glazed tile

Chapter 36 Peak Return

When Wei Ji saw Xiang Xiaoyuan's appearance, he was so scared that his three souls disappeared. He tremblingly put his index finger under Xiang Xiaoyuan's nose without a trace of breath.

She lay on the ground in disheveled clothes, and her beautiful face had faded from her last anger, just like flowers, which was thrilling.

"Wow!" Wei Ji took a few steps back and hit the stone wall. The strange stone hit his shoulder blade painfully. Wei Ji took a breath, but saw that no matter where he retreated, Xiang Xiaoyuan's closed eyes looked at him in a fren.

Wei twisted his face, covered his faintly painful shoulder with one hand, and hurriedly withdrew from the cave. He ran all the way without any purpose, just to escape from the dark and damp cave.

He ran all the way, and the banquet just happened to end. The people of Anguo Mansion sent Shen Xuanji and the guests out. As the wife of Duke An, Yao is naturally among the guests.

In fact, Yao is very unhappy today. Looking at Shen Xuanji and Ye Dongyu, her two most annoying people, pushing cups and changing cups in gorgeous clothes. And her majestic wife, those people were just perfunctory, and she was angry and embarrassed. She secretly said in her heart that these little people who saw people serving dishes, one day her son will gain power, and she must humiliate them well!

As she walked back to the main courtyard, she fantasized like this in her heart. Suddenly, when she raised her eyes, she saw her cherished son, chasing after a ghost behind her and running over regardless of her.

"Ouch!" Wei Wei didn't look at the road and hit Yao's body. Yao was hit by him and turned dizzy, and there were small golden flies flying around in front of him. "My son, what's wrong with you? Tell your father to see it and beat you again!"

Wei Ji didn't hear anything else. He only heard the word "Dad", and the cold sweat suddenly came out. He was stunned, looked at his mother, and suddenly cried out, "Mom! Mother, help me!"

Yao just wanted to scare Wei Wei. It could be seen that he cried with tears, and she was also busy. Wei Ji had cried and knelt on the ground and hugged Yao's leg, "Mother! Dad will kill me!"

At this time, many servants around saw this situation. Bei Xuan, who had been following Yao, bowed her head and pretended to be transparent. She hated her bitter life and was stuck in the muddy water every time.

Yao's intuition was that this matter would not be easy. She glanced around and saw more and more people coming. She quickly picked up Wei Wei, "Let's go back to the house with your mother. If you have anything to say, let's talk slowly."

At this time, Wei Wei was already an angry puppet, almost all on Yao's body. Yao's wife, who had been a delicate wife for decades, was almost crushed to death by him. Suddenly, he scolded Bei Xuan angrily, "Are you blind? Why don't you come and help the second master?"

The master and servant dragged Wei back to Yao's room. Wei was at the mercy of others and reached out to wipe his nose from time to time. Bei Xuan resisted the impulse to vomit and properly helped him to the couch. She was afraid to get out of the house and closed the door tightly.

"My son, what's wrong with you?" Yao came over and reached out to touch Wei Yu's forehead.

Wei Ji nervously grabbed her hand and scared Yao. His face was blue, and his eyes were unfocused, but he looked straight at Yao, "Mom, I killed someone!"

"What did you say?" Yao fell on the couch and grabbed Wei's clothes. "This can't be nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense!" Wei Ji cried again, "Yes, it's my cousin, I killed her!"

Yao suddenly felt that a bucket of snowwater was poured on the top of her forehead, and her body suddenly withered, "You evil beast, how did you do such a thing?"

Wei wiped a handful of nose and tears and intermittently told Yao the whole story. The more Yao listened, the more angry he became. He slapped him for the first time in his life, "If your father knows this ungrewing thing, your title will definitely make Ah Chun's bitch!"

Wei Wei was about to speak when he suddenly heard the footsteps and voices of someone outside. Yao also heard it. The two stopped talking, identified carefully, and suddenly trembled with fear.

