Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Elves of Libita Lake 2 of 5

Elves in the Two Five Lakes

"Wow...Fenglong...Don't want it...It's so uncomfortable..."

What a lustful and rude horse! Xilu gradually became angry. She has rolled out of her clothes, and she will be ashamed if she is bumped into by someone. What's more, even if it's just a head, the weight of the horse is not a joke, which makes it difficult for her to breathe. But "Wind Dragon" still didn't mean to make enough trouble. He blindly pestered her, and Xilu finally couldn't help cursing:

" Stop it, you idiot! It's very heavy, do you know? If it goes on like this, I will crush you to death..."

In the wild struggle, my fingers suddenly hurt a little. She raised her right hand and looked at it, and the sapphire ring on her finger slipped off.

"Gone! This is my favorite ring! Stupid! Don't make any more noise!"

Xilu struggled to get out from under the horse's head and look for it in the middle of the flowers. Fenglong also stood up in shock and spewed his nose uneasily.

"It's all your fault! This is my favorite... It was given to me by Mrs. Sheila... It's my treasure! Where have you been...where have you been..."

I almost cried again, but now it's useless to cry hysterically. Xilu searched around eagerly and nervously, not to mention a gem, not even a pebble. The shadow in Xilu's heart gradually spread:

"Shouldn't... fall into the lake, right?"

That will stop everything. No matter how well you know the water, you can't salvage anything in the unfathomable Lake Libita, not to mention that you are a dry duck. It is said that even the water boundary created by Lulu, the most magical water system in the college, can only support a quarter of the depth. In short, if the ring really falls into the lake, no matter what it does, it will be in vain.

Sixilu completely collapsed. Even if you blame the "wind dragon" now, it is meaningless. What's more, it's just a livestock. It just wants to make Xilu happy.

"I'm really useless... I can't even protect a ring well... Mrs. Sheila... I didn't take good care of your gift... I'm really sorry..."

Because you are so useless, you will always hurt others. Obviously, he trusts loyd so much, why does it always bring him endless troubles? Now loyd must be searching for his tracks everywhere. If he finds himself, he must apologize to him well...

It's useless to just apologize. loyd will definitely say something like "I'm not angry with you in the first place", so I always use this as an excuse to hurt him again and again... So what should I do... Give him a little reward?

"As the master...loyalty to the knight...should be you are allowed to make any request to the master..."

What if the other party takes the opportunity to ask for "please let me kiss you" or even "please marry me"? Although loyd is not the kind of character who likes to take advantage of the fire, he is really a little worried... or is he actually looking forward to it? This is much more interesting than plain words such as "I just need to protect you"...

Xilu hit her head hard. What on earth was she thinking about? If he is so uniled and tolerant, he will definitely be complacent... No! The most important thing now is to find a way to get your ring back! Although I can't think of any feasible solution...

In other words, you will never want to see that lovely ring again...

What a helpless and frustrating reality! When she took the finger from Mrs. Sierra, she began to fantasize about what kind of friendship would happen between herself and it - the ring gave her a higher noble temperament, and she gave the ring a real soul. Therefore, no matter when and wherever, and whether she has worn other jewelry or not, this ring has never left her. Even in her dream, she walked into the wedding hall with a handsome man who can't remember his face...

Lost was a momentary thing, and the ring left her and sank into the invisible lake. It's really like the pain of tearing half a body...

Xilu knelt down by the lake and looked at the lake, as if she was trying to penetrate her eyes into the deep bottom of the lake to find the trace of the ring. The lake seemed to match her mood. First, it showed a blue color, contrasting her sad eyes, and then gradually deepened until it turned amber...

How did the lake turn amber! Xilu was a little surprised and then rubbed her eyes hard. Yes, the lake did turn amber, and began to spread countless ripples, getting faster and denser, as if it suddenly began to boil. Xilu panicked because of the strange changes. As soon as she stepped back a few steps, she saw a column of water suddenly spewing up the lake, which was originally as flat as a mirror. Although it was shaped like a fountain, the water situation was even more rapid.

