glazed tile

Chapter 17 Talk

With her great-grandson, Mrs. Ye was happy and naturally felt much looser. Wei Han is also Le Taotao. He named his grandson, spent three or four days in the study, and finally chose the word "Qi".

Wei Jue and Ye Dongyu were very satisfied, so everyone shouted "Brother Qi" and "Brother Qi".

Ye Dongyu was a little worried about whether his son's body would be born weak like Wei Jue. But the little guy seems to show her carefree by his actions. Brother Qi can eat and sleep all day long, holding it in his hand is extremely heavy, and his arms and legs are very strong. Shen Xuanji didn't believe in evil and insisted on taking it from the wet nurse's hand and holding it, but both hands were sore and numb in the time of incense.

"Come on, babysmaid!" Ye Dongyu looked at Shen Xuanji angrily, "It's not a child, but you have to show off."

"Sister-in-law is afraid that I will fall on your son!" Shen Xuanji smiled and lay on Ye Dongyu's shoulder. Ye Dongyu couldn't stand her rubbing and quickly asked Mrs. Ye for help.

Several people were playing. Suddenly, they heard an urgent report outside that someone came from the palace and sent the Empress Dowager Yi's order and asked Shen Xuanji to enter the palace to talk.

Shen Xuanji jumped and looked at Mrs. Ye, but she also felt suddenly.

"When?" Mrs. Ye sat up and asked the servants who came to report.

"The master said to let the girl change her clothes quickly. The father-in-law in the palace was waiting outside. The master invited him to the hall for tea."

Shen Xuanji hurried back to the "Linlang Pavilion" to change clothes. Although it was not the first time to enter the palace, she still trembled with nervousness. After cleaning up for a while, he came to Xuanxi Hall to listen to Mrs. Ye's advice.

Mrs. Ye opened her mouth, but didn't say anything. She just said, "Be careful and adapt to everything." She leaned over and took Shen Xuanji's hand and said, "Today, you go to the palace alone. Your grandmother is old. I'm afraid there will be such things in the future. You have to deal with it by yourself."

Shen Xuanji's eyes were hot, turned around and walked out of the "Huenxi Hall" and left the people's worried or jealous eyes far behind.

After all, the Empress Dowager was fundamentally injured. Although there is no fear of life, the disease is still unhealed. Her face was sallow, and although her white hair was not combed, it was neatly squeezed. Seeing Shen Xuanji come in, she sat up and straightened her back. Although her eyes were old, they were still shining and stared at Shen Xuanji.

"Please, Empress Dowager Sheng'an, the Empress Dowager's mother is a thousand years old." Shen Xuanji made a big salute and knelt down deeply.

She was wearing a moon-white palace-like skirt, and there was nothing wrong with a pair of white jade swallows on the black silk. For the daughter of the family, it is an extremely frugal makeup.

"Raise your face." The Empress Dowager said in a low voice.

Shen Xuanji raised his head, neither ashamed nor panicked, but just raised his face normally.

is not such a stunning beauty. The Empress Dowager came to a conclusion, and her heart was secretly interested. If she didn't rely on beauty, there must be something else to make Jiu'er so moved.

"Give Miss Shen a seat." At this time, the Empress Dowager had a smile. Looking at Shen Xuanji, she did not feel cold before. At this time, she was not very enthusiastic, but thanked respectfully.

"Is your grandmother's body all right?" The Empress Dowager took the medicine bowl from the palace people beside her and asked.

"Although the words of the Empress Dowager are not complete, they are much more energetic than before. The grandmother asked the empress dowager not to worry about it. Shen Xuanji lowered his head slightly and looked implicit and steady.

After the Empress Dowager finished drinking the medicine while talking, the palace man handed over the candied plate again. She waved her hand, as if she didn't feel bitter at all. "You all go down. I want to talk to Miss Shen."

The palace man retreated, and Shen Xuanji tightened his nerves and sat more and more righteously. When the Empress Dowager saw that she was a little nervous at this time, she felt that she could touch her under the perfect shell. She is in check for her favorite grandson, and naturally she hopes this will be good.

"Jiu'er cares about you very much." The Empress Dowager was a heavy blow at the beginning.

Shen Xuanji doesn't know how to answer, and how to answer is inappropriate. It's either frivolous or un Affectionate.

"The prince's kindness is good, and the minister's daughter is worthy of it." This is not a lie. From beginning to end, Xue Zhen cared about her and took the affairs of the Anguo Mansion as his own business. She almost never got anything in return. The only thing she pretended to say to him was that night. After talking for a while, he felt very satisfied.

"Royal daughter-in-law is not easy to do." The Empress Dowager said again, keenly observing Shen Xuanji's reaction.

Shen Xuanji's face turned slightly red, and then heard the empress dowager say, "It is also common for ordinary people's husband and wife, mother-in-law, wife and concubines, and brothers fighting for profits. There is no big storm. Only the royal family, one carelessness, is a big disaster to kill and destroy the clan." She stared into Shen Xuanji's eyes, "Are you afraid?"

"If you are watching, the minister is timid and should be afraid." Shen Xuanji did not avoid the eyes of the Empress Dowager, but also looked into her eyes, "If something happens to me, I can't be afraid."

