Magic Hunter

Chapter 66 Chaotic Memory

Chapter 66 Chaotic Memory

"...No," Ye Zi answered, "...I...I'm fine." He didn't know how to open his mouth, let alone explain to Uncle Zhang. The fact that he had experienced the situation made him stunned for a moment, and even at a loss.

"Is it really okay?" Uncle Zhang still asked uneasy. In his opinion, Ye Zi tried to sense the purple necklace on Tang Jia's neck before. Although Ye Zi calmed the evil spirit in the depths of the soul more or less because of the secret medicine blue cherry, this does not mean that Ye Zi is safe. Anyway, Ye Zi's soul restlessness this time is not because of anything else, but the one that represents Satan. High-grade six-pointed star purple necklace.

In this way, Uncle Zhang looked at Ye Zi, who was still a little frightened beside him. The worried eyes looked at him quietly and said gently, "If something really happens... don't hide it..." There was a faint smile on the corners of his mouth; "You know, uncle has always been very optimistic about you. I mean, whether you can retire easily or not is all up to you.

Knowing that Uncle Zhang was teasing, Ye Zi still smiled knowingly, and then nodded slightly. It seemed that this was the same thing as Uncle Zhang's words just now.

This is what Uncle Zhang scared. In his impression, his little follower can not be worry-free at all, but now, he is so calm, so obedient and so abnormal.

He began to stare at Ye Zi, who is now very abnormal. The originally inconspicuous worry became very obvious at this moment. That kind of look, as if to say, is your boy really scared?

Uncle Zhang was surprised. He really didn't expect that Ye Zi would be so obedient, and there was no intention of refutation. This seemed to be reasonable and clever, or respectful, which made Uncle Zhang panic. If at the beginning, he thought that he might witness the angel for the first time. Ye Zi, who saw this scene, was likely to be scared and did not come to her senses for a while. Anyway, the little cutie was holy and natural, and at this time, Lin was also That's it.

The power of holy power is originally to restrain magic. Uncle Zhang should be able to imagine that in the face of such an unbearable power, Ye Zi, who has just had magic power, can't bear it more or less. It is normal to be so stunned and even a little uneasy.

At the beginning, Uncle Zhang did think so, but after Ye Zi's obedient and obedient reaction, he soon realized that the matter was not simple. He could feel that Ye Zi was wrong, and this wrong was not because of that holy power, but something else...

He doesn't know what Ye Zi is worried about and what she is worried about now, but he is sure that Ye Zi's current abnormality must have nothing to do with the little cutie or Lin's holy power. After all, the evil spirit in the depths of Ye Zi's soul has not produced too many abnormal movements. In this way, Ye Zi should not and cannot be abnormal to such a place. Step, you should understand that such a peaceful reaction is simply a kind of response in the future.

Uncle Zhang doesn't know what Ye Zi is taboo about, but he believes that he should know the reason. Anyway, Ye Zi looks really too reactive now, which is really reassuring.

"Are you really not going to say anything?" Uncle Zhang's tone seemed soft, which seemed to be very kind, completely not like the tone that Uncle Zhang should have.

But that's exactly what it is. Uncle Zhang, who is also a little abnormal, just shows that he no longer hides his concern and concern for Ye Zi.

Ye Zi didn't know how to respond to Uncle Zhang now. He could only stare quietly and still hesitate.

He more or less understood that this strange memory, the past that had little to do with him, should not be too careful. Uncle Zhang reminded him a long time ago that with the further integration of souls, he will always have one kind or another abnormality, and it is also common for those memories from evil to come to mind...

This is not a bad thing. It should be a good thing. You should understand that the memory from the evil spirit appears in Ye Zi's mind, which only shows that the soul fusion between the two is quite smooth, at least according to that happy ending.

Ye Zi has also met several times, more or less, like a fragment, the memory from the evil spirit always comes to his mind, from the fragmented at the beginning to the gradual complete now.

Ye Zi doesn't think there is anything wrong. As Uncle Zhang told him, the memory from the evil spirit appears in his memory, which only shows that the soul fusion between the two is quite smooth. It doesn't take long to go on in this form. Before eating the bottle of blue cherry, Ye Zi has every chance to really Positive, complete control of the magic of evil spirits.

Ye Zi has always thought so, and he can also feel it. Every time the memory of the evil spirit comes to his mind, he can feel the closer connection between the two. At the same time, he can also strongly feel that his control of magic is even simpler.

Therefore, Ye Zi is not worried. Although the memory from evil is sometimes miserable, and he can even see how the evil spirit devours a human being, he can still clearly realize that it is the memory from the evil spirit, not his.

He can clearly distinguish between what is his own memory and what is the memory of evil spirits. Although there is some intersection between the two, they are independent and there is not much wrong.

But this time it's obviously different. Although those pictures or memories are still harmonious, or even a little beautiful, Ye Zi will be so uneasy and worried. No, no, no, that's simply a kind of fear...