Xilu watched in a daze as the water column gradually spread, and then collapsed, and the scattered water was gathered in the center by invisible gravity and slowly built a human shape...

is a female figure! Although the whole body is made of water, the appearance of women is not bad at all.

"Is it... a 'water witch'?"

Xilu recalled the chapters she had seen in the book. Some lakes are home to some female monsters. They will ** passers-by in a gorgeous manner and then absorb their vitality...

But that's just some strange talk of unknown origin. Libita Lake has never had a rumor about a water witch, not to mention that she is a woman. How can a water witch** herself with the same female body...

In a word, calm down and get ready to fight! If it's really a monster... Xilu took a deep breath and then quietly touched the magic wand she carried with her. However, the strange "water demon girl" did not intend to do it, but took out a ring:

"Is it your ring, little girl?"

Just by looking at the sapphire above, you can be sure that this is your lost ring. Unexpectedly, Xilu was so excited that she naturally gave up the idea of hostility:

"Yes, it's my ring, my favorite thing..."

"It's really like an illusory dream to see 'clover' again... And the people who have it are really surprised... Maybe it has woken up... to wake me up... That's been a memory of thousands of years..."

"Water Demon Girl" ignored Xilu's reply and gratitude, but muttered to herself. Of course, Xilu could not understand the deep meaning of these words at all. Then, the "Water Demon Girl" whispered a spell, and a crystal-like path appeared on the lake behind her, which seemed to lead to the center of the lake.

"Follow this road and go to where you should go, and then I will return the ring to you."

Without waiting for Xilu to answer, the shape of the "water demon girl" quickly disintegrated, and the lake immediately calmed down. Only the seemingly empty path was still waiting.

Xilu's heart is full of hesitation. She was not sure where the road led, let alone the identity and intentions of the "water demon girl". In case it is really the legendary "witch in the lake", I'm afraid that she will go to the net, but from the signs just now, the mysterious "water demon" has no malice...

And she seems to recognize the ring, and the "three-leaf clover" should be the name of the ring. Does this mean that this ring has an unknown past? Or, the real owner of the ring is actually the "water demon"? So, what kind of story will she tell me?

The strong desire to retrieve the ring and curiosity about the mysterious unknown overcame her original hesitation and fear. Xilu turned around and walked to the "Wind Dragon":

"Wait for me here, and I'll be right back."

"Wind Dragon" hummed uneasily, as if to dissuade him. Xilu patted its head with a smile:

It doesn't matter. I'll be fine. If loyd catched up here, tell him to wait for me to come back.

Maybe it was infected by Xilu's strong self-confidence, and the wind dragon lay down obediently. Xilu stroked its beautiful mane with satisfaction, then turned back to the lake. After hesitating for a moment, she summoned up the courage to jump on the narrow "crystal road". When I confirmed that I was indeed standing safely on the surface of the water, my heart finally calmed down.

"Sure enough, there is no malice. I don't know where she wants me to go... Anyway, I hope there won't be any accidents..."

Although the "Crystal Road" is narrow, it is enough to accommodate one person to walk. After a short slow walk, Xilu became more and more curious, so she strode away.

Although the road in front of you still has no end... It seems that some mysterious power is attracting... or summoning her...

Is there really any secret hidden in the ring known as "clover"...

There seemed to be a strange sound behind her. Xilu looked back and saw that the "Crystal Road" was gradually collapsing!

"Oh, shit! What a trap!"

In shock, Xilu had no time to think about unnecessary problems and began to sprint forward with all his strength.

At this moment, there is no turning back. If you slow down, you will definitely fall into the lake and drown. Moreover, she has been quite far from the lake. Even if she can swim, I'm afraid she can't stick to the shore...

"Who...who! "Who will save me!"

The sound of water behind her is becoming more and more rapid, and the "crystal road" seems to be in line with her footsteps, gradually accelerating the speed of collapse. Xilu ran wildly on this road with no direction and no end, echoing her horrible shouts in the quiet air, but who would appear in such a place?

