Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Glorious Ideal Hometown Nine

The trajectory of happiness

It seemed that it was difficult to sleep because of some things. Lulu got up early, washed casually, and then prepared to go to the yard to relax. When passing by the kitchen, I was attracted by a slight sound:

"Has anyone been in the kitchen so early? Isn't it Shirley?"

Open the door and look... Sure enough, Shirley in the maid uniform was humming energetically. Lulu sighed:

"It turns out that someone is earlier than me... I thought I could share the sun..."

"It's Miss Lulu. Good morning."

Shirley held a pot and shovel for a not-standard gift:

"Sorry, I can't make room in my hand. Please forgive my rudeness."

"What does it matter... But you got up too early!"

"Because I have to prepare breakfast for everyone... I have to get up earlier. The maid's work is not easy to make you laugh."

"Is it enough to leave such a thing to others? After all, you are the head maid, so there is no need to do it so carefully..."

"That's because... it's better to make the breakfast for Mr. loyd by yourself. Others don't understand his taste. If breakfast is not at your appetite, you will be listless all day long. The lord's work is very hard..."

"Oh... you really care about loyd. When did you fall in love with him?"


Shirley hesitated for a moment and bit her lip tim

"It's probably when I first saw him?"

"That is to say, love at first sight?"

"It's not like this... In fact, didn't I get whipped by Miss Xilu because of that time? At that time, he rushed up to help me block it... He was the first person to fight against the nobles to protect me! So from then on... um... it should be like this, right?

" it because you are grateful to him?"

"You can also say that... In fact, there is another reason, because Mr. Loed showed me courage..."


"Well... Miss Lulu also knows my background, right?"

"Are you talking about your true identity as Kick's half-sister?"

"Yes... Although I am also an illegitimate daughter of an aristocrat, my father and brother Kick also love me very much, but they can't change the fact of my identity. I don't care about not being able to return to my father to become an aristocratic lady, but when I think of my mother, I feel... So at that time, although I pretended to have a smiling face to maintain my work, in fact, I was always crying in my heart, but Mr. loyd did not have any prejudice against me because of this... And he also The status of a civilian has become a hero, which makes me feel very amazing when I think about it... That's why..."

"Yes... Thinking about it, he is indeed an amazing person. However... the relationship between loyd and Xilu seems to be so stable that there is no gap. Your efforts may be in vain. Doesn't it matter?"

"Maybe... I also know that everything I have done is in vain. There is no shadow of me in Lloyd's eyes. He just takes care of me like a sister, but is that enough? As long as I can be with him...and..."


"And I heard that nobles can have several wives! In that case..."


Shirley's face turned red:

"Yes...I'm sorry! What the hell am I talking about! How can there be such a strange idea... I really..."

"I don't know where you heard this rumor... The nobles of Haier Milan are all monogamous! What you said is actually the underground lover of the nobles, and it can't be included in the category of wives at all!"

"Hug...sorry! I'm talking nonsense! How could I have such an idea...ah! The food is about to burn down!"

Shirley hurriedly put her attention back to the pot... The sudden "bang" sound outside the door shocked her, and the pot also fell to the ground with a "bang":

"What a loud voice! What happened?"

Do you still need to ask? The two of them are quarreling again... It seems that I have to work harder to help loyd treat the injury.

"Ah ha... After all, it's Miss Xilu, but it's great that she can change back to her original appearance. Mr. loyd must be very happy even if he is beaten."

"You seem to be a little gloating about this... Forget it, I'll prepare to deal with Loyde's injury first, and you can continue to cook a delicious breakfast, so that loyd's pain will be relieved, oh ha ha ha..."

"Miss Lulu is... That laughter is terrible..."

"Ah... It's true. It seems that magic alone can't completely cure your wounds. If you hadn't prepared these drugs with a hunch, you would have been really bad luck."

At the scars on loyd's body, if a fruit is cut out of disorderly by a fruit knife, after healing with water magic, Lulu opens the medicine box and takes out the potion and carefully applies it to his wound:

"It may be a little itchy or cold after applying it, but they are all quick-acting drugs, so don't worry, but there are too many injuries this time... Miss Xilu, are you really too insignificant?"

