Magic Hunter

Chapter 65 Lost

Chapter 65 Lost (Part 2)

Such scenes came to mind for only a few seconds, but in Ye Zi's opinion, it was so real, as if he had really experienced these.

Things became strange and strange. Ye Zi didn't know why. At the moment when Lin showed the power of holiness to purify the magic around the little cutie, he suddenly recalled these things. No, no, no, it should be said that Ye Zi had no impression of those memories at all, but it was so strange that these possibilities began to appear in his mind. For a long time, it may be just a recent thing, which made him not know for a moment whether this was a fact or an unnecessary feeling, or that it was just an evil and chaotic memory that accidentally appeared in his mind.

This kind of thing has never happened. It should be said that as long as the time is right, under some coincidences, the memory from the evil spirit will also break through the original boundaries, just like the real thing that Ye Zi once had.

At that time, just like now, Ye Zi felt that the past that he had never experienced at all was so true, and he almost believed it.

But this time it's obviously different. It's not just these memories or the truth of the past. Even if Ye Zi doesn't think it's her own experience, but because she really appeared in those memories this time, he can't help but doubt it. It's just because the power of holiness makes the evil spirit in the depths of the soul. It's a fluctuation, or it's really something I've forgotten for a long time.

He can't be sure, let alone be easily sure. He can only stand there stupidly. It seems to be very hard. He is full of cold sweat, and his face, which was already pale, has become more pale and bloodless...

At the beginning, Uncle Zhang beside him did not notice Ye Zi's changes and abnormalities. Like Tang Jia on the sofa, he focused on Lin and the little cutie who fell into the form of an angel. They were worried. Although Lin showed that trace of holy power, this was the first time Lin used it after all, and no one I can't guarantee that showing the power of holiness in this way will bring any terrible consequences to Lin, whether it can be successfully dispelled more and more suppressed, and even a kind of strong black magic to restrain the little cutie.

The result is not bad. Although it looks a little reluctant, in general, Lin successfully used the holy power from the angel's contract to successfully dispel the magic that quietly appeared around the little cutie.

Then, because the magic of trying to erode the little cutie quickly faded, the little cutie who instinctively entered the angel form gradually changed back to the normal appearance at the beginning, but after a while, the little cutie who had just suspended in the air, because of the end of the angel form, she finally fell down after losing the power of holiness...

But Lin reacted quickly. At the end of the little cute angel form, he took a few steps forward and gently caught the little cutie who was already sleeping. Then, he looked at the little cutie who had almost passed away in his arms, and a bitter smile slowly appeared at the corners of his mouth, looking a little helpless.

He was still quite clear, or that he finally fell into the trap arranged by death and willingly jumped in.

It's true. This little cutie who belongs to the body. The trouble she brought to Lin is already terrible. If it were those phantom souls, Lin couldn't believe it. What kind of result would it be? Will it be worse and more troublesome than the current situation?

After all, the little cutie represents that glimmer of hope. Only when the ontology continues to exist can Lin end this kind of angel contract that he doesn't know whether it is good or bad. Only in this way will he not be in an absolutely passive state because of the inexhaustible phantom soul in the hands of death.

Death gave Lin a choice, and Lin Ming knew that it was Death's forced him to use the power of holiness, but in the face of such a choice, Lin still jumped into this trap that he did not know what the consequences would bring.

This is a way. Death really doesn't have many choices for Lin, and no matter which one is beneficial to Death, and Lin, he just chose the one that seemed most reasonable and most beneficial to him among these choices.

But this doesn't explain anything. Maybe from beginning to end, Lin has always been under the control of death, step by step towards the purpose expected by death and the direction arranged for it.

This is already Lin's best choice. Now he only hopes that the little cutie will not have a big problem, and that the purple necklace worn on Tang Jia's neck is not enough to be removed...

But after all, this is just a hope. Lin should be clear that Death, who has never given a chance to do things, does not give himself such a chance. He has the ability to take off Tang Jia's neck, the purple necklace that represents Satan. No, no, no, no, it should be said that Death has given Lin a chance, one is to use what he has never wanted to show. The power of holiness saves the little cutie, and the other is to take away the guardian necklace on Tang Jia's neck.

Obviously, Lin has made a choice. From the moment he showed the power of holiness, from the moment he planned to save the little cutie, he was doomed to have the ability and possibility to take away the purple necklace on Tang Jia's neck. Understand that Lin, as a black hunter, has the ability to take off the guardian worn by Tang Jia. Necklace, precisely because of his magic that only inherits the [dark attribute] possessed by demon hunters...

Now, because it finally shows the power of holiness, it makes it impossible for Lin to use the power of that dark attribute.

This does not mean that Lin can use magic. Now it is impossible for Lin to show any magic at all. The magic of the dark attribute represents only a powerful magic resistance. For the guardian necklace, he can easily approach it. Because of the magic characteristics of the dark attribute, the magic from the guardian necklace becomes unintentional. Yi, it won't cause too much harm to Lin...

It was originally like this, but after all, because Lin uses the power of holiness, the magic resistance of the dark attribute has become not simple, or now the holy power that is finally used is in the upper hand. In other words, Lin, who can now show the power of holiness but can't show any magic, is now a disguised one. Angel, if he tries to take away the purple necklace that Tang Jia was forcibly worn on his neck, then it is very likely that because of the strong magic power of the purple necklace and the conflict with the power of holiness itself, the strong destructive power brought by it, not to mention Tang Jia, who has awakened part of the power of holiness, and even now has that Whether the forest of holy power can withstand it is still a question of great doubt.

So, Lin will laugh so bitterly. Death did give him a choice, but either of these two choices seems so tricky and deadly...

Lin has made this choice, as mentioned above, which is the best and most reasonable choice at present.

"I'll send her back to her room." Lin said to Uncle Zhang, "Tang Jia's words..." His eyes fell on Tang Jia on the sofa. Such eyes should be a kind of helplessness: "... It may be very troublesome."

"............" Lin's words made Uncle Zhang silent. He should believe that Lin saw the reason why he brought Tang Jia to him. If Lin said so, it would show that it would be tricky to remove the guard necklace on Tang Jia's neck.

He originally wanted to say, why didn't Lin try it? Maybe there was still a chance, but in the end, because of the little cutie in Lin Huaizhong, Uncle Zhang also understood something. Finally, he also nodded and said quietly, "...I hope this won't cause you too much trouble." He guessed that now Lin has used the power of holiness after all. He is now in a quite dangerous state. Anyway, there is a conflict between the power of holiness and magic, while Lin, the magic he has is quite strong. Once the current dangerous balance is broken, Lin's result will not be too good.

Uncle Zhang's words, Lin just smiled, and then he hugged the little cutie in his arms and walked to her room.

At this time, Uncle Zhang noticed the abnormality of the little follower beside him...

"...Are you all right?" Uncle Zhang asked gently. Ye Zi was now in a cold sweat, and her face was bloodless, which made him feel that something was wrong.