Spirit Ruins

Chapter 15 Ghost

The temperature of the flame around him was too high. Lin Xiao just stayed away from the fire for a moment and felt dry and uncomfortable. If he hadn't had a hard body in the bone casting and protected his body, he would have been burned into ashes by the high temperature.

However, at this moment, Lin Xiao's situation is not much better. With the extension of time, the essence in his body continues to lose, and the strength of his body protection is gradually eaten away from the fire. A trace of fire breaks through his defense and licks his torso. Those skins touch the flame and burns in an instant. Lin Xiao shouted harshly in pain. The shape is very miserable.

No one can survive in such a oven-like fire. An unprecedented sense of crisis appeared in the center of the severe pain, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead. After a while, when his whole body was swallowed up by the fire and he lost the protection of true qi, waiting for him may turn into ashes in an instant.

However, Lin Xiao has just seen the most magical fairyland he has ever seen in his life. How can he be willing to be buried in this inexplicable fire the next moment?

He tried his best to fight for the danger of his true qi consumption and ran wildly in the fire to find a way out.

I looked for several directions, but there were fireworks everywhere in front of me. What's the way out?

When Lin Xiao was desperate, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw a particularly strong place not far away, where a black crack appeared!

This is the first time that Lin Xiao saw something other than the surrounding flames in the raging fire.

At this time, Lin Xiao was already exhausted, and the true body protection was so weak that there was only a thin layer left. In a moment, he would completely disappear, and Lin Xiao would be swallowed up by the ruthless fire.

The crack in front of you may be the only chance to survive!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao summoned up his last bit of strength and walked to the crack step by step, extremely slowly but firmly.

The fire consumed Lin Xiao's true qi and physical strength little by little, causing Lin Xiao to walk very slowly. When there were still five or six steps away from the crack, the last protective qi in Lin Xiao's body was finally exhausted!

"Ah!" Lin Xiao's body was suddenly exposed to the blazing fireworks, and his skin scorched in an instant, and his long hair was burned into ashes, leaving only a bare bald head!

A severe pain surged up, and Lin Xiao only felt that he was going to die the next moment!

"Roar!" Lin Xiao, whose whole body was about to be scorched, was burned to lose his mind at this time, leaving only the instinct of survival to support his body without falling down. He instinctively let out an inhuman roar from his chest, and then the potential in his body was stimulated, and then he jumped to the crack when his whole body had lost strength!

The fire in front of the crack ruthlessly roasted Lin Xiao's body, but he could no longer feel any pain at all. The essence and blood of his whole body had reached the dry stage. He only saw the originally subtle black crack in front of him suddenly expand, and then his body rushed into the crack.

It's dark around. Lin Xiao doesn't know where he came after passing through the crack, but it can be confirmed that there are no more deadly flames around.

Without waiting for Lin Xiao's breath, his body suddenly fell down, and then hit the cold floor heavily. The scalded all over his body suddenly cracked, blood splashed everywhere, and the severe pain came. Lin Xiao roared in a low voice and fainted.

I don't know how long he was in a coma. Suddenly, there was a violent sound of fighting and a faint quarrel in Lin Xiao's ear.

Lin Xiao slowly opened his eyes, trying to condense some true qi from Dantian again, while pricking up his ears to identify the direction of the sound.

After a while, the sound of fighting came again. Lin Xiao had already figured out the situation around him at this time. He is now in an aisle paved with blue stone. The aisle is closed in front of him, but there is no exit behind him. Those fights and curses came from the end of the aisle behind him.

Lin Xiao was a little strange in his heart how he came to this aisle after crossing the crack. But before he could figure out the problem, the fighting in the distance became more and more fierce, and it was already approaching in his direction.

Lin Xiao finally accumulated a breath at this time. He mobilized the function of the automatic repair mechanism of the golden body, reborn his flesh and blood, and then slowly got up.

Lin Xiao's mind returned to Qingming and carefully recalled his experience since entering the Longmian Mountains. Almost every encounter was a nine-death situation, and now he is a little lingering when he thinks about it. However, it has fallen into such a situation, and the back road has already been cut off. Even if there is a desperate situation ahead, it can only be hard.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao sighed, slowly got up, touched the top of his bare head. Lin Xiao smiled bitterly at the corners of his mouth, and then followed the sound of fierce fighting and walked to the exit of the tunnel.

As the distance got closer and closer, bursts of thunder and curses gradually became clear in Lin Xiao's ears. A trace of surprise suddenly appeared on Lin Xiao's face, because he just heard the unique hoarse sound of General Lei!

How did General Manager Lei appear here!?

Lin Xiao suppressed the shock of his heart and quickly walked to the end of the passage. There was a hidden stone door in front of him. Lin Xiao did not immediately push open the stone door, but looked out of the door from the crack of the stone door.

