Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Preface of the Magic Academy of Breeze

One Order Star Xilu

"Five stone ghosts... are really annoying enemies. Let's not talk about why these guys came out... How did you provoke them? You should be just civilians in a nearby village! Your luck is really annoying!"

The spring light wind forest is filled with the initial breath of life, but this vitality is now destroyed by the claws of a group of monsters called stone ghosts. Surrounded by them are a group of trembling villagers and a petite girl. Facing the powerful monster, the girl did not show any fear. She didn't even open her eyes, but raised the magic wand in her hand and silently chanted the spell...

The duel between magicians and monsters is common on this continent known as Canaparis. Just as light and darkness coexist harmoniously with each other, the existence of monsters itself is also a reasonable definition. However, a duel scene like today is not a spectacle that can be seen often. For ordinary magicians, it is quite a tense reality to face three monsters at the same time, and must also consider the species of monsters... Therefore, facing five goblins at the same time and five stone ghosts at the same time is not proportional in strength.

As a monster with medium strength, the stone ghost has a veritable hard skin. The huge wings like bats provide them with the source of high-speed free flight, and the sharp minions provide them with deadly attack weapons. Ordinary magicians never dare to try to face more than two such enemies alone... Today's girls are obviously an exception.

Judging from her age, this is just a 15- or 16-year-old girl, and she is wearing a first-year student uniform of the "Holy Moonlight" of the Magic Academy not far from here. Judging from the time of enrollment, she should have only had three months of magic class experience, and I'm afraid she doesn't even have the level of an ordinary magician... However, for some reason, she is not as young as she thought. She can't see any other expression on her face except the concentration when singing.

The long time seemed to have caused the unease of the monsters, and they also vaguely felt that the seemingly weak girl was gradually gathering unpredictable magic... So five stone ghosts stepped forward and launched attacks from the air and the ground at the same time. The villagers were frightened by their fierce appearance and exclaimed again.

"It's so annoying! If you don't have the ability to deal with them, just hide aside!"

The girl scolded angrily while avoiding the enemy's attack with agile movements:

"And know how to attack from the air and the ground at the same time... I thought your heads were like stones! But you are just stones! No matter what I say, you don't understand!"

In the face of the monster famous for its speed, the girl's figure was unexpectedly light. Not only did the two-way attack of the stone ghost not work, but even the corners of her clothes were not touched. After avoiding all the attacks of the other party, the girl pulled out her sword and went to a stone ghost in front of her like lightning...

"What! Is the skin of the rumored stone ghost so fragile?"

The hard skin that the stone ghosts were proud of was easily pierced by the girl's sword... However, this did not cut off the source of the other party's magic. The injured stone ghost tightly grasped the sword that pierced the body with sharp claws. The girl struggled hard and failed to pull it out... ...

"Is it intentional? I can't see that your brain is really unexpectedly smart! But what do you think this is of any use to me?

The remaining stone ghosts took advantage of this gap to surround themselves. Under their swinging claws, their companions pierced by the sword were torn to pieces in the low roar, but only its gravel scattered on the ground... The girl's figure actually disappeared out of thin air in front of them.

The monsters roared angrily and searched around for the enemy. In response to their movements was a sharp ice gun, and the head of a stone ghost was easily pierced and shattered into powder...

"The reaction is too slow! It's too late to regret now! You stupid stones!"

Around the remaining three stone ghosts, eight ice guns appeared at the same time. The monsters who sensed the crisis flapped their wings hard to try to escape the deadly encirclement, but without waiting for them to dodge or defend, the ice gun attacked them like a rainstorm. The stone statue ghosts wailed sadly, and soon their bodies turned into broken soil that could no longer be formed.

"That's all... It really disappoints me! Compared with previous enemies, you really don't deserve to be called monsters!"

The girl jumped from the tree, withdrew the sword that fell on the ground, proudly combed her long pale blonde hair, and turned to the villagers trembling beside her:

"Go back now! If you stay here, you may meet some terrible guy again! Remember it well! Today, a kind, noble and beautiful nobleman saved your life. You must be grateful at all times!"

Although I'm afraid that even I will blush for it, the so-called nobles may be such a group of guys who like to show off at all times... The villagers who are not surprised still gratefully thanked the proud noble girl. Just as they were about to turn around and leave, the girl's voice floated again:

"And! Remember my name! Xilu Ferrinwen Lafard! When telling others about today's story, you must report my name completely!"