Xilu "hummed" and turned her head:

"I don't know! These are all his own bad! It's all his fault! Really..."

"What did you do, loyd? Did touching her breasts or something make her angry?


Xilu screamed and turned around, obviously admitting this fact... Lulu couldn't help laughing:

"What does it matter? Xilu... You don't have breasts at all, do you?"


"Ah ha... Don't pretend to be so terrible. By the way, loyd, you are really. Even Miss Xilu, you can't be so casual, can you?"

"It's a misunderstanding..."

Because of the pain, loyd seemed powerless:

"I just turned over and accidentally put my hand on Xilu's... It's completely unintentional..."

"You... how dare you say that!"

Xi Lu turned around angrily and wanted to get angry again. Lulu turned her head dissatisfiedly and raised her voice:

"Can you please restrain yourself? Can loyd still lie? Besides, he is injured like this now. Are you going to kill him?"


Looking at the injury on loyd's body, Xilu couldn't help regretting her rudeness. Anyway, loyd was an unintentional move, and he didn't ask if it was a little...

But...what's wrong with the happy smile on that guy's face? Is it after touching my chest...

That persperate!

Xilu's anger burned again. Lulu looked at her two tauntingly, and then turned her head to lower her voice:

"Actually... loyd, if you say it's intentional, maybe she will be happier!"

"Why...? There should be no lady who will be happy after hearing such words, right?

"That's not necessarily. If she is Xilu... Anyway, it's not wrong for you to listen to me."

"Hey! What are you two talking about secretly?"

In response to Xilu's roar, Lulu returned a white eye:

"I'm just helping him relieve some of the pain of his wounds. Who told you to do it so indiscrely? However, there is a good saying that couples fight only for better love..."

"That's not the case! Couple or something... Who are you talking about!"

"I'm talking about whoever responds!"

"What do you mean!"

"What do you think it means!"

"You two! It has been seen by others!"

loyd angrily stopped the quarrel between the two. Turning his head, the servants of the official residence stood stunned and stared at this scene with different looks... Xilu was suddenly at a loss and could only pretend to cough calmly:

"Strange...strange...why does it feel so cold...uh-huh..."

"What a lack of courage..."

Lulu stood up generously:

"Good morning, everyone. Please bother me a lot about today's work. The lord fell down immediately in the morning and I'm treating him. As for everything just now... For the sake of your salary, please learn to keep it secret, okay?"

"I see, Lord Lulu!"

The servants answered loudly and then dispersed to their respective positions. Loyd smiled at her heart:

"Your housekeeper seems to be very prestigious."

"Of course! Is it much more decent than some future lord's wife?"

"Who are you talking about! And what is your so-called prestige? Isn't it because you are a teacher in the college?

"Are you not convinced? But no wonder you just pretended to be stupid there just now... There is no sense of accomplishment in quarreling with you! So forget it, I have to go back and make up... Shirley's breakfast will be ready soon. Please use it slowly first."

"Damn female fox..."

Xilu looked angrily at Lulu's swaying back... If she could call out a ice gun in her eyes, maybe Lulu would be stabbed through a few holes... It was not until the other party's figure disappeared at the end of the corridor that she turned back reluctantly:

"It's so annoying at any time..."


"I don't understand other people's hearts at all..."


"Why does it only make me angry every time..."


"I don't care! Stupid!"


L'ide's sudden silence made Dexilu also find out her gaffe... She quickly coughed twice to cover it up:

"That...loyd...are you all right?"

"Because I've been used to it for a long time, so don't worry, but... You're really serious this time. It seems that all the anger suppressed these days broke out in an instant. At that time, I felt that I would die like this."

"That...that's not good..."

"Yes, it's really my fault. I'm really sorry, Xilu."

" that...since you have said you..."

Xi Lu answered insincerely and sat down beside him:

"But...if I'm always so careless, I'm not always so tolerant..."

"I understand."

"What's going on! You are the lord now!"

"I just feel very happy... Because Xilu has finally come back in the past, and there is nothing happier for me than this."

"Is it...isn't it..."

