Spirit Ruins

Chapter 80 Green Jiao

There is a bloody wind in the fog and cloud city, but the suburbs of the mountains thousands of miles away are depressed and desolate.

In the middle of the night, it suddenly rained heavily, thunderstorms, and the weather was cold.

The clerk in the inn added a few pieces of black charcoal to the charcoal basin in front of him and frowned deeply at the continuous rainstorm outside the door.

This is a small inn called Luonan Inn. It is located in the small town of Luonan hundreds of miles south of Wuyun City.

The town was also prosperous earlier. Due to its proximity to the official road leading to Wuyun City, merchants from afar like to stay here for a while before entering Wuyun City, and take this opportunity to have a drink in Luonan Inn and chat with the surrounding merchants about the recent new events in Wuyun City. Then it will be ready to go to Wuyun City.

However, since many changes happened in Wuyun City a few days ago, the residents of the city have been far away from the city. The number of people in Luonan Town has also begun to decrease, and the merchants have gradually disappeared in recent days. I heard that there was really a big disaster in Wuyun City, and no freighters have transported goods to Wuyun City.

More than that, even the owner of this Luonan inn took his own home to take refuge in the distance, leaving a bolder clerk to take care of the inn by himself. Every late at night, the inn looks particularly deserted.

"Fal weather!" With a curse, the young man who stayed in the Luonan Inn looked at the brazier in a daze and didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing that there were no guests destined to stay in the hotel today, the man sighed and walked lazily to the door, ready to close the door. Suddenly, when the clerk glanced through the door, he seemed to find a figure coming towards the inn!

Before the buddy could react, a soaked middle-aged man stepped into the door of the inn. The man's face was very pale and hung wrinkledly in a cyan robe. Perhaps because he was exposed to the rain for too long, his complexion showed an abnormal cyan color.

"Excuse me..." The man hurriedly greeted, "Guest..."

However, the buddy only said half a sentence and couldn't go on, because at this time, the middle-aged man raised his head and revealed his strange face, half white and half black.

The man was scared by the guests and stepped back a few steps back. He sat on the ground and asked in a trembling voice, "You, you, are you a human or a ghost!?"

The green-robed man is thejiao mian ren who escaped from Wuyun City. He escaped for nearly one night, but found that he could not get rid of the Meng Zhongliu who followed him. Moreover, they were caught up by Meng Zhongliu twice on the way. The two had a brief fight. The anxious people knew that they were not opponents, so they fled while fighting.

However, now the anxious person can no longer escape and wants to take a rest here first.

The focus did not answer the man's question. He just glanced around the inn with the corner of his eyes.

After a while, the burnt man walked to a table near the corner and sat down. From beginning to end, the focused man kept silent and never said a word.

The man sitting on the ground was so scared that he couldn't help but feel more and more scared when he saw the strange appearance of the person on the face. Thinking of some strange things about Wuyun City recently, his fear in his heart gradually rose. He couldn't help moving back a few steps and just wanted to escape from here quickly.

At this time, the wind and rain outside the house suddenly became wild and kept blowing into the house.

The clerk looked up and looked out of the house and suddenly saw a silver-white firelight in the dark night sky outside the inn, followed by the second and third group, until hundreds of fine silver flames rose in the distance! Even in such a heavy rain, the lights showed no sign of extinguishing. Unexpectedly, he ran straight towards him!

When the silver firelight approached, the guy saw that the firelight in front of him turned into a silver-white crow, chirping fiercely and rushing at him!

"Ah!" The clerk screamed and was hit by a fire crow. His whole body was covered with fire. He struggled on the ground a few times and turned into ashes.

The first fire crow rushed into the inn smoothly, and then almost hundreds of fire ravens rushed in behind the first one. They have only one target - the burnt man sitting in the corner!

An invisible barrier suddenly opened ten feet around the scorched man. The fire crow hit the invisible barrier and suddenly exploded violently. For a moment, the fireworks burst into the sky and blew the whole inn to pieces. Fortunately, there were no guests in the store, otherwise many innocent people would have died here.

Under the impact of the heavy rain, the flames quickly extinguished, and the burned face was not damaged at all. Although it was still silent, it slowly raised its head and looked at the darkness in the distance. The burnt man's pupils actually showed a strange golden color. These eyes are not human eyes at all, but like the eyes of a beast.

"Although I don't know who you are, you should be a member of the demon clan, right? Nowadays, there is only the peak cultivation of the demon elixir. You are definitely not my opponent. Just hand over the fairy order. In the dark, Meng Zhongliu, who was tall, wearing a bright yellow book gown and black beard, came out of the dark.

Follow him, Luo Feng with a jade umbrella.

"Get out!" The scorched man said coldly.

"I used to think that you are a master of the 'Monster Valley' in the West Land, and I was merciful everywhere. However, now that my patience has been exhausted, since you are still stubborn, don't blame me for being rude!" Meng Zhongliu said coldly, and then raised his right hand, and a silver square tripod suddenly appeared in his hand. A strange silver fireworks appeared on the silver tripod, and once the heavy rain around it touched the flames, it instantly became invisible.

Meng Zhongliu injected a pure spiritual power into the silver tripod. The flame seemed to be stimulated by something and burned more vigorously. It instantly turned into a huge silver crow, flapping its wings in the air and staring at the burned face coldly with a pair of red eyes.

