Spirit Ruins

Chapter 112 Life and Death Cliff

Lin Xiao touched the line of words with his fingers. The divine consciousness suddenly became a little trance, and in the haze, the line of words on the mirror in front of him suddenly glowed!

As the text increased the brightness little by little, Lin Xiao suddenly felt that the mana and physical strength that had just condensed all over his body were suddenly absorbed by the Qingming Mirror. His eyes were dark and he almost fell to the ground because of his physical strength.

But fortunately, Lin Xiao is also a tough person. He gritted his teeth and persisted. He reluctantly put his hands under his body, supported his body, and then looked up at the Qingming mirror.

All the words on the Qingming mirror disappeared, and a cyan light was emitted from the mirror, and the light enveloped Lin Xiao.

All around Lin Xiao's eyes turned green, and behind the green *, there were countless silver characters that he could not distinguish from.

While Lin Xiao was stunned, a piece of information suddenly poured into his mind, and he instantly understood how to use the 'divination' function of the underworld mirror.

So Lin Xiao conceived the content of his divination in his mind, and then spit out a sentence - I want to find the whereabouts of "Zifu Yuanzong"!

As soon as Lin Xiao said the Zong character, the cyan light curtain around him suddenly changed, and a very three-dimensional map suddenly appeared in front of Lin Xiao. The map highlighted an unknown cliff, and there was still a very bright golden light around the cliff.

"Is it possible that" Lin Xiao was shocked, "is there the location of Zifu Yuanzong hidden there?"

Before Lin Xiao could look at the map carefully, the surrounding cyan light curtain suddenly cracked like a broken glass, and then smashed in an instant.

As the surrounding blue light shattered, the light around the blue mirror gradually dimmed and finally turned into an ordinary mirror.

With the end of the process of divination. Lin Xiao suddenly felt that the original qi in his body seemed to have been pulled away a lot, as if it had disappeared out of thin air. Then a sharp pain came from the depths of his soul. He suddenly held his head and shouted in pain.

The cry shocked the long life living outside the house.

He was sleeping at this moment when he was suddenly awakened by Lin Xiao's strange scream. He hurriedly turned over, put on a dress and rushed into Lin Xiao's room.

"Lin, Brother Lin, what's wrong with you?" Changsheng was shocked when he saw Lin Xiao rolling in pain. For a moment, it was difficult to tell what happened to Lin Xiao.

However, it was strange that the severe pain from the depths of Lin Xiao's soul came and went quickly. After a moment, Lin Xiao slowed down and returned to normal.

It's just that he is sweating profusely now, and his whole body seems to have been soaked in water. It's not uncomfortable.

When Lin Xiao saw Changsheng enter the door, he hurriedly turned up and put the Qingming mirror into the storage ring of his right hand. Then he looked at Changsheng and said, "Oh, I'm fine. There's something wrong with my practice. It's all right."

Changsheng was still stunned. He pointed to Lin Xiao's hair and said, "Brother Lin, what is the formula you practice? You also said it's okay. Look, you have a few more rays of gray hair on your head overnight!

Lin Xiao's heart skipped when he heard the words and vaguely felt a little bad.

He asked Changsheng to bring an ordinary bronze mirror and look in the mirror. However, it's okay not to look in the mirror. As soon as you look in the mirror, you can see something wrong.

Lin Xiao's long black hair had several more rays of snow-white hair, black and white hair, coupled with his extremely pale face, which made people feel that he seemed to be much older overnight.

Lin Xiao saw his appearance and thought of the meaning represented by those words on the Qingming Mirror, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat!

When the original ability is insufficient, if you automatically use the blue ghost mirror to peep into the sky, you really have to pay the price! And now Lin Xiao finally got what he suffered from the divination just now - that is, his longevity has been reduced by at least ten years!

The reduction of longevity is not as simple as simply reducing ten years from a person's life expectancy, but to make a person ten years old! Lin Xiao seems to have spent ten years in one night, and his body has also experienced transient aging.

Thinking about the cause and effect, Lin Xiao sighed in his heart. He was really impulsive and lived for ten years!

Naturally, these things could not be clearly told to Changsheng, so Lin Xiao insisted that it was because of something wrong with practicing skills. Although Changsheng was skeptical, it was difficult to say more.

It's late at night, and Changsheng yawned, "Since Brother Lin, you're fine, I'm relieved. Tomorrow I'll go to Brother Anle to help you get some elixirs to nourish vitality! I'm going back to sleep!"

Lin Xiao nodded, but suddenly remembered something. When Changsheng walked to the door, he suddenly called him back.

