Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 16 Seeking a Teacher

The sky is full of stars, the breeze blows, and a bright moon hangs on the mountainside. Under the moonlight, a young man and a girl walk on the beach.

The young man took the girl's hand and walked on the sand step by step. The two talked and laughed. The girl also picked up some shells from time to time and put them next to the boy's ears to listen to the sound in the shell. Although the young man listened to the sound in the shell, his eyes stared straight at the girl, showing tenderness from their eyes. Their faces It's all about happiness.

But the girl suddenly broke away from the boy's hand, and the boy looked at her with a puzzled face and didn't know what she meant. Suddenly, the cold light flashed, and the young man suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. The girl held a dagger in her hand and pierced the young man's body with one hand. Suddenly, blood shot, and the whole dagger was dyed red.

The young man looked at the girl with wide eyes, looking unbelievable, and the girl did not say anything, resolutely pulled out the blood knife inserted in the boy's body, and suddenly the blood stained the whole sky...

"Why, Xiaolin?" There is infinite pain in the voice.

Lei Han woke up from ** and sweated profusely. The quilt on his body slid down Lei Han's body. His eyes showed a trace of confusion and darkness. He muttered, "Why did you do this, Xiaolin?"

"Hahaha, my father hasn't revenged yet, and I forgot it so soon." Suddenly, an old voice came from my ear. Lei Han's body shook, raised his head slightly, bit his lips, and suddenly slapped him in the face. The old man who had been standing on the wall of the hut looked at Lei Han with a surprised face and didn't know what he was doing.

"You're right. I'm really unfilial. My father hasn't revenged, and I'm still thinking about my children's affair." Lei Han's face changed, and the dark color in his dark eyes flashed away, followed by the color of perseverance.

The old man walked towards Lei Han from a distance, stared at Lei Han with an admiring look, and said, "You can teach"

"Teacher, I don't know when I can practice with you?" Lei Han asked

"Don't call me that. We have a saying first. As long as you kill a monster on the Beast Mountain and can survive for two months, I will take you as an apprentice, but you didn't kill a monster. If I hadn't finally saved you from Benlyle, you wouldn't even have survived on the Beast Mountain, so I wouldn't I will take you as an apprentice."

"What?" Lei Han was anxious and quickly got up from ** and walked to the old man. He held his fists and knelt on one knee. He said, "Senior, please take me as an apprentice. I will definitely practice well. When I achieve something, I will repay you well."

"Hahaha... What I said will not be taken back. You'd better give up." The old man said lightly with no expression on his face.

With a bang, Lei Han also knelt down with his other foot, put his hands on the ground, and kowtowed his head to the ground fiercely. He said, "Please take back your life so that I can become your old apprentice."

The old man glanced at Lei Han coldly, turned around and said with his back, "What I decided will not change. Even if you kowtow to death here, I won't accept you as an apprentice. You'd better leave and go back to Lei's house to be your young master."

Lei Han's head kowtoed to the ground, his eyes were wide open, his face was gloomy, and he said coldly, "Senior, don't lie to me. I'm afraid the Lei family is in danger now."

The old man raised the corners of his eyes slightly, looked at Lei Han with interest and asked, "How do you know?"

"The white thief and the wooden thief actually joined hands to kill my father. The next step will definitely attack my Lei family. Now maybe the two clans have started a war."

"Don't you want to go to support immediately?"

"Haha... Do you think it's useful for me to go now? How useful will a waste be?" Lei Han laughed at himself.

The corners of the old man's mouth were slightly raised, showing a smile, but the smile flashed, and then turned to Lei Han. His eyes were like cold electricity. Looking at Lei Han's heart, he said for a long time, "If you have the ability, what will you do?" Lei Han resisted the ripples in his heart and gritted his teeth and said, "Kill all the people who killed my father."

After hearing this, the old man showed a strange smile on his face and asked in a joking tone, "Really? If you were facing the girl named Bai Lin, would you still do it?"

Lei Han's body shook, and his face became more gloomy. He raised his head and showed a ferocious face. A pair of vicious eyes stared ahead, and his tone was murderous and boiling, "I will kill her with my own hands."

The corners of the old man's eyes tilted slightly, and immediately a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth: "It seems that I didn't see the wrong person. You are really a talent."

"Have you promised to take me as an apprentice?" Hearing this, Lei Han felt that things had turned around and asked happily.

"I said I wouldn't take you as an apprentice." The old man said.

"What? That's it." After hearing this, Lei Han's eyes were dim and he muttered.

"But I also like you. Well, I will teach you a few skills, but this is also as a communication between us, but you should remember that there is no teacher-apprentice relationship between us." The old man looked at Lei Han and smiled.

After hearing this, Lei Han was overjoyed and quickly thanked him and asked, "Then what should I call my predecessor in the future?"

"Dad, by the way, you can call me Grandpa in the future." The old man thought for a moment and replied.

"Then will we practice now?" Lei Han asked and answered.

The old man waved his hand and said, "No, the first job now is to let you know your own strength."

Lei Han frowned and thought to himself, do you still need to understand this? He didn't know it earlier. But Lei Han still answered helplessly: "Shi-level spiritual realm"

The "wrong" old man rejected Lei Han's answer.

Lei Han opened his eyes and looked at the old man and asked, "Age, why can't I be a scholar-level spiritual power? I don't know yet."

"Idiot, do you really think you are using spiritual power now?" The old man sneered.

"What? I don't use spiritual power," Lei Han was shocked.

The old man looked at the doubtful mine and said patiently, "Don't worry, listen to me slowly. Although it can be said that you are using spiritual power now, it can be said that it is not spiritual power." Lei Han's eyes were wider after hearing this, and his face was even more doubtful. The old man paused and then asked, "Do you know how many attributes there are in spiritual power?"

Lei Han touched his chin with both hands, thought for a moment, and said, "The six attributes of flame, fog, thunder, wind, cloud and rain."

"You're right, but you still miss two attributes." The old man nodded and immediately said.

"Impossible. There are only six attributes of spiritual power. I have never heard that there are two other attributes besides these six."

The old man smiled faintly: "No wonder, not to mention that the people in Guluo City don't know, even the whole East Asian continent and even the whole world, only a few people know the other two attributes."

"What attribute is that?"

The old man of "Space and Earth" said word by word, immediately looked at Lei Han with a shocked face, and then said, "The two attributes of space and the earth are very rare attributes, and few people will have them for thousands of years, but now I have found a person with space attributes." After the old man finished speaking, his eyes fell on Lei Han.

Lei Han's face was shocked at this time, and his fingers unconsciously pointed to himself and asked, "Me?"

The old man nodded, but Lei Han suddenly said, "It's impossible. Didn't Mr. Hai, the spiritual judge, say that I am a born nihilist? How can it be a person with such rare attributes?

"Why not? The natural nothingness is the body of space. If I hadn't injected the underworld fire into your body, I wouldn't have found this secret.

Lei Han clenched his fist slightly, raised his heart and asked, "How can you be so sure?"

"Because the underworld fire implanted in your body is only suitable for people in space to practice. At the peak, I got a secret book, that is, the animal skin given to you at that time, but the animal skin is only a incomplete book, recording that it is only practicing the underworld fire and transforming the flame into The method of spiritual power, the part where I tore off the method of cultivating the underworld fire, gave you the rest of the animal skin, because you have got the underworld fire I lost to you, and you no longer need to practice the underworld fire.