Despair firmly occupied her mind for the first time. There is no choice now. Because I easily believed the beautiful words of the "water demon girl" and finally killed myself in this unfathomable lake...

Is this God's punishment for me? Because of my mistakes in hurting others...

But... I don't want to die...

I haven't told him what I want to say...

Sister...loyd...whoever...s to save me...

At the moment of tears, the road under her feet finally disappeared, and Xilu fell heavily into the water.


Xilu is struggling desperately. There is a blank in her head, and all the languages have been forgotten. Only the word "life-saving" is still struggling.

All the efforts of people who are not familiar with water will only speed up the sinking, and Xilu is no exception. After holding on for just a few seconds, her head sank into the lake, and her hair was like a desolate flower that was about to die; then, there was only a pair of hands waving desperately on the lake; soon, even these hands disappeared. .

" knight..."

Relying on the remaining consciousness, Xilu prayed loudly in her heart. The asphyxiation in the water deprived her of her five senses, and only her thoughts are still working hard...


Consciousness began to blur, but the body seemed to become lighter. Is this the so-called "death is the final liberation"?

It's really... very comfortable... It feels like removing all the heavy pressure in life and then ushering in the call of the gods...

But... I don't want to do this... I want to live...

I would rather accept the gift of the devil... than be summoned by the gods...

Loed... I still have something to say to you...

Loed...where are you...


As she sank, her eyes gradually lost their light and finally condensed into a dark mass. Then, the strong water pressure made the consciousness she tried to maintain quickly disappear.

"It's really 'clover'... I really miss it... My beautiful 'clover'..."

It should have been a dark world with nothing but water, but now it is as bright as the day on the earth, as if the sun has gone to the lake with painstaking efforts. Xilu, who had lost consciousness, was surrounded by a layer of magic boundary, so that she was not harmed by water pressure; two people stood beside her...

No, you can't call them human beings. They are condensed by water like the "water demon girl" just now. To be precise, one of them is the "water demon girl" just now. Although the other can't confirm the whole picture, it looks like a handsome young man at first glance. It's just that the eyes of these two "people" did not stop on Xilu, but the sapphire ring floating in the water.

"I remember... this was a gift 1,500 years ago... I thought... we would never see it again..."

The male-like water condensation body stretched out its hand and gently stroked the gemstone of the ring.

"It hasn't changed at all... It's still as warm and tender as it used to be... Just like your skin... I've always hoped... It can be your favorite gift..."

Although they are in the water, their dialogue can be clearly heard, as if they use magic to transmit the words directly to the heart.

"But we didn't get it... What a pity... Since then, our separation from it has lasted for 1,500 years..."

The voice of the "water demon girl" emitted endless sadness. She also stretched out her hand to touch the ring, and the two "human" fingers touched each other warmly.

"It's the same between us... We have been separated for 1,500 years... Even our bodies have disappeared... Although we have long exceeded the definition of time... we can no longer touch each other's faces..."

"Because we are destined to wait for each other in 'eternal', we must also bear the pain brought by 'eternal'. The mistakes we made when we were young have never changed its face like the lake here. Even if I'm not tired of the fantasy caused by this pain, I still can't touch your face at any time..."

The "water demon girl" seemed to want to hug each other, but was blocked by a sudden strong water pressure and could not approach. She withdrew her hands and clenched them on her chest, and her vague expression was faintly permeated with deep sadness:

"Sure enough... 1,500 years later, we can still only stare at each other so far away... Our mistakes seem to be irreparable... Such a history may continue for the next 1,500 years... or 3,000 years... or 4,500 years..."

"Don't doubt history, and don't doubt the gods. They will always be the most just... Since we are destined to accept such a trial, we have to believe everything you and I have done for this... Just like today's reunion with the 'clover', one day we will definitely stand on the earth and hug each other again. ......”

