glazed tile


glazed tile

glazed tile

Author: Biqizhu

Category: Traversing

State: Completion

What if it is a glazed tile? She is a strong orphan girl, has no time to be vulnerable, no time to grieve, and just wants to find a protective umbrella; he is a dark prince, does not believe in fate, does not believe in retribution, but only wants to have a flower in his palm; a story about love, trust and delivery. ( At present, the first volume has been completed. Please continue to pay attention to the next volume.) Once her peerless face was destroyed, and he abandoned all his glory without complaint. If Xuanji and Xue Zhen are a talented couple, then Yingluo and Xiao Huo are talents who have experienced grinding. Genius inherits the fate of heaven, smart but heavy, but talents can live freely, only need to tell their hearts.

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