Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Elves of Libita Lake 2-6

The lemon fragrance of two-six youth

It's strange... I remember falling into the trap because I believed the lies of the "witch in the lake" and fell into the lake. I should have drowned...

So this is the kingdom of heaven? Xilu stood up in panic and looked around.

It's really strange that this is an empty island, so small that you can see its edge... However, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like an island of heaven! The islands of heaven should not be so empty!

I squeezed my leg hard, and the pain was real, so I was really alive? But I did fall into the lake before, why can't I find a drop of water on my body?

Do you mean that everything just now is actually an illusion? So where are you now?

If you guess correctly, you should be on an island in Libianta Lake... Thinking of this, Xilu is even more frightened:

"Why did I come to such a place? How can I go back?"

In this case, the only way is for the college principal to use the crystal ball to find out his position. But even if someone knows his whereabouts, it is not a power to locate this island in the wide Libianta Lake. What's more, there is nothing else on the island except sand. I'm afraid he will starve to death before he is found.

Thinking of the tragedy of being starved to death, Xilu suddenly shuddered. She recalled that she accidentally got lost in the countryside when she was a child, and it took two days to be found by the guards that the pain caused by hunger was really unforgettable. And now that history is going to reappear twice, why don't you let her be full of courage?

" there anyone! Help! Loed! Sister! Help--!"

The only answer to her is the echoes drifting in the distance. Xilu collapsed on the ground in despair.

"There is no hope... There is no hope anymore... Everything... Everything is helpless! I'm really unwilling! Why should I die in such a place!"

Even if there is a tree now! Maybe a boat can be built... Why is there such a desert island that doesn't even grow grass in such a beautiful Libianta Lake?

"What legendary goddesses in the lake are all deceptive! You came out and helped me!"

Xilu patted the lake hard to vent her anger.

Not only did the ring not come back, but also had to face the threat of death. What a joke! I have no grudge against the "witch in the lake". Why did she push me to a dead end?

But what's the use of thinking about these now? Why don't you calm down and write a suicide note and write down your last experience and all your last wishes in detail. Who will come to this island in the future? In addition to discovering their bones, you can also read a strange story...

No, no! What a messy idea! Just imagining what he looked like when he became a skeleton, he couldn't help crying. What's more... what last wishes do you have to write? I want to surpass my sister, want to drink tea with my sister, want to be a great magician, want to live happily with Loyde, and want to eat such and that kind of delicious food... Really! There are so many that I can't finish it! This kind of suicide note will be regarded as a joke!

"Alas... loyd must be worried about me there... But even so, he can't save me... Maybe he will laugh at me as a reckless fool for finding his own death, and then justly be Lulu's knight or the lover of that civilian girl..."< /P>

Imaginary loyd is hugging two women left and right:

"Oh, no matter which one it is, it is hundreds of times better than that arrogant and wayward lady! Hahaha! Xilu died so well..."

"Ah! That bastard dares to say that!"

Xilu lost her temper with her absurd fantasy for no reason, killing time in her boring behavior. It was not until my stomach began to chirp that I realized the crisis of the situation:

"It's not good... There's nothing to fill my stomach at all... Whoo... It's so uncomfortable..."

I heard that people would even think of eating their own meat under the condition of extreme hunger... Xilu only felt hair all over. She thought she was just crying secretly in her heart. In fact, tears had already crossed her face. Anyway, there was no one around, and Xilu simply let go of her voice happily.

Recently, she has become like a child and shed tears, and even she herself feels incredible...

"Aren't you always strong enough not to shed tears easily? Haven't you ever lost courage in the face of countless monsters?

A strange voice came around her, but Xilu didn't look back:

"Who cares so much! I just want to cry now!"

"Isn't this desperate situation caused by yourself? There must be some reflection, right?"

"Even if you reflect, it's useless! People are starving to death, and they can control so much..."

Wait! Who is asking me? Isn't this a desert island?

The word "ghost" suddenly appeared in Xilu's heart. She turned her head in fear and saw a female face with a friendly smile, and then breathed a slight sigh of relief:

"I'm sorry... Well, that, are you..."

