Spirit Ruins

Chapter 81 Resentment

Just before the scorched man left, a cold voice suddenly came out behind him, "Evil beast, I heard that the evil is dead, and the bloody array of heaven has been broken. Where are you going?"

Hearing the familiar sound that would be awakened even in a dream, the focused man suddenly trembled all over. After a moment, he slowly turned around.

Standing in front of thejiao mian ren was a cold-faced old man in blue and white hair. He stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the focus. There was a lot of wind and rain around, but a trace of rain did not fall on the old man.

A thunder sounded above their heads, and the thunder flashed, reflecting the ferocious and frightening face of the focused man at this moment, "Wan Jiantao, you still appear!"

The person who came is Wan Jiantao. After leaving Wuyun City, he would have gone directly into the Wuyun Mountains to find Xie Qinghou, who sent him to the head of Wuyun City with a flying sword.

However, Wan Jiantao suddenly felt a burst of painstaking effort on the way to the Wuyun Mountains, so he changed his direction and came here, but he didn't expect to meet a burnt person here.

Wantao's white hair fluttered in the wind and stared at the burned-faced man coldly: "Sure enough, the sky net is not leaky. More than a decade ago, you and other Donglu demons tried to invade my Kunlun secret land. I found that I took action with a 'red fire' fairy sword, but only hurt half of your life, and the other demons escaped... I don't want to meet you again today. You escaped in the past, but you didn't repent and repeatedly committed murder. Today, you don't want to leave the fog alive.

The burnt man was full of resentment against Wan Jiantao. He pointed to half of his scorched face and said harshly, "Wan old thief! You used to hurt me with red fire, which made it difficult for me to make progress over the years. Over the years, I want to break your body all the time! I'll finish it today!"

Wan Jiantao smiled coldly, "I never kill unknown people under my sword. In the past, you ran fast in a battle. I didn't have time to ask your name. Since we meet again today, you can sign up for it!"

I heard the murderous intention in Wan Jiantao's words, but the anxious man laughed angrily, "Huh, hahaha, do you want to kill me? Hahaha..."

"Good!" Jiaomen said word by word, "Remember me, my name is Tong, Qing and Wang!"

Wan Jiantao's eyebrows moved, "Your surname is Tong? Who is Jinjiao King 'Tong Wuji', one of the seven demon kings of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley in Xilu, who are you?

"He is my father!" Tong Qingwang smiled gistly and said, "What? Wan Jiantao, were you scared after knowing my identity? Don't you dare to do it?"

"Since you are the descendant of King Jinjiao, I will kill you even more to eliminate future troubles." Just as the anxious man was laughing wildly, Wan Jiantao slowly said such a sentence.

The laughter of the focused man stopped abruptly, and the surrounding air seemed to be full of murder.

It seemed that he could not bear the increasingly powerful spiritual pressure emanating from Wan Jiantao. Tong Qingwang, who had been injured, took a deep breath and then roared violently. The raindrops within 100 meters around were instantly forced away by the spiritual pressure emanating from Tong Qingwang's body. Then Tong Qingwang's body was like electricity, and his left hand became clawed and grabbed To Wan Jiantao.

Wan Jiantao retreated quickly and looked leisurely. He retreated and said, "King Tongqing, your cultivation is lower than me. Now you have lost an arm and suffered an internal injury. How can you be my opponent?"

Before the sound fell, Tong Qingwang shot a sharp claw on each of his five fingers, approaching the door of Wan Jiantao.

Wan Jiantao opened his hands and grabbed them out of thin air. Unexpectedly, he condensed rain strands into crystal ice swords. In an instant, countless ice swords formed a barrier, blocking the sharp claws of the focused people.

Wan Jiantao sneered, "Don't struggle, you..."

However, his next words were interrupted by Tong Qingwang's next attack. Tong Qingwang's left hand was intercepted, but his disappeared right hand was born again out of thin air and punched fiercely on the barrier composed of ice sword!

"Boom!" The barrier was hit firmly and shattered in an instant.

Wan Jiantao flew back and looked at Tong Qingwang's right hand, whose surface was covered with fine cyan scales, and the blue veins were convex, emitting a thick black gas. Suddenly, he remembered something and his eyes widened, "Your right hand... Did you actually take 'Magic Blood'!?

Hearing the name of the demon blood, King Tong Qing, who had been silent in the rear, couldn't help but be stunned, and his half-black face twitched slightly, showing his inner uneasiness.

King Tongqing stretched out his right hand full of black scales, revealing a small jade bottle that had just been hidden in his palm. The jade bottle is very delicate. There was originally a drop of bright red blood in it, but now it has been drunk by the burnt people, and the bottle is empty.

This drop of magic blood was given to King Tong Qing by Ziyue, but he warned him not to take it unless he had to, but King Tongqing can't take so much now.

Tong Qingwang clenched his right hand and only heard a "bang", and the jade bottle burst directly and turned into powder.

"I feel full of strength! What a powerful force! Wan Jiantao, you are dead, haha!" Tong Qingwang's voice was loud and his expression was almost crazy. The magic blood has begun to affect his mind.

The magic blood can make the muscles of life alive and multiply the strength, but its side effects are also quite significant.

Wan Jiantao resisted the fierce anger rising in his heart and said coldly, "Drink the magic blood directly, even if you can improve your strength in the short term, but do you know the side effects of the magic blood? Your death is not far away!"

King Tongqing didn't say anything more. He didn't have much time, but he had to kill the enemy in front of him that he had hated for more than ten years!

