Magic Hunter

Chapter 67 You should know that I'm a policeman

Chapter 67 You should know that I'm a policeman

"...So that's it." When Ye Zi told Uncle Zhang about his worries and uneasiness and the memories that began to become chaotic, Uncle Zhang looked not relaxed at all. In Uncle Zhang's opinion, if it is right, Ye Zi now fell into the most embarrassing and tricky [chaotic state].

This state is not a good thing, but it is not a bad thing. Relatively speaking, it depends on how Ye Zi deals with it and whether it can perfectly integrate with evil spirits from such a chaotic state.

Yes, if those that make Ye Zi feel uneasy, and even begin to doubt whether it belongs to his own memory, this can only show that his fusion with the evil in the depths of his soul is quite perfect, or, from the past to the present, the fusion between the two is quite smooth, beyond the average smooth...

And the kind of Ye Zi can't distinguish, which is so true that the memory that makes him begin to wonder and taboo is a good illustration of this. After all, it is not so perfect that everyone can integrate with their own evil spirits.

This is a good thing. If Ye Zi finally successfully integrates with the evil spirit, the soul fluctuation between him and the evil spirit is almost the same. In that case, he can control the magic from the evil spirit more easily. In fact, in that state, Ye Zi's control and advancement of magic will be a little faster than ordinary superpowers, or even several times stronger...

This is not a joke. The young eleventh assassin, that is, the night. His situation is also similar to that of Ye Zi. He perfectly bears the chaotic state of Ye Zi at this moment, and reaches nearly 100% of the soul fluctuation with his own evil spirit. Whether it is the control or understanding of magic power, he is better than the ordinary power. It's much stronger, and that's it. He soon stood out from the same group of powers as him, but in three years, he had the title of assassin, and even the eleventh assassin with a new title.

Youye, a superpower who can almost be called a genius, made a precedent in the front. If you look at it from this aspect alone, Ye Zi is very likely to become another genius who makes people talk about, envy and hate like Ye. After all, the achievements of superpowers who can survive from this chaotic state are often They are all very good.

But everything always has two sides. The more you get, the more terrible you will be. In the chaotic state like Ye Zi now, if he can finally perfectly integrate with his evil spirits, this is certainly a happy thing for everyone. He can not only control the magic more easily, but also use this almost perfect one. The magic, whether it is the control of martial arts or the ability of formation, can be mastered relatively easily.

This is the benefits brought by the perfect integration with his own evil spirit after the chaotic state, and the disadvantages of this chaotic state are also obvious. That is to say, Ye Zi can't figure out the situation like this now. If there is no one and what to guide, he is easy to be swallowed up by this chaotic memory, and finally can't tell the difference. What is true and what is illusory...

At worst, he even has strong doubts about his own existence.

It's true. Although I don't know how Ye Zi, who was still normal before, suddenly entered this state of chaos, now Ye Zi has a good explanation. For such a chaotic but real memory, he began to be able to distinguish which belongs to him and which belongs to him. Yu Xieling.

This situation is very bad. Now Ye Zi has just fallen into a state of chaos. Such a real memory should be just the beginning. If you can't control this more chaotic memory well, it may not take long. Ye Zi will become crazy because of this indistinguishable memory. Naturally, she will He began to doubt everything that once existed in his mind.

Let's put it this way, that kind of chaotic memory is easy to make Ye Zi suspicious. I don't know which real memories in my mind belong to me, just like the real Uncle Zhang. On the edge of that kind of collapse, Ye Zi absolutely doubts whether Uncle Zhang is the person in her mind, or Uncle Zhang. Does it belong to his memory or the evil spirit hidden in the soul...

This situation is not impossible, but very likely. After all, although the person who appeared in Ye Zi's mind can still clearly realize that they belong to the memory of evil spirits, to be honest, if he can, he really wants to see the people in his mind and see their own memories. It's still an evil spirit.

It can be seen that even if she believes that part of the real memory comes from the evil spirit in the depths of the soul, Ye Zi will still doubt whether the truth is like this, whether those girls, those people, are the memory forgotten by him or the evil spirit.

This is the problem and the key to the state of chaos.

