Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

The School of Magic of the Breeze

One-two duel storm

Today is the rainy day of the college, but the weather outside has nothing to do with this name, because it is just a simple noun to represent the course to be studied today. For example, if this day is to learn fire magic, it will be named the day of fire, and if it is to learn earth magic, it will be named Earth Day. Normally, the day of learning water magic should be more appropriate, but because the teacher is quick-tempered and angry like a storm, the students simply changed the name of this day to the day of rain.

A young woman named Lulu Anli teaches water magic, because the magic of water keeps her 15 years old at the actual age of 28. She is tall and ladylike. Her long sky-blue hair naturally falls down like a waterfall, which coincides with her magical attributes, but it matches her fiery temper. Some students often complain that the hair is really the wrong owner. When she is happy, her expression is as cute as a little girl. Her round face and clear eyes make people feel the urge to give a kiss, but if you really dare to do so, her eyes will immediately become as sharp as a falcon ready to take your life, and then you will immediately be washed away by the sudden waves. There is no trace - but no one knows when she will turn against her for what reason, and she can only admit that she is unlucky after being washed by the water.

Today's Lulu may have had a good dream last night and seemed particularly happy. The cute and crazy baby face and trill tone were like singing sweet songs, which made the students' hearts rippled. However, no matter how addicted you are, you can't act too much. As long as you persist for an hour like this, you can safely send away the moody "Water Witch". Everyone is trying to remind you in your heart. Carefully calculated, Lulu taught a total of seven classes in the three months of school, five of which ended with huge waves and the wailing of students. The "Witch of Water" is really worthy of the name.

However, no matter how strange her temper is, Lulu will speak very thoroughly and unreservedly in the process of the professor, which is the highest evaluation of her students except for her appearance. Any student who studies water magic, as long as she is a teacher, the speed of progress can be described as a leap, and not a student of water can also learn many practical theories in the process of her teaching. These are extremely valuable assets for magicians. Compared with other teachers who pretend to be deep or pretentious, Lulu's popularity is unmatched. It is said that some graduated student boldly expressed his admiration to her, but the result was still washed away by the waves.

After teaching the theory, Lulu conducted a practical magic demonstration as usual. After singing a spell quickly, a small water ball rose from the top of her magic wand and then changed various shapes on her head.

"This is just the simplest magic. Drive your magic and let the catalyst realize your intention by changing its shape. If you have enough will and strength, even the soft water you usually see can turn into a sharp blade. Of course, if you are in a good mood, you can also turn it into a wine glass. Pretending to hold good wine."

The water ball on her head changed according to her story, sometimes into a dagger, sometimes into a wine glass, which amazed the students present.

"However, please remember that water is not only the source of our magic, but more importantly, it is also the source of life, so water magic often does not have too much destructive power, but is used for healing and self-defense. But this does not mean that water is useless. On the contrary, among the four elements of water, fire, wind and earth, water occupies the most basic and important position, just as for human beings, life is the foundation of everything. Therefore, if you try to use the power of water to destroy it, it is as ridiculous as wasting your precious life.

The water balloon dissipated invisible like sunshine, which means that an hour has finally passed. This class is finally safe. Seeing Lulu holding up the book and receiving the magic wand at her waist, everyone is secretly relieved. Unexpectedly, a student suddenly stood up and asked:

"So Mr. Lulu, since water can change into various shapes, if I have enough power to turn it into a beautiful woman's body?"

The students let out a low scream, and some of them couldn't wait to hide under the table with their heads. This question itself is already very ridiculous, not to mention that it is a taboo to call her Teacher Lulu - Lulu strictly requires students to call themselves "Miss Lulu". However, the student seemed to be immersed in inexplicable joy because of Lulu's charm. When he spoke, his facial muscles were a little deformed, and he did not notice that the crisis was coming at all.

Lulu put down the book that had been sorted out, held the magic wand in her hand, shook her eyebrows slightly, and still kept her original smile:

"Of course, I don't know which beauty you want to turn into?"

"Well, haha, of course it's Mr. Lulu..."

At this moment, the classroom was overwhelmed by the loud sound of water and the tragic sound of the students. The windows on the third floor were shattered by the turbulent waves. The unlucky student and several other innocent students were swept by huge waves from the third floor through the broken window and disappeared into the corner of the college.

