Spirit Ruins

Basic setting of monk props

1. fa qi:

From low to high:

Weapon-Spiritual Weapon-Fapon-Bunning Dharmabao-Lingtian Taoist Treasure-Xuantian Immortal

2. Fu Li:

There are nine grades, one to three are ordinary spiritual charms, four to six are Xuanguang treasure charms, seven to eight grades are spiritual Taoist charms, and nine Xuanxian charms

3. Elixirs:

There are nine products, one to three are ordinary elixirs, four to six are the best elixirs, seven to eight are congenital elixirs, and nine are Daluo fairy elixir

4. Puppet:

Level from low to high: black iron-level puppet (blood evil realm) - bronze-level puppet (Tao fetal realm) - silver-level puppet (golden Dan realm) - gold-level puppet (Yuanying realm) - fairy puppet

5. Crystal:

is divided into five products, one item is ordinary low-order crystal, the quality is improved in turn, and the fifth product is fairy crystal.

Exchange principle: 100 first-grade crystals for one second-grade crystal; 1,000 second-grade crystals for one third-grade crystals; 10,000 third-grade crystals for a fourth-grade crystal; five-grade fairy crystals are priceless.