"My name is Libita. I'm really sorry for scaring you, Miss Xilu, but I can't stop crying without doing this."


Xilu was really frightened this time. How can this man call himself "Ribianta"? Is she...

Take a closer look... She is really beautiful! The holy face under the long sea blue hair, the deep eyes that contain the mysteries of the world, and the loving breath between the lips and teeth...

Among the women she is familiar with, her sister Fei Linwen belongs to traditional elegance, and the teacher Lulu is better than her delicate figure, but the beauty of the woman in front of her is completely different from them, and even worse... Maybe this is the insurmountable difference between goddesses and mortals! Xilu was amazed by the beauty of the other party, but the surprise in her heart did not subside:

"You said your name is Libianta? So... are you the goddess here?"

"Maybe you gave me the name of a goddess. In fact, I'm not a god, just an elf living here."

No wonder she can appear silently beside me, and no wonder she has such insight into my past... But I'm really lucky to meet elves! So that I can go back safely...

"What's wrong, Miss Xilu? Did I upset you because of my appearance? You don't look very good..."

"Ah, no, it's not! I'm really a little surprised... but it doesn't matter!" Xilu disguised it in a panic:

"No...but why did Miss Elf appear beside me?"

"Because of this." Libianta stretched out her hand and lay on the palm of her hand. It was Xilu's sapphire ring:

"Is this your ring, Miss Xilu?"

"Yes...that's right! I came here just to get it back! There was a strange 'water demon girl' just now..."

"I know everything, but she is not a 'water demon', just a poor magician 1,500 years ago..."

"One...1,500 years ago?"

It turns out that the "water demon girl" is a real ghost! Xilu's heart pounded:

"But why did she do this... And I have nothing to do with her..."

"If you don't mind, can I simply tell you her story?"

"Uh-huh! OK, OK!" The curious Xilu opened her lovely eyes wide.

"So... I'll start with it in a simple way. 1,500 years ago, there was a female magician named Celine Ruth..."

"Selene Ruth? I have seen this name in history books. She is by far the first great magician recognized as 'Brenshud'!"

Seeing Libianta's confused look, Xilu quickly added:

"The so-called 'Brenshud' is our name for 'the strongest female magician'."

"So... It's not wrong to say that. She was indeed the most powerful magician at that time. Although it was only a short 30-year life journey, she could use not only elemental magic, but also the lost ancient magic and elf magic freely. It was also because of her talent that she was named a 'witch'..."

"I didn't expect there to be such a genius... But in that era, people didn't seem to be as tolerant as they are now..." Xilu lowered her long eyelashes sadly.

"That's right... The glory of genius is often vanity that can only be obtained after death... What the living desires is just a simple recognition. Your history books finally recognized her talent... However, after all, her life was spent in the shadow of the 'witch'. Without friends and no home, the only place she can be comforted is this place..."

Because of his outstanding talent, he is feared and rejected by others and can only spend his life alone... Such a story is more than one or two, and there will be a common tragic ending...

Every time she read these stories, Xilu will burst into tears.

"Finally...what about her ending?"

Although it has been vaguely guessed, Xilu still has a glimmer of hope.

"Then let's talk about this ring. Lonely Celine has no friends, but has a beloved lover. It was a craftsman named Lance Kane who traveled all over the world. The young man was attracted by Gu Ying's self-pity Celine when he happened to pass by the lake, but Celine rejected him because of her strong suspicion of others. So Lance persisted for a year and finally touched Celine's heart..."

Although I can't imagine what a year it was, but... we should reconcile with each other in the long storm like myself and loyd. Xilu's heartbeat quietly accelerated.

The gift made by the craftsman's efforts for a year is the ring he named 'Clover'. This is the crystallization of his painstaking efforts and love, and it is also the only last gift that Celine received. The day after they confirmed their love, they were besieged by 200 magicians and knights by Lake Libita, where they met for the first time. It was the only kingdom on the continent at that time. Now Silas, who had retreated to the northern continent, was worried that the powerful power of the 'witch' would pose a threat to him. , and the army sent. Lance was killed in order to protect Celine. Celine, who lost her lover and was crazy, launched the ancient magic 'Void' to kill all 200 people and have no bones, and then destroyed nearly half of the city of Silas with the 'meteor star'. Finally, because of magic was exhausted, even the body dissipated into dust..."