The Empress Dowager felt slightly shocked. She remembered that when she first entered the palace, she was also afraid of things and did not dare to act rashly. However, after a long time, when others often pinched your life, you couldn't help but be afraid. Either be afraid and wait for death; or fight and resist to see who will die in the end.

In her battlefield, she was the final winner. But in the battlefield of the next generation, Wei Yin, who she looked at, lost.

"You and your aunt don't have a similar temperament." Shen Xuanji couldn't hear whether this was positive or derogatory, but said, "The virtuous concubine is gentle and gentle, and the minister is far from comparable."

"You haven't been moved by Jiu'er yet. I can see that I don't blame you." The Empress Dowager's eyes were like torches, and Shen Xuanji did not pretend. Anyway, she did not intend to make a secret promise to the ninth prince. She and the ninth prince are just a few faces and know nothing about him. If she is so moved, isn't it frivolous?

"It's just that if you marry into the royal palace, you must put him first." The Empress Dowager felt that this was a little unnatural, but for Xue Zhen, she didn't care about what she did.

I didn't expect Shen Xuanji to laugh. The Empress Dowager was stunned and dared to laugh like this. There was no one else except the girl in front of her.

"What are you laughing at?" The Empress Dowager's voice was a little bad.

"The minister is rude." Shen Xuanji hurriedly knelt down and said, "I just looked at the Empress Dowager's appearance and thought of my grandmother. You, like her, when you mention your children and grandchildren, they are very..." You can't say that.

Shen Xuanji thought for a moment and reluctantly changed the word, "They are all very kind."

The Empress Dowager squinted at her and couldn't help showing some cunning at the corners of her eyebrows. She seems to understand why Xue Zhen likes her.

"Don't stop, don't you think what I said is wrong?" The Empress Dowager is shrewd, how can she be fooled by her little trick? Seeing that it was necessary to say it, Shen Xuanji summoned up his courage and said, "The husband is the wife, and the teachings of the saints are naturally not wrong. The Empress Dowager asked me to put the prince first in everything. This was originally a common principle, and the court ladies would not violate it.

"It's just that when the daughter is at home, when she sees her parents get along with her, her father protects her mother, and she also focuses on her mother and our siblings." Shen Xuanji couldn't help feeling sad when he thought of his parents and said, "Later, the enemy invaded, and his father asked his mother to take our siblings to leave, but his mother refused."

"Mother said that you usually listen to me, but now it's time for me to accompany you." Speaking of this, she choked, quickly reached out to wipe her tears, and knelt upright.

"So the minister believes that husband and wife must treat each other sincerely, so that there will be no resentment and struggle. Even if one day, an unknown disaster will come, they will not be alone."

The Empress Dowager listened and didn't say anything for half a day. After a long time, Shen Xuanji heard her say in a low voice, "Your mother is much more blessed than your aunt." ......

The emperor has had a headache these days. Naturally, it's not for those southern rouge. Wei Ye, the mighty general, has not heard from him so far, so Bei Jin is ready to move again. There is still a small country between Dayun and Beijin, named Mu Tuo, which is the root of the emperor's headache.

"He asked me to marry the princess, and he didn't think about their place. Which princess would like to marry him?" The emperor lay on the couch, and Princess Li rubbed his head gently. Hearing his complaint about this matter, she was also a little helpless.

"What did the concubine think it was, and it was worth the emperor's painsage." Noble Concubine Li smiled gently, "Mu Tu took the initiative to marry the princess to show our goodwill! The princesses have always been rich in clothes and food, and now they should contribute to the country.

The emperor didn't think so, "No, my daughter, you also said that you can't marry in that wild land to suffer."

Princess Li is stagnant. If Dayun does not unite with Mu Tuo, Mu Tuo may cooperate with Beijin. At that time, it will be a matter of the Eighth Prince. At this time, she regarded the throne as one of the eight princes and began to think about national affairs.

She turned her eyes and patted the emperor gently, "Your Majesty, I have a way."

The emperor was rubbed very comfortably by her, closing his eyes and said, "What's the way? Tell me."

Noble Concubine Li said in his ear.

The emperor opened his eyes and looked embarrassed. "In this way, I'm afraid the ministers will not like it."

Princess Li sneered, "Your Majesty, you are the emperor, they are just ministers. Thunder, rain and dew, is it the emperor's grace? What's the use of their family taking their salaries and not worrying about the king's worries and doing something for the people of the country?

The emperor thought for a moment and felt that what Li Guifei said was right. He nodded and asked, "Then which daughter do you think is better?"

Concubine Li smiled with gloomy smile, "My concubines look at the girls in Anguo Mansion, all of whom are good. The old lady of An Guogong Mansion can take care of it, and the girls are all like green onions. One or two are spiritual, after all, it is a big family, and only such a style is worthy of being awarded the title of princess, marriage and marriage far away.

The emperor closed his eyes and did not see the ferocious face of the noble concubine Li at this time. He only nodded, "Then I turned around and made an order to ask the girl of the Duke of Anguo to go."

Li Guifei's scheme was successful and smiled happily, "Your Majesty, I feel extremely honored to come to the Duke of Anguo."

At night, in the small Buddha Pavilion of the "Biwu Palace", Li Guifei devoutly nodded a fragrance, "Brother, your death is wronged, and my sister will avenge you!"

In such a bitter place as Mu Tuo, she is a delicate little girl. How many years can she live?