glazed tile

Chapter 3 Come at Night

The night gradually fell, and the voices in the barracks also calmed down. At night, when he came out of the tent, a man went out of the gate and sat down on the sand dune not far away. The sky of the summer night is dark blue, and the sky is full of stars. Although the night of the stars is bright, he is not in a good mood.

I don't know who it was, blowing a song of homesick music. Tao Yu's voice gently turned low, and it seemed to be a feeling of swallowing, which made people feel cold.

I remember Wei Jia said that this is a minor tune in the south. Her nanny is from the south. When she was a child, she often fell asleep in this melody. Later, the Duke of Anguo, who left Qiongjiang, came to the border area and rarely heard it.

Wei Jia also said that although you don't have your parents, you are always better than me. You have never seen your own mother in your life.

At that time, I was only seven or eight years old. I had just been picked up by her. Hearing this, I felt a kind of kindness from the bottom of my heart. He originally thought that he was the poorest person in the world, but who knew that the beautiful sister in front of him, who was as beautiful as the fairy his mother had told him, also had a desolate background as him.

Her delicate cheeks seemed to be slightly wet. He stretched out his little hand and wiped away her tears. "Don't be afraid. I'll protect you in the future." The voice was firm and confident, and it didn't look like he made it himself.

Wei Jia sneered and squeezed his thin arm. "You'd better practice martial arts first and then protect me!"

Yelai was very dissatisfied with her looking down on herself and said, "Who said I couldn't do it? I'm not even afraid of wolves!"

He is not boasting. He was originally a native of Dayun people. Although 70% or 80% of the people in their small village have different ethnic origins, they have lived in Dayun over the years. Their living habits have been the same as those of Dayun people. Although the village is small, men and women can also weave, but Barely self-sufficient. When it comes to farming leisure, the family can sit together under the tree outside the door to watch the sunset and the moon rise, and get along well with their neighbors, which is also considered to live and contentment.

But who knows that on every quiet night, the big hand of fate quietly stirs a pool of muddy water, and many people are swept up in their sleep, and there is no chance to survive. People's fate is still too small in the face of unknown things!

The iron hooves of the Northern Gold Army quietly stepped into his village on a summer night as bright as this night. He played wildly all day and slept soundly. When he was woken up by his mother, there was already a sea of fire outside.

He has never seen such a scene. The flames burned so red at night. The houses in the whole village were ordinary huts, and one of them was lit up and burned the camp. Adults, children, men and women are wailing loudly. The Northern Jin people are wearing sophisticated iron armor, half of their armor covering their faces, and their eyes are shining with extreme bloodthirsty and excitement.

Several leading soldiers rode high-headed horses and galloped wildly in the small streets. He was running out of his mother's arms, and what he saw was the scene of them dragging people. His mother exclaimed with fear and quickly reached out to hide his eyes, but he had already seen it.

He clearly saw a red horse dragging behind him, which was Sister Chunzhi next door. Chunzhi is the most beautiful girl in the village. She is 15 years old this year. She only got married a few days ago and rarely goes out shyly. When Yelai saw her for the last time, she and her mother were coming back from buying cloth from Liyi and preparing to make a dowry by themselves.

That day, she was wearing a pink floral skirt on a white background and stood in the yard listening to her neighbor's aunt's jokes. Her cheeks were shining beautifully in the sunset, and she couldn't hide her joy in shyness.

She is still wearing that skirt, but her head has been stained red by her blood. Her long black hair spread on her face, covered with blood and dirt, wet on her face. She is dead, and her eyes are like the eyes of a dead fish, glowing with an unpleasant ice blue, staring straight at the sky, as if asking, why? Why her? Why is this so?

A village of more than 100 people is really nothing for the Beijin people. They don't even want to feel a little bit of property or beautiful women, but just slaughter and set fire meaninglessly. It seems that it is the greatest achievement and joy to appreciate the men, women and children running around and robbing the world.

They laughed loudly, and the voice was no less than the crying of the ghost who urged them. They are like fierce beasts, looking at the little ants under their feet with interest and fleeing for their lives in a panic.

Dad protected his mother, and his mother came with the night in his arms and ran out with everyone. They were caught in the crowd and dared not look back at all. They only listened to the tragic voices behind them getting closer and closer. The Northern Jin people didn't even bother to contain it, but just chased them behind. Sometimes when they run far away, they take out their bows and arrows, as if they were just hunting.

There were fewer and fewer people around them. In the end, only their family and a few familiar uncles and their families were left. They only heard their father shouting, "It's not a way to go on like this. Sooner or later we will be killed by them!" It's better to let women run with their children. Let's stay and block them. Women should seize the time and run as far as possible!"

When my mother and several aunts and sisters heard this, they immediately cried and grabbed their husband and father's clothes to prevent them from dying.

He saw bright tears in his father's eyes, and finally brushed his mother's hand and pushed her fiercely, "Take the child away!" Now is not the time for nonsense!"

Those uncles also did the same and turned to meet the North Gold people without looking back.

The women have no way. They can't bear to watch their relatives turn into blood mud under their iron hooves, and they only feel heartbroken. While crying, they hugged the child and helped each other. They didn't dare to stop next. Men have given their lives for them, so how can they die inexplicably? Who is worthy of doing that?

These ant-like lives dared to resist, and the Northern Jin people found it very interesting and more excited. Yelai lay on his mother's shoulder and happened to see how the leader penetrated his father's body with a long knife. Such a long and sharp iron weapon stirred in his heart and lungs. Dad must be very painful.

Although the men are brave and fearlessly resisting more with less, after all, their strength is too different. Their struggle is like an arm as a car, but it briefly stops the pace of the slaughter of the Northern Jin people.

Sure enough, after they were killed one by one, the Beijin people still caught up.

Women burst into female wolf-like power after losing their husbands. They beat, kick and bite with their mouths, but their flesh and blood can't escape the consequences of turning into minced meat and gradually rotting under sharp iron weapons.

My mother's head and back were cut several times, and she still held a Northern gold man's leg and refused to let go. Her teeth were kicked to pieces by the man's leather boots, and she even heard the sound of her skull rattling at night.

"Come at night, run!" This is the last sentence his mother said to him. He was so scared that he stopped crying, and his small chest ignited a raging anger for the first time. On what basis? They are all human beings. Why do you kill my parents like animals?

He looked at the northern gold people with hatred and ran away without looking back. He didn't see how his mother closed her eyes contentedly when she saw his figure getting smaller and disappearing in the night.

A gust of night wind blew, and the night came to feel that his cheeks were cold at some point. He laughed at himself. The more he grew up, the more promising he became. Did he actually cry?