needs another person to support the existence of this array. Naturally, this person is not someone else, but only Ye Tong who resides in the bloody array. This is not surprising, as mentioned above, because Tian Che is more capable of approaching the current guardian of time and space. He should not and cannot stay in the bloody array. The maintenance and maintenance of the array can only be handed over to Ye Tong. Only in this way can he be more confident to approach the monster. If things are really wrong, Ye Tong, who resides in the array, can also forcibly launch the ability of the sealed book to temporarily save himself.

It's really what Tian Che thought. With Ye Tong as the backing, no, no, no, to be precise, in the case of the bloody array that represents the sealed book as the backing, he can approach the monster that seems to have been successfully captured more easily and safely. If everything goes well, he will not What threat, but if the three-eyed monster that now seems to be successfully bound has any strange behavior, or even launch an impossible attack, Ye Tong in the blood array can also react as soon as possible, because the blood array under her feet, the magic between the two has been connected, she is completely It is possible to forcibly pull Tian Che back to this blood-colored array that is still a little deterrent to the three-eyed monster.

Of course, if possible, it is also feasible for Tian Che to further borrow Ye Tong's magic, as long as there is a tacit understanding between the two at that moment. Obviously, if under such circumstances, Tian Che can make his blue magic more vigorous, and there are naturally more possibilities in the face of the three-eyed monster.

Therefore, Ye Tong, who is still clear, is very honest in the bloody array, with that kind of nervousness. Those big soft eyes are staring at Tian Che, who is moving forward, full of sincere worry and concern...

The special forces behind are almost the same. Although they stopped firing, they still aimed at the monster 100 meters away as usual. As long as the monster had any abnormal movements, they would shoot to get some necessary response time for their officer Tian Te.

But even so, the pilot in the Black Hawk fighter did not dare to neglect it, but he still looked nervous. His frowning eyes stared at the screen of the thermal imager, as if he was afraid that something would suddenly happen.

And another pilot in the Black Hawk fighter also seemed not easy. He drove a helicopter and was regularly hovering over the three-eyed monster. He seemed to be worried. He also looked at the thermal imager from time to time to see if everything was really normal.

Those special forces 100 meters away are almost the same. Even if the good news of normality and safety keeps coming from the headset, they still feel uneasy and even more worried. It is not the first time for them to face such a task. The first second is still within the normal and controllable range, and the next second is in a runaway. Monsters, they haven't seen them. It should be said that they have seen them many times. That's the problem. Because they have witnessed the current situation, they really don't dare to rest assured. No, no, no. For a long time, before the boss didn't say safety, they often didn't dare to relax at all.

In such a situation, those special forces hold weapons and stare at the three-eyed monster 100 meters away through the scope above. As mentioned above, as long as they find the abnormal situation above, they are bound to buy time for the boss to deal with it.

The snipers scattered around are almost the same. Through the sniper mirror with a higher magnification, they can see the current state of the monster more clearly, just like those special forces. Once they find something wrong, they must react. Even if there is no command from the boss, they have to fight for their officers. Enough response time.

This is not to say that they are not organized. On the contrary, the special forces led by Tian Che are the highest in organization. Of course, this seemingly casual organization may not be as rigorous and absolute as it seems, but it is undeniable that these special forces have been trained step by step through life and death. Most of the time, they often don't need the boss's instructions to know what to do and what not to do...

They have been hanging out with Tian Che for some years. The tacit understanding is not the ordinary relationship between officers and soldiers. Just like Ye Tong, the adjutant, their relationship with Tian Che is more like a partner. They can guess each other's thoughts without unnecessary words, and they can rely on a good partner.

This is such a higher relationship than the partner of officers and soldiers. Tian Che's special force's casualties are so low. From the past to now, this special force part still retains most of the main force, and the mortality rate is not very high. In fact, since Tian Che led this special force, only six soldiers have died...

Of course, the low mortality rate does not mean that they are intact. It should be said that among these still-alive special forces, lack of arms and legs is very common, but with the help of robotic arms, they seem to be no different from ordinary people, and even a little more than many people on the wall in some ways.

Tian Che is no exception. His normal left leg is a robotic arm.

They have experienced casualties, but they all survived one by one, and the kind of calmness and indifference that has been in contact with death but escaped from death is difficult for ordinary people to replace. It is also because of this irreplaceable reason, the army led by Tian Che is so strong, with the most calm judgment and execution. Sometimes, even if it is eye-catching, these soldiers who have experienced death will not even blink their eyebrows.