It turned out that the happiness on his face was for this reason... Xilu's heart was filled with nectar:

"Do you... prefer me in the past? I always thought that after I changed, I would no longer scold you or beat you, and then you would like me more..."

"For me, the most important thing is 'Xielu is by my side', not 'what Xulu has become'. So when you suddenly change yourself, I am so depressed by the indescribable strangeness that I want to collapse. So, I'm relieved now..."

"Is that so... What a fool! But..."

Xilu moved her head to his chest:

"Because you honestly said what you thought... I'm also very happy... Actually..."


"Well... In fact, when you just stretched out your hand... I'm not really that angry..."

When she finally summoned up the courage to speak out, Xilu was so nervous that she was about to faint... Loyde said "um" with some enlightenment:

"That is to say... you really won't be angry with me anymore?"

"Yes...yes...I can't keep my word..."

"So... can I still accidentally reach out my hand in the future?"

"How can that be! You idiot!"

"It hurts--!"

Xilu squeezed Loide's thigh hard, as if to twist a piece of meat from his body, but the happiness accompanied by the pain really hit his heart again.

Sure enough... Xilu is finally back.

"Two! Good morning...Oh?"

Shirley, who was holding the breakfast plate, ran into the living room happily, and then knocked the plate on the table angrily:

"What are you two doing early in the morning! It's really enviable to look so intimate... No! What a shame!"

Xilu quickly straightened up and returned with the anger of "good play being stirred up":

"What does this have to do with you, country girl! Loyd and I just... Even if we make closer moves here, we don't need you to ask!"

"What is a closer move?"

"Just...that' kissing!"

"So that's all..."

"What... what's just like that!"

"What if it were me... I would make such a move! This is called true intimacy!"

Shirley suddenly grabbed Loed's hand and forcibly pressed it on her chest without waiting for him to understand... Xilu jumped up angrily:

"What is this? How dare you use that kind of thing to seduce!"

"If you are unwilling, try it yourself! Ah... I'm sorry, you don't seem to have breasts at all! This is an irreparable failure..."

"I want you to take care of it! Loed! When are you going to touch it?

Xilu pulled out her magic wand and pointed it at his hand:

"If you don't take it back, it will freeze into an ice sculpture!"

Shirley let go of her hand full of grievance and put on a clear face:

"It's so annoying! Miss Xilu will only hinder other people's happy times..."

"Who hinders the stupid country girl! Obviously, she is just a maid and still doesn't know how to restrain... If there is another time, I will drive you back to the college!"

"Ha... That's really a pity. Only the lord and the housekeeper Miss Lulu can give this order!"

"How could such a thing happen!"

"That...Lord, can I speak?"

The guard who was originally on duty at the door somehow stood in the living room, hesitating whether it was time to withdraw with a bitter face... loyd also smiled bitterly:

"What's the matter?"

"Because there was a mountain thief looting in the territory, the people hope that the lord can deal with it. I have brought the representatives of the people and are waiting for your meeting outside the door."

"I'm really sorry to keep you waiting. Please take him to the office to rest. I'll be there right away."

The guard saluted and retreated, and Shirley couldn't help showing a doubtful look:

"Mountain thief looting? It's really strange. How can there be mountain thieves in Lord Lawitz's territory? No one has ever mentioned this in the days since our arrival!"

"Where did it come from? Anyway, you can't ignore it, otherwise the territory that is quite poor in itself will be more disturbing. Xilu, you and Shirley can have dinner first, and I'll be right back.

"Ah! Loyd first..."

Although Shirley wanted to stop her, loyd turned a deaf ear and disappeared in the direction of the office, which made her poof:

"What a nuisance! This is a hard-won breakfast!"

"What can I do... The lord is such a job! Sometimes I'm afraid I can't eat for a day... Shirley, please take it back to the kitchen. I can't eat without him... I'll wait for him to come back here.

"Then I'll heat up my breakfast again... I can't deal with mountain thieves when I'm hungry! So is Miss Xilu. Don't force yourself too much.

"I understand! Just take care of yourself and go to work, country girl! I will run to the kitchen to find you when I'm about to starve to death!"

"You really don't want to face... But that's how you look like Miss Xilu, right?"

