Spirit Ruins

Chapter 14 Ringtone, Jade Hall, Gate of Fire

Lin Xiao came out of the tunnel, covered in dust, with a unkempt face, and looked extremely embarrassed.

He had previously entered the passage of the savage tribe and thought it was just a cellar or something, but unexpectedly entered an underground corridor with many fork roads. I don't know what these tunnels are for.

Lin Xiao himself is a road idiot. In this environment, he is like a blind man crossing the river and doesn't know how to get out of the tunnel. Fortunately, he was lucky. After walking the wrong path for a long time, he actually came out of the tunnel by mistake!

Seeing the long-lost sunshine and breathing the fresh air outside the tunnel, Lin Xiao wanted to look up to roar to vent his depression. However, when he first saw the sunken valley and the cyan poisonous snakes crawling all over the valley, his expression was even worse than eating a bag of poison.

"God, I didn't take you to play like this. I just got out of the tiger's den. Why did you let me into the snake's den again!" Lin Xiao howled in his heart!

There are so many green snakes, even if Lin Xiao can see from a distance, these snakes are all highly poisonous. Even if he has already reached the peak of the bone casting period, once he falls into the snake's nest, a few more Lin Xiao is not enough for these green snakes to fill their stomachs.

Hesitating repeatedly, Lin Xiao still sighed in his heart and slowly retreated, afraid to disturb the poisonous snake at the mouth of the hole.

However, before Lin Xiao stepped back a few steps, his feet suddenly slipped. Lin Xiao was shocked, hurriedly reached out to hold the surrounding wall, and then looked down!

It's okay not to look at it, but I was shocked at first sight. I don't know when a large cyan snake shadow appeared in the tunnel behind me! At the same time, countless green snakes began to crawl in from the outside on the stone wall of the cave in front of Lin Xiao!

"Fight!" Lin Xiao roared, and then kicked the ground like a sharp arrow! Get out of this tunnel entrance that has been completely covered with snake shadows!

Lin Xiaoxin knew that if he waited any longer, he would just sit and wait for death. Since there were poisonous snakes in the tunnel behind him, it was only a dead end to enter the narrow space. It's better to rush outside and open!

However, when Lin Xiao fell and stepped on the ground of the valley, he knew that he might have made the worst decision. The surroundings were covered with layers of thick blue gray. Those green snakes opened their scarlet mouths one by one and rushed to Lin Xiao!

"I'm going to die!" Lin Xiao sighed in his heart that the green snakes were so close and so numerous that they could not resist at all. He only had time to protect his head with his hands, and his whole body was full of energy, and then he remained motionless and waited for the next overwhelming attack of the green snake!

After a long time, I didn't feel the feeling of being attacked. Within the range of Lin Xiao's consciousness, the surrounding green snake did not approach within a meter of his body, but kept wandering around the periphery, and the snake looked at him.

Lin Xiao raised his head and saw that the green snake still did not mean to attack him. Instead, he was vaguely afraid of approaching his body. While he was glad that he had survived, he couldn't help but wonder, "What's going on?"

At this moment, Lin Xiao suddenly felt a burst of heat from the happy bell on his chest! Without waiting for him to realize what had happened, the acacia bell was windless and automatic, making a series of windy and stormy crisp bells!


Although these ringtones sounded a little anxious and too loud in Lin Xiao's ears, they did not have much impact on him. However, as soon as the green snakes surrounded by countless circles around Lin Xiao heard the bell, they suddenly seemed to have encountered some natural enemies and kept rolling on the ground with fear. And keep flying back! Like a green canvas, it gradually closed into the four caves above the stone wall.

In a moment, the number of green snakes that dyed the whole valley with a layer of green suddenly fled into the cave, and the valley returned to tranquility, leaving only the white bones that stayed quietly at the bottom of the valley, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, the acacia bell finally calmed down and lay quietly on Lin Xiao's chest. If it hadn't been for the remaining heat on the bell, Lin Xiao almost thought that he had just had a nightmare.

Stretching out his right hand and pressing the silver bell on his chest, Lin Xiao suddenly remembered Su Qiang, the originally very simple woman, suddenly had a layer of fog in Lin Xiao's heart at this moment.

Su Qiang, Su Qiang, what kind of person are you? Why did you give me such a precious treasure again? Did you already expect that I would be in such a deep danger?

Shaking his head, Lin Xiao smiled bitterly and said, "Let's get out of here quickly!" Lin Xiao made up his mind and then looked around to find an outlet.

"Hula, Hula!"


Suddenly, Lin Xiao faintly heard a shout of killing in the heavenly passage behind him!

"Someone is outside!" Lin Xiao was overjoyed and hurriedly ran to the entrance of the front line of the sky.

However, not long after, Lin Xiao rushed back from the front line of the sky very awkwardly, and his clothes were still torn in several places. When he entered the valley, there was a series of roars of wild people behind him.

Lin Xiao shouted unlucky, "What's the matter? There are so many savage warriors outside! If I hadn't reacted quickly, I would have been surrounded by those savages now!"

