Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

One of the glorious ideal hometown

The new lord of Yagvilo, one of the nine

The carriage stopped in a strange territory. Xilu jumped down without waiting for Loide to get out of the car, and then let out an exclam:

"Come down and have a look! Loed! Everyone is welcoming us!"

Loed jumped out of the carriage in response to her voice. Before the two stood firm, they were surrounded by the swarming people. An elderly man bent down to Xilu:

"Are you the new lord?"


"We have been waiting for the arrival of the new lord... I didn't expect such a young and beautiful noble lady. You must be able to bring vitality to our territory. Please lead us to make Agvelo prosperous again."

The people nodded together to agree, and someone was about to help them carry their luggage. Xilu looked at loyd in surprise... Then she understood:

Because he is wearing a noble costume, and Loed is still an ordinary knight's dress, it is no wonder that the people get the wrong object.

Xilu waved to everyone and coughed seriously:

"Thank you for your enthusiasm, but... the real lord is Mr. loyd."


The old man looked at loyd carefully and bent down again:

"So you are our new lord. I'm really sorry. I thought you were just this young lady's guard knight..."

"That's right. loyd is my knight and has been rewarded by this territory for his achievements. If there is anything wrong, please point it out rudely!"

" this lady the lord's wife?"


Xilu unconsciously exclaimed a little, and the blush immediately climbed up her cheek:

"'s not yet!"

"It turned out to be the future lord's wife! Then we still have the opportunity to attend the wedding of the two, which is really lucky!"

The people once again agreed:

"At that time, we will give you the most beautiful gift in the territory. Although Yagvelo is not a very rich place, it will definitely satisfy you."

"Then... thank you in advance. By the way, everyone... What kind of person was the original Lord Lawitz?

"Speaking of Lord Lawitz... he is a good man!"

The old man raised his head and stared at the sky with a lonely face:

"Lord Lawitz, who has no aristocratic airs at all, will always sit down and talk with us civilians like friends, and will take soldiers to the farmland to help us cultivate and harvest. When the festival comes, he will wear civilian clothes to celebrate with us, so every time he returns to the battlefield , together we will pray for his safe and glorious return. But this time it didn't work... Isn't our prayer heart not religious enough?"

"Yes... he is really a respectable lord."

No wonder these leaders will boldly surround and talk to them as soon as they see the new lord... They already had this habit when LaVitz was still alive, right? In retrospect, in Raspud, Sister Ferrinwen also has a similar reputation among the people, but she is slightly lacking...

The way of the lord is really not that simple. Do you still have a long way to go? However, there must be no problem with loyd's words. He must know more common sense than I do... Maybe I need to learn something from him.

After sensing the mood of the two, the old man said "um" with some embarrassment:

"Let you laugh, lord. In a word, please ask this new lord to lead us to make Yagvilo more prosperous. By the way, the two friends arrived here a few days ago. Now they should be waiting for you at the lord's official residence. Please let us lead the way for them.

"Thank you for your kindness, but... our friends didn't cause you any trouble, did they?"

"How come? In fact, we are also very grateful for their arrival and solving all kinds of difficulties for us. Originally, I didn't think it was reliable because they were all women... Hahaha, it's easy to be rigid when people get old."

The people helped the two carry their luggage and walked all the way to the lord's official residence. loyd immediately asked the old man about the situation of Agvilo, and the old man narrowed his eyes sadly:

"For Hermilan, Yagvilo is just a small territory, with 300 people, 200 soldiers, plus the wheat field and vineyard, which is all our family. However, although it is a small poor place, Lord Lowitz takes care of us like his own family. There is no shortage of taxes submitted to the royal family every year. Only after his death, the fields here were almost abandoned... If those ladies hadn't inspired us, I'm afraid it would have been a complete failure today. It's really humiliating..."

"No... There is nothing to be ashamed of, just because Lord LaVitz is really an indispensable soul for you. It's really a little ashamed to say, and I'm not sure if I can become a person like him..."

"Then please work hard, my lord. Of course, we will fully support you and make Yagvilo more prosperous. It is Lord Lavits's lifelong wish... However, my lord, the rescue funds from the royal city have not been in place in time this year. Please inform Her Majesty the Queen this news. Otherwise, our lives will be affected.