By the time other students got up, Lulu's figure had disappeared at the end of the corridor - there was a teacher's lounge, and I'm afraid it was the only place to appease the angry "Water Witch". While celebrating that they had not suffered the fish in the pond, the students prayed for the unfortunate companions in front of the broken window:

"Oh, he could have been safe, but that fool asked such an idiot's question. How big is his head?"

"I don't know where they have been. It's really pitiful. Those guys just don't have time to guard and dodge..."

"Anyway, I've been used to it for a long time. It's like a thunderstorm in summer. If you can't avoid it, you can only admit your bad luck..."

Everyone gathered together to discuss, waiting for a teacher to come to deal with the aftermath, but the interval between the two classes is 30 minutes. Generally, no teacher will come to the classroom in advance during this period. So this kind of waiting is just in vain, and it seems boring after a while. Just as he was about to return to his seat and sort out the classroom disturbed by the waves, a big guy suddenly flashed from the lively student group in the opposite classroom:

"Oh, have you been taught by Lulu's magic again? Hahaha, unlucky guys, have a good time with little Lulu!"

The students here immediately showed disgust. This big guy is named Kick Roge, who comes from the hereditary viscount Roge family of the ancient Lund Kingdom in the southern continent. He is recognized by the students as a nuisance. Just by looking at his tall figure and strong muscles, as well as his flame-like red hair, he knows that he is a complete force type. This is the truth. He is recognized as the character with the lowest magical talent in the college and the pursuit of brute force. In terms of close combat, no one is his opponent. In the three months since the beginning of school, he has participated in five duels. Those poor opponents knew that they were not opponents, but they had to accept them out of the honor of the nobles. As a result, they were all broken by him. As long as he walks in the corridor, no one dares to approach him within five meters.

Not to mention the students in other classes, even the students in the same class don't like this guy very much. Some people said that he actually came to the wrong place and should become a member of the Cavaliers; some people gave him the nickname "Kick of the Bear", but he not only didn't think it was sarcastic, but also very Proudly show them your muscles and strength:

"What kind of magic is that can only be used to coax ignorant children and can't be used on the battlefield at all. During your so-called dialogue with the gods, I have enough ability to beat you into meat sauce! I'm just here to deal with Dad's boring interests. Don't talk to me about how great magic is!"

He is also not polite to the teachers. The fire magic teacher is called a "burning stick" because of his thinness, and the wind magic teacher has always been called a "stone ghost" by him with a solemn expression. Lulu, a water teacher, may not dare to say too much because of her strong power, but in private she is still full of obscene words. The blasphemous "Little Lulu" - this is the most angry place for Lulu's students. If they could compete with it in fighting, they would have gathered and flattened him. But all I can do now is swallow my anger.

In the face of the silence of the other party, Kik did not appreciate it, but walked forward carelessly and grabbed a student's collar:

"Am I right, buddy? Although such a teacher is very violent, he is also very **, right? You must have fantasies about her figure in class, right? That unlucky man must have been taught a lesson for this reason. Hahaha, that figure, everyone wants to touch it well..."

The student caught in the collar angrily wanted to break free from his hand, but there was no sign of loosening. Instead, the collar was caught with a few holes. Just as he wanted to pick up the magic wand, he was twisted by Kick's wrist and sweated coldly. The classmate next to him looked bad and pulled out his magic wand to help. Keke immediately threw the student he was holding, and several people were immediately knocked to the ground.

"Hey! Third-rate guys still want to do it! You monkeys don't seem to know what strength is at all! The guy who dares to fight with Uncle Kick hasn't been born in this world yet! If you are not convinced, stand up and compare! If you are still nobles, don't huddle in the corner! Look! I dare to accept the challenge of any of you!"

Despite his rude words, no one dares to stand up and fight. Everyone knows that this is a very unwise choice. Now the only way is to show weakness and then leave it to the teacher to deal with it.

"What's the matter! What a useless guy! How powerful the holy moonlight is rumored to only cultivate such a coward! It's so boring! Today, I will sort out the kennels of your cowardly..."

Seeing that Kick was ready to destroy the classroom, the students knew that they could not stand it even if they were not opponents. More than a dozen students immediately clenched the magic wand in their hands to stop it. Kick disdained this resistance, laughed and picked up a chair and smashed it. The students immediately dodged around in confusion, and Kick had already I was about to smash the second chair, but a calm voice suddenly came from behind me:

"Put down my chair."