What are you afraid of? She asked Beixuan, who was guarding the steps at the door with a smile, "Oh, what is your wife doing in the room in such a blue day?" Isn't it that the ninth princess's clothes are still 'house' and jumping in the house?

Bei Xuan laughed, "Look at what you said. Our wife is only happy to see the ninth princess!" But I deeply admire my aunt and Yao. They are worthy of being sisters. They are really so smart!

Wei Ji listened to his aunt's footsteps getting closer and closer, and his face was full of fear, and looked at Yao pitifully.

Yao was also so scared that he didn't know what to do. Suddenly, he had an idea and pushed Wei Wei behind the screen to hide it. He pulled his clothes randomly and smoothed his hair. He sat at the table and picked up the tea cup and pretended to be like a peaceful day.

"What are you doing in the house?" He reached out to his aunt and pushed the door open the door and looked up and down with a smile. Seeing that she pretended to be calm, she sat down more and more, and unconsciously smiled secretly. She refused to spare Yao. She sat opposite her and took the scenery of Shen Xuanji and Ye Dongyu today.

If it was usual, Yao must retort, but today she has something on her mind. Looking at Aunt Xiang also felt a little guilty, but rarely did not reply.

Seeing that her today is different from the past, her own sarcasm is meaningless. After sitting for a while, she stood up with no interest. "My sister is busy, so I won't bother you."

As soon as Yao was relieved, she heard her say, "I also went back to wait for Xiaoyuan earlier. I don't know where this dead girl has gone. It must be lively in the house today. Her children's family is also playful."

After she finished speaking, she was about to go out. As soon as she raised her eyes, she saw Yao standing on the ground in a daze, shaking like a sieve.

"What's wrong with you?" Xiang's aunt frowned and asked, Yao quickly shook his head mechanically, "No, it's nothing. Go back quickly. In case Xiaoyuan can't see you when he goes back, I'm afraid he will be anxious."

It's very strange to my aunt, when will Yao also speak human language? Although she was surprised, she was afraid that something would happen again, so she nodded and left Yao's house quickly.

After walking to his aunt, Wei Wei slowly came out from behind the screen, "Mom, what should I do? Aunt Xiang won't take me to see an official, will she?

When Yao heard this, he was even more uneasy. She looked at Wei Wei and somehow felt a sense of courage and put his head in her arms. "No, my mother won't let anyone hurt you..."

However, he said that Xiang's aunt returned to the "Chongguang Pavilion" suspiciously. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Yao's behavior was unusual, but he couldn't think of any reason, so he had to do it. However, she felt vaguely ominous in her heart, especially when Jinwu sank, and when the moon was on the top of the moon, she did not come back to the garden. This kind of ominousness was even deeper.

"Go and tell the big milk, and tell her that our girl is missing, and ask her to send someone to look for it." I told my aunt to the maid.

Ye Dongyu listened to the report of Xiang's maid and immediately sent more than ten family members to look for Xiang Xiaoyuan everywhere in the house. Sure enough, after a while, I saw the leading subordinates come to report, "Big breasts, look for... to find..."

"That's good!" Ye Dongyu was relieved, "Where did you find it? Can it be sent back to the 'Tongguang Pavilion'?

"In, in the cave by the lake..." The man sweated coldly, "I haven't sent it back yet. Xiang girl, Xiang girl, people are gone."

Ye Dongyu didn't understand what "no" was for a moment. When he reacted, his face turned white. Wei Jue sat aside and drank the medicine. Hearing this, half of the medicine in his hand also spilled out, "Where is the person? Who else knows?"

"I haven't returned big milk. I dare not let people know without authorization. I just left a few people there to guard. I was in the cave and dare not move." The subordinate was not so panicked at this time. Ye Dongyu stood up and was about to go out. Wei Jue took her hand and said, "I'll go with you."

"You're not in good health, so don't go." Ye Dongyu looked at Wei Jue worriedly. Wei Jue shook her head with a smile and turned her head and told the wet nurse, "Take good care of Brother Qi. If the milk and I don't come back tonight, you can take good care of the door."