"Brother Lin, what else?" Changsheng asked curiously.

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "Well, I accidentally got a picture, but I don't know what the cliff on that picture represents. You are familiar with the area of our Lingxu Palace, so I want to ask you."

Then Lin Xiao recalled the content of the map he saw in the blue light of divination, found paper and pen, paper and pen, and outlined the mysterious cliff again according to his memory.

Although Lin Xiao could not remember all the contents of the map because the map disappeared too quickly, he still roughly drew the outline of the cliff with his unforgettable gambling skills.

Changsheng looked at the map, but his face was a little confused. He didn't seem to know where the place on the map was.

At this moment, Changsheng suddenly patted himself on the head, "Oh, how did I forget that this place is a 'life cliff'?

"Life and Death Cliff'? Why haven't I heard of this place?" Lin Xiao couldn't help but be stunned. He has been in Lingxu Palace for so long that he hasn't even heard of this place.

Changsheng scratched his head and said, "It's not surprising that you haven't heard of it. This life-and-death cliff is on the 'Ziying Peak' of the six peaks of Lingxu. It is said that it seems to be the Taoist temple of Zimen of our Lingxu Palace in the past, but now few people have been to this place after the decline of Zimen. It's desolate now. I saw this cliff once when I passed Ziying Peak from afar last time. Fortunately, I still have a little impression. Brother Lin, why did you take out the map there?

Zifu Yuanzong is still in the Purple Gate!

Lin Xiao couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Changsheng's words. Everyone thought that Zifu Yuanzong had been taken away by Lu Zongwu, but he unexpectedly hid Zifu Yuanzong on Ziyingfeng!

However, Lin Xiao was not too excited except for surprise.

Since Lu Zongwu was able to hide Zifu Yuanzong so deeply, no one in the Lingxu Palace has found some clues on Ziyingfeng for so many years. Even if he knew that Zifu Yuanzong was on the cliff of life and death and narrowed the scope a lot, he may still get nothing in the end.

Seeing that Lin Xiao was a little hesitant and seemed to be thinking about something, Changsheng did not continue to ask Lin Xiao why he suddenly wanted to find the cliff of life and death, but yawned, waved to Lin Xiao, and went back to bed by himself.

Lin Xiao was immersed in his thoughts and didn't even realize that Changsheng had left. After a long time, he patted himself on the thigh and resolutely said, "Never mind, I'll go to explore tomorrow night!"

After that, four days passed. On the fifth night, the night was dark and the wind was high, and there was no moon or stars in the sky.

In the dark night, if you look down from a high altitude, you will see the seven peaks of Lingxu standing at the source of the Lingxu Mountains like seven giant pillars. Five of the peaks are arranged with protective arrays because of the monk's caves, and the surrounding the forbidden array emits of colorful light, which is very conspicuous.

However, there is no array on the sixth peak. The whole peak is like a black sword straight into the sky. The mountain is full of strange rocks and cliff cracks everywhere, which is shocking.

This mountain is the place of the Purple Gate Road of the Lingxu Palace at the beginning - Ziying Peak.

A figure quietly sneaked into Ziying Peak in this invisible night.

The person who came was Lin Xiao.

He has explored the life-and-death cliff in Ziying Peak many times in the past four days, but he has achieved nothing. However, Lin Xiao did not give up and came again to search for the cliff of life and death on the fifth night to get some clues about Zifu Yuanzong.

Lin Xiao was dressed in black and put a 'floating feather charm' on his waist, making his body as light as a feather, jumping back and forth between the mountains and rocks of Ziying Peak.

After about half an hour, Lin Xiao finally came to a cliff.

The cliff was as high as a thousand feet. Lin Xiao stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down. In the dark night, he could not see the scene below at all. He only felt that a fierce wind kept surging up from the bottom, as if to absorb the human body into the endless abyss below.

This is the famous life-and-death cliff of Ziyingfeng in the past.

The reason why the cliff here is called life and death is that there is also an allusion in it.

It is rumored that when the Purple Gate was in its heyday, there were countless disciples outside the Lingxu Palace looking forward to joining the Purple Gate. However, the tradition of receiving apprentices in Zimen is not expensive. Therefore, in order to select the best talents from these disciples, Zimen has established a strict system for selecting disciples.

In this process of selecting disciples, one of the disciples is to require all the disciples who want to join the Purple Gate to come to the edge of this cliff. An elder of the Purple Gate is responsible for sealing up all the mana of these disciples in a unique way, and then let these disciples jump into the cliff one by one.