"Hmm?" The big man turned his head slightly in surprise, but did not find the source of the sound. He looked carefully until he caught a glimpse of a beautiful long light blonde hair and found that the other party was two heads shorter than himself, so he could not find it for a while. Although the height gap is very obvious, there is no fear in the girl's eyes, and her tone does not show any cowardice:

"Put down my chair."

"Ha? What are you talking about? Kick glanced at the chair carelessly, with the girl's name engraved on the back: ZIRU•FIRIVIN•RAFLUD.

"Hahaha! Who do I think it is! So you are the so-called 'Star Xilu' in the rumor! Hey hey! It's really disappointing. It turned out to be such an inconspicuous yellow-haired girl, and you just relied on the reputation of the family to get those so-called glory! But unlike others, I don't care about guys like you at all!"

Kick laughed and threw the chair out of his hand, but the chair stopped firmly in mid-air and slowly fell to the ground. Kik turned around in surprise and found that it was just Xilu's magic.

"Great guy! You still have some skills! But since you have done this, it is tantamount to challenging me! I'm going to fight with you today! Don't run away if you have the ability!"

Maybe he was slightly hurt by his self-esteem, and Keke's tone seemed to be more excited. The students suddenly sweated, because they knew that Xilu's personality would never be rejected. Sure enough, Xilu saluted the magic wand across her chest without hesitation, which was exactly what she meant to accept the challenge.

"Very good! No matter how great you are, no matter how great you are, and whether you are a girl, I will break your bones! Let's go to Heregg Square!"

"No, it's right here." Xilu answered briefly, and then pulled out her sword to wait for the other party's response. Kick was stunned and then laughed wildly:

"That's good! I should obey the lady's request! And I'm going to let others see you make a fool of yourself!"

Before he finished speaking, Keke had pulled out his sword and roared. Today, it's a great shame to be flattened by such a little girl. No matter which hereditary noble daughter she is, let her know what heaven and earth is first!

Two sharp swords were mixed in one place and scattered dazzling sparks. In the face of Kong Wu's powerful opponent, Xilu did not retreat at all. Of course, she dared to rush up without hesitation when she had faced several monsters and could not perform magic. What's more, there is only a reckless man in front of her...

But this reckless man is really worthy of the alias of "Bear", and the onlookers also found Xilu's disadvantage. Although her swordsmanship is not inferior, her strength is not as good as that of Kik, and she was soon pressed down, and Xilu's face rarely appeared anxiety. And an uneasy look, which seems to indicate that she is losing her patience. But no matter how anxious and worried they are, they can't participate in it to help her, because the rule of the duel is that outsiders can't interfere, and even if their friends are seriously injured, they can only sit back and watch.

Out of worry, a few friends of Kick also began to dissuade the fierce bear from letting him stop when he sees it, but Kick didn't seem to hear their voices at all, but became more and more entangled. In fact, no one found that he could not get away even if he wanted to get out at this moment, because he had been forced to have no way out by the impenetrable sword shadow of his opponent.

Why is this little girl who seems to have no chance of winning so stubborn, knowing that she is invincible, or refusing to admit defeat? This made him feel a little afraid and had to believe that the rumor that she had fought with monsters regardless of her life was true...

But if it goes on like this, both sides will be defeated sooner or later. The only thing that can be done now is to defeat her with strength. Although this may seriously hurt her, this is the only way to resolve the crisis. After opening Xilu's offensive, Keke made up his mind and chopped down with a roar. This blow was not only enough to cut off Xilu's sword, but also might break her bones. The students who knew the power couldn't help screaming, but the next moment, Kick's huge body suddenly flew up and hit the wall of the corridor, and the sword in his hand was broken into pieces.

"How did you... do it?" Kik couldn't believe everything in front of him. He was indeed hit by a puck, but singing magic takes time. She should be suppressed by herself so that she has no time to sing at all!

"Like those laymen, you think it takes a long time for magicians to sing magic, so you can defeat them as long as you seize this gap, right?"

Xilu took back her sword, combed her messy hair, and didn't look at her defeated opponent.

"That's right, but I'm not the same. Even if you fight close to people, if you can't knock me down, no matter how hard you take, I can sing magic spells while waving my sword. Magic idiots like you will never understand.

Xilu eased her rapid breathing, saluted and turned away. Keke let out an angry and helpless moan and fainted.

No one helped him up, and everyone was shouting long live Xilu.