Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 17 The Secret of Spiritual Power

At this time, it is March, and the mountains are full of green flowers and bamboos, and the grass is green and green. In the cliff, green water flows for a long time, and a thatched house is located under the cliff.

In the hut, Lei Han looked shocked and shook his head unconsciously. He looked unbelievable and muttered, "I'm really not without attributes."

The old man nodded and said, "If you want to cultivate the underworld fire, you must need a space body. Otherwise, although there will be great sequelae of cultivating the underworld fire. At the beginning, I was overconfident. I didn't believe this. The forced underworld fire to practice turned out to be miserable as it is now. If I hadn't met you, maybe I would have He was devoured by this fire.

"My grandfather is so powerful that he has been tossed around by this fire. This fire is too powerful." Lei Han asked with a surprised face after hearing this.

The old man said, "Indeed, fire originates from nothingness, but it is better than nothingness. It can be said to be tangible matter and intangible things. It can make everything nothing, and even absorb everything, including spiritual power, as its own nutrients, so as to gradually strengthen itself. It is also because of this that I will be tortured to the human form of this fire. The old man frowned, his face became much more ugly, and there was pain in his eyebrows.

Seeing this, Lei Han thought to himself that it seemed that Grandpa must have been very miserable by the underworld fire, otherwise he would not have shown such an expression, so he stood aside silently and listened to the old man quietly.

The old man quickly woke up from his memory and then said, "Because you are the body of space, the underworld fire can be stored on your body, but this is still stored. If you want to use it, you have to refine it into a part of your body, as long as you can refine a small part of the underworld fire I lost to you. It's not a problem to avenge your father's death.

"How to refine?" After hearing this, Lei Han was overjoyed and asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, now you have to understand your own situation first. Let me ask you, have you always thought that spiritual power is graded?"

"Isn't it? How could there be spiritual, scholar, teacher, yin... so many spiritual realm levels divided?" Lei Han asked.

After hearing this, the old man smiled faintly and said, "Actually, you know that all this is wrong. There is no so-called hierarchical division of spiritual power. Those so-called levels are all made up by later generations to distinguish strong men of different levels. I can tell you that even a so-called scholar-level spiritual power needs to learn. The law can also kill the hidden spiritual power. Although the old man spoke in a gentle tone, every word aroused a great shock in Lei Han's heart, because what the old man said was far beyond his thinking and made him unbelievable. Lei Han was silent, bowed to the old man, and asked respectfully, "What is the so-called definition of spiritual power?" Please explain it in detail."

"Well, instead of saying something so that you can't understand, I'd better tell you everything about spiritual power. Don't interrupt me halfway and let me talk to the end, okay?" The old man said.

"Well," Lei Han replied, with a look of desire in his eyes.

Hearing Lei Han's answer, the old man took a breath, cleared his mind, and said slowly, "All this will start from the creation of the world. Thinking that at the beginning of Pangu, everything was in chaos. At that time, there was an extraordinary evil monster in heaven and earth, which was destroyed. The ability to destroy heaven and earth at that time constantly absorbed the aura between heaven and earth for its own survival. However, if it goes on without stopping, the whole world will be destroyed by it. Therefore, the gods who existed between heaven and earth at that time decided to fight against it. Although the situation at that time was extremely tragic, they also killed the monster in the end. Although more than half of the gods were killed and injured, they still felt extremely excited. However, a few days later, their excitement disappeared and was replaced by panic. Because they found that the important thing that can maintain the survival of the creatures in this world is about to be exhausted. That is the aura that was previously absorbed by the monster. They know that once the aura is exhausted, the creatures in the world will die. For this reason, the gods thought hard and finally came up with a way to inject the remaining aura into all creatures and let these creatures support the aura themselves, because the gods found that there is a substance in the body of these creatures that can make the aura survive and reproduce, so that the creatures can also survive. However, it is extremely difficult to inject aura into the body of the creature. This process requires a lot of energy. For this reason, all the gods drive the seven-star magic spell and obtain unprecedented divine power at the cost of their own lives. Finally, they injected this aura into all creatures, and all the gods perished.

Speaking of this, the old man paused, glanced at Lei Han, and found that he was listening to what he had said very carefully. He nodded, secretly praised, and thought, "It seems that I didn't see the wrong person. This boy has good potential. Although his heart is full of hatred, his eyes are not covered by hatred. You can still listen to what I said so carefully without rushing me to call him kung fu. This is the material to do great things. If you are in a hurry to practice and don't really understand the meaning of practicing, you can't achieve great success even if you practice day and night.

Lei Han looked at the old man for so long without saying a sound. He felt strange and asked puzzled, "Aun, what are you thinking about? Why don't you say it?"

The old man was shocked, coughed, and pretended to be angry and said, "Don't stop. Didn't you see that I was organizing the language?"

"Oh, so it is." Lei Han nodded and then asked, "Is the language organized?"

"All said don't stop and listen to me patiently." The old man paused and then said, "After thousands of years of survival, the aura gradually began to mutate, and finally formed the spiritual power that everyone said today. Spiritual power originally began with chaos. At the beginning, chaos was only divided into two attributes: nothingness and entity. Nothingness has another name, that is, space attributes, and entities are earth attributes. These two attributes are the initial forms of chaotic aura, but later they are slowly decomposed, and finally formed what is now The six attributes of flame, fog, thunder, wind, cloud and rain. The space attributes you have now can be said to be nothing, or a mixture of the six attributes. Therefore, the conditions you had at the beginning are so unique.

"Listen to you, the space attributes seem to be very powerful, but why can't I do anything since I was a child, and even said to be a waste that can't use spiritual power?" Lei Han has doubts.

After hearing this, the old man smiled and said, "Didn't I just say that the space attribute can also be said to be nothingness? This is fortunate and a sad attribute. If no one correctly leads the development of this attribute, maybe this attribute will be buried as a result. Fortunately, you met me, and I happen to have secrets that can trigger your potential. All this seems to be such a coincidence. Well, do you understand all this? If you have any questions, just ask, and I will answer them for you one by one.

Lei Han asked, "You explained it clearly, but didn't you just say that spiritual power is not graded? You haven't explained it yet?"

"As I said, spiritual power originates from chaos and does not exist in the human body. It is formed by the convergence of heaven and earth. There is no hierarchical division, but why is there a hierarchical division later? There are two reasons. First, human desire. In the development process of creatures, there has emerged a creature that can develop and use spiritual power. That's human. Humans use spiritual power first to drive away wild monsters, but with the enhancement of their own spiritual power, they no longer want to be at the same level as others. In order to distinguish between people, they divide their spiritual power into the current known level of scholar-level spiritual power, teacher-level spiritual power realm and so on. Second, there are people. I did it on purpose."

Hearing this sentence, Lei Han couldn't help but say, "Who can do this?"

The old man shook his head and sighed, "I don't know who it is, but I saw in some classical books that in fact, 500 years ago, there was no division of this spiritual realm in the world. This division seems to have begun 500 years ago. If I guess correctly, this world There must be a huge secret hidden. Maybe there is a person hiding in this world as if he is planning something.

The room suddenly became quiet...

[Since the signing of my novice Virgo "Spirit Breaks the World", my results have not been ideal. It is not easy for a novice to write a book. Your every move will change a person's life. I hope you can comment more on this novel, so that I can have the opportunity to correct this novel and make my writing more outstanding. I hope you can support the newcomers! Please click, red ticket, collect!!]