Spirit Ruins

Spirit Ruins One million-word speech

Since the upload of "Spirit Ruins" in July last year, there have been one million words. Looking at the results, clicks, red tickets, and collections are not satisfactory and bleak. To some extent, this book may already be a street book. At the beginning of uploading this book, I had many dreams and good wishes to be bought out, but in the end, it was still silent. A book is like a microcosm of life. Dreams are broken by reality, recognize the gap between themselves and others, and their blood gradually calms down, so people learn that plainness is eternal. So I learned how to immerse myself in writing books and stop worrying about too many gains and losses.

At the same time, there were many works uploaded with this book, and there were also many visiting books. I collected them one by one in large or small numbers. Until today, I found out the books I had collected and read them. I found that some books became little gods, some books were eunuchs, and some books were broken. I thought that this book was just A little splash in the wave of online articles can't help sighing. By the way, I would like to encourage each other with the writers who are still sticking to the code.

However, the book will continue anyway. This book is my first book. Now I just want to write this book quietly without regrets.

This book has only been written less than half so far. As a novice, I still have a lot to learn in the field of online writers. Thank you for rewarding this book, collecting this book, clicking on this book, voting for this book, and following this book. Your clicks and collection are my motivation to move forward.

If you have any good suggestions and criticisms, I hope you will not hesitate to give me some advice. I would like to thank you~