Magic Hunter

Chapter 60 Guardian of Time and Space

Chapter 60 Guardian of Time and Space

In the face of the three-eyed monster in front of him, Tian Che naturally did not dare to worry too much. After approaching, he resolutely took out the same black pistol at his waist and aimed at the monster in front of him.

That kind of scene is very scary and even more strange. It should be because of the small white blades on the silver net, because these blades treated with holy water deeply pierce the skin and enter the organization. The original powerful vitality of the monster does not seem to have much effect at this moment. Even if there is a natural self-repair, In the case of being pierced into the skin and flesh by countless small white blades, the three-eyed monster did not heal back so quickly. In fact, after being cut by the silver thin blades, the wounds, large and small, have not completely healed.

Yes, those blades that pierce the skin are not ordinary after all. Like the two silver fine nets that tightly bind the monster, those small blades hidden in the net are also cast by silver that restrains magic. In the case of being treated by holy water, they really restrain the strong vitality of the monster. Even for such a taboo guardian of time and space, there seems to be nothing he can do in front of these small blades that have been successfully dyed red with blood.

Yes, because of the damage caused by the tiny small blade, the monster is bruised all over the body, and the blood flowing from the wound has already invaded the two fine nets that should have been white, making the two thin nets look very strange. At first glance, it seems that it had grown on the monster, and it should not be penetrated. Some are weird and even scary.

In front of such a bloody net, the blood flowing all over the place of the monster also stained the original road, making the original normal road like the two silver nets, because the thorny red blood looked so strange and scary.

Then, the blood flowing from the monster finally flowed to Tian Che's feet...

In the face of the blood flowing from the monster, Tian Che didn't seem to be careless at all. When the blood flowed out, Tian Che subconsciously stepped back, as if he didn't want the blood that looked very normal to have too much contact with him.

It's not unreasonable for him to do this. After all, the blood that the monster has is not blood in the usual sense. Think about it, those who were originally nihilistic are originally without blood. Even if they are materialized, the blood is really not reassuring. God knows whether the blood that seems to be necessary is a derivative of magic...

Yes, generally speaking, physicalized monsters, like the living creatures, will destroy the void and have the entity, and also grow the necessary organs and bones, which represents the blood of life is naturally indispensable. But in the final analysis, the materialization of monsters is only a forced manifestation of magic, just like the successful physicalized three-eyed monster at present. In order not to be swallowed up by the five elements of the world, they must and can only be materialized.

Of course, if you can find the perfect container that can perfectly carry their magic, they will also be easier. After all, this kind of physicalization that relies on magic cannot be underestimated on the consumption of magic. It can be seen that at present, what terrible magic the space-time guardian, who originally belongs to nothingness, can be materialized in an instant and break the nothingness before the five elements swallow it up.

Obviously, at that time, before the five elements completely devoured it, the three-eyed monster had no such magic at all. It can be materialized in an instant like now, perfectly avoiding the erosion of the five elements.

Speaking of which, the materialization of the three-eyed monster is not as simple as imagined. How to put it, it did not originally exist in reality, but wandered in the gap between reality and dimensional space, and in those gaps, there are no deadly five elements.

At that time, the intelligence part of the old man did find such an abnormal existence, and it was also slowly determined that such a monster existing in the space gap was the guardian of time and space. But they are not sure where this space-time guardian will appear. No, no, no. It should be said that they can't accurately predict the exact 'arrival' location of this three-eyed monster. Although there is a strong information processing center, because of the lack of information, they can only mark a general area...

At that time, the physicalized three-eyed monster was still in the gap between the present world and the dimensional space, and it was still in the nihilistic state, which did not produce materialization. In this state, even if the existence of this space-time guardian was discovered a few hours ago, the special force led by Tian Che was still waiting in the wrong place, stationed a few kilometers away, and the place where the three-eyed monster was most likely to come after the intelligence department dealt with...

This is nothing, and the prediction error is normal. After all, the information controlled by the intelligence department is not too much, or even pitiful. Under such circumstances, it is great that they can predict the gap of only a few kilometers.

Then, the monster was instantly materialized here. It originally stayed in the space gap for several hours, because the man who escaped from the whirlpool of time, the guardian of time still directly torn the space, easily entered the present world from the space gap, and entered completely. At the moment of the present world, it quickly completed the materialization.

That's it. In the face of such strong magic, before being completely swallowed up by the five elements, this three-eyed monster successfully came to the world.

But it is worth mentioning that there are not many physical monsters, even if the magic is extremely strong, just like many monsters can't easily tear the space, which is a unique ability of the guardian of time and space...

Tian Che still knows and understands this. It is because he understands this that he is so uneasy about the three-eyed monster being subdued so easily. Now, his uneasiness has finally become the reality that he doesn't want to see.