"The so-called rescue fund refers to..."

"You can see, Yagvilo is only a poor territory, and Lord Lavits is an honest lord, so it is very difficult to maintain normal living expenses. Lavits applied to the royal family for annual relief funds to relieve our pressure, but this year may be because of the war. The reason for the dispute is that we didn't get the funds we should have received two months ago, maybe we have been misappropriated to armaments... Lord, although it will be difficult for you, it will be difficult for us to maintain our life in the second half of the year without this money, so..."

"I understand that I will get this news to the Queen today. If it can't be solved smoothly, I will also think of another feasible way."

"I really appreciate it, so that you don't have to worry about being hungry. Speaking of which, it's really hard for you. It's not easier to come here to be a lord than on the battlefield. Maybe you will become quite poor. All you can have is just a noble title..."

"That's not what I'm single-mindedly pursuing. Since I have become a lord, I will only think about how to fulfill the duties of a lord, how much grain will be harvested in the farmland here, and every leader born and dead here..."

"You are really an indifferent lord, very similar to Lord Lowitz, so we will be relieved. After all, we have always thought that leaving no children who can inherit the territory is really a small mistake of Lord Rawitz, so Lord, if you can give birth to the young lady as soon as possible, it is also of great significance to the people..."

Xilu's face burned again... She shrank up to Loed, as if to tell him, "I'm not mentally prepared for such a thing", and of course, Loed can only smile bitterly:

"Such a thing... can only let nature take its course. If that day really comes... I will do my best..."

A slight tingling suddenly passed over... It was Xilu who twisted his back hard, as if to scold him, "How can you say such an embarrassing thing in front of everyone?" Loe smiled at such pain, but had an unspeakable loss:

There is no such strength as before... Even if she is very angry now, she will not use too much force.

Surely, Xilu is no longer the former Xilu... No matter what method I use, she will not easily show her true emotions to herself.

In this way... it will be more difficult to be honest with Xilu as before, right? Because they have learned to cover up and even disguise each other...

With us wearing masks, can our feelings develop as smoothly as before?

Maybe... they will gradually become estranged from each other?

The result... I don't want it to happen anyway. I have to do something.

"Ah, as he spoke, he arrived at the official residence of the two. Then, we should also leave."

After the people saluted together, they dispersed in the direction of the farmland and the village, and the guards at the door of the official residence immediately greeted them:

"Are you Lord Lord Loed, the new lord of Agvelo?"

"Yes, this is Miss Xilu, led by Raspude."

Loed showed the royal appointment letter to the guards, and the guards carefully confirmed and saluted the two:

"It's rude, Lord loyd, Miss Xilu, please leave your luggage to us. Please go to your room and rest. If you need anything, please feel free to ask."

"Thank you for your hard work. In addition, are the friends who came first in there?"

"Is it Miss Lulu? Let's rest in the room now.

The guards picked up their luggage and ran to the house, and Loid looked around the official residence:

"It's really a very ordinary official residence. If it weren't for the guards, I'm afraid I wouldn't recognize it for a while."

"Well... it's no different from ordinary lower-class aristocratic mansions. Originally, I thought that my father's official residence was quite ordinary. It seemed that it was not accidental that General Lawitz was respected by the people. As the old man said, what you can have here may only have an aristocratic title, doesn't it matter?

"If I cared about these, I wouldn't have accepted the Queen's appointment at that time. How can a lord be picky about the problems of the territory after accepting his duties?

"Not every lord will think as much as you do. It should be said that many lords will act in the opposite direction as you think, so the disputes in this world will be endless. Of course... I will stand by your side and watch your every move!"

"Yes! If I do something wrong, please point it out to my face, even if you beat me hard..."

"That doesn't seem to work. It's a thing to beat you or something... It's a thing of the past. I...just..."

"Really... It's just that Xilu is really a little strange, as if she has been replaced by another person who looks exactly like you... How to put it, I'm really a little unspeakable loneliness."

"Is that so? Although I'm also very sorry... but you should not feel strange when you get used to it. After all... I'm still the same Xilu."

The radical method also seems to be attributed to failure... It seems that it is really difficult for Xilu to return to the past. Loyd sighed deeply and stopped answering, and Xilu also showed a helpless expression as if she had noticed something. The atmosphere became a little awkward, and the door of the official residence suddenly opened with a "bang":

"loyd! Xilu! You are finally here!"

