Spirit Ruins

Chapter 113 Night Tour

If some disciples have relatively large potential, they will make a breakthrough in the process of jumping off the cliff and break the ban laid by the elder in a unique way, so as to escape from death. However, some people who have been not firm or talented enough can only fall to death under the cliff.

If you can pass this level and pass a few more tests, you can join the Purple Gate. If you can't pass this level, those outer disciples will die. Purple Gate will not care about it.

After all, everyone knows the danger of this test. These disciples dared to accept the challenge, but they even took their lives. Who can blame?

Therefore, the cliff here is called the cliff of life and death. If you are born, you will ascend to the sky in one step and become a disciple of the inner door of the Purple Gate. If you die, everything will stop.

When Lin Xiao learned the meaning of the cliff of life and death, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

For nothing else, because he jumped off the cliff with Zhang Jixian just a while ago!

Lin Xiao and Zhang Jixian's gambling fight secretly met the requirements of the candidates of Zimen. The two were so similar. This seems to be a coincidence, but it seems that there is a certain number in the dark.

Thinking about these things, Lin Xiao did not slow down. He suddenly put a second-grade breeze charm on himself, then set up a breeze and slowly fell down the cliff.

While falling, Lin Xiao carefully looked at the situation on the cliff of life and death, trying to find out some caves, caves and other places. Because the Qingming mirror divination shows that the position of Zifu Yuanzong is on this huge cliff.

Lin Xiao restarted from the place he searched a few days ago and searched one side again, but until he fell halfway up the mountain, he still did not find any traces of hidden treasures.

Seeing that time has come to dawn, it is already the darkest moment of the day. In an hour or so, the sky will be bright, but Lin Xiao still has nothing.

He shook his head and thought that he was destined to be busy again today. He urged the breeze around him, raised a mass of buoyancy, and took him to rise again.

However, when Lin Xiao passed a rock pine, the corner of his eyes suddenly saw that the little pine tree automatically emitted a cyan light that was difficult to find if it was not carefully distinguished by the naked eye!

"There is a play!" Lin Xiao was overjoyed, thinking that Zifu Yuanzong might hide in this seemingly inconspicuous blue pine square!

However, just as Lin Xiao was about to set off the strange green pine, his face suddenly changed. Now his divine knowledge reli is about to be successfully cultivated, and a reli fruit is about to be formed on the bodhi Buddha tree in the sea of knowledge. Now Lin Xiao's divine consciousness is so wide that it can be found hundreds of meters away.

And just now, Lin Xiao's consciousness suddenly noticed that someone was rushing in this direction not far away!

Sensing that someone was coming, Lin Xiao did not hesitate and immediately hurried to the dark place with lightning speed. He found a very hidden corner nearby, quietly clung to the cliff and hid.

Not long after Lin Xiao left, the figure of a man in blue came to the place where Lin Xiao was just now.

The man's back fell into Lin Xiao's eyes, who was hiding in the dark, and suddenly made Lin Xiao's eyelids jump. That person was not someone else, but Zhang Jixian himself!

"What is he doing here?" Lin Xiao first had such a question in his mind, and then his face suddenly changed, "Is his target also that green pine?"

Lin Xiao's worry was quickly confirmed. Zhang Jixian suddenly took out a purple token from his arms, and then urged the token with his mana. The token suddenly emitted a purple light. The purple light shone on the green pine, and the green pine's body was gorgeous, and it slowly blurred under the purple light. Finally What's more, it suddenly disappeared!

After the green pine disappeared, a dark hole suddenly appeared on the rock wall behind the green pine. The hole was not big enough to allow one person to pass through, but I didn't know where the cave was going.

At this moment, an old man's angry voice suddenly came from the cave, "Who is it? Which bastard opened the 'ground vein lock array' and woke me up from sleep?

"It's me!" Zhang Ji first stood at the entrance of the cave and said coldly.

Hearing Zhang Jixian's voice, the old man in the cave suddenly turned into a very surprised look, "Haha, Zhang, did you finally change your mind and want to come back to save me out? Come on in!"

Zhang Jixian seemed very hesitant to hear the words, but finally snorted coldly, set up a white smoke, and turned into a white light into the cave.

Lin Xiao in the distance couldn't help but be surprised when he saw such a scene. Unexpectedly, Zhang Jixian was very familiar with this place and could also open the pulse lock array.

What puzzles Lin Xiao more is who is the old man locked in the cave?

With many questions, Lin Xiao knew that he might not know the truth until he followed Zhang Jixian into the cave, but if he rashly followed Zhang Ji first, the cave would be so small that he would definitely be found.

