Magic Hunter

Chapter 76 Haunted House

Chapter 76 The haunted House

Therefore, no matter how Sister Meilin complains about herself, Ye Zi still feels warm in her heart. This feeling is as happy as the bitterly beating and scolding of her family.

I don't know how long it took. When Sister Meilin felt almost venting, she told Ye Zi that he could flash.

"Sister Meilin, are your feet all right? I mean, I have a car." Holding the key of the bicycle in her hand, Ye Zi looked confident. He knew that there should be something wrong with Sister Meilin's feet. Otherwise, Sister Meilin, who is usually very 'lively', would not 'let go' herself so easily as it is today.

Sure enough, as Ye Zi thought, Sister Meilin put out the cigarette casually, and then smiled faintly: "You have a little conscience."

"Hehe~~" Ye Zi smiled.

When you usually come to a fast food restaurant, Sister Merrill Lynch walks on foot. Her home is not very far from here, and it only takes about ten minutes to walk. In fact, Sister Merrill didn't plan to 'hit' back - cut! It's free to pay for the tay!

Locked the store, Sister Merrill sat in the back seat of the bicycle, and Ye Zi, who was ready to go, immediately stared away.

"Where have you been these days... Don't lie to me!" Sister Merrill issued an obvious warning.

Ye Zi's little heart was pounding, and Sister Meilin was not so confused: "Uh... It's nothing. It's just going abroad for a casual stroll."

Sister Merrill Lynch couldn't laugh or cry: "Foreign? Just your salary?"

"...A distant relative suddenly thought of me, and then..."

Before Ye Zi finished the nonsense, Sister Meilin twisted the small meat on Ye Zi's waist, which made Ye Zi almost burst into tears.

"If you dare to talk nonsense in front of me, you're tired of living... Forget it. If you don't say it, don't say it. Anyway, I'm not interested in you." Sister Meilin laughed and scolded. She knew that Ye Zi didn't want to say it. Although she was a little curious, sometimes it was better not to ask clearly.

Ye Zi smiled faintly: "Thank you!"

"Thank you? Thank me for what?" Sister Meilin deliberately pretended to be stupid.

Ye Zi smiled, this feeling is good, everything is in silence. We both know what each other is thinking.

"...Hey!" Sister Meilin sighed and subconsciously, her hand holding Ye Zi's waist tightened a little more, and her voice softened: "In fact, it's not easy for you. You still have to support yourself when you are still in school... You should go to do some dangerous part-time job... I don't want it in the future."

Ye Zi smiled, and this smile was very real: "Hmm! No, it's enough to go through that kind of thing once.




It was a good weather just now, and it suddenly rained heavily. People on the street rushed up and began to look for shelter from the rain.

Ye Zi also planned to avoid the rain, but Sister Meilin said that the rain was quite heavy and it should rain for a period of time. Her house was in front of him and asked him to move forward in the rain.

Ye Zi thought for a while, but she still listened to Sister Merrill Lynch and accelerated her speed towards Sister Merrill Lynch's apartment.

......... I hurried to the downstairs of Sister Meilin's apartment. Their clothes were soaked, and they had already become embarrassed.

Looking at each other, the depressed image of each other made them laugh. Sister Meilin was wet and said, "Go to my house to rinse it... Don't say no... I won't eat you!"

Ye Zi wants to say something else, a lonely man and a lonely woman. But Merrill Lynch didn't give him a chance, and regardless, Sister Merrill Lynch pulled Ye Zi and went home.

As soon as she got home, Ye Zi and Sister Meilin sat on the sofa together, but as soon as they sat down, Ye Zi stood up nervously.

When it was raining heavily outside, he just wanted to send Sister Merrill Lynch home quickly, but he didn't pay attention to her image at all. But now calm down and take a look, a picture of blood spray appeared in front of him.