The wet nurse and the servants responded, and Wei Jue and his wife took Pinyue and walked to the "Wangyou Lake".

The two went to the cave by the lake, and the servants inside had already made lanterns. Ye Dongyu took a look and burst into tears, "What's wrong with this? How can our family talk to Aunt Xiang for such a daughter?

When Wei Jue saw that Xiang Xiaoyuan's clothes were not neat, she dared to look again. She waved a bold old servant up and said, "Pry your clothes for Xiang girl."

At this time, Ye Dongyu ordered someone to inform Xiang and Xiang Yuan. As soon as they heard someone reply, they immediately cried.

"My daughter! Why is your life so hard?" Aunt Xiang cried all the way and was helped by Xiang Yuan all the way. When she saw Xiang Xiaoyuan's death, her heart really hurt. She rushed to the body of Xiangyuan and touched her hair. "Who can't stand our orphans and widows and want to do such a poison to you?"

Hearing her words, Ye Dongyu's face stiffened and still reached out to help her. "My aunt is sorry for the change. Don't worry, the Anguogong Mansion will give her an account."

turned a deaf ear to his aunt, turned his eyes to Yuan, helped his mother up, and said to Wei Jue and Ye Dongyu, "This is a big baby. Don't go back on your word!"

Wei Jue frowned, "Naturally, I won't regret it."

A glimmer of light flashed in Xiang Yuan's eyes, "In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between the old lady and the prince. My sister can't die in vain!"

We Jue stared at him and only felt that this person was ruthless, selfish and hypocritical, but it was impossible to hide such a big thing from Mrs. Ye and Wei Han, and the Wei Mansion was Ye Dongyu's housekeeper. She could not absolve herself from the terrible life. Wei Jue was afraid that his wife would be wronged and nodded, "Our couple will go to see the old lady and the master with our aunt."

Mrs. Ye and Wei Han have been reported and have been sitting in the "xuanxi Hall" waiting. Yao and Wei Yu were scared to death, but they were afraid that someone would say something against them, so they bravely came to Xuanxi Hall. The Shen sisters also heard the wind in the "Linlang Pavilion". Shen Yuluo was afraid that the house would be restless tonight, so she asked Qinglan to take Yulang to the "Linlang Pavilion" to sleep. Shen Coral was restless in the room as if it was her own business.

Wei Wei heard that Xiang Xiaoyuan died, and he didn't know whether the book in his hand had fallen. He only felt that something was going to happen and was about to go to Xuanxi Hall, but he was blocked in the room by Aunt Chun.

"Listen to your aunt, the master won't call you, you don't have to go there." Aunt Chun's face was a little embarrassed and resolute. "That girl is used to pestering you, and not one or two people in the house know that although I blocked it in every way, something happened."

"I don't know why she died." Wei Wei sat on the stool and said, "If I had sent her back at that time, she would not have died."

A trace of indifference appeared on Aunt Chun's face, "Each person has his own life. She has done her own evil. No wonder. As long as you listen to your aunt and stay in the room, I'm afraid someone will splash dirty water on you.

Mr. and Mrs. Wei Jue asked their servants to carry the body of Xiang Xiaoyuan and parked it in her "Chongguang Pavilion" room first. At this time, they had no taboos. Xiang Yuan, who was crying, helped Xiang's crying aunt and came to Xuanxi Hall.

Mrs. Ye and Wei Han were both frosty, and Yao and Wei Wei sat in the corner in awe. As soon as Aunt Xiang came in, she cried endlessly, and Xiang Yuan also cried with her sister. Mrs. Ye sat high and looked at the mother and son. Anyway, she felt that the two of them sang and played too much. Especially Xiang Yuan, there is a cunning light in his eyes, and he can't see the rain just by thunder.

"Old lady, you have to be the master of my garden!" Xiang's aunt saw Mrs. Ye staring at herself and her son, and her eyes seemed to see through her little Jiujiu. She suddenly shouted intelligently in her heart, "My girl died in a wronged death!"