If Ye Zi can survive and maintain her absolute self from beginning to end, and will not be 'fused' by that very scary chaotic state, and become a person who even becomes vague and unpredictable about what she is and what is evil spirit, then Ye Zi will also become like a night, right A genius who is very talented in the use of magic.

But if Ye Zi can't survive such a state of chaos and can't maintain his absolute self, then, as mentioned above, he is easy to be 'integrated' by this dangerous state of chaos, and become such a vague and unpredictable 'mixture' of what is himself and what is evil spirit. '.

That situation is not very optimistic. He is not so much a mixture of self and evil spirits as a monster that has lost himself. After all, in that state, Ye Zi is not a successful fusion with evil spirits in the usual sense, but a loss...

In that state, Ye Zi can't control herself at all, just like he can't control what is his own memory. He can no longer control the evil spirit in the depths of his soul, and eventually becomes a disguised monster, sometimes a human, and sometimes an evil spirit and monster that needs to devour the soul.

This situation does not appear. It should be said that few powers can perfectly integrate with their own evil spirits. One part will eventually die because the soul between the two cannot be integrated, while the other part naturally successfully integrates their own evil spirits and really controls the magic.

And there is another situation, that is, Ye Zi is now in a state of chaos. In this state, Ye Zi will not die. Either she will become a more powerful and more capable person, or become a monster that loses herself as mentioned above.

Let's put it this way, among the ten super powers, there will always be one like Ye Zi in a state of chaos. They have the chance of successfully integrating evil spirits, but it is much lower than losing as a monster. In other words, in Ye Zi's current chaotic state, she is more likely to lose herself and become like that. One is a mixture of half people and half monsters.

This is what Uncle Zhang is worried about, which is also the root cause of his lack of optimism. After all, in Ye Zi's current chaotic state, there are not many opportunities to successfully integrate perfectly with his own evil spirits. On the contrary, it is more likely that he will lose such a monster.

Therefore, after Uncle Zhang learned that Ye Zi was in such a state of chaos, he was a little happy. He felt that he and Yue really didn't misread Ye Zi. His little follower did have such potential to become the next night-like genius.

But this joy is only fleeting after all, because Uncle Zhang knows that Ye Zi's trouble has just begun...

"Maybe I should congratulate you," Uncle Zhang looked at Ye Zi beside him and seemed to show a smile, but this smile, to be honest, looks so reluctant: "... You will become the most likely genius after the night." He is saying that Ye Zi should not be so worried and uneasy. Such a chaotic state is exactly what he expects.

Of course, in this chaotic state, Uncle Zhang said he was not worried, which was obviously deceptive. He was also uneasy like Ye Zi, but unlike Ye Zi, he expected not to be a monster that could be very bad, but the genius he wanted to express.

On the side, Ye Zi should have heard the meaning of Uncle Zhang's words, so he looked surprised. No, no, no, that look can be completely understood as a kind of shock: "You..." He stared at Uncle Zhang closely. In his eyes, there was doubt and confusion, but more fear: "...I guessed it early in the morning?" He can completely imagine now that that time, because of Wang Qi, or Fat Girl, Ye Zi inexplicably had an evil spirit and magic. At first, he thought it was just a coincidence, but from the current form, it was not a coincidence, but a necessity.

When he wants to come, Uncle Zhang and Yue, these two may want him to become the current power early in the morning.

Therefore, he was afraid and felt a little more and more fearful. Only now did he realize that he was with a terrible old man that he could push himself into the fire so cruelly, and almost played with himself to death.

"...Don't make such a fuss." Uncle Zhang seemed to be calm, but he was serious, and in the final analysis, he still cares: "... I'm not as terrible as you think, and I'm not a bad person." Speaking of this, he deliberately glanced at Ye Zi and then smiled: "You should know that I'm a policeman."

At this point, Uncle Zhang sighed, shook his head, and his tone was absolutely helpless: "This is also an inevitable choice. Whether you want to admit it or not, from the time you enter the 13th Brigade, becoming a power is the inevitable end."

Uncle Zhang: "I don't want to say whether this is a violation of human rights. I just want you to understand that sometimes you often have no choice."