Sister Meilin was wearing an off-the-shoulder white coat, and she could have faintly seen the skin color inside. Now, after getting wet in the rain, the white coat not only stuck to Sister Meilin's body, but also became 'transparent' like glass. Therefore, it was so easy that Sister Meilin's snow-white skin and perfect curves were fully displayed. What's more, Sister Meilin's white bra today also seems to be stained with rain and becomes translucent, and her plump chest appears with Sister Meilin's steady breathing.

Seeing Sister Meilin's appearance, Ye Zi felt a little hot, and her physical instinct made him stand in place almost mechanically, unable to take his eyes off.


Sister Meilin soon noticed Ye Zi's hot eyes. Immediately, Ye Zi hurriedly turned her head to one side - she was very emassy.

What Ye Zi didn't expect was that Sister Meilin did not scream or shout 'pervert', but smiled badly, and then slowly faded her wet coat in front of Ye Zi...

Gulu~~Ye Zi swallowed a mouthful of water and told him strongly that she could not watch it anymore, but the deadly impulse overshadowed reason. It made Ye Zi feel that she should not give up this rare opportunity.

The top was faded, and the beautiful figure of Merrill Lynch was fully displayed in front of Ye Zi. The fair skin looked smoother because of a trace of rain. It's tender, and it seems that your fingers can be broken. Some rainwater formed into small drops of water and 'slid' on her body, especially Sister Meilin's flat lower abdomen. Those small drops of water slipped to the bottom and finally slowly disappeared in the short skirt under her waist.

However, Ye Zi's eyes did not pay attention to Sister Meilin's perfect abdomen, but the proud chest.

Sister Meilin's chest is full and round, especially now, without a coat. Ye Zi saw Sister Meilin's 'unfathomable' jade rabbit for the first time.

Some rain was pasted on the jade rabbit. Under the intoxicating light, the rain was slightly flooded, making Sister Meilin's chest more charming and mysterious, as if it was looking forward to something.

Ye Zi really couldn't stand it. He felt that his face was getting hotter and hotter, but he couldn't look away.

Hee hee~~

Seeing Ye Zi's obsessive appearance, Sister Meilin smiled cutely. She seemed to feel that this was not enough - she stood up, deliberately lowered her body, and then her perfect jade rabbit appeared more thoroughly in front of Ye Zi...

Gulu~~Ye Zi swallowed a few mouthfuls of water one after another. If it went on like this, he had to lose his mind. But at this time, Sister Meilin actually added fuel to the fire. She untied the belt of the short skirt, and then 'teared', and the zippered short skirt fell to the ground. Immediately, Sister Meilin's slender and straight legs...

"Xiao Ye~" Sister Meilin's voice is very soft and confusing, which makes people feel numb all over.

If it were someone else, they would definitely be completely conquered by the call of the beautiful sister, but Ye Zi was the opposite. Sister Meilin's sweet nickname made Ye Zi, who was used to her 'mother' side, wake up a lot...

Ye Zi hurriedly turned her head aside - it was too dangerous.

"Xiao Ye~~" Sister Meilin almost said coquettishly, and she approached step by step.

But Ye Zi is like the ferromagnet of the same level. The closer Merrill Lynch is, the more he retreats step by step. In the end, he retreated to the corner.

"Do you like me?" Sister Meilin said affectionately, "Say, say you like me."

Ye Zi can't retreat. Sister Meilin is very close to him. A burst of intoxicating body fragrance makes Ye Zi feel distracted and can't calm down.

"I hate it! Are they asking you? Sister Meilin is closer to Ye Zi. At this moment, Sister Meilin's close chest, Ye Zi has faintly felt its plumpness and softness.

............No way! Go on like this! Absolutely not!!

He was clear about this, but he just didn't want to leave, but looked forward to the approach of Sister Meilin.

"Xiao Ye~~" Sister Mei Lin pulled Ye Zi's little hand. The soft and boneless little hand made Xiao Ye's body stiffer all of a sudden. "He is so empty and lonely."

Emptiness? Lonely? Oh, my God............