Yes, he is still afraid after all. He can clearly and clearly divide the memories from the evil spirits in the past, but this time, he can't figure out whether the extremely real memory belongs to him or the terrible evil spirit...

He can't distinguish, and as in the past, he can't clearly realize what is his original memory and what is from the evil spirit. It is this kind of thing that can't be easily distinguished, which makes me so uneasy and scared. As mentioned above, those things that are true but have never been experienced do not belong to you at all. In other words, these memories should come from the evil spirit in the depths of the soul.

If it had been before, Ye Zi could completely realize this clearly, but at this moment, the extremely real memory and feeling finally made him doubt whether it was himself or the evil spirit.

He didn't know. At first, he couldn't tell the difference. He seemed to understand in his heart that the past that he had never experienced did not belong to him. But with such a contradiction, there will be another voice in his heart, telling Ye Zi over and over again. That's his memory. He accidentally forgot the past a few years ago.

He didn't know, and he didn't know, and then it's just like this, because he could no longer distinguish what was himself and what was the evil spirit, which made him panicked and uneasy. Finally, he achieved the fear at this moment. This fear has become more and more obvious and clear, and Ye Zi can even remember the children of those girls, which has never happened before.

"I..." He tried to say something to make Uncle Zhang understand that he had become strange and scared now. But with all the words in his mouth, he still swallowed it abruptly. He didn't say anything or say anything. Only the confused and uneasy, taboo and fearful eyes of recharge were still staring at Uncle Zhang.

"...don't want to say?" Uncle Zhang became more worried. To be honest, it was the first time he saw Ye Zi, who was so uncertain and panicked. But he didn't think it would be a good way for Ye Zi to choose to be silent at this time. In his opinion, the more time he was, the more he wanted to talk to someone. After all, not saying anything would only make people more worried: "...maybe I can help." He is trying to convince Ye Zi that it is not a good thing to keep in mind what disturbs him. As he said, maybe he can help.

Tang Jia, Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi reacted like this. She looked at it in her eyes, and she was a little confused. She didn't know why Uncle Zhang was so worried, and why Ye Zi was so silent and confused.

But she can still see that the main problem now does not seem to be Uncle Zhang, but Ye Zi, whose eyes have become hesitant.

"You..." She asked softly, "...are you all right?" Similar to Uncle Zhang, Ye Zi's current look makes her feel that something is wrong, and she is also a little vaguely uneasy. She always feels that such Ye Zi should make people worry,

Tang Jia's doubts seemed to have had a little effect. Unlike the eyes staring at Uncle Zhang, when Ye Zi's eyes fell on Tang Jia, it was obviously a little sudden. He seemed to understand that things like Yanfu did not have much to do with him, a big bachelor.

Thinking of this, he looked a little relaxed, and then smiled bitterly. But it was also very contradictory that his bitter smile soon disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by the initial uneasiness and confusion.

He should be very clear now that the memories that have just emerged have absolutely nothing to do with himself. It should be the memory of the evil spirit in the depths of the soul, but that kind of experience really makes Ye Zi have to avoid it. No, no, no, no, it should be said that until now, it is not sure whether it is his own memory or an evil spirit. In the memory, Ye Zi is still confused and uneasy...

Then, he frowned slightly, looked at Tang Jia on the sofa, and looked at Uncle Zhang beside him, as if he was still struggling with something.

This is not to say that Ye Zi doesn't want to say those things, but he doesn't know how to open his mouth. After all, that kind of memory is really easy to explain, and it's even more difficult to open his mouth. More importantly, he believes that even if he tells the two of this uncertain memory, Uncle Zhang and Tang Jia may not be able to help much.

Although Uncle Zhang was once a power, and he also experienced the stage and state of Ye Zi's integration with evil spirits, the process is very different, and not everyone is the same.

Just say Uncle Zhang, he was indeed disturbed by the memory from his own evil spirits, but it was only once, almost just a flash clip, and Uncle Zhang didn't even remember what the clip was.

These Uncle Zhang once told Ye Zi, and also clearly said to him that the process of each power is different. Some of them have not even been troubled by the memory of evil spirits from beginning to end, which is so simple and complete integration with evil spirits.

Therefore, Ye Zi thought that her current stage may be something that Uncle Zhang had not experienced. Even if she said it, it was just a kind of worry that made Uncle Zhang care more about herself.

In addition, if these are really the things he experienced, it may be that he lost his memory for a period of time. At this time, this memory came back.

This is also what Ye Zi is worried about, even if he is very clear, from childhood to adult. He has never lost any memory.

He still hesitated, but in the end, he may have learned that he could not completely solve this problem. Although he did not have much hope, he still felt that he should express something.

Then, he looked at Uncle Zhang again, and this time, his eyes were not the beginning of confusion and consternation. Although there were still some worries more or less, there was obvious firmness in it...