"I understand, Miss Xilu! But even if you say your name so loudly, I'm afraid you can't escape your evasion!"

The proud look suddenly became a little annoying... The girl named Xilu turned around awkwardly, and a young woman with waist-length blue hair appeared in front of her angrily:

"How many times has it been Miss Xilu?"

"I'm not absent from class today, I'm just late... And Miss Lulu, didn't you leave your students and run out alone!"

Xilu's face showed a careless look. A woman named Lulu stared and her palms fell on the other party's head:

"No words back to the teacher! And why do you think I ran out! Aren't you worried that you will run to fool around like last time?"

"When was the last time...? I don't remember much..."

"You want to pretend to be stupid in front of me, right? If you continue to put on this cute and annoying face, your credits will be deducted!"

When she heard the word "deduct credits", Xilu suddenly panicked:

"Deducting credits or something... It's too much..."

"If you don't want to do that, repeat what happened to me! Let me listen to your great achievements again!"

"Damn it! I know! That's what I said!"

Xi shouted out with an unconvinced face:

"School starts for a month! Arguing with everyone in the classroom! Freeze the whole classroom!"

"What about the result?"

"As a result... several classmates lay in Miss Lulu's room for half a week..."

"Ah! What a great magic! Just listening to it makes me feel awesome!"

Lulu pretended to have an incredible face, and Xilu continued with a "hum":

"The second month of school! In the silent forest! Clean up monsters with everyone! Fight against monsters alone despite the teacher's orders!"

"And then?"

"Then...then I lay in Miss Lulu's room for a week..."

"So it's still a hero! The teacher is so moved that he can't evaluate you in words! In the silent forest where magic can't be used, Miss Xilu's figure fighting alone with monsters should really be painted and hung on the wall of the college!"

"Didn't I have reflected on and apologized for these things! Don't always hold on to it! Can such a stingy behavior also be regarded as a teacher's demeanor?

Lulu's palm fell heavily on Xilu's head again, and Xilu touched her head with an aggrieved face:

"Didn't you agree not to knock on the head..."

"Your head is not as easy to break as watermelon! And you! You tell me why I always talk about these things! Even if you get the exclusive magic wand personally awarded by the college president after three months of admission, and even if you get the title of 'Star Xilu' as a first-year student, these do not mean that you have the privilege of surpassing students! Recognition of your strength does not mean recognition of your privileges! If you continue to mess around like this, even with the support of your sister who is the captain of the guard beside the princess, I will not be polite to you!"

"Who...who will rely on his sister to support him! And you're just jealous, aren't you?"


"Because although you are the authority of the water department in the college, you don't have an exclusive magic wand!"

Xilu proudly shook the magic wand carved with a unicorn pattern in her hand in front of Lulu... Then she was hit by Lulu's third heavy blow on her head:

"Don't tell such boring jokes here! And I don't think your jokes are nutritious! I have to write down your behavior in the report, and you can explain what just happened!"

"It's too much! I helped everyone! Don't write such a thing on the report..."

Lulu turned away indifferently. Xilu chased after her quickly while shouting "Wait, no." Lulu suddenly thought of something and turned her head:

"Speaking of which, Miss Xilu, maybe you will encounter something good soon... or something bad..."

"Huh? What good things and bad things? What do you mean by that?

"I... don't know anything! Just wait quietly! And this is just my sudden intuition! Intuition!"

"What a cunning statement! And you must have hidden something from me!"

"That's right... Just judge for yourself! Miss Cila Suther Lafard!"

"It's so annoying! Please call me Xilu Ferrinwen Lafard! Stop the cunning guy!"

"Ah! I don't want to stand! If I am confident that I can catch up with me, I won't report today's matter!"

"I won't let you escape--"

"Is the girl chosen by fate... Although she looks very young, it can still make me clearly feel the mysterious power emanating from her... Maybe tomorrow, I can confirm with my own eyes whether she is the ideal qualified candidate... I sincerely hope that my judgment is not It will be biased because of my personal feelings..."

In the depths of the forest, there is always a pair of eyes hidden under the black cloak staring at what happened before. The breeze blew away the mysterious breath hidden under the cloak, revealing a smiling face.

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