The 'silver essence fire spirit tripod' in Meng Zhongliu's hand is an ancient treasure he got in his early years, which is a little more powerful than an ordinary magic weapon. Meng Zhongliu is confident that it is more than enough to win the Jiaomen with this treasure.

"Fire crow burns the sky!" Meng Zhongliu held the tripod in his right hand and pointed to the coke-faced man with his left hand and said coldly.

The fire crow made a clear sound, opened its long wings, turned into a fire shadow and rushed to the focused face.

The temperature rose sharply. Before the fire crow approached, the temperature rose rapidly. The heavy rain quickly evaporated, and even the air became scorching. On this thunderstorm night, the environment within ten feet near the scorched face became hotter than the stove.

The burnt man suddenly stretched out his right hand slowly, and his right hand was cyan, and now he began to grow dense cyan scales little by little. Sharp nails like curved hooks grow on the right fingertip of the focal person!

"Dlap!" The coke-faced man's right hand suddenly drew an arc from top to bottom in the air in front of him. The surrounding space seemed to be torn by the grip of the coke-faced man. An invisible force was generated out of thin air, and the fire crow was torn in half in an instant and turned into a mass of flames.

Meng Zhongliu's solemn face showed a little solemnity, and his right hand waved forward, and the flame in the silver tripod became more and more vigorous. A newborn fire crow, which was a little bigger than the previous fire crow, rushed out of the silver tripod in an instant and rushed to the top of the scorched man's head!

The fire crow came with a turbulent fire, rushing from top to bottom like a scorched man, and the huge claws made of two flames can grab the top of the scorched man's head!

The focused man suddenly raised his head and stared at the fire crow with a pair of golden pupils!

When the fire crow touched the eyes of the burned-faced man, he panicked as if he had met a natural enemy. He actually ignored Meng Zhongliu's order and wanted to retreat.

Meng Zhongliu said coldly, "Huh! Jiaolong Jintong, even Longwei can emit, forcing my fire crow back! So you are the monster of the dragon family!"

"And it seems that you are not a nameless person in Xilu! However, you are destined to fall here tonight!" Meng Zhongliu shouted coldly, and suddenly a golden token in his sleeve flew to the focused man like thunder!

The token is only the size of a palm, but the token is surrounded by golden lightning, which is extremely fast and shocking!

The focused man had no choice but to stretch out his right hand again and grab the token with physical strength!

The scorched man is the dragon family in the demon clan. His physical strength is very powerful. The token was caught by him with his bare hands and was actually fixed in mid-air!

But when the focused person was distracted, the fire crow, who had been dodging from the side looking for opportunities, also found a gap and waved his flame claws and grabbed it!

"Tear!" The burnt man narrowly avoided the attack of the fire crow, but was swept by the fire on his claws, and the cyan robe suddenly burned. The green robe was broken, revealing the burnt man's body covered with cyan scales. In the back spine of the scorched man, there are still a few hooks bulging, which look very ferocious.

As Meng Zhongliu said, the burnt man has not fully turned into a human form and still retains the characteristics of the demon clan.

Looking at thejiao mian ren who had begun to breathe, Meng Zhongliu took a step forward and slowed down his tone, "How about it? Let's hand over the token obediently! Avoid the pain of skin and flesh.

The anxious man looked at Meng Zhongliu and suddenly sneered, "Do you think Guangcheng Xianling is still on me? I have already given it to others on the way out of the fog cloud city!"

After saying that, the scorched man did not wait for Meng Zhongliu to react and suddenly destroyed the formula. His scaly right hand suddenly burst, and the blood of his right hand turned into a ball of blood light, flying far away with the scorched man at a speed invisible to the naked eye!

The fire crow and golden token surrounding the focal person suddenly fell into the air and hovered in mid-air.

"Sure enough, he was a demon. He broke his arm and used the art of blood escape to escape, even blinking his eyes." Luo Feng's eyes, which had been behind Meng Zhongliu, flashed.

"Chasing!" Meng Zhongliu was angry that he was teased by the burnt man. He shouted, and the silver flying boat flew out of his sleeve again, and chased the two in the direction of the burnt man far away!


With heavy rain, lightning and thunder, the sky seems to sweep away all the miasma in the world.

The burnt man who injured his arm controlled the blood-colored light and quickly run away. There was a bloody glow in the sky.

I don't know how long it took to fly. Until it was confirmed that there were no pursuers behind him, the anxious person slowly stopped, pressed the light and landed on the ground.

At the cost of a right arm, using the secret blood escape of the dragon family in the Westland Wanyao Valley can greatly improve the speed of the focal person's own escape, and its speed of flight escape is no less than that of monsters such as Meng Zhongliu, which are equivalent to the cultivation of the Yuanying period. For a while, Meng Zhongliu will definitely not be able to catch up with himself.

However, after all, the blood escape technique is at the cost of a large amount of blood. The burnt face is now pale and has suffered internal injuries.

The Jiaomen suddenly felt a palpitation on the way to escape. With his cultivation, he had already felt that the evil had been more and less auspicious. He looked in the direction of Wuyun City, and a trace of grief flashed in his eyes.

With a long sigh, the anxious man picked up his depressed mood, looked at the direction of Wuyun City and muttered to himself, "Forget it, I have tried my best. Brother Wen, I will avenge you when I go further in the future!"

The focused man deserves to have been experienced for a long time. He quickly cleared up his complex emotions and decided to escape from this place of right and wrong first.