"It seems that we have to let that guy come out again." Lin Xiao sighed unwillingly, then slowly closed his eyes, and his soul instantly entered the blood pupil of reincarnation.

Such a while ago, when Lin Xiao opened his eyes again, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face.

At this time, the soul in Lin Xiao's body has changed to another "dark Lin Xiao".

"Hey, do you want me to enter the cave with the wandering soul method to investigate Zhang Jixian's secret? OK, I'll help you once, but you promised to let me use my body for a month. Don't go back on your word!" Lin Xiao sneered. After saying a few words to himself, he suddenly rose into the air and rose to the top of the cliff. Then he found a hidden place and sat down cross-legged. Suddenly, a dark figure appeared in his spiritual cover.

The figure swirling across Lin Xiao's head, then quickly descended from the top of the cliff of life and death, and finally entered the cave on the hillside of the cliff of life and death.

At first, the mouth of the cave looked very narrow. When Lin Xiao's wandering soul entered the depths, he felt that the space here was extremely open, full of strange stone columns. The ancient deep cave looked complicated and confusing, shrouded in a mysterious color.

The cave is a little damp. From time to time, the water from the top of the rock drips to the ground. Zhang Jixian's footsteps wander back and forth in the empty cave, which makes people feel uneasy...

However, Lin Xiao's wandering soul soon found something wrong. First, as he went deeper and deeper, the color in the cave aisle became more and more bright and more bright. Then the cave became drier and more, and the temperature kept rising. Finally, he came to the ground where the whole cave was beginning to smoke outside. Step!

Turning a corner, the scene in front of him shocked the wandering soul--

At this moment, he came to a space surrounded by huge rock walls. A foot away, the center of the space turned out to be a boiling magma lake. There is an island above the magma, and the huge chains at one end of the surrounding rock wall lock a long-haired old man. Two chains penetrated his pipa bone, two of which locked his hands, and the other two locked his legs.

The old man must be sloppy, unkempt, sitting on the ground, his eyes are closed, his chest is undulating, and he is not breathing...

"Who is this man? Isn't he dead!?" Lin Xiao slandered in his heart.

At this time, a lonely and cold man's voice suddenly sounded around him, "Who dares to break into the purple gate!"

Lin Xiao's heart trembled, and he only felt that the sound was not emitted from somewhere else, but gushed out of his mind. And Lin Xiao has never heard this man's voice, and he is sure that this is not the old man's voice he heard before!

Zhang Jixian, who was close to the magma lake in the distance, was also obviously shocked. As soon as he wanted to answer, the majestic man's voice said, "This law is to kill those who break into the 'Ziyang Cave' without mercy..." The sound makes people scared from the bottom of my heart!

Before the word "amnesty" was finished, the rolling magma suddenly exploded, and the hot magma surged into the air and suddenly turned into tens of thousands of sharp swords, stabbing Zhang Jixian and Lin Xiaoyou hiding behind him from all directions!

It was simply to meet a god and kill a god. Seeing the Buddha's powerful force like killing Buddha, Lin Xiao traveled his soul at this moment, and his willpower was greatly reduced. He completely gave up his desire to resist in front of this force and could only close his eyes and wait for death.

The sword formed by magma is close at hand, but Zhang Jixian in the distance suddenly shouted, "Please show mercy!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly sacrificed the purple jade card just now.

The moment the jade card appeared, it suddenly made a sad sound, as if it was whispering something.

After the purple jade card appeared, those dense magma swords really stopped in front of Zhang Jixian and Lin Xiao!

"Purple Cloud Order!?" The man's voice was still cold, but he had no intention of killing. "Where did you get this thing?"

Zhang Jixian breathed a sigh of relief and took Zi Yunling in his hand, "I am Zhang Jixian, a disciple of the Qingmen of Lingxu Palace. Inadvertently got the inheritance token of Zimen, beg your kindness and let me take away Zifu Yuanzong!"

Are you a disciple of the Lingxu Palace? It is indeed qualified to be inherited. After waiting for so long in Ziyang Cave, I finally waited for the inheritor of Zifu Yuanzong!" The man's voice suddenly became very excited, "Okay! OK! Very good! Since you have got the first token of Ziyunling, I have no reason to stop you. My mission is over, and this wisp of soul should be dispersed!"

As the man spoke, his voice suddenly became extremely weak and gradually became unclear, but Lin Xiao heard a sentence very clearly, "From then on, I, Lu Zongwu, have nothing to do with Lingxu Palace!"