"So...didn't you ever think about... using the power of 'clover' to make us reborn? Originally... it was created for this purpose and existed for this purpose... In fact... even if only you can be reborn is enough..."

"Do we still have to repeat the mistakes of the past... If we do that, what will happen to this girl... She will become a molecule in the water in an instant... Repeating the past history, even if it is only once, is a sin..."

The man turned his eyes to the unconscious Xilu, and his tone was full of infinite sympathy:

"What a young girl... She is as full of the fragrance of immature buds as you once... She must also have someone she loves deeply... There must be countless dreams waiting to be realized... She is as pure and flawless as a gem on the 'three-leaf clover'..."

"It's really cruel to make her the 'door' of our resurrected body... And... she is still the one chosen by the 'clover'... However, maybe we can put our ideals for the future on her..."

"Yes... Let's entrust our hope to the new owner of the 'clover'... This girl will definitely fulfill our long-cherished wish for 1,500 years... When her spirit awakens the soul of the 'clover', we can meet again in the sun... No longer as it is now, but real The shape of..."

"Then... give her a trial... When she passes the test... our souls can board on the 'clover', and then let us wait for the day of rebirth together... However... this sleep will be our long-term parting... straight On the day of rebirth, we can't get together like now..."

"Fool... We have been waiting for 1,500 years... Such a short parting is just a moment of flowers blooming and falling... So why be sad... Bless this girl well... She is the goddess we have been waiting for..."

" annoying noun...I used to be called that...that was after I met you...before that...I was just an ordinary witch...history, I'm really joking..."

"Yes... It's really a poetic joke... It's great to meet you... But... We don't have much time... It's really boring... There's still a lot to say to you..."

The bodies of the two "humans" began to dissolve slowly, and the man tried to stretch out his hand that was no longer formed:

"Hus complete this final agreement... Let our love... wait for the judgment of time again..."

" the slit of time...wake up..."

The voice of the "water demon girl" has also been blurred. After a short touch, the body finally collapsed and dissipated into countless water bubbles in all directions. The ring "clover", which had been silent, glowed a faint red light and gradually covered Xilu's whole body for a few seconds. After that, it wrapped Xilu like a huge silkworm cocoon, and then disappeared like morning dew in the sun.

It seems that... I'm having a strange dream...

A real...warm dream...

Dreaming of two strangers... as if they were a couple... They were both so beautiful... The man seemed to give a gift to the woman... Then the two disappeared like air...

Then I dreamed that I was running on Lake Libita with invisible paths... It seemed that I was being chased by some terrible monster... and it seemed that I was simply chasing the unknown target ahead...

There is only a thick blank around, like an endless fog... The fog is so thick that you can't see your feet even if you lower your head...

I don't know how long I ran... and it seems to have been spinning in place... Finally, I fell into the lake...

It's strange... The lake is warm... And I, who can never swim, can now float safely on the water...

Of course... After all, it's just a dream... Of course, I'm omnipotent in my dream... But I'm not omnipotent... Because I want to fly but can't fly...

Like a ownerless duckweed drifting alone...

No one... No one is around... No one is calling their name... No one is reaching out to themselves...

I'm so scared... just disappearing alone in this empty place...

Who...Who will save me...

No matter who it is... Please come and save me... Please...

Tear to shout in my heart... but I can't hear my voice at all... It seems that I have completely lost the ability to speak...

Despair is like an electric current spreading all over the body... But it's meaningless... I can't make a sound... No matter what I do, I can't break away from the embrace of the messenger of death...

Let's end in this nihilless world... and then rot with the earth...

"Lovely canary... dancing happily in the bird cage... Sad cries... Pray to the deep blue sky with tears..."

Who is singing...? My favorite song when I was a child...

Is it you...loyd?

No... loyd can't sing this song...

The strange man who slowly appeared from the fog smiled and stretched out his hand to her:

" favorite wife... come back to me...forever..."

"This are...Leon!"

Xilu shouted a name. With her shouting, everything collapsed in an instant, and she opened her eyes in endless hallucinations.