Listening to this desolate and frightening story, Xilu seems to have temporarily stopped breathing.

became crazy because of the death of his lover... The most powerful destruction magic in the lost legend... Two hundred troops and half of the Sierra City were extinguished in an instant... Their own body also turned into dust in the air in an instant... How thrilling and cruel it is... And in the same way, it is about to dissipate At that moment, what kind of sadness will be hidden in Celine's heart...

Of course, I can also understand her mood. When he saw loyd leaning against others, didn't he also break out of control? When Celine loses her only lover, it is reasonable to become a demon...

"Although it was an unconscious mistake, Celine's soul still could not rest, and Lance gave up the choice of sleeping and continued to accompany Celine through her long road of atonement. For 1,500 years, their souls have been sleeping in this Lake Libita, because this is the final destination of their love..."

Although it is just a short story, it is as long as a century. Libita fell into a brief silence, and Xilu is still immersed in the aftermath of sadness.

"Because of the loss of the token of love 'Clover', they have been struggling to pursue their whereabouts, which has led to rumors of 'Goddess of Lake Libanta' in your history books. Now they can finally rest temporarily... It should be said that their souls have boarded on this ring, waiting for the day to wake up..."

Libita handed the ring to Xilu:

"Then, it's up to you to help them fulfill their last wish."

"The last wish..."

Xilu took the ring. The sapphire above is more dazzling than before.

"Is this the light of their soul... Ring... It should be said that they chose me..."

Xilu held the ring in the palm of her hand, felt the warmth from the gems, and then put it back on her finger again. The ring seemed to shine light blue.

It seems that our guesses are correct. They chose you to be the new owner of the clover.

"So... what should I do to fulfill their last wish?"

"When your spirit is strong enough to awaken the soul of the 'clover', they can complete this long road of atonement. As for how to do it, it's up to you to work hard. Now that I have completed their first entrustment, Miss Xilu, are you ready for the next one?

"Ready? You mean..."

Libita stretched out her hands behind her and sang a spell. Xilu turned her head and saw a diamond-shaped arch like a white thick fog in front of her.

Next, please enter this magic door to complete your trial. After you succeed, there will be a difficult choice waiting for you. Whether you can leave this island or not depends on your own will.

"Trial...? Can you tell me what's in it? And what do you mean by your so-called 'difficult choice'?

"The door of trial will choose the trial program according to your heart, so I'm not sure what kind of challenges you will encounter. If the trial fails, you will always drift in the space of nothingness, so please remember my words. No matter what danger you encounter, you should believe in your will and the power of your companions... The goddess will bless you, Xilu.

Libianta gently imprinted a kiss on her forehead, and then dissipated like fog.

"Believe in your own will... believe in the power of your companions... Thank you for your advice, Libianta."

Xilu raised her hand and stared at the sapphire shining with blue luster on the ring:

"Please also protect me... Lance, Celine... Although I am still immature... I will definitely fulfill your last wish and let you meet again on the earth..."

After a gentle kiss, Xilu pulled out the sword around her waist:

"And... loyd... you must be watching me on the other side of the lake... Let me use the 'Wentini' you chose for me to pave the first step for our future!"

On the shore of Libianta Lake, Lulu is singing magic spells with all her strength. From the length of the spell and the sweat on her forehead, it can be concluded that this is not ordinary magic. In fact, she has maintained this action for more than five minutes, and the singing has exceeded hundreds of bytes, which is a difficult challenge even for the great magician.

Loed was silently waiting in front of her to complete the process. When he rushed to the lake, he found that the "Wind Dragon" was shaking his horse's hoofs anxiously, but Xilu disappeared and suddenly felt that the situation was not good. The first intuition was that Xilu really jumped into the lake, but she denied this judgment in the reaction of Fenglong, so where will she go?

The best and only way is to ask the teachers of the college for help. Doesn't the director have an "all-know crystal ball" that can see everything? Loyd, who made the decision, told his mount to say a few words and came to the "wind dragon":

"Xilu is in danger now. I know you only obeyed her orders, but even if it's only once, please help me. I need your speed to find help..."