"Wangla..." With the sound of a fine bone crack, Tong Qingwang's figure began to become huge, his height gradually climbed, and his body gradually became bigger. Moreover, a ferocious horn appeared on his forehead. His long hair was scattered, his fangs were exposed, and his whole body was covered with blue-black scales, which became no longer like a human, but like a devil outside the sky.

At this moment, the mana in Tong Qingwang's body has risen steadily, and he has broken through the bottleneck of the demonization period in an instant, giving him the strength to fight with Yuanying monks!

Wan Jiantao did not dare to neglect. He was strong first. As soon as he raised his hand, a blue ring flew out and began to become bigger in mid-air, covering the demonized Tong Qingwang!

A fierce light flashed in Tong Qingwang's giant eyes. He suddenly stepped under the ring, and a huge hand grabbed the ring directly.

King Tong Qing's big hand with black smoke has caught the ring. But he didn't wait for him to grab the ring, and the change suddenly emerged!

A crack suddenly appeared in the inner space of the ring, and suddenly there was an invisible and violent sword in the crack, which split down the door of the focal face!

"Boom!" The right arm of the child Qingwang in the sword made a huge explosion.

At this moment, Tong Qingwang's body has been demonized, and he has the foundation of the demon body. At this moment, the hardness of his body has reached an incredible level, but when his right arm was cut by the sword, he still let out a violent roar!

His right arm was actually cut down by the sword! Turn into a blue ice crystal and dissipate in the air!

"The original sword!" Tong Qingwang let out a scream similar to the evil in the smell. Then he suddenly opened his mouth, and a black light shot out of his mouth like lightning, hitting the falling blue ring above his head fiercely.

The black light hits the ring and blows it away!

The ring returned in vain, but Wan Jiantao did not immediately issue the second sword. In addition, he has issued three swords in a row so far, and he also needs to recover his anger.

Only Wan Jiantao snorted coldly and waved his sleeves. Countless bloody charms flew out of his sleeves, and raindrops fell on King Tong Qing.

The bloody rune hit Tong Qingwang, and there were violent explosions one after another, and a huge bloody flame broke out, which was magnificent and shocking.

King Tong Qing was wrapped in the flame, unable to move, and kept making a painful roar.

Each of these charms is a blood flame charm that reaches the level of four-grade runes. Isn't it ordinary?

However, Tong Qingwang finally survived. When the flame gradually dissipated, Tong Qingshan, dressed in ash, slowly came out, and a pair of blood stared at Wan Jiantao not far away, with murderous intent.

Wan Jiantao was also awe-inspiring to see that he had so many blood flame charms that he could not kill King Tong Qing. He thought that the demon blood really lived up to its reputation and could strengthen a demon dragon that was previously in the realm of demon elixir to such a strong level.

At this time, Wan Jiantao suddenly heard a thousand-mile voice in his ear from an acquaintance far away, "Brother Wan Dao, after eating the demon blood of the demon, it has become invincible all over his body. Now its only weakness lies in the part of its head. If its head is cut off, the magic spirit will dissipate, and the demon will die."

Wan Jiantao raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, but before he could take action, King Tong Qing had already rushed up. He waved his big hand, and the right arm that fell to the ground in the distance flew towards Tong Qingwang, and his flesh and blood decomposed and combination in mid-air. When his arm came to the hands of the scorched face, a huge hand The arm has melted into a huge arm bone spear!

King Tongqing held a spear, burned a gorgeous black fire at the top of the bone spear, and then suddenly stabbed Wan Jiantao!

The bone spear rubbed violently with the surrounding air in mid-air, emitting a series of hums. Seeing that the extremely lethal bone spear was about to hit Wan Jiantao. But strangely, Wan Jiantao only took a step to the left, and his figure disappeared in an instant and became invisible.

When the bone spear fell empty, King Tongqing was furious and jumped like thunder, and couldn't help roaring.

"Zhang!!!" Suddenly, there was a familiar and horrible sound behind King Tong Qing! At first, when King Tong Qing heard the strange roar, he only felt that his whole body was retrograde. His body was like a flame burning, and his body began to be out of control! The black smoke outside the body is even more bright and dark, and it is crumbling!

"The original sword!" Tong Qingwang was stunned and knew that Wan Jiantao had launched his own swords behind him. He hurriedly turned his head, but it was already a step too late!

"King Tongqing, let's go on the road!"

Wan Jiantao soared in the air behind Tong Qingwang, waved his right hand, and an invisible sword waved out of his hand, instantly tore the space and scratched Tongqing's head!

King Tong Qing's head suddenly fell down and fell to the ground.

After losing his head, the huge body of the scorched face also began to fall down, and a strong blood mist began to emerge on the section of his neck, and the blood mist gradually dissipated after being washed by the rain.

When the blood fog disappeared, Tong Qingwang's body, which returned to its original state, also fell heavily to the ground.

Suddenly, a golden glow suddenly flew out of Tong Qingwang's body and flew far away.

This is the demon elixir left by King Tongqing. If you can find the host in time, King Tongqing can borrow the corpse to return the soul and live again.

Wan Jiantao was about to cut the grass and eradicate the child's elixir. At this time, a sudden big hand suddenly stretched out from the dark and grabbed the golden elixir in his hand.

Seeing the man pinching the golden elixir in his hand, the golden elixir collapsed in an instant, turned into a golden ash and dissipated in the air.

Since then, there has been no such person as a child king in the world.

Wan Jiantao stared at the uninvited guest and said coldly, "Meng Zhongliu, it turns out that you are also here, so you are the one who reminded me thousands of miles away?"