Lulu, Lena and Shirley rushed towards them together and hugged them up without waiting for their response:

"Have you finally arrived? We are really exhausted these days! It turns out that being a lord is really not such an easy job, and it's not as fun as I thought! Now it's finally your turn to work hard!"

Lulu touched Xilu's head and smiled maliciously:

"There are a lot of these jobs that you should have done! Should we thank us well, Xiao Qianlu?"

"Yes, thank you very much for your help. I really don't know how to express our gratitude."

Xilu bent down gracefully to the three people, and a surprised look appeared on Lulu's face:


Not only Lulu, but also the other two ladies showed similar look to her:

"Strange... Is the weather not right? I don't feel comfortable... Usually, it should be 'Well, that's what you should do and you came to the door yourself. I didn't ask you for help, right?

"It's true... It seems to be raining... Remember to go back and pack your clothes, Miss Shirley."

Although Xilu shook her eyebrows slightly, she still showed an extremely natural smile as before. Lena "hummed" and put on a look of disgust:

Although I don't know why... I suddenly feel very uncomfortable! Miss Xilu... Did you eat something that spoiled your stomach? Your reaction is very annoying!"

"It's really rude... But I don't seem to feel anything abnormal. It should not be the reason for the bad food. It really makes you laugh, Miss Shirley."

"So... So, Miss Xilu, what did you do at home with Mr. loyd this time? Have you mentioned the marriage contract? It would be too cunning to do that! And I always feel that you will really do that... But the Marquis of Rams won't agree so easily, will he?

"It's really not that smooth... But we will work hard together. After loyd became a great lord... Shouldn't we think so?"

The "forbidden attack" that had been effective was also a failure, and Shirley cast a surprised look at loyd:

"Mr. loyd... Does Miss Xilu have an identical twin sister besides a sister?"

"I also had this idea at the beginning... Anyway, let's go in first, and I will slowly tell you what happened before."

"So Miss Shirley, please take me to the bathroom. My whole body is a little sore and I want to relax..."

"Og, please follow me."

Xilu followed Shirley to the inner room. Lulu stared at her leaving and suddenly sighed:

"Even the walking posture has changed... It's completely an aristocratic demeanor! How did Xilu become like this? Is that rude and capricious and arbitrary temper always an illusion?

After the two ladies and the subsequent Shirley sat down in the living room of the official residence, loyd looked around the living room, and Shirley raised her fingers and smiled proudly:

"How about Mr. loyd? The most important thing is that I can clean it so much!"

"It can be seen that it is completely your handwriting that can be decorated like a new home. However, I am even more surprised that General Lawitz, although the aristocratic residence, is so simply decorated. He is really a great lord.

"That's what everyone said, so although Yagvilo was small and poor, no one wanted to leave here. After the death of General Lowitz, those servants also stayed in this mansion to work every day... When I first came here, I was moved by what they said and cried... Luo Mr. Eide will also become a great lord like him, right?

"Although I have that ideal, I always don't have enough self-confidence. Isn't it quite strange? So, I'll briefly tell you what happened at Xilu's house. To be honest, about Xilu... I really want to ask you to help me find a way."

After listening carefully to Loyde's story, the three ladies were stunned for a while, and then suddenly laughed together as if they had been stimulated by something:

"Really... It's really Miss Xilu's style!"

"Become a lord's wife worthy of you!"

"So should all actions have the demeanor of the lord's wife? No wonder today we saw a Xilu who doesn't look like Xilu... So that's why! It's really funny..."

"What's so funny, three?"

With an angry scolding, the three of them trembled unconsciously and obediently put away their laughter:

"I'm really sorry, we didn't mean to laugh at her, but... this fact is too strange! Why does she have to do this? In fact, even if it's still the original Xilu, you won't hate her for becoming a lord, will you?

"But she doesn't seem to think like me. Xilu is the kind of person who can't easily stop her once she gets serious. She has been working hard to move towards this goal these days, which makes me suspicious and even afraid of her. Although I have always hoped that she can change back to her original appearance, it seems that no matter how she does it, she will only fail..."