The "Wind Dragon" shook his head with some resistance at first, but soon calmed down. It seems to recognize the man in front of him who once tried his best to save Xilu's life under his hooves. Perhaps out of guilt, or maybe he felt his sincere affection for Xilu. "Fenglong" knelt down and motioned him to sit on it.

"Thank you, Xilu's best friend, now we will go back to the college to find the head of the college!"

Looking up at the sky and roared, the "Wind Dragon" spread its four hooves and rushed in the direction of the college like lightning. This rapid delay made loyd, who had not adjust his sitting posture in time, almost fell off his horse and finally stabilized himself.

"Even you are so anxious... It seems that Xilu is really in danger... Xilu! Please hold on anyway. I will definitely come to save you..."

The college's ban is that no one is allowed to ride a horse except for celebrations and other activities, but the impatient loyd completely ignored it, and the white lightning rushed straight to the tall building where the college director was located. Some of the students who were caught off guard along the road were panicked by the wind blowing up their skirts, some were blown to the ground and complained angrily, and the square was in chaos. Lulu, who was disturbed by the noise and wanted to come out to ask what was going on, was surprised to see this strange scene and was about to ask questions. loyd took her hand:

Miss Lulu! I'm looking for you too! Anyway, please follow me first!"

"Wow! What are you doing?"

Lulu, who couldn't react in time, almost fell down because loyd's footsteps were too fast. Today, she wore a charming short dress. If she rolled a few rolls on the ground, the reputation under her skirt would inevitably be lost. Lulu finally stood firm and followed the pace, and she was overwhelmed by surprise:

"What makes you so nervous! It almost made a fool of me! This single-cell fool!"

The dean who was feeding parrots in the office was also shocked by the sudden knock on the door. Before he could ask, loyd rushed up breathlessly:

"College principal! Please! Please use the crystal ball to find the whereabouts of Xilu!"

Huh? What's going on?"

Baymont stared at Lulu on one side with doubtful eyes, and Lulu also looked blank:

"I don't know, loyd suddenly pulled me here..."

"Oh, what an impatient young man... It's really rude to be so unclear like this... And you rode that horse to the college, didn't you?"

Just now, there was a noise downstairs, and the dean didn't care because he was busy feeding parrots. Now he turned his eyes out of the window to show his dissatisfaction, and he saw the situation downstairs at a glance.

"Maybe you don't know... You can't do such a dangerous thing in the college... The wind blowing on horseback will make those poor little girls feel embarrassed..."

"Now is not the time to joke! Whether it's an apology or a punishment, I won't object when I come back! Xilu is in danger. Please ask the director to investigate with a crystal ball immediately!"

Shocked by loyd's bold eyes, Lulu unconsciously retreated two steps. Baymont couldn't help sighing deeply:

"This is young... It's really enviable. Although I don't know what happened... Anyway, I'll explain it when you come back."

Touching the crystal ball on the table, Baymont recited a sentence softly, and the crystal ball showed a picture of Xilu coma on the isolated island.

"It's finally safe..." loyd breathed a sigh of relief;

"But...what is this place?"

"It should be an island in Libianta Lake. However, the specific location cannot be determined. My crystal ball can only reach this extent..."

"Thank you, principal! Miss Lulu, please follow me now! I need your help!"

"Hey...Hello! Wait! Stupid!"

Like when she came, Lulu was inexplicably dragged downstairs by him. Baymont stood still for a moment and turned his head to the parrot behind him:

"La Laxiu...what the hell happened?"

"Who knows, maybe it's just the impulse of young people." La Xiu combed her feathers by herself.

"That's right... Then use this crystal ball to understand the context of the matter... Oh, what a dynamic and bold guy..."

"Do you remember your past, bad old man?"

La Xiu leaned his little head and laughed in his eyes:

"The lemon flavor of youth..."

"No joke about the master, La La Xiu." Baymont's magic wand tapped on its head:

"It's just this sentence... The lemon flavor of youth... and the fragrance of coffee in the cup... It's really nostalgic... Hahaha..."