Spirit Ruins

Chapter 13 Snake Valley

The periphery of an unknown valley.

Mr. Lei sat on a raised bluestone and looked at the battlefield in front of him with gloomy eyes.

The two sides of the battlefield confronted the soldiers of the Leidan camp and hundreds of savage soldiers 100 meters away from the opposite side.

The wilders were divided into more than a dozen camps according to different tribes. Each of them had upper bodies and painted totem patterns of different shapes and colors. These wilders looked very angry and constantly waved the weapons in their hands and shouted at the bile soldiers opposite.

On the other hand, unlike the sparse array of the wild people, the soldiers in the thunder camp are very disciplined. They are divided into three layers inside and outside. The soldiers on the outside hold heavy shields and block them in front, and the soldiers immediately behind them hold spears. When the enemy rushes forward, the peripheral soldiers open a gap in the heavy shield, and the spear soldiers inside stabs the savages from the gap. On the innermost floor are fifteen archers with bent bows, shooting arrows at the outside from time to time, shooting savages to resist their charge.

In the previous hours, the wilders had launched three charges and sieges against the Leidan Battalion, but with the cooperation of the three layers of iron barrel array inside and outside, the wilders eventually had to retreat and left more than 20 bodies in front of the soldiers of the Leidan Battalion.

After several setbacks, the wilders finally dared not approach the thunder camp, but cursed in the distance.

Although Lei gallbladder camp has the upper hand, in the face of such a situation, General Manager Lei is not half happy.

The battlefield is stuck in a stalemate, and every time the time is delayed, Mr. Lei's face will be ugly. He raised his eyes and looked beyond the two sides of the war and landed on the entrance of the small valley in the distance.

The wild people in the distance leaned against the entrance of this mysterious valley, where there is a very narrow sheep intestine path between two very steep cliffs, forming a "line of sky" danger. It can be said that it is a place where one man can't open up.

A day ago, Leidan Camp came to this valley, but at that time, the sky was full of extremely dense toxic miasma, which was very toxic, and ordinary warriors would die immediately after inhaling a bite! People can't move forward at all! Therefore, General Manager Lei ordered everyone to rest for a day outside the valley.

The next day, the miasma in the sky finally slowly dispersed for the first time after nearly 60 years. The thunder commander ordered everyone to enter the sky, but unexpectedly, they were ambushed by a savage tribe who gathered from nowhere in the path!

At the cost of the sacrifice of ten soldiers in the leading troops, everyone finally withdrew from the front line safely and formed a three-layer "round light array" inside and outside, which resisted the pursuit of the savages.

However, this situation is not the result that General Manager Lei wants. Admittedly, Leidan Camp can rely on the iron barrel array to resist the attack of the savages, but in the same way, the savages occupy obvious geographical advantages such as the "first line", and the Leidan camp can't break through the savage's defense at all. If you want to enter the valley, there is no way to start.

Others don't know the bottom of the valley, but General Manager Lei knows that in another day, the valley will be full of miasma again. That kind of miasma can not only kill the top warriors, but even hurt the soul of General Lei. At that time, if you want to enter the valley, you can only wait another 60 years!

But General Manager Lei has been planning for so long that he is no longer willing to wait for the next 60 years!

He sat down cross-legged and then called Hou Zhan over.

"What's the order of General Manager Lei!?" Hou Zhan, who commanded everyone to be arrayed on the front line, quickly came over and asked with his fist around General Manager Lei.

General Lei closed his eyes. His face was covered by the cloak and his face could not be seen clearly, but his tone was a little anxious. "You command all the soldiers to form a battle array around my body and protect my body. Don't leave at all. I want to travel!"

Hou Zhan was shocked, "Chief Lei! Are you going to travel on the battlefield? Why not change to a safer place?"

General Lei said in a hoarse voice, "My 'soul-moving' magic power is not complete, and I can't leave my body too far. The distance from here to the valley is already my limit. Let you organize Lei gallbladder camp to follow me into the mountain, mainly to protect my body."

Hou Zhan is still insisting, "General Hou, you are traveling in the daytime and on the battlefield. It's too dangerous to do so! Please give me another day, and I will definitely be able to destroy all those savages!"