Shirley ran to the kitchen with a breakfast plate with a smile. Xilu saw her leaving back smile first, and then sighed and leaned down on the sofa.

Obviously, they always confront each other as rivals in love, but they are good friends who talk about everything in private...

Is friendship always so inexplicable?

Twenty minutes later, the representative of the people, the old man who led the way the day before, retreated from the office, greeted Xilu and left the living room. loyd followed:

"Xilu, let's take 20 more soldiers with Lena to fight against the mountain thieves."

"No problem, but what's going on with the mountain thief?"

"The specific situation is not very clear. In short, it seems that they have just flowed here, so they should be eliminated at one fell swoop when their feet are unstable. However, it is said that the other party has a skillful swordsmanship, so we still need to be more careful.

"With the three of us, no matter how powerful the opponent is, but since it is a mountain thief, be careful whether they will do any tricks. Lena is the best at this aspect. Shall we have a combat meeting before that?

"Do as you say. I'll call Lena."

"Then I'll prepare breakfast. I'm afraid I can't come up with any effective way if I'm hungry, but please pay attention to your stomach in the future, my lord."

"I see, as long as it's your order..."

Xilu's heart was coaxed sweetly by this simple sentence, and she only felt that the back when loyd left was suddenly much more handsome...

After becoming a lord, loyd became more and more fascinating...

Ah! Really, what am I thinking about?

It's natural for the master to care about his knight... That's it!

Lina on the training ground is conducting "daily training" against ten soldiers. With the loud shout, the soldiers swung their weapons and surrounded her from all directions. Lena suddenly lowered her body and got out of the gap of the crowd like a wild cat. The soldiers' weapons collided with each other and could not adjust their posture in time, and then there was a burst of crackling. The soldiers lay on the ground.

"No way! Although it has improved a lot, it is still not agile enough! If you can't catch me, no matter what you do, it will be in vain!"

"They are all ordinary soldiers, not mercenaries like you who have experienced many battles. Please don't make excessive demands, Lena."

Loed, who came to the training ground, happened to witness this scene and reminded him with some joke. Lena happily said "aha" and rushed up to give him a warm hug despite the eyes of the soldiers:

Good morning! Mr. loyd! Lena was very moved when you came to the training ground to see me!"

"This is also the duty of the lord..."

Loed awkwardly pushed Lena away and sorted out the clothes that were a little crooked by her:

"Are you really training?"

"It's just daily training. If you don't work first, you will feel that something is missing, which can ensure that everyone is full of energy! But everyone seems to be in the same place..."

"As I said just now, because they are just ordinary soldiers, and their responsibilities are only to defend the territory. You can't force them to jump up and down like you. You just need to be responsible for their basic training!"

"But that will be very dangerous on the battlefield..."

"I won't send them to the battlefield, so you don't have to train them by your standards. But then again, they seem to be very happy to train with you..."

"Yes, yes! Because Lena is a very beautiful and lovely person!"

Lina's childish words made the soldiers laugh loudly, and loyd touched her head with understanding:

"So that's it! That's why they like you as a captain, right? Well, as long as you want, you can train them in the way you like. After all, we have work to do, Lena, select 20 soldiers, and we are going to fight against the mountain thieves.

"Mountain thief?"

Lena and the soldiers looked incredibly suspicious:

"We haven't heard of mountain thieves in this territory! I heard that during Lord Lawitz's rule, even ordinary thieves did not appear here!"

"So it is necessary for a good investigation. Maybe they have flowed here from other places. In short, it is true that the people have been looted by them, so destroy them before they have a foothold, otherwise Algvilo will not be at peace this year."

"Understand! But that kind of guy can solve it as long as we have a few people!"

"Always excessive self-confidence can also cause trouble, Lena, now we shoulder the responsibility of guarding the territory, so we are no longer suitable for personal performance! In a word, after selecting the soldiers, come to the living room to hold a combat meeting. Don't take it lightly just because your opponent is a mountain thief, Lena!"

"What! After becoming a lord, you talk to me in this tone... It's really annoying! Lena is not a child!"

"There's nothing I can do... Because I'm the lord after all!"

Looking at Lena's awkward appearance, Loid and the soldiers laughed happily again.