"This is really a strange idea. Is there anything wrong with Xilu becoming like this? Why do you want her to change back to her original appearance? Isn't it annoying to hear her scold you as an idiot every day?

"I thought so at first... but now I don't think so, Miss Lulu. Because... Maybe we have been together for too long. I still prefer her to keep her original appearance. Even if she is always so capricious and unreasonable, that's the real Xilu. After losing this premise, her existence will only make me feel strange, living with a strange but obviously very familiar Xilu... This feeling should be very bad, right?"

"Lina also felt the same way, so she just tried to provoke her, but she didn't react at all... Although she usually doesn't like her very much, now Xilu is really annoying!"

"I have the same idea as Mr. loyd, Miss Lulu, I don't think you have a good impression of this? Can you come up with any suitable method? I heard that water magicians are very good at manipulating people's spirits..."

"What is that? If water magic could reach that level, loyd would have been lying in my arms long ago, right? In fact, water magic can only appease people's feelings at most, but it should be ineffective for Xilu. She is not dominated by some kind of power, but forcibly replaces the original thought with another method, so I really don't have that confidence. But..."


"The Marquis Rams did not immediately agree to your marriage contract with Xilu... That is to say, at least for a period of time, you and she are not a nominal couple, right?"

"That's true... But what does it matter?"

"That is to say... I still have a chance to compete with her! If I do it first... loyd, why don't I take you to meet my parents?


"What does it matter! Originally, this is a battle based on wisdom and courage. Fear and retreat will only defeat. I'm not that kind of weak person... I'm the daughter of the Duke's family!"

Lulu sat beside him without hesitation and leaned her body over. loyd's arm touched the other party's soft chest and almost jumped up:

"Miss Lulu...!"

"I really didn't expect you to have the courage to propose a marriage contract with the other party. If it were before, you would never do it, would you? You really become unrecognizable... But aren't you more attractive like this? Ah... I suddenly feel more about you... Loed..."

Lulu suddenly stretched out her hand and hugged him, and loyd, who was caught off guard, was crushed on the sofa. Shirley and Lena shouted together:

"It's too cunning, Miss Lulu!"

"The act of sneaking away is too bad! We can't lose either!"

"Ah! What do you want to do..."

"It's useless to say more!"

The petite Lena was surprisingly strong and pulled up Lulu who pressed on loyd:

"Everyone has agreed to compete fairly! What's wrong with a foul like this? I can't believe it!"

"First hand will win! What are the laws of war? It is unscrupulous to win or lose..."

"Is it unscrupulous? Then Lena is welcome! Lena is the most confident of the so-called first-hand winner!"

As soon as the words fell, Lena took off her coat at a lightning speed... Shirley hurriedly pulled up her clothes:

"Miss Lena is too much! It's bad to be seen by others..."

"Otherwise, how can it be called a fait accompli? Lena doesn't care so much. Since Miss Lulu has said so, she will fight here today..."

"Ha! Do you think I will admit defeat then? And that kind of escape can't arouse other people's desires at all. It seems that I'll teach you well... Why don't the four of us be together..."

"Why...did even Miss Lulu say that!"

"Then you don't have to worry, Shirley, anyway... Xilu has become like that. No matter what we do, she may not..."

" seems so... I won't get angry casually, right..."

"Ah! Miss Xilu...!"

Shirley jumped up as if she had met a fierce cat and mouse, and quickly ran out of the room. loyd also sat up from the sofa in a hurry:


After bathing, Xilu's whole body exudes a faint fragrance, accompanied by uncontrollable anger... The reservedness of the lady for several days has finally disappeared from her face, and instead, she has been familiar with the murderous spirit:

"Should I really get angry casually when I see nothing... I want to be that kind of person... But... I still don't seem to be able to do things like this... I really can't do such unbearable things..."

"That... Xilu, calm down, listen to me..."

Lulu, who felt that the situation was not good, tried to defend something, but loyd nodded

"Thank you for your help. Xilu finally changed back to her original appearance. Just now, I thought you were serious..."

"! I just..."

Is this crooked? It's completely beyond my expectations... But it seems that for Xilu, this is indeed a way to try all spirits...

Xilu has raised the magic wand, and loyd greeted her foolishly...

It seems that even people and the hall will be inevitably attacked...

What two idiots! These two young people...