Ye Zi's brain is getting more and more chaotic, but Sister Meilin is getting closer and closer. There is more and more skin contact between her and Ye Zi. Except for some ** parts, Sister Meilin almost 'entangles' her whole body around him...

"Little leaf~~"

Like whispering, the itching in her ears made Ye Zi more and more obsessed. For a period of time, Ye Zi really wanted to hold Sister Meilin in her arms, which was completely different from usual...

Taking a deep breath, Ye Zi hurriedly pushed Sister Meilin away, but he was really too anxious. Inadvertently, his hand fell on Sister Meili's soft chest.

Ye Zi: "............" (Dead!)

He believes that his purely unexpected 'tofu' will definitely make Sister Meilin, who teases him, run wild. But Ye Zi didn't expect at all that Sister Meilin not only didn't 'call over' immediately, but also a trace of shy blush appeared on her delicate little face...

No, no...

Ye Zi still saw the expression of Merrill Lynch... He began to think nonsense...



With a crisp sound, Sister Merrill Lynch still 'to take action'.

"Bad boy! Dare to eat my tofu?!" Sister Meilin was angry, but with a trace of shyness. Well, there is an indescribable cuteness.

Ye Zi smiled bitterly - please! It's you who are 'active' and I'm 'passive'!

Thinking so, Ye Zi didn't dare to say so: "...ah ha ha, misunderstanding, it's purely a misunderstanding... haha... haha..." He smiled awkwardly, very embarrassed.

Sister Meilin should not want to delve into it. Anyway, it's also her at the beginning: "I'm going to take a shower first. You can watch TV first. I'll call you after washing... Well, you change your clothes first... The second room on the left, my sister's room, and there should be clothes suitable for you."

Ye Zi said 'oh' gently - low-key.

According to Sister Meilin's prompt, Ye Zi came to that room. When I came to the wardrobe, I found a few clothes. Although it was a little smaller, it was okay to wear.


Just as Ye Zi was about to go out, he inadvertently found that the half-covered wardrobe seemed to have something that did not belong to men...

Shocked! Ye Zi was shocked! That's a bra. That guy is definitely a woman's bra!!


Ye Zi looked carefully at the clothes on her body and other clothes in the wardrobe - that's right! This is a boy's clothes! But why...

Ye Zi looked around the same room again. This room also looks like a boy's room, but there are some fur toys such as bears...

Is this the girl's room, isn't it...

Brother Chun!!

These two words suddenly appeared in Ye Zi's mind - no way! Is neutrality so popular recently?

(Cough! What is neutral? What's popular recently is a hypocrite!!)

Thinking of the clothes she was wearing a neutral girl, Ye Zi felt uncomfortable all over, but he couldn't help it, so she did it. Er, this is not to say that Ye Zi despises neutrality. It should be said that the clothes that a girl may wear on her body will be more or less uncomfortable.

Sitting on the sofa, turning on the TV, and constantly pressing the remote control, Ye Zi wanted to find a TV program that could be watched a little bit, but he found that except for the news band, all other TVs were TMD advertisements. Ye Zi simply watched the news.

"...The latest news, four female corpses were found in the southern suburbs of W City. After preliminary identification by the police, the four female corpses were between 16 and 24 years old..."

Female corpse? The southern suburbs of W city?

"...the chest of the deceased..."

This is...

Looking at the picture on TV, Ye Zi suddenly remembered something - foundry?!

He clearly remembered that at that time, the * in Black Snow had such a rose pattern. He also heard from Bingxi mention that such a rose picture has always been a unique symbol of the foundry, just like the wisteria of their [craftsman].

Is it possible that these four female corpses have anything to do with [the foundry master]?




Just as Ye Zi was in a dawe, the pillow that came to her face hit him hard, which made Ye Zi immediately come to her senses. Looking up, as expected, Sister Merrill Lynch was staring at him angrily.

"Why are you in a daze? I don't pay attention to you?"