"It's too late!" The desolator said coldly, and then he saw a black smoke suddenly rise out of his spiritual cover, crossing the heads of the two sides fighting with the savages at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, and shot into the valley in the sky!

When the shadow left, General Manager Lei's body fell silent, and a sentence suddenly sounded in Hou Zhan's ear, "command the Leidan camp to guard my body. If there is any mistake, I will make you live worse than death!"

Hearing the last fierce threat of General Manager Lei, although he knew that General Manager Lei had left, he couldn't help fighting a cold war when he remembered General Manager Lei's strange magic power and terrible means. Then he calmed his mind and shouted, "Come on! Array, protect the thunder master!"

The invisible body transformed by the soul of the thunder general manager quickly rushed into a line of sky. The savages saw an inexplicable dark shadow suddenly appear above their heads, and several savages high jumped up and waved knives to attack the thunder general manager!

But before those savages cut the thunder master, and I don't know what spells the thunder master used. Four black light masses suddenly shot out of his body, invading the heads of the four savages who were in the way. Those savages suddenly bled and died suddenly!

When the savages hiding in the front line of the sky saw their companions killed, they followed General Manager Lei and wanted to keep him. But the thunder master's speed is so fast that the savages can't intercept it at all. When the thunder master enters the valley, the savages can only stop. No one dares to enter this place called a holy place by the ancestors of the savages for fear of offending the gods living in it.

Out of a glimmer of sky, the scene in front of him suddenly became open, and it turned out to be a huge valley, like a big concave bowl, surrounded by stone walls, covered with blue-gray vines. In the depression in the middle of the valley, there is a thick layer of white bones. These white bones are human corpses and animal bones, and I don't know where these white bones come from.

General Lei stepped into the valley and saw those white bones at first sight. First, he stayed in mid-air, clenched his hands, and looked very excited, as if he were recalling something. After a while, he gritted his teeth and cursed a few words in a low voice, and then whispered, "I'm back again!"

Then slowly lift the blurred head. Look at the stone wall opposite.

There are naturally four round channels above the stone wall opposite the thunder headquarters, which are lined up. I don't know what kind of place each channel leads to.

If ordinary people come here, they will inevitably hesitate and don't know which channel to choose. However, the thunder manager seems to be very familiar with this and doesn't think about it, so he flew to the channel on the far left!

However, at the moment when General Manager Lei approached the leftmost channel, the vines that were still hanging on the stone wall suddenly suddenly shook up! The tip of the vine opened a big mouth and bit down the general manager of Lei! The sharp hook teeth on the big mouth are clearly visible, and there is also a purple venom shining on it!

Snake! Those things like vines are actually disguised by a mysterious poisonous snake! And the number is endless!

All the vines at the bottom of the valley swayed, incarnated into countless cyan poisonous snakes, and rushed to the thunderbolt like a rainstorm! In less than a moment, the valley was densely crawled with poisonous snakes, and every inch of space up, down, left and right was this kind of cyan monster, emitting waves of hissing snakes, like a fierce ghost, which was frightening!

"Hmm! Now that I have become a magical power, what threat do these green snakes have to me!?" The thunderbolt did not dodge and stretched out his right hand to bite the green snake, but he was an invisible soul. How could the green snake bite him?

Mr. Lei looked at the poisonous snake around him with disgust, snorted coldly, and his right index finger passed by!

Tear! A wind blade appeared out of thin air, cutting all the rows of poisonous snakes in front of the hole, and then the thunder officer seemed to vent his resentment, moving his hands, and the wind blades shot out from him, killing all the poisonous snakes within five meters around his body.

After killing for a long time, General Manager Lei stopped and snorted coldly. He never looked at the snake corpses and blood stains everywhere. He suddenly flew into the hole on his left hand.

Not long after General Lei disappeared in the leftmost hole, a series of fast footsteps suddenly sounded in the far right of the four holes on the mountain wall!

A man's angry voice came from the mouth of the cave, "This is a tunnel opened by an immoral ghost. There are so many fork roads! Thank God! It took me more than half a day to finally see the exit!"