Lin Xiao looked at the entrance of the first line of sky vigilantly. It was not until he confirmed that the savages had not chased in strangely before he breathed. Now that the first line of sky can no longer walk, and he has to find another way. Thinking of this, Lin Xiao's eyes turned to the four holes on the opposite stone wall.

Don't think about the hole on the far right. He came out of there. Lin Xiao looked at the other three holes and suddenly lit up!

Just now, he didn't notice because he was in a hurry to leave. Now Lin Xiao finally found that there were a large number of dead green snake bodies left in front of the cave on the far left of the four caves, and snake blood covered the entrance of the cave.

"Who has ever been here? And killed so many green snakes?" Lin Xiao stood still before the hole on the far left, stretched out his right hand to touch his nose, and stood still and thought.

After a while, Lin Xiao turned his eyes and made a decision, "Go in and have a look!"

Lin Xiao unfolded his body and quickly entered the channel.

In front of him was a straight walkway that could accommodate three people walking side by side. Lin Xiao ran in the aisle. After about a cup of tea, a bright light appeared again in the distance. At the same time, a slight sound of water came from Lin Xiao's ear!

The closer it is to the mouth of the cave, the louder the sound of running water is. When Lin Xiao stands at the mouth of the cave, the sound of running water is so loud that it makes people feel very uncomfortable! My ears are even more roaring!

Lin Xiao looked out of the tunnel and couldn't help opening his mouth. The scene in front of him shocked him!

Now the exit of the tunnel where Lin Xiao is located is on a cliff. Under him, there is a huge river like a dragon rushing past, and the water splashes the mountain walls on both sides, making a series of exciting noises!

Opposite Lin Xiao is also a cliff. The river under his feet flows through the cracks formed by the two cliffs, while in front of Lin Xiao hangs a series of thick iron cables, which are continuous forward, locked on a boulder protruding from the opposite cliff, and next to the boulder, there is a man-made cut A very huge cave recessed.

Lin Xiao looked over from afar and saw that a palace made of green jade had been built in the cave!

Lin Xiao's mood at this moment is hard to describe as shock. He rubbed his eyes and looked carefully at the opposite cave within the cliff. That's right! There is indeed a jasper palace standing in the cave!

There will be such a miracle-like temple in the world. What kind of things will be placed in it? Lin Xiao's heart was hot. Without saying a word, he jumped forward, climbed up the huge iron rope as thick as his thighs with his hands, and slowly climbed forward.

The river under his feet is still turbulent and frighten, but now Lin Xiao's thoughts have already flown into the palace, and the river underneath has been difficult to shake his will.

Finally, Lin Xiao came to the cave and stood in front of the green palace the size of an ordinary house.

Looking at this incredible building, he stroked the whole body, showing emerald green jasper, and a refreshing coolness invaded his body, making Lin Xiao almost moan comfortably.

After a while, Lin Xiao reluctantly let go of his palm and stepped into the door of the palace.

said that it is a gate. In fact, the whole palace is carved from jade, and there is no door or window at all. When Lin Xiao entered the interior of the palace, he found that the space in front of him was actually very narrow, just like a small room arranged horizontally.

To Lin Xiao's surprise, there is nothing else in the small interior space of the palace, but five different colors of jasper stands in the center of the palace hall.

Jasper has a tall adult, which is presented in five colors: green, red, yellow, brown and blue. Each piece of jasper is natural and has no impurities at all. It is engraved with different patterns and hexagrams, which emits a lot of light all over the body, which looks very mysterious.

When Lin Xiao saw the jasper, he also took a breath. He believed that aside the mysterious patterns and hexagrams on the jasper, the materials of these jasper alone are worth a lot!

The value is already the most valuable word Lin Xiao can think of. He just intuitively feels that these jade materials must be quite valuable. However, what Lin Xiao doesn't know is that if these pieces of jade spread to another world that he has not come into contact with, it will be a bloody storm!

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and subconsciously took a step forward, just before the fiery red jade in front of him, emitting a faint red glow.

Lin Xiao suddenly thought of the comfortable feeling when he stroked the jade outside the palace. The jade stretched out his right hand and stretched out to the red jade in front of him.

The moment the palm touched the jade, the mysterious hexagram on the red jade in front of Lin Xiao suddenly lit up, and then a golden word "Li" suddenly appeared inside the jade!

Before Lin Xiao realized why this vision appeared, his jade suddenly created a strong attraction and absorbed him in an instant!

Lin Xiao only had time to exclaim "ah" and disappeared into the red jade! The Jade Hall was empty again and suddenly became silent.

Lin Xiao, who was sucked into the red jade, only felt as if he had opened a door, and then entered another world. The world was empty, only a blood-like red.

Then Lin Xiao suddenly felt a scorching heat, and a heat that would burn even his soul came to his face!

So Lin Xiao suddenly realized that the red around him was nothing else, but a fire! High temperature as thick as blood away from fire! All over the world!