Then, Lin Xiao saw a scene that made him feel very shocked. Outside the stone gate is a hall with a radius of ten feet. The center of the hall is a pool. In the middle of the pool stands a huge statue of a hundred feet. I don't know what material the statue is carved from. The head and snake body are lifelike.

The god elephant is exactly the same as the god Lin Xiao saw in the savage tribe temple! The slight difference is that the statue in the hall is many times larger than the previous one, and his hands are folded in front of his chest, and there is a blue light in the palm of his hand. There seems to be something floating in the blue light. Because of the distance, Lin Xiao can't see the appearance of the object clearly.

But these were not the main reason for Lin Xiao's shock. What really shocked him was the battle that took place above his head. The fighting and curses that Lin Xiao heard in the tunnel before came from the two people who were fighting fiercely in the air.

The two sides of the fight actually floated in mid-air, like a fairy who can rely on the void, and one of them is Lin Xiao's old "friend", the general manager of thunder wrapped in a black cloak. Somehow, at this moment, it was daytime, and Director Lei's body in Lin Xiao's eyes actually became a little empty, as if there was no entity. Naturally, he didn't know that General Manager Lei was now the body of the soul, so he was a little confused.

And who fought with him opposite General Lei was a dry old man with long white hair and ankles, wearing a set of ragged animal leather clothes.

The old savage is as thin as firewood, and his body is extremely weak, as if he is going to die of old the next moment. However, it was such a weak body, and the power contained in it was extremely domineering. His hands kept emitting extremely majestic thunder and splitting at General Manager Lei. The old man's eyes were dry and he couldn't see anything, but he was magically able to catch the trajectory of the thunder tube flying in mid-air, and he almost hit the body of the thunder tube several times.

The thunder management kept flashing in the air and dodging the thunder of the old man's palm. Although he looked embarrassed, he looked very calm and found gaps from time to time. His palms kept throwing out wind blades and black soul light, shooting at the old man to distract him.

General Lei sneered and said, "Priest priest, you can't hurt me! Although your Leifa magic power is powerful, your qi and blood have dried up, and the longevity is approaching! How long can you hold on?"

"Hmm!" The old man just snorted coldly and kept emitting thunder, trying to bombard the thunder commander.

Mr. Lei is not in a hurry. Anyway, time will stand on his side. Before long, when the high priest's qi and blood are exhausted, Victory will stand on Mr. Lei's side.

The two of them came and went in mid-air, killing inexplorable, but they didn't know that there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark. Lin Xiao saw such an unprecedented top-level battle, and then he learned that the magic power of the bloody evil world was so horrible. If he faced one of them, maybe not When it comes to one move, you will come to an end.

Just when Lin Xiao was secretly shocked, he only heard General Manager Lei continue to say, "Priest, why do you spend so much of your remaining vitality against me? As long as you let me enter the divine pool, take some divine water, and then let me take away Fuxi Mirror, how about I leave your holy place immediately?"

The old man was furious when he heard this and cursed: "You greedy people outside the mountain colluded with traitors in our tribe 60 years ago to break into our holy land. In those years, so many of you died in our holy land, and you didn't give up! Not only do you want to take away our holy water, but you don't even let go of the sacred artifacts of our people!?"

When General Manager Lei heard the old man talk about the past 60 years ago, he couldn't help recalling the tragic scene of his friends dying in front of him in the past. The resentment of death in the 60 years suddenly surged in his heart. He suddenly lost his mind and roared, "You ignorant savages! I have been guarding these immortal treasures for so many years but don't know how to use them. It's better to give things to people who really understand the value of sacred objects! In those years, I didn't have the magic power, so I had to run away. Now I'm only half a step away to enter the realm of immortals. How can you stop me!?"

Originally, General Manager Lei planned to slowly consume with the old savage, but at this time he had lost his mind. Sixty years of long-cherished wish was only one step away, and General Lei no longer wanted to drag it off. He muttered a few spells, and the black gas emanating from his body became very strong, and it spread to a radius of ten meters in less than a moment.

"Ah!" In the center of the thick black fog, General Manager Lei let out an inhumanly harsh cry. The emitted black fog suddenly returned, condensed and reorganized. A moment later, under the shocking gaze of the old man and Lin Xiao in the dark, the black fog turned into a height of ten feet, almost equal to the statue in the distance. The black fierce ghost!

The fierce ghost is full of sharp thorns, his face is ferocious, and there is dark smoke all over his body. He is wandering around with a huge black machete.

When the old man saw such a horrible creature in the distance, his face became very pale, but he still raised his strength. When he put his hands together, he only heard a roar. A thunder light with thick arm appeared between the old man's palms and shot at the head of the fierce ghost in an instant.

Sensing the lightning approaching, the fierce ghost suddenly turned his head, stared at the old man, and then suddenly raised the knife in his hand and hit the old man and the lightning he sent!

The blade suddenly rises! Ghost crying and howling! The wind around the hall is like the reappearance of hell!