"...I was a little distracted just now..." Ye Zi hurriedly explained.


Sister Meilin, who was only wrapped in a white bath towel, narrowed her eyes slightly, with a trace of doubt in her eyes: "Bad boy, are you thinking about something you shouldn't think about?"

Ye Zi: "............"

Explanation is equivalent to cover-up, cover-up is the truth, and the fact is the beginning of hypocrisy. Now, no matter what he wants to explain, the result is tragic, so Ye Zi simply said a 'non-violent non-cooperative' - he giggled.

Sister Meilin was amused by Ye Zi's smile, which was worse than crying. She puffed and smiled softly: "Idiot! Big fool, you... Go take a shower... Well, I'll help you dry the wet clothes."

Ye Zi scratched the back of her head with a little embarrassment: "Then I'm sorry to trouble you."

Sister Meilin smiled and said, "It's not troublesome. The labor fee will be deducted from your labor."

Ye Zi: "............"


The heavy rain finally stopped. After saying goodbye to Sister Meilin, Ye Zi planned to go home. It was past ten o'clock in the evening.

As soon as I walked out of the apartment, my mobile phone suddenly rang. Take out your mobile phone and have a look...


Ye Zi recognized this number, which was the number left to him by Bingxi at the beginning. He didn't like this number very much, and even said he hated it - that time, the old man hung up the phone impatiently. Even if he knew how to respect the elderly, he could be ignored like this...

"Hey!" Picking up the phone, Ye Zi's tone was indifferent.

"Ye Zi?" The other end of the mobile phone is still the old man, his voice is slightly hoarse, and the tone is still cold and hot: "I'll give you half an hour, come here to work immediately, immediately!"

"Now?" Ye Zi frowned slightly, and the old man's voice was very rude, and even had the same tone as the order, which made Ye Zi a little unhappy: "I'm sorry, I'm not free today. Let's talk about it another day."

"..." Ye Zi's unhappiness directly silenced the old man for a while, but soon, he laughed, full of cheerful laughter: "Have a character! I like it... Come here now and I'll give you half an hour... The monthly salary is 28,000 yuan, and the food is included... It's up to you." After saying that, regardless of Ye Zitong's disagreement, the old man hung up the phone.

Ye Zi is really a little angry - damn it! This is a little too drag, isn't it?!

However, two thousand and eight are also included...

Gritted his teeth, for the sake of the lovely RMB, Ye Zi endured. Besides, there is such a "nothing" demon at home. Ye Zi has been really tight recently.


According to the address provided by Bingxi, Ye Zi came to a place near the western suburbs of K City.

This is...

For this location, Ye Zi still has a little impression - K City, the most losing-making new urban area.

In recent years, the housing market has been booming, and land prices have soared. Naturally, K City is no exception. There are newly developed blocks everywhere. But in the western suburbs, the land price has never been able to rise.


The reason is very simple. The western suburbs used to be an industrial area, where several large local chemical factories were located. In response to the development of K city in recent years, most of these factories have been moved to further suburbs. The western suburbs have also tossed a lot of development. In the past few years, newspapers boasted that the western suburbs will be the next economic city, but it will not be a climate. Developers have come one batch after another. The construction of real estate is higher than one, and there are a lot of commercial areas, communities and so on, but in the past few years, there are still more unfinished buildings...

Locals in K City know that those places are former chemical factories. Although they have moved away, God knows what deadly pollution the land will leave behind. The government has also clarified many times to ensure that there is no problem with that location... However, these days, even the news broadcast may be nonsense. Who still believes in the statement of the municipal government...

Therefore, the area in the western suburbs has become a big joke - those falling buildings are one after another, not to mention the scenery during the day, but at night, the buildings are basically dark, and there are few lights, which are rare.

There is no way. The real estate in the western suburbs can only fall again and again. Although the price is already exciting, there is still a lack of attention.

In this way, the new urban area in the western suburbs is jokingly called - to accompany the